Austrian painter, 1853-1906
Date | Title | City | Venue | # of Cat. Entries | Type of Org. Body |
Feb 1907 | Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 | Vienna | Galerie Miethke | 129 | art galleries |
May‒Oct 1913 | LIA. Leipziger Jahresausstellung 1913 | Leipzig | Gelände der Internationalen Baufach-Ausstellung | 1 | arts associations |
1. Wallfahrt in Dürrenstein
painting: oil
Sr. Durchlaucht Johannes Fürst zu Liechtenstein
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
2. Franz Josefsquai
painting: oil
Privatbesitz [Private Collection]
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
3. Markt in Lundenburg
painting: oil
Privatbesitz [Private Collection]
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
4. Sommer
painting: oil
Privatbesitz [Private Collection]
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
5. Herbst
painting: oil
Stadt Wien
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
6. Herbst
painting: oil
Privatbesitz [Private Collection]
Entry has no cat. no. It is located between cat. no. 5 and 7.
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
7. Winter
painting: oil
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
8. Vision des Heiligen Bernhard
painting: oil
k. k. kunsthistor. Hofmuseum
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
9. Klosterwerkstätte
painting: oil
Privatbesitz [Private Collection]
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
10. Versehgang
painting: oil
Seine Majestät der Kaiser
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
11. Mönche am Kalvarienberg in Heiligenkreuz
painting: oil
Seine Majestät der Kaiser
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
12. Am Schreibtisch
painting: aquarelle
Privatbesitz [Private Collection]
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
13. Noli me tangere
painting: oil
Privatbesitz [Private Collection]
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
14. Vor der Entscheidung
painting: oil
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
15. Abschied (Heiligenkreuz)
painting: oil
Privatbesitz [Private Collection]
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
16. Porträt im Interieur
painting: aquarelle
Privatbesitz [Private Collection]
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
17. Märchensee
painting: oil
Privatbesitz [Private Collection]
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
18. Träumerei
painting: oil
Sr. Durchlaucht Johannes Fürst von u. zu Liechtenstein
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
19. Stilles Wasser
painting: oil
Privatbesitz [Private Collection]
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
20. Steinfeld
painting: oil
Privatbesitz [Private Collection]
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
21. Dämmerung in Neunkirchen
painting: oil
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
22. Strasse in Neunkirchen
painting: oil
Privatbesitz [Private Collection]
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
23. Abend in Neunkirchen
painting: oil
Privatbesitz [Private Collection]
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
24. Mondnacht
painting: oil
Privatbesitz [Private Collection]
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
25. Dämmerung
painting: oil
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
26. Nachtbeginn
painting: oil
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
27. Sternennacht
painting: oil
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
28. Sumpf
painting: oil
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
29. Pfingstrosen
painting: oil
Privatbesitz [Private Collection]
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
30. Die Flamme
painting: oil
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
31. Das gelbe Zimmer
painting: oil
Privatbesitz [Private Collection]
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
32. Fresko
painting: oil
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
33. Gemüsegarten
painting: oil
Cat. no. 33-54 are listed under the sub-header "Lundenburg".
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
34. Studie zu "Märchensee"
painting: oil
Cat. no. 33-54 are listed under the sub-header "Lundenburg".
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
35. Sumpf
painting: oil
Cat. no. 33-54 are listed under the sub-header "Lundenburg".
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
36. Gemüsegarten
painting: oil
Cat. no. 33-54 are listed under the sub-header "Lundenburg".
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
37. Kühe
painting: oil
Cat. no. 33-54 are listed under the sub-header "Lundenburg".
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
38. Abend
painting: oil
Cat. no. 33-54 are listed under the sub-header "Lundenburg".
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
39. Mondaufgang
painting: oil
Cat. no. 33-54 are listed under the sub-header "Lundenburg".
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
40. Markt
painting: oil
Cat. no. 33-54 are listed under the sub-header "Lundenburg".
