
Tibor Bottlik

Name Variants:
Bottlik, Tibor von
Places of Activity:
Exhibitions: 4
Exhibiting Countries: 1
Exhibiting Cities: 1
Catalogue Entries: 6
Types of Work: painting and drawing: 6
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Name Nationality Date of Birth Date of Death # of Co-Appearances
Leo Delitz AT 1882 1966 3 exhibitions
Jaromir Stretti-Zamponi CZ 1882 1959 2 exhibitions
Hans Katzler AT 1881 1952 2 exhibitions
Viktor Beranek AT 1863 1910 2 exhibitions
Henryk Uziemblo PL 1879 1949 4 exhibitions
Paul Ress CZ 1878 1952 3 exhibitions
Raoul Frank AT 1867 1939 3 exhibitions
Robert Fink SK 1878 1950 2 exhibitions
Victor Eckhardsburg AT 1864 1946 2 exhibitions
Karl Alexander Wilke DE 1879 1954 2 exhibitions
Rudolf Junk AT 1880 1943 3 exhibitions
Otto Barth AT 1876 1916 4 exhibitions
Adolf Gross AT 1873 1937 4 exhibitions
Vaclav Malý CZ 1874 1935 2 exhibitions
Jakob Glasner PL 1879 1942 2 exhibitions
Ludvík Kuba CZ 1863 1956 4 exhibitions
Hans Weber-Tyrol AT 1874 1957 2 exhibitions
Josef Beyer AT 1843 1917 4 exhibitions
Hugo Baar AT 1873 1912 4 exhibitions
Walter Sigmund Hampel AT 1867 1949 3 exhibitions
Ludwig Ferdinand Graf AT 1868 1932 3 exhibitions
Berthold Fritz Neuhaus DE 1882 1956 2 exhibitions
Max Kahrer AT 1878 1937 2 exhibitions
Wilhelm Wodnansky AT 1876 1958 2 exhibitions
Maurice Góth HU 1873 1939 2 exhibitions
T. Frantisek Simon CZ 1877 1942 4 exhibitions
Gustave Bamberger DE 1861 1936 2 exhibitions
Alois Kalvoda CZ 1875 1934 4 exhibitions
Ferdinand Michl CZ 1877 1951 3 exhibitions
Adolf Luntz AT 1875 1924 2 exhibitions
Otto Bruenauer AT 1877 1912 2 exhibitions
Karl Huck AT 1876 1926 2 exhibitions
Augustin Roth AT 1864 1952 3 exhibitions
Rudolf Sieck DE 1877 1957 3 exhibitions
Oskar Laske AT 1874 1951 2 exhibitions
Otto Bauriedl DE 1879 Jun 12, 1961 4 exhibitions
Alexander Demetrius Goltz AT 1857 1944 2 exhibitions
Richard Lauda CZ 1873 1929 2 exhibitions
Hugo Boettinger CZ 1880 1934 3 exhibitions
Kazimierz Sichulski PL 1879 1942 2 exhibitions
Josef Ullmann CZ 1870 1922 2 exhibitions
Jan Honsa CZ 1876 1937 2 exhibitions
Ferdinand Dorsch DE 1875 1938 2 exhibitions

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Recommended Citation: "Tibor Bottlik." In Database of Modern Exhibitions (DoME). European Paintings and Drawings 1905-1915. Last modified Aug 17, 2019.