
Paul Friedrich Meyerheim

German painter, sculptor, and illustrator, 1842-1915

Name Variants (ULAN):
Meyerheim, Paul
Places of Activity:
Hildebrandstr. 22, Berlin
Exhibitions: 3
Exhibiting Countries: 2
Exhibiting Cities: 3
Catalogue Entries: 5
Types of Work: painting and drawing: 5
Date Title City Venue # of Cat. Entries Type of Org. Body
01/06/1905 - end/10/1905 IX. Internationale Kunstausstellung Munich Königlicher Glaspalast 2 artist associations
Jan 1909 Exhibition of Contemporary German Art New York Metropolitan Museum of Art 2 museums
Jan 8‒Feb 6, 1910 [XII. Jahrgang, V. Ausstellung]. Die Sammlung Eduard Behrens zu Hamburg Berlin Paul Cassirer 1 art galleries
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Name Nationality Date of Birth Date of Death # of Co-Appearances
Enric Serra Auqué IT 1859 1918 2 exhibitions
Carl Blos DE 1860 1941 2 exhibitions
Oskar Frenzel DE 1855 1915 2 exhibitions
Friedrich August von Kaulbach DE 1850 1920 2 exhibitions
Franz von Defregger AT 1835 1921 2 exhibitions
Olof August Andreas Jernberg SE 1855 1935 2 exhibitions
Hans Looschen DE Jun 23, 1859 Feb 11, 1923 2 exhibitions
Carl Albrecht DE Apr 2, 1862 Sep 26, 1926 2 exhibitions
Fritz Baer DE 1850 1919 2 exhibitions
Friedrich Kallmorgen DE 1856 1924 2 exhibitions
Hans Petersen DE 1850 1914 2 exhibitions
Arnold Böcklin CH 1827 1901 2 exhibitions
Fritz Burger DE 1867 1927 2 exhibitions
Gustav Schönleber DE 1851 1917 2 exhibitions
Eugen Felix Prosper Bracht DE 1842 1921 2 exhibitions
Eugen Kampf DE 1861 1933 2 exhibitions
Franz Seraph von Lenbach DE 1836 1904 2 exhibitions
Fritz Erler DE 1868 1940 2 exhibitions
Carl Vinnen DE 1863 1922 2 exhibitions
Otto Heinrich Engel DE 1866 1949 2 exhibitions
Angelo Jank DE 1868 1940 2 exhibitions
Walter Püttner DE 1872 1953 2 exhibitions
Adolph Menzel DE 1815 1905 2 exhibitions
Hans von Bartels DE 1856 1913 2 exhibitions
Adolf Münzer DE 1870 1953 2 exhibitions
Ludwig Dettmann DE 1865 1944 2 exhibitions
Adolf Hölzel DE 1853 1934 2 exhibitions
Leo Putz IT 1869 1940 2 exhibitions
Hans Borchardt DE 1865 1917 2 exhibitions
Gotthardt Kuehl DE 1850 1915 2 exhibitions
Toni von Stadler AT 1850 1917 2 exhibitions
Adolf Hengeler DE 1863 1927 2 exhibitions
Leo Samberger DE 1861 1949 2 exhibitions
Ferdinand Dorsch DE 1875 1938 2 exhibitions
Paul Eduard Crodel DE 1862 1928 2 exhibitions
Benno Becker DE 1860 1938 2 exhibitions
Richard Kaiser DE 1868 1941 2 exhibitions
Hermann Groeber DE 1865 1935 2 exhibitions
Rudolf Nissl DE 1870 1955 2 exhibitions
Heinrich von Zügel DE 1850 1941 2 exhibitions
Walter Leistikow DE 1865 1908 2 exhibitions
Rudolf Schramm-Zittau DE 1874 1929 2 exhibitions
Franz von Stuck DE 1863 1928 2 exhibitions
Fritz von Uhde DE 1848 1911 2 exhibitions
Hugo von Habermann DE 1849 1929 2 exhibitions
Wilhelm Trübner DE 1851 1917 2 exhibitions
Hans von Hayek AT 1869 1940 2 exhibitions
Max Liebermann DE 1847 1935 2 exhibitions

+Exhibitions by Year(Bar Chart)

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+Exhibitions by City(Pie Chart)

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+Catalogue Entries by Type of Work(Pie Chart)

+Catalogue Entries by Year(Bar Chart)

Recommended Citation: "Paul Friedrich Meyerheim." In Database of Modern Exhibitions (DoME). European Paintings and Drawings 1905-1915. Last modified Aug 17, 2019.