
Pranas Domšaitis

German painter, 1880-1965

Name Variants (ULAN):
Domscheit, Frans; Domscheit, Franz; domscheit, f.; domscheit, franz
1880, Labiau
Places of Activity:
Filino, [as "Klein Kuhren, Ostpr."]
Friedenau, Berlin
Exhibitions: 2
Exhibiting Countries: 1
Exhibiting Cities: 1
Catalogue Entries: 5
Types of Work: painting and drawing: 5
Date Title City Venue # of Cat. Entries Type of Org. Body
Aug 23‒Sep 30, 1913 Juryfreie Kunstschau. 4. Ausstellung Berlin Ausstellungshaus am Kurfürstendamm 208/9 3 artist associations
Apr 12‒Sep 30, 1914 Erste Ausstellung der Freien Secession Berlin Berlin Ausstellungshaus am Kurfürstendamm 208/9 2
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Name Nationality Date of Birth Date of Death # of Co-Appearances
Walter Treumann 2 exhibitions
Igor Yakimov 2 exhibitions
Oskar Gawell PL 1888 1955 2 exhibitions
Augusta von Zitzewitz DE 1880 1960 2 exhibitions
Erich Waske DE 1889 1978 2 exhibitions
Hans Keller CH 1884 1983 2 exhibitions
Rudolf Seebold DE 1889 Jun 14, 1918 2 exhibitions
Leopold Thieme DE 1880 1963 2 exhibitions
Georg Walter Rossner DE 1885 1972 2 exhibitions
Otto Beyer DE Oct 20, 1885 Jun 17, 1962 2 exhibitions
Hedwig Weiß DE 1860 1923 2 exhibitions

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Recommended Citation: "Pranas Domšaitis." In Database of Modern Exhibitions (DoME). European Paintings and Drawings 1905-1915. Last modified Oct 17, 2019.