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Title Type Person Price Cat.No. Exhibition Exh. Date City Venue
De Theems painting Cossaar, Jacobus Cornelis Wyand 360 31 Tentoonstelling van Kunstwerken Apr‒May 1909 Amsterdam Amsterdam (exact location unknown)
Paarden Cossaar, Jacobus Cornelis Wyand 200 40 Tentoonstelling van Teekeningen en Beeldhouwwerken Oct‒Nov 1909 Amsterdam Amsterdam (exact location unknown)
S. Marco painting Cossaar, Jacobus Cornelis Wyand 12 XI. Esposizione d'Arte della Città di Venezia Apr 23‒Oct 31, 1914 Venice Giardini Pubblici
Splendore pontificale painting Cossaar, Jacobus Cornelis Wyand 13 XI. Esposizione d'Arte della Città di Venezia Apr 23‒Oct 31, 1914 Venice Giardini Pubblici
Trafalgar Square painting: aquarelle Cossaar, Jacobus Cornelis Wyand 14 XI. Esposizione d'Arte della Città di Venezia Apr 23‒Oct 31, 1914 Venice Giardini Pubblici
Bridge on the Maas Cossaar, Jacobus Cornelis Wyand 840 [£42] 1464 The London Salon of the Allied Artists' Association. 1st year Jul‒Aug 8, 1908 London Royal Albert Hall
The Busy Maas Cossaar, Jacobus Cornelis Wyand 840 [£42] 1465 The London Salon of the Allied Artists' Association. 1st year Jul‒Aug 8, 1908 London Royal Albert Hall
Baby's Toilet Cossaar, Jacobus Cornelis Wyand 525 [£26 s.5] 1466 The London Salon of the Allied Artists' Association. 1st year Jul‒Aug 8, 1908 London Royal Albert Hall
Evening: Holland Cossaar, Jacobus Cornelis Wyand 315 [£15 s.15] 1467 The London Salon of the Allied Artists' Association. 1st year Jul‒Aug 8, 1908 London Royal Albert Hall
Shipping: Holland Cossaar, Jacobus Cornelis Wyand 315 [£15 s.15] 1468 The London Salon of the Allied Artists' Association. 1st year Jul‒Aug 8, 1908 London Royal Albert Hall
Eerste Kerstdag painting: aquarelle Cossaar, Jacobus Cornelis Wyand 300 478 Stedelijke Tentoonstelling van Kunstwerken van Levende Meesters Sep 7, 1907 Amsterdam Stedelijk Museum
Paarden painting: aquarelle Cossaar, Jacobus Cornelis Wyand 200 479 Stedelijke Tentoonstelling van Kunstwerken van Levende Meesters Sep 7, 1907 Amsterdam Stedelijk Museum
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