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Title Type Person Price Cat.No. Exhibition Exh. Date City Venue
[Kars. Czitadelʹ, tureczkaya postrojka : Kars. Citadel, Turkish Building] Lansere, Yevgeny 165 [Vy'stavka Kartin "Mir Iskusstva" : Exhibition of Paintings "The World of Art"] 1915 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Kars. Chastʹ starago goroda s mostom i tureczkimi banyami : Kars. Part of the Old Town with a Bridge and Turkish Baths] Lansere, Yevgeny 166 [Vy'stavka Kartin "Mir Iskusstva" : Exhibition of Paintings "The World of Art"] 1915 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Kars. Ugolok starago goroda : Kars. Corner of the Old Town] Lansere, Yevgeny 167 [Vy'stavka Kartin "Mir Iskusstva" : Exhibition of Paintings "The World of Art"] 1915 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Nashi snezhi. okopy' vy'she Orlinago Gnezda : Our Snow Trenches above the Eagle's Nest] Lansere, Yevgeny 168 [Vy'stavka Kartin "Mir Iskusstva" : Exhibition of Paintings "The World of Art"] 1915 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Trupy' turok : Turk Corpses] Lansere, Yevgeny 170 [Vy'stavka Kartin "Mir Iskusstva" : Exhibition of Paintings "The World of Art"] 1915 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Kubanskij kazak : Kuban Cossack] Lansere, Yevgeny 171 [Vy'stavka Kartin "Mir Iskusstva" : Exhibition of Paintings "The World of Art"] 1915 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Razvaliny' seleniya Ketak posle srazheniya : Ruins of the Settlement Ketak after the Battle] Lansere, Yevgeny 172 [Vy'stavka Kartin "Mir Iskusstva" : Exhibition of Paintings "The World of Art"] 1915 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Selenie Zivin pod razvalinami staroj tureczkoj kreposti; zdesʹ vojska otdy'khayut posle storozhevki na gorakh : The Settlement Zivin under the Ruins of the Old Turkish Fortress; the Troops are resting here after watching in the Mountains] Lansere, Yevgeny 173 [Vy'stavka Kartin "Mir Iskusstva" : Exhibition of Paintings "The World of Art"] 1915 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Dolina r. Araksa : Valley of the Aras River] Lansere, Yevgeny 174 [Vy'stavka Kartin "Mir Iskusstva" : Exhibition of Paintings "The World of Art"] 1915 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[V sakle u oficzerov : In the Saklya at the Officers] Lansere, Yevgeny 175 [Vy'stavka Kartin "Mir Iskusstva" : Exhibition of Paintings "The World of Art"] 1915 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Razvaliny' staroj bashni (Tureczkij Medzhingert) : The Ruins of the Old Tower (Turkish Medzhingert)] Lansere, Yevgeny 176 [Vy'stavka Kartin "Mir Iskusstva" : Exhibition of Paintings "The World of Art"] 1915 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Batalʹonny'j svyashhennik : Batallion Priest] Lansere, Yevgeny 177 [Vy'stavka Kartin "Mir Iskusstva" : Exhibition of Paintings "The World of Art"] 1915 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Starik turok : An Old Turk] Lansere, Yevgeny 178 [Vy'stavka Kartin "Mir Iskusstva" : Exhibition of Paintings "The World of Art"] 1915 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Konovyazʹ sibirskikh kazakov v Olʹtakh : Hitching Post of the Siberian Cossacks in Olty] Lansere, Yevgeny 179 [Vy'stavka Kartin "Mir Iskusstva" : Exhibition of Paintings "The World of Art"] 1915 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Kala-Bulak (tureczkoe selenie) : Kala-Bulak (Turkish Settlement)] Lansere, Yevgeny 180 [Vy'stavka Kartin "Mir Iskusstva" : Exhibition of Paintings "The World of Art"] 1915 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Sibirskij kazak : Siberian Cossack] drawing Lansere, Yevgeny 181 [Vy'stavka Kartin "Mir Iskusstva" : Exhibition of Paintings "The World of Art"] 1915 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Surik za Narimanom. Na vy'sotakh tureczkiya poziczii : Surik behind Nariman. Turkish Positions on the Heights] Lansere, Yevgeny 182 [Vy'stavka Kartin "Mir Iskusstva" : Exhibition of Paintings "The World of Art"] 1915 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[V tureczkoj sakle v Surike : In a Turkish Saklya in Surik] Lansere, Yevgeny 183 [Vy'stavka Kartin "Mir Iskusstva" : Exhibition of Paintings "The World of Art"] 1915 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Mechetʹ v Arkhave : Mosque in Arkhava] Lansere, Yevgeny 184 [Vy'stavka Kartin "Mir Iskusstva" : Exhibition of Paintings "The World of Art"] 1915 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Saraj v Arkhave : Shed in Arkhava] Lansere, Yevgeny 185 [Vy'stavka Kartin "Mir Iskusstva" : Exhibition of Paintings "The World of Art"] 1915 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
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