
Marie Laurencin

French painter and printmaker, 1885-1956

Name Variants (ULAN):
Larencin, Marie
1885, Paris
1956, Paris
Places of Activity:
51, boulevard de la Chapelle, Paris
32, rue Lafontaine, Paris
Exhibitions: 21
Exhibiting Countries: 11
Exhibiting Cities: 16
Catalogue Entries: 88
Types of Work: painting and drawing: 88
Date Title City Venue # of Cat. Entries Type of Org. Body
Oct 18‒Nov 25, 1905 Salon d'Automne. 3e Exposition Paris Grand Palais des Champs Elysées 1 arts associations
Dec 17, 1909‒Feb 6, 1910 (Dec 4, 1909‒Jan 24, 1910 o.S.) Салон. Интернациональная выставка картин, скульптуры, гравюры и рисунков [Salon. Internaczionalʹnaya vy'stavka kartin, skulʹptury', gravyury' i risunkov : Salon. International Exhibition of Paintings, Sculpture, Prints and Drawings] Odessa Vladimir Izdebsky 3 art galleries, private
Feb 26‒Mar 27, 1910 (Feb 13‒Mar 14, 1910 o.S.) Салон. Интернациональная выстака картин, скульптуры, гравюры и рисунков [Salon. Internaczionalʹnaya vy'staka kartin, skulʹptury', gravyury' i risunkov : Salon. International Exhibition of Paintings, Sculpture, Prints and Drawings] Kiev Vladimir Izdebsky 3 art galleries, private
May 2‒Jun 7, 1910 (Apr 19‒May 25, 1910 o.S.) Салон. Интернациональная выставка картин, скульптуры, гравюры и графики [Salon. Internaczionalʹnaya vy'stavka kartin, skulʹptury', gravyury' i grafiki : Salon. International Exhibition of Paintings, Sculpture, Prints and Drawings] Saint Petersburg Vladimir Izdebsky 3
Jun 25‒Jul 20, 1910 (Jun 12‒Jul 7, 1910 o.S.) Салон. Интернациональная выставка картин, скульптуры, гравюры и графики [Salon. Internaczionalʹnaya vy'stavka kartin, skulʹptury', gravyury' i grafiki : Salon. International Exhibition of Paintings, Sculpture, Prints and Drawings] Riga Vladimir Izdebsky 3 art galleries, private
Nov 20‒Dec 16, 1911 Exposition d'Art Contemporain / Société Normande de Peinture Moderne 2me exposition Paris Galerie d'Art Ancien & d'Art Contemporain 4 art galleries, artist associations
Feb 28‒Mar 13, 1912 Les Peintres R. Delaunay, Marie Laurencin Paris Galerie H. Barbazanges 21 art galleries
Apr 20‒May 10, 1912 Exposició d'Art Cubista Barcelona Galeries J. Dalmau 6 art galleries
May 25‒Sep 30, 1912 Internationale Kunstausstellung des Sonderbundes Westdeutscher Kunstfreunde und Künstler zu Cöln Cologne Städtische Ausstellungshalle am Aachener Tor 2 artist associations
Jun 15‒Jul 15, 1912 Société Normande de Peinture Moderne Rouen Grand Skating Rouennais 1 artist associations
Oct 6‒Nov 7, 1912 Moderne Kunst Kring (Cercle de l'art moderne). Ouvrages de Peinture, Sculpture, Dessin, Gravure Amsterdam Stedelijk Museum 2 artist associations
Oct 10‒30, 1912 Salon de la "Section d'Or" Paris Galerie La Boëtie 6 art galleries
Feb 17‒Mar 15, 1913 International Exhibition of Modern Art [Armory Show] New York Armory of the 69th Infantry 7 artist associations
