World > Europe > Hungary > Miskolc


Exhibitions: 0
Venues: 0
Artists: 9, 8 born, 3 died, 0 active, 0 exhibited
Nationalities: 1
Gender: 0 % female, 100 % male
Name Date of Birth Place of Birth Date of Death Place of Death Nationality Exhibited in City
Béla Gross 1835 Miskolc 1914 Budapest HU no
Attila Sassy 1880 Miskolc 1967 Budapest HU no
Dezső Mokry-Mészáros 1881 Sajóecseg 1970 Miskolc HU no
Miklós Somogyi 1892 Miskolc 1918 Budapest HU no
Lajos Gimes 1886 Miskolc 1945 Miskolc HU no
János Kmetty 1889 Miskolc 1975 Budapest HU no
Elemér Halász-Hradil 1873 Miskolc 1948 Košice HU no
József Balogh 1874 Miskolc 1951 Miskolc HU no
Rezső Halász Hradil 1875 Miskolc 1918 Rome HU no

+Artists’ Nationality(Pie Chart)

+Gender Distribution(Pie Chart)

+Number of Artists Born, Died, Active, Exhibited(Bar Chart)

Recommended Citation: "Miskolc." In Database of Modern Exhibitions (DoME). European Paintings and Drawings 1905-1915. Last modified Jan 23, 2025.