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101 - 150 of 228
Title Type Person Price Cat.No. Exhibition Exh. Date City Venue
[Dubno. Zamok : Dubno. Castle] drawing Lukomsky, Georgy 101 [Mir iskusstva : World of Art] Feb 1913 Kiev Kiev (exact location unknown)
[Dubno. Monasty'rskaya gallereya : Dubno. Monastery Gallery] drawing Lukomsky, Georgy 102 [Mir iskusstva : World of Art] Feb 1913 Kiev Kiev (exact location unknown)
[Kremenecz. Kostel : Kremenets. Church] Lukomsky, Georgy 103 [Mir iskusstva : World of Art] Feb 1913 Kiev Kiev (exact location unknown)
[Kremenecz. Magaziny' : Kremenets. Shops] Lukomsky, Georgy 104 [Mir iskusstva : World of Art] Feb 1913 Kiev Kiev (exact location unknown)
[Kremenecz. Ulicza : Kremenets. Street] Lukomsky, Georgy 105 [Mir iskusstva : World of Art] Feb 1913 Kiev Kiev (exact location unknown)
[Zaslav. Stena monasty'rya : Zaslav. Monastery Walls] Lukomsky, Georgy 106 [Mir iskusstva : World of Art] Feb 1913 Kiev Kiev (exact location unknown)
[Zaslav. Kostel sb. Iosifa : Zaslav. Church of St. Joseph] Lukomsky, Georgy 107 [Mir iskusstva : World of Art] Feb 1913 Kiev Kiev (exact location unknown)
[Zaslav. Monasty'rskoe kladbishhe : Zaslav. Monastery Cemetery] Lukomsky, Georgy 108 [Mir iskusstva : World of Art] Feb 1913 Kiev Kiev (exact location unknown)
[Zaslav. B. dvorecz kn. Sangushko : Zaslav. The Grand Palace of Prince Sangushko] Lukomsky, Georgy 109 [Mir iskusstva : World of Art] Feb 1913 Kiev Kiev (exact location unknown)
[Dikanʹka. Usadʹba kn. V. S. Kochubeya : Dikanka. The Manor of Prince V. S. Kochubey] Lukomsky, Georgy 110 [Mir iskusstva : World of Art] Feb 1913 Kiev Kiev (exact location unknown)
[Kursk. Yarmarochny'j dom : Kursk. Fair House] Lukomsky, Georgy 111 [Mir iskusstva : World of Art] Feb 1913 Kiev Kiev (exact location unknown)
[Chernigov. Kolokolʹnya Troiczkago sobora : Chernigov. Belfry of the Trinity Cathedral] Lukomsky, Georgy 112 [Mir iskusstva : World of Art] Feb 1913 Kiev Kiev (exact location unknown)
[Tula. Sobor : Tula. Cathedral] Lukomsky, Georgy 113 [Mir iskusstva : World of Art] Feb 1913 Kiev Kiev (exact location unknown)
[E'skiz dlya panno "Pokhishhenie Evropy'" : Sketch for the Panel "Abduction of Europe"] Milioti, Nikolay 114 [Mir iskusstva : World of Art] Feb 1913 Kiev Kiev (exact location unknown)
Orientale Milioti, Nikolay 115 [Mir iskusstva : World of Art] Feb 1913 Kiev Kiev (exact location unknown)
Rosa mistica Milioti, Nikolay 116 [Mir iskusstva : World of Art] Feb 1913 Kiev Kiev (exact location unknown)
[Doistoricheskij pejzazh : Prehistoric Landscape] Milioti, Nikolay 117 [Mir iskusstva : World of Art] Feb 1913 Kiev Kiev (exact location unknown)
"L'annonciation" Milioti, Nikolay 117a [Mir iskusstva : World of Art] Feb 1913 Kiev Kiev (exact location unknown)
[Nochʹ v pusty'ne (iz serii "Harmonie en rose) : Night in the Desert (From the Series "Harmonie en rose)] Milioti, Nikolay 117б [Mir iskusstva : World of Art] Feb 1913 Kiev Kiev (exact location unknown)
[[Vinʹetka] k detskoj knizhke (Izd. I. Knebelʹ v Moskve) : [Vignette] to the children's book (edited by I. Knebel in Moscow)] Mitrokhin, Dmitry 118 [Mir iskusstva : World of Art] Feb 1913 Kiev Kiev (exact location unknown)
[[Vinʹetka] k detskoj knizhke (Izd. I. Knebelʹ v Moskve) : [Vignette] to the children's book (edited by I. Knebel in Moscow)] Mitrokhin, Dmitry 119 [Mir iskusstva : World of Art] Feb 1913 Kiev Kiev (exact location unknown)
[[Illyustracziya] k detskoj knizhke (Izd. I. Knebelʹ v Moskve) : [Illustration] for a Children's Book (edited by I. Knebel in Moscow)] Mitrokhin, Dmitry 120 [Mir iskusstva : World of Art] Feb 1913 Kiev Kiev (exact location unknown)