Mar 24‒Apr 16, 1913 International Exhibition of Modern Art [Armory Show] Chicago The Art Institute of Chicago 7 artist associations
Apr 28‒May 19, 1913 International Exhibition of Modern Art [Armory Show] Boston Copley Hall 7
Oct‒Nov 1913 Erste Ausstellung Berlin Neue Galerie 4 art galleries
Jan‒Feb 1914 Ausstellung Preis-Konkurrenz C.R. [Carl Reininghaus]. Werke der Malerei Vienna Kunstsalon Pisko 1 art galleries
Mar 14‒28, 1914 Woodcut Prints [Mokuhanga tenrankai mokuroku] Tokyo Hibiya Art Museum 1 art galleries
Apr 12‒Sep 30, 1914 Erste Ausstellung der Freien Secession Berlin Berlin Ausstellungshaus am Kurfürstendamm 208/9 1
Apr 12‒May 12, 1914 Neue Secession / VI. Ausstellung Berlin Neue Galerie 3 art galleries
Feb‒Jun 1915 Terza esposizione Internazionale d'Arte della "Secessione" Rome Palazzo dell'Esposizone 2
collapse all Catalogue View List View
Name Nationality Date of Birth Date of Death # of Co-Appearances
Albert Gleizes FR 1881 1953 12 exhibitions
Fernand Léger FR 1881 1955 9 exhibitions
Marcel Duchamp FR 1887 1968 7 exhibitions
Roger de La Fresnaye FR 1885 1925 7 exhibitions
Henri Rousseau FR 1844 1910 9 exhibitions
Félix Elie Tobeen FR 1880 1938 6 exhibitions
Irène Reno FR 1884 1953 6 exhibitions
Rudolf Levy DE 1875 1943 7 exhibitions
Georges Braque FR 1882 1963 10 exhibitions
Maurice de Vlaminck FR 1876 1958 11 exhibitions
Pierre Paul Girieud FR 1876 1948 10 exhibitions
Jean Metzinger FR 1883 1956 8 exhibitions
Francis Picabia FR 1879 1953 7 exhibitions
Alcide-Marie Le Beau FR 1872 1943 8 exhibitions
Henri Doucet FR 1883 1915 6 exhibitions
Raoul Dufy FR 1877 1953 7 exhibitions
Aba Abramovich 4 exhibitions
Camille Beltrand FR 1877 1951 4 exhibitions
Emil Benediktoff Hirschfeld RU 1867 1922 4 exhibitions
Gabriel Deluc FR 1883 1916 4 exhibitions
Peter Dulski RU 4 exhibitions
Tite-Jakovlevitch Dvornikoff RU 1862 1922 4 exhibitions
Leonid Inglezi 1882 1972 4 exhibitions
Luka Emelianov 4 exhibitions
Maroussia Gardian CH 1980 4 exhibitions
Isaak Malik RU 1884 1975 4 exhibitions
Jakov Pik 4 exhibitions
Vladimir Perelman RU 1870 1922 4 exhibitions
André Rouveyre FR 1879 1962 4 exhibitions
Nina Radionova 4 exhibitions
Georges Rouanet 4 exhibitions
Raiski 4 exhibitions
Kazimir Stavrovsky 4 exhibitions
Yanis Tilberg LV 1880 1972 4 exhibitions
Vasily Timarev 4 exhibitions
Henri Hourtal FR 1877 1944 4 exhibitions
Rosa Feinstein 4 exhibitions
André Dunoyer de Segonzac FR 1884 1974 5 exhibitions
Othon Friesz FR 1879 1949 11 exhibitions
Mikhail Matyushin RU 1861 1934 4 exhibitions
Nikolai von Seddeler RU 1874 1937 4 exhibitions
Vera Dmitrieva Novodvorskaya RU 1884 1942 4 exhibitions
Alexandre Altmann RU 1885 1932 4 exhibitions
Henryk Glicenstein US 1870 1942 4 exhibitions
Mikhail Gerschenfeld RU 1880 1939 4 exhibitions
Michail Isaakovič Solomonov UA 1876 4 exhibitions
Mikhail Shirokov 4 exhibitions
Jacques Villon FR 1875 1963 5 exhibitions
Eugène Zak PL 1884 1926 6 exhibitions
