
Géza Bornemisza

Hungarian painter, 1884-1966

Name Variants:
Kechkeméthi Bornemisza, Géza
Name Variants (ULAN):
Bornemisza, Geza
1884, Nábrád
1966, Vác
Places of Activity:
Exhibitions: 6
Exhibiting Countries: 2
Exhibiting Cities: 2
Catalogue Entries: 24
Types of Work: painting and drawing: 24
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Name Nationality Date of Birth Date of Death # of Co-Appearances
András Mikola HU 1884 1970 3 exhibitions
János Kmetty HU 1889 1975 3 exhibitions
Dezső Czigány HU 1883 1937 4 exhibitions
Lajos Tihanyi HU 1885 1938 4 exhibitions
Álmos Jaschik HU 1885 1950 3 exhibitions
Tivadar Mousson HU 1887 1946 3 exhibitions
Dezső Orbán HU 1884 Oct 8, 1986 4 exhibitions
Béla Kádár HU 1877 1955 4 exhibitions
József Kornai HU 1889 1929 3 exhibitions
Gitta Gyenes HU 1888 1960 3 exhibitions
György Kürthy HU 1882 1972 2 exhibitions
Magda Oppel HU 1884 2 exhibitions
Zoltán Páldy HU 1884 1939 3 exhibitions
Móricz Sándor HU 1885 1924 3 exhibitions
Róbert Berény HU 1887 1953 3 exhibitions
Vilmos Perlrott-Csaba HU 1880 1955 2 exhibitions
Ervin Plány HU 1885 1916 2 exhibitions
Armand Schönberger HU 1885 1974 2 exhibitions
Attila Sassy HU 1880 1967 3 exhibitions
Károly Kernstok HU 1873 1940 4 exhibitions
Ödön Márffy HU 1878 1959 4 exhibitions
Ervin Körmendi-Frimm HU 1885 1939 3 exhibitions
Vilmos Fémes Beck HU 1885 1918 2 exhibitions
Loránd E. Lengyel HU 2 exhibitions
Katalin Hindi Szabó HU 1889 1929 2 exhibitions
Géza Pap HU 1883 3 exhibitions
Ferenc Csont HU Jul 12, 1888 Sep 26, 1966 2 exhibitions
Béla Ernő Götz HU 1882 1934 2 exhibitions
Mária Lehel HU 1889 1973 2 exhibitions
Jenő Csapó HU 1875 1954 2 exhibitions
Lipöt Gedö HU 1887 1952 2 exhibitions
Zoltán Karczag HU 1881 1944 2 exhibitions
Gina Kovács HU 1878 2 exhibitions
Aurél Náray HU 1883 1948 2 exhibitions
Mária Turán Hacker HU 1886 1967 2 exhibitions
Istvan Zichy HU 1879 1951 2 exhibitions
Kálmán Sashegyi HU 1886 1912 2 exhibitions
Desider von Fáy HU 1888 1954 2 exhibitions
Ferenc Hatvany HU 1881 1958 3 exhibitions
Szilárd Kővári SK 1882 1916 3 exhibitions
Valér Ferenczy HU 1885 1954 3 exhibitions
Alfréd Feiks HU 1880 1953 3 exhibitions
István Zádor HU 1882 1963 2 exhibitions
Dezső Rózsaffy HU 1877 1937 2 exhibitions
Otto Freundlich DE 1878 1943 2 exhibitions
Ede Bohacsek HU 1888 1915 2 exhibitions
Hugó Scheiber HU 1873 1950 2 exhibitions
Béla Czóbel HU 1883 1975 2 exhibitions
Géza Záhonyi HU 1889 2 exhibitions
Patrick Henry Bruce US 1881 1936 2 exhibitions
Hanns Bolz DE 1885 1918 2 exhibitions
János Vaszary HU 1867 1939 3 exhibitions
Wilhelm Morgner DE 1891 1917 2 exhibitions
Sandor Ziffer HU 1888 1962 2 exhibitions
József Egry HU 1883 1951 2 exhibitions
Hermann Huber CH 1888 Dec 9, 1967 2 exhibitions
Georg Tappert DE 1880 1957 2 exhibitions
Antal Berkes HU 1874 1938 2 exhibitions
Lajos Gulácsy HU 1882 1932 2 exhibitions
József Rippl-Rónai HU 1861 1927 3 exhibitions
Heinrich Richter-Berlin DE Apr 23, 1884 Jan 26, 1981 2 exhibitions
Aladár Körösfői-Kriesch HU 1863 1920 2 exhibitions
Albert Bloch US 1882 1961 2 exhibitions
Gyula Kosztolányi-Kann HU 1868 1945 2 exhibitions
Oszkár Glatz HU 1872 1958 2 exhibitions
Auguste Herbin FR 1882 1960 2 exhibitions
Erich Heckel DE 1883 1970 2 exhibitions
Karl Schmidt-Rottluff DE 1884 1976 2 exhibitions
Franz Marc DE 1880 1916 2 exhibitions
Alexei Jawlensky RU 1864 1941 2 exhibitions
Max Pechstein DE 1881 1955 2 exhibitions
Pablo Picasso ES 1881 1973 2 exhibitions
Vassily Kandinsky RU 1866 1944 2 exhibitions
Henri Matisse FR 1869 1954 2 exhibitions

Additional Information

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Recommended Citation: "Géza Bornemisza." In Database of Modern Exhibitions (DoME). European Paintings and Drawings 1905-1915. Last modified Aug 17, 2019.