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Title Type Person Price Cat.No. Exhibition Exh. Date City Venue
[Kupalʹshhiczy' : Bathing Women] Lentulov, Aristarkh 155 [XVII Vy'stavka Kartin Moskovskago Tovarishhestva Khudozhnikov : The 17th Exhibition of paintings. Moscow Association of Artists] 1909‒1910 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Na plyazhe. V Kry'mu : On the Beach. In Crimea] Lentulov, Aristarkh 156 [XVII Vy'stavka Kartin Moskovskago Tovarishhestva Khudozhnikov : The 17th Exhibition of paintings. Moscow Association of Artists] 1909‒1910 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[E'tyud. V Kry'mu : Study. In Crimea] Lentulov, Aristarkh 157 [XVII Vy'stavka Kartin Moskovskago Tovarishhestva Khudozhnikov : The 17th Exhibition of paintings. Moscow Association of Artists] 1909‒1910 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[E'skiz : Sketch] Lentulov, Aristarkh 158 [XVII Vy'stavka Kartin Moskovskago Tovarishhestva Khudozhnikov : The 17th Exhibition of paintings. Moscow Association of Artists] 1909‒1910 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Diptikh : Diptych] Lentulov, Aristarkh 149 [Mir Iskusstva : World of Art] 1911 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Nature morte (lampa) : Still Life (Lamp)] Lentulov, Aristarkh 150 [Mir Iskusstva : World of Art] 1911 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Portret Skinder : Portrait of Skinder] Lentulov, Aristarkh 151 [Mir Iskusstva : World of Art] 1911 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Kupanie : Bathing] Lentulov, Aristarkh 122 [Vy'stavka Kartin Obshhestva Khudozhnikov "Bubnovy'j