Henri Victor Gabriel Le Fauconnier FR 1881 1946 7 exhibitions
Georges Le Serrec de Kervily PL 1883 1952 4 exhibitions
Nikolai Petrovich Khimona RU 1865 1920 4 exhibitions
Alexander Keller 4 exhibitions
Pavel Andriyashev 4 exhibitions
José Bermejo Sobera ES 1879 1962 4 exhibitions
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner DE 1880 1938 7 exhibitions
Georges Léon Dufrenoy FR 1870 1943 7 exhibitions
Pavel Aleksandrovich Smelov RU 1875 4 exhibitions
Maximilian Vladimirovich Eberman RU 1880 1952 4 exhibitions
Vladimir Petrovič Drittenprejs RU 1878 4 exhibitions
Victor Dobrzynski RU 1877 1914 4 exhibitions
Vladimir Emme RU 1875 1920 4 exhibitions
Nicolas Alexandrovitch Tarkhoff RU 1871 1930 7 exhibitions
Vladimir Georgievich Bekhteev RU 1878 1971 5 exhibitions
Patrick Henry Bruce US 1881 1936 4 exhibitions
Juan Gris ES 1887 1927 4 exhibitions
Nikolay Kuznetsov RU 1850 1930 4 exhibitions
Charles Lacoste FR 1870 1959 5 exhibitions
Rimma Nikitična Brailovskaja RU 1877 1959 4 exhibitions
Jules Leon Flandrin FR 1871 1947 7 exhibitions
André Derain FR 1880 1954 8 exhibitions
Friedrich August Weinzheimer DE 1882 1947 4 exhibitions
Aleksandr Yakovlev RU 1887 1938 4 exhibitions
Henri Charles Manguin FR 1874 1949 9 exhibitions
Paul Signac FR 1863 1935 9 exhibitions
Vassily Kandinsky RU 1866 1944 10 exhibitions
Aleksandra Aleksandrovna Exster RU 1882 1949 5 exhibitions
Jules Pascin BG 1885 1930 6 exhibitions
Georges d' Espagnat FR 1870 1950 6 exhibitions
Mikhail Kharlamov RU 1880 1948 4 exhibitions
Alfred Kirstein DE 1863 1922 3 exhibitions
Mahonri Mackintosh Young US 1877 1957 3 exhibitions
Vladmir Werbachowsky 1875 1947 3 exhibitions
Karyshev 3 exhibitions
Kobzev 3 exhibitions
Ricardi 3 exhibitions
Mikhail Segal 3 exhibitions
Mikhail Band 3 exhibitions
Pavel Volokydin 1877 1936 3 exhibitions
Eugène Tirvert FR 1881 1948 3 exhibitions
Maurice Denis FR 1870 1943 10 exhibitions
Nathaniel, II Hone IE 1831 1917 3 exhibitions
George William Russell IE 1867 1935 3 exhibitions
Charles Emmanuel Serret FR 1824 1900 3 exhibitions
Jack B. Yeats IE 1871 1957 3 exhibitions
William Emile Schumacher US 1870 1931 3 exhibitions
Aleksandr Nikolaevič Mikhailovsky RU 3 exhibitions
Petro Oleksiiovych Levchenko UA 1856 1917 3 exhibitions
Vadim Falileev RU 1879 1950 3 exhibitions
Robert Antoine Pinchon FR 1886 1943 3 exhibitions
Pierre Dumont FR 1884 1936 3 exhibitions
Henri Matisse FR 1869 1954 10 exhibitions
Edouard Vuillard FR 1868 1940 11 exhibitions
Leonid Brailovskii RU 1867 1937 4 exhibitions
Erma Bossi IT 1875 1952 4 exhibitions
Pierre Laprade FR 1875 1931 7 exhibitions
Karl Schmidt-Rottluff DE 1884 1976 5 exhibitions
Francis Jourdain FR 1876 1958 5 exhibitions
Kees van Dongen NL 1877 1968 8 exhibitions
Amadeo Cardoso PT 1887 1918 3 exhibitions
Daniel Putnam Brinley US 1879 1963 3 exhibitions
Mikhail Biron 3 exhibitions
Lyudmila Iosifovna Mikhnevich-Burlyuk RU 1861 1923 3 exhibitions
Sofija Levyc'ka UA 1874 1937 3 exhibitions
Heinrich Richter-Berlin DE Apr 23, 1884 Jan 26, 1981 4 exhibitions
Nikolai I. Khrustachev RU 1883 1960 4 exhibitions
Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres FR 1780 1867 4 exhibitions
Georgy Narbut UA 1886 1920 4 exhibitions
Emile-Antoine Bourdelle FR 1861 1929 3 exhibitions
Ernst Ascher 1888 1953 3 exhibitions
Yelizaveta Kruglikova RU 1865 1941 4 exhibitions
Christian Cornelius Krohn NO 1882 1959 3 exhibitions
Georges Ribemont-Dessaignes FR 1884 1974 3 exhibitions
Pablo Picasso ES 1881 1973 7 exhibitions
Giacomo Balla IT 1871 1958 4 exhibitions
Alfred Kubin AT 1877 1959 4 exhibitions
Arkady Rylov RU Jan 29, 1870 Jun 22, 1939 4 exhibitions
Albert Marquet FR 1875 1947 7 exhibitions
Charles-François-Prosper Guérin FR 1875 1939 6 exhibitions
Gwen John GB 1876 1939 3 exhibitions
Alexandre Blanchet CH 1882 1961 3 exhibitions
Félix Vallotton CH 1865 1925 7 exhibitions
Alexei Jawlensky RU 1864 1941 6 exhibitions
Moïse Kisling FR 1891 1953 3 exhibitions
Wilhelm Lehmbruck DE 1881 1919 3 exhibitions
Max Mayrshofer DE 1875 1950 3 exhibitions
Gabriele Münter DE 1877 1962 5 exhibitions
Aristarkh Lentulov RU 1882 1943 4 exhibitions
Wilhelm Morgner DE 1891 1917 3 exhibitions
Alek'sandr T'amanyan RU 1878 1936 3 exhibitions
Il'ya Mashkov RU 1881 1944 4 exhibitions
Jean Marchand FR 1882 1941 3 exhibitions
Elie Nadelman PL 1882 1946 3 exhibitions
Theodore Earl Butler US 1860 1936 3 exhibitions
Pierre Bonnard FR 1867 1947 9 exhibitions
Alexander Archipenko US 1887 1964 3 exhibitions
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec FR 1864 1901 5 exhibitions
Aristide Maillol FR 1861 1944 4 exhibitions
Hans Purrmann DE 1880 1966 3 exhibitions
Georges Rouault FR 1871 1958 4 exhibitions
Marianne Werefkin RU 1860 1938 4 exhibitions
Emilie Charmy FR 1878 1974 3 exhibitions
Franz M. Jansen DE 1885 1958 3 exhibitions
Paul Gauguin FR 1848 1903 7 exhibitions
Odilon Redon FR 1840 1916 5 exhibitions
Auguste-Elysée Chabaud FR 1882 1955 3 exhibitions
Ferdinand Hodler CH 1853 1918 6 exhibitions
James Dickson Innes GB 1887 1914 3 exhibitions
Alfred Henry Maurer US 1868 1932 3 exhibitions
Kenneth Hayes Miller US 1876 1952 2 exhibitions
Albert Pinkham Ryder US 1847 1917 2 exhibitions
Morton Livingston Schamberg US 1881 1918 2 exhibitions
Charles Sheeler US 1883 1965 2 exhibitions
Joseph Stella US 1877 1946 2 exhibitions
John Herbert Alger US 1879 2 exhibitions
Marion H. Beckett US 1886 1949 2 exhibitions
Oscar Edward Cesare 1885 1948 2 exhibitions
Gustave Cimiotti US 1875 1969 2 exhibitions
Kate Cory US 1861 1958 2 exhibitions
Joseph Frank Currier US 1843 1909 2 exhibitions
Andrew Dasburg US 1887 1979 2 exhibitions
Jo Davidson US 1883 1952 2 exhibitions
Edith Dimock US 1876 1955 2 exhibitions
Aileen Dresser 1889 1955 2 exhibitions
Kenneth Frazier US 1867 1949 2 exhibitions
Arthur Freund US 1890 1923 2 exhibitions
Ernest Fuhr US 1874 1933 2 exhibitions
Anne Goldthwaite US 1869 1944 2 exhibitions
Eugene Higgins US 1874 1958 2 exhibitions
Albert Humphrey US 1863 1922 2 exhibitions
Edith L. King US 1884 1975 2 exhibitions
Adolph Kleiminger 1865 1945 2 exhibitions
Arthur Lee US 1881 1961 2 exhibitions
Carl Mager US 1878 1956 2 exhibitions
Edward Middleton Manigault CA 1887 1922 2 exhibitions
Kathleen McEnery Cunningham US 1885 1971 2 exhibitions
Charlotte Meltzer 2 exhibitions
David Brown Milne CA 1882 1953 2 exhibitions
Frank Arthur Nankivell US 1869 1959 2 exhibitions
Marjorie Organ US 1886 1931 2 exhibitions
Walter Pach US 1883 1958 2 exhibitions
Agnes Pelton US 1881 1961 2 exhibitions
Charles H. Pepper US 1864 1950 2 exhibitions
Harriet S. Phillips 2 exhibitions
Louise Josephine Pope 2 exhibitions
May Wilson Preston US 1873 1949 2 exhibitions
Katherine Nash Rhoades US 1895 1965 2 exhibitions
William Rimmer US 1816 1879 2 exhibitions
Boardman Robinson US 1876 1952 2 exhibitions
Mary G. Rogers US 1882 1920 2 exhibitions
Paul Rohland US 1884 1949 2 exhibitions
Charles Carey Rumsey US 1879 1922 2 exhibitions
Carl Sprinchorn US 1887 1971 2 exhibitions
Henry Fitch Taylor US 1853 1925 2 exhibitions
William N. Taylor 2 exhibitions
E. Ambrose Webster US 1869 1935 2 exhibitions
Arthur Henry Young US 1866 1943 2 exhibitions
Julius Wentscher II 1881 1961 2 exhibitions
Mikhail Demyanov RU 1873 1913 2 exhibitions
Ivanov 2 exhibitions
Tatyana Karpinskaya RU Jan 29, 1876 1942 2 exhibitions
Abram Kozlov UA 1880 1933 2 exhibitions
Mikhail Linsky 1878 1941 2 exhibitions
Vasily Silvestrov UA 1888 1937 2 exhibitions
Henri Liénard de Saint-Délis FR 1878 1949 2 exhibitions
August Agèro ES 1880 1945 2 exhibitions
Silvestrov 2 exhibitions
Viktor Borisov-Musatov RU 1870 1905 3 exhibitions
Cesar Klein DE 1876 1954 3 exhibitions
Vasili Ivanovich Denisov RU 1862 1922 3 exhibitions
Charles Haslewood Shannon GB 1863 1937 3 exhibitions
Charles Camoin FR 1879 1965 4 exhibitions
Arthur Beecher Carles US 1882 1952 2 exhibitions
Guy Pène Du Bois US 1884 1958 2 exhibitions
Raymond Duchamp-Villon FR 1876 1918 2 exhibitions
Walt Kuhn US 1880 1949 2 exhibitions
Max Pechstein DE 1881 1955 5 exhibitions
Maurice Brazil Prendergast US 1858 1924 2 exhibitions
Lodewijk Schelfhout NL 1881 1943 3 exhibitions
Johan Thorn Prikker NL 1868 1932 2 exhibitions
Sydney Dale Shaw US 1879 1946 2 exhibitions
Derwent Lees AU 1885 1931 3 exhibitions
Oliver Newberry Chaffee US 1881 1944 2 exhibitions
Léon Dabo US 1868 1960 2 exhibitions
Katherine Sophie Dreier US 1877 1952 2 exhibitions
Florence Esté US 1860 1926 2 exhibitions
Bernard Gussow US 1881 1957 2 exhibitions
Edward Adam Kramer US 1866 1941 2 exhibitions
John Alden Twachtman US 1882 1974 2 exhibitions
Vladimir Izdebsky UA 1882 1965 2 exhibitions
Wacław Zawadowski PL 1891 1982 2 exhibitions