[[Illyustracziya] k detskoj knizhke (Izd. I. Knebelʹ v Moskve) : [Illustration] for a Children's Book (edited by I. Knebel in Moscow)] Mitrokhin, Dmitry 121 [Mir iskusstva : World of Art] Feb 1913 Kiev Kiev (exact location unknown)
[[Illyustracziya] k detskoj knizhke (Izd. I. Knebelʹ v Moskve) : [Illustration] for a Children's Book (edited by I. Knebel in Moscow)] Mitrokhin, Dmitry 122 [Mir iskusstva : World of Art] Feb 1913 Kiev Kiev (exact location unknown)
[Frontispis k "Vostochnoj skazke" : Book Frontispiece to the "Eastern Fairy Tale"] Mitrokhin, Dmitry 123 [Mir iskusstva : World of Art] Feb 1913 Kiev Kiev (exact location unknown)
[[Illyustracziya] k skazke Gaufa "Alʹmanzor" (Izd. I. Knebelʹ v Moskve) : [Illustration] to the fairy tale of Gauf "Almansor" (edited by I. Knebel in Moscow)] Mitrokhin, Dmitry 124 [Mir iskusstva : World of Art] Feb 1913 Kiev Kiev (exact location unknown)
[[Illyustracziya] k skazke Gaufa "Alʹmanzor" (Izd. I. Knebelʹ v Moskve) : [Illustration] to the fairy tale of Gauf "Almansor" (edited by I. Knebel in Moscow)] Mitrokhin, Dmitry 125 [Mir iskusstva : World of Art] Feb 1913 Kiev Kiev (exact location unknown)
["Kapitany'" : Book frontispiece to the "Eastern Fairy Tale"] Mitrokhin, Dmitry 126 [Mir iskusstva : World of Art] Feb 1913 Kiev Kiev (exact location unknown)
[Risunki dlya "Ex libris" : Drawings for "Ex libris"] drawing Mitrokhin, Dmitry 127 [Mir iskusstva : World of Art] Feb 1913 Kiev Kiev (exact location unknown)
[Gorod : City] Mikhailova, O. P. 128 [Mir iskusstva : World of Art] Feb 1913 Kiev Kiev (exact location unknown)
[Gorod : City] Mikhailova, O. P. 129 [Mir iskusstva : World of Art] Feb 1913 Kiev Kiev (exact location unknown)
[Portret : Portrait] Mikhailova, O. P. 130 [Mir iskusstva : World of Art] Feb 1913 Kiev Kiev (exact location unknown)
[Gorodskoj pejzazh : City Landscape] Mostova-Matveeva, Zoja Jakovlevna 131 [Mir iskusstva : World of Art] Feb 1913 Kiev Kiev (exact location unknown)
[Vozvrashhenie s ozera : Return from the Lake] Naumov, Pavel 132 [Mir iskusstva : World of Art] Feb 1913 Kiev Kiev (exact location unknown)
[V lesu : In the Forest] Naumov, Pavel 133 [Mir iskusstva : World of Art] Feb 1913 Kiev Kiev (exact location unknown)
[Pastukh : Shepherd] Naumov, Pavel 134 [Mir iskusstva : World of Art] Feb 1913 Kiev Kiev (exact location unknown)
other medium 135 [Mir iskusstva : World of Art] Feb 1913 Kiev Kiev (exact location unknown)
other medium 136 [Mir iskusstva : World of Art] Feb 1913 Kiev Kiev (exact location unknown)
other medium 137 [Mir iskusstva : World of Art] Feb 1913 Kiev Kiev (exact location unknown)
other medium 138 [Mir iskusstva : World of Art] Feb 1913 Kiev Kiev (exact location unknown)
other medium 139 [Mir iskusstva : World of Art] Feb 1913 Kiev Kiev (exact location unknown)
other medium 140 [Mir iskusstva : World of Art] Feb 1913 Kiev Kiev (exact location unknown)
other medium 141 [Mir iskusstva : World of Art] Feb 1913 Kiev Kiev (exact location unknown)
other medium 142 [Mir iskusstva : World of Art] Feb 1913 Kiev Kiev (exact location unknown)
other medium 143 [Mir iskusstva : World of Art] Feb 1913 Kiev Kiev (exact location unknown)
other medium 144 [Mir iskusstva : World of Art] Feb 1913 Kiev Kiev (exact location unknown)
other medium 145 [Mir iskusstva : World of Art] Feb 1913 Kiev Kiev (exact location unknown)
other medium 146 [Mir iskusstva : World of Art] Feb 1913 Kiev Kiev (exact location unknown)
other medium 147 [Mir iskusstva : World of Art] Feb 1913 Kiev Kiev (exact location unknown)
[Kupanʹe krasnago konya : Bathing of the Red Horse] Petrov-Vodkin, Kuz'ma 148 [Mir iskusstva : World of Art] Feb 1913 Kiev Kiev (exact location unknown)