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
41. Bei Lundenburg
painting: oil
Cat. no. 33-54 are listed under the sub-header "Lundenburg".
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
42. Herbstabend
painting: oil
Cat. no. 33-54 are listed under the sub-header "Lundenburg".
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
43. Sumpfstudie
painting: oil
Cat. no. 33-54 are listed under the sub-header "Lundenburg".
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
44. Sommerende
painting: oil
Cat. no. 33-54 are listed under the sub-header "Lundenburg".
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
45. An der Thaya
painting: oil
Cat. no. 33-54 are listed under the sub-header "Lundenburg".
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
46. Sommer
painting: oil
Cat. no. 33-54 are listed under the sub-header "Lundenburg".
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
47. Winter
painting: oil
Cat. no. 33-54 are listed under the sub-header "Lundenburg".
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
48. Winter
painting: oil
Cat. no. 33-54 are listed under the sub-header "Lundenburg".
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
49. Winter
painting: oil
Cat. no. 33-54 are listed under the sub-header "Lundenburg".
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
50. Aus dem Saupark
painting: oil
Privatbesitz [Private Collection]
Cat. no. 33-54 are listed under the sub-header "Lundenburg".
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
51. Aus Lundenburg
painting: oil
Privatbesitz [Private Collection]
Cat. no. 33-54 are listed under the sub-header "Lundenburg".
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
52. Lundenburger Park
painting: oil
Privatbesitz [Private Collection]
Cat. no. 33-54 are listed under the sub-header "Lundenburg".
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
53. Aus dem Lundenburger Park
painting: oil
Privatbesitz [Private Collection]
Cat. no. 33-54 are listed under the sub-header "Lundenburg".
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
54. Mond
painting: oil
Privatbesitz [Private Collection]
Cat. no. 33-54 are listed under the sub-header "Lundenburg".
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
55. Studie aus Heiligenkreuz
painting: oil
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
56. Sonnenuntergang in Heiligenkreuz
painting: oil
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
57. Am Donaukanal (Kettensteg Stadtseite)
painting: oil
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
58. Am Donaukanal (Kettensteg Vorstadtseite)
painting: oil
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
59. Studie vom Donaukanal
painting: oil
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
60. Abend in der Stadt
painting: oil
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
61. Winter in der Stadt
painting: oil
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
62. Dämmerung
painting: oil
Cat. no. 62-76 are listed under the sub-header "Neunkirchen".
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
63. Studie zu "Geheimnis des Waldes"
painting: oil
Cat. no. 62-76 are listed under the sub-header "Neunkirchen".
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
64. Föhrenwald
painting: oil
Cat. no. 62-76 are listed under the sub-header "Neunkirchen".
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
65. Aus Neunkirchen
painting: oil
Cat. no. 62-76 are listed under the sub-header "Neunkirchen".
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
66. Abend
painting: oil
Cat. no. 62-76 are listed under the sub-header "Neunkirchen".
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
67. Getreide
painting: oil
Cat. no. 62-76 are listed under the sub-header "Neunkirchen".
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
68. Dämmerung
painting: oil
Cat. no. 62-76 are listed under the sub-header "Neunkirchen".
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
69. Abend
painting: oil
Cat. no. 62-76 are listed under the sub-header "Neunkirchen".
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
70. Figurenstudie
painting: oil
Cat. no. 62-76 are listed under the sub-header "Neunkirchen".
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
71. Abend
painting: oil
Cat. no. 62-76 are listed under the sub-header "Neunkirchen".
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
72. Aus Neunkirchen
painting: oil
Cat. no. 62-76 are listed under the sub-header "Neunkirchen".
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
73. Studie zu "Geheimnis des Waldes"
painting: oil
Cat. no. 62-76 are listed under the sub-header "Neunkirchen".
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
74. Im Föhrenwald
painting: oil
Cat. no. 62-76 are listed under the sub-header "Neunkirchen".