Anna Kryuger-Prakhova UA 1876 1962 2 exhibitions
Evgeniya Malishevskaya 2 exhibitions
Maurice Marinot FR 1881 1960 2 exhibitions
Paul Vera FR 1882 1957 2 exhibitions
Charles Conder GB 1868 1909 3 exhibitions
André Lhote FR 1885 1962 3 exhibitions
Peter Alma NL 1886 1969 2 exhibitions
William James Glackens US 1870 1938 2 exhibitions
George Benjamin Luks US 1867 1933 2 exhibitions
Karl Anderson US 1874 1956 2 exhibitions
Allen Tucker US 1866 1939 2 exhibitions
Arnold Borisovich Lakhovsky RU 1880 1937 2 exhibitions
Joseph Bernard FR 1866 1931 2 exhibitions
Henry George Keller US 1869 1949 2 exhibitions
Leon Kroll US 1884 1974 2 exhibitions
Jerome Myers US 1867 1940 2 exhibitions
Otto von Wätjen DE 1881 1942 2 exhibitions
Henry Valensi FR 1883 1960 2 exhibitions
Erich Waske DE 1889 1978 2 exhibitions
Savely Abramovitch Sorin RU 1878 1953 2 exhibitions
Demetrius Galanis GR 1879 1966 2 exhibitions
Albertine Bernouard FR 2 exhibitions
Georgy Lukomsky RU 1884 1952 3 exhibitions
Paul Cézanne FR 1839 1906 8 exhibitions
Hans Keller CH 1884 1983 2 exhibitions
Samuel Halpert US 1884 1930 2 exhibitions
Albert Marque FR 1872 1939 2 exhibitions
Mary Foote US 1872 1968 2 exhibitions
Alfred Lombard FR 1884 1973 2 exhibitions
Lyudmila F. Schmit-Ryzhova 1882 1934 2 exhibitions
Robert Delaunay FR 1885 1941 3 exhibitions
Arthur Bowen Davies US 1862 1928 2 exhibitions
Louis Marcoussis FR 1883 1941 2 exhibitions
John Sloan US 1871 1951 2 exhibitions
Ivan Fomin RU 1872 1936 2 exhibitions
Otto Freundlich DE 1878 1943 2 exhibitions
Walther Bötticher DE 1885 1916 2 exhibitions
Walter Bondy CZ Dec 28, 1880 Sep 17, 1940 3 exhibitions
Henri Edmond Cross FR 1856 1910 4 exhibitions
Otto van Rees NL 1884 1957 2 exhibitions
Richard Seewald DE 1889 Oct 29, 1976 2 exhibitions
Josef Bató HU 1888 1966 2 exhibitions
Robert Genin RU 1884 1941 2 exhibitions
Aleksandr Rostislavov RU 1860 1920 2 exhibitions
Jonas Lie NO 1880 1940 2 exhibitions
Werner Heuser DE 1880 1964 2 exhibitions
Sergey Gruzenberg RU 1888 1934 2 exhibitions
Erich Heckel DE 1883 1970 3 exhibitions
Anna Petrovna Ostroumova-Lebedeva RU 1871 1955 3 exhibitions
Georges Seurat FR 1859 1891 3 exhibitions
Albert Weisgerber DE 1878 1915 3 exhibitions
Konstantin Bogayevsky RU 1872 1943 3 exhibitions
George Wesley Bellows US 1882 1925 2 exhibitions
Albert Paris von Gütersloh AT 1887 1973 2 exhibitions
Hanns Bolz DE 1885 1918 2 exhibitions
Jan Verhoeven NL 1870 1941 2 exhibitions
Luc-Albert Moreau FR 1882 1948 2 exhibitions
Alice Bailly CH 1872 1938 2 exhibitions
Augustus John GB 1878 1961 3 exhibitions
Vincent van Gogh NL 1853 1890 7 exhibitions
Ernest Lawson US 1873 1939 2 exhibitions
Walter Lokkenberg RU 1875 1921 2 exhibitions
Isaak Brodsky RU 1884 1939 2 exhibitions
Walter Richard Sickert GB 1860 1942 4 exhibitions
James Pryde GB 1866 1941 2 exhibitions
Julian Alden Weir US 1852 1919 2 exhibitions
David Burlyuk UA 1882 1967 3 exhibitions