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
75. Reigen
painting: oil
Cat. no. 62-76 are listed under the sub-header "Neunkirchen".
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
76. Strasse
painting: oil
Privatbesitz [Private Collection]
Cat. no. 62-76 are listed under the sub-header "Neunkirchen".
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
77. Dahlien
painting: oil
Cat. no. 77-86 are listed under the sub-header "Gaaden".
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
78. Paeonien
painting: oil
Cat. no. 77-86 are listed under the sub-header "Gaaden".
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
79. Schneeballen
painting: oil
Cat. no. 77-86 are listed under the sub-header "Gaaden".
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
80. Bauerngarten
painting: oil
Cat. no. 77-86 are listed under the sub-header "Gaaden".
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
81. Lilien
painting: oil
Cat. no. 77-86 are listed under the sub-header "Gaaden".
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
82. Garten
painting: oil
Cat. no. 77-86 are listed under the sub-header "Gaaden".
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
83. Blumige Wiese
painting: oil
Cat. no. 77-86 are listed under the sub-header "Gaaden".
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
84. Herbst
painting: oil
Cat. no. 77-86 are listed under the sub-header "Gaaden".
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
85. Partie aus Gaaden
painting: oil
Cat. no. 77-86 are listed under the sub-header "Gaaden".
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
86. Garten
painting: oil
Cat. no. 77-86 are listed under the sub-header "Gaaden".
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
87. Frühsommer
painting: oil
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
88. Weiher
painting: oil
Privatbesitz [Private Collection]
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
89. Birken im Spätherbst
painting: oil
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
90. Gewitter
painting: oil
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
91. Studie aus Abbazia
painting: oil
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
92. St. Gotthard
painting: oil
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
93. Im Walde von Fontainebleau
painting: oil
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
94. Bucklige Welt
painting: oil
Privatbesitz [Private Collection]
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
95. Herbstzeitlosen
painting: oil
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
96. Froschkönig
painting: oil
Privatbesitz [Private Collection]
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
97. Blumenvision
painting: oil
Privatbesitz [Private Collection]
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
98. Dekorativer Entwurf zum Fresko
painting: oil
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
99. Dekorativer Entwurf zum Fresko
painting: oil
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
100. Studie zur "Prozession in Dürrenstein"
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
101. Architektur in Dürrenstein
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
102. Dürrenstein
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
103. Ansicht von Dürrenstein
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
104. Schloss an der Donau
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
105. Alte Kirche an der Donau
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
106. Die gefangene Ratte
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
107. Der Hausbesorger
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
108. Porträtstudie
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
109. Figurenstudie
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
110. Figurenstudie
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
111. Figurenstudie
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
112. Alte Frau
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
113. Figurenstudie zum Bilde "Winter"
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
114. Junges Mädchen
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
115. Zum Geburtstag
drawing, farbige Zeichnung
Privatbesitz [Private Collection]
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
116. Gute Nacht
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
117. Abend bei Lundenburg
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
118. Bei Lundenburg
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
119. Temenau bei Lundenburg
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
120. Winterabend
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
121. Bauerngarten
painting: aquarelle
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
122. Frühling
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
123. Wald- und Sumpfpartien der Fürstlich Liechtenstein'schen Besitzung (Zeichnung für die Österr. Illustr. Zeitung)
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
124. Sumpfpflanzen
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
125. Studie zur "Vision des Heiligen Bernhard"
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
126. Figurenstudie zur "Vision des Heiligen Bernhard"
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
127. Am Kalvarienberg in Heiligenkreuz
drawing: pen and ink, Federzeichnung
Privatbesitz [Private Collection]
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
128. Studie zur "Flamme"
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
129. Gebirgsphantasie
Wilhelm Bernatzik. 1853-1906 |
29. Winter
LIA. Leipziger Jahresausstellung 1913 Vienna |
Name | Nationality | Date of Birth | Date of Death | # of Co-Appearances |