Anton Faistauer AT 1887 1930 2 exhibitions
Robert Henri US 1865 1929 2 exhibitions
Hermann Huber CH 1888 Dec 9, 1967 2 exhibitions
Bohumil Kubišta CZ 1884 1918 2 exhibitions
Max Slevogt DE 1868 1932 4 exhibitions
Georg Tappert DE 1880 1957 2 exhibitions
George Kars CZ 1882 1945 2 exhibitions
Aleksandr Shervashidze RU 1867 1968 2 exhibitions
Stanislav Julianovič Žukovskij RU 1873 1944 2 exhibitions
Philip Wilson Steer GB 1860 1942 3 exhibitions
Walter Helbig DE 1878 1968 2 exhibitions
Otto Mueller DE 1874 1930 2 exhibitions
Henry Muhrmann US 1854 1916 2 exhibitions
Childe Hassam US 1859 1935 2 exhibitions
Ker-Xavier Roussel FR 1867 1944 4 exhibitions
Sergey Vasil'yevich Malyutin RU 1859 1937 2 exhibitions
Vladimir Vasilevič Perepletčikov RU 1863 1918 2 exhibitions
Jacqueline Marval FR 1866 1932 2 exhibitions
Mikhail Larionov RU 1881 1964 3 exhibitions
Arthur Segal RO 1875 1944 2 exhibitions
Wilhelm Claus PL 1882 1914 2 exhibitions
Edwin Scharff DE 1887 1955 2 exhibitions
Rudolf Grossmann DE 1882 1941 2 exhibitions
Igor Grabar RU 1871 1960 2 exhibitions
Otto Beyer DE Oct 20, 1885 Jun 17, 1962 2 exhibitions
Hans Meid DE 1883 1957 2 exhibitions
Pierre-Auguste Renoir FR 1841 1919 6 exhibitions
Alfred Sohn-Rethel DE 1875 1958 2 exhibitions
Nikolay Krymov RU 1884 1958 2 exhibitions
Yevgeny Lansere RU 1875 1946 2 exhibitions
August Macke DE 1887 1914 2 exhibitions
Auguste Rodin FR 1840 1917 2 exhibitions
Egon Schiele AT 1890 1918 2 exhibitions
Mary Cassatt US 1844 1926 2 exhibitions
Piet Mondrian NL 1872 1944 2 exhibitions
Auguste Herbin FR 1882 1960 2 exhibitions
Boris Anisfel'd RU 1879 1973 2 exhibitions
Léon Bakst RU 1866 1924 2 exhibitions
Karl Hofer DE 1878 1955 2 exhibitions
Oskar Kokoschka AT 1886 1980 2 exhibitions
Curt Herrmann DE 1854 1929 2 exhibitions
Moritz Melzer DE 1877 1966 2 exhibitions
Ivan Bilibin RU 1876 1942 2 exhibitions
Edgar Degas FR 1834 1917 3 exhibitions
Vladimir Burlyuk UA 1887 1917 2 exhibitions
Gustave Courbet FR 1819 1877 3 exhibitions
Franz Marc DE 1880 1916 2 exhibitions
Eugène Carrière FR 1849 1906 2 exhibitions
Natalia Goncharova RU 1881 1962 2 exhibitions
Alfred Sisley FR 1839 1899 3 exhibitions
Edouard Manet FR 1832 1883 3 exhibitions
Emil Rudolf Weiss DE 1875 1942 2 exhibitions
Camille Pissarro FR 1831 1903 3 exhibitions
Waldemar Rösler DE 1882 1916 2 exhibitions
Theo von Brockhusen DE 1882 1919 2 exhibitions
Edvard Munch NO 1863 1944 2 exhibitions
Max Liebermann DE 1847 1935 2 exhibitions
Claude Monet FR 1840 1926 2 exhibitions

+Exhibitions by Year(Bar Chart)

+Exhibitions by Venue(Pie Chart)

+Exhibitions by City(Pie Chart)

+Exhibitions by Country(Pie Chart)

+Catalogue Entries by Type of Work(Pie Chart)

+Catalogue Entries by Year(Bar Chart)

Recommended Citation: "Marie Laurencin." In Database of Modern Exhibitions (DoME). European Paintings and Drawings 1905-1915. Last modified Apr 20, 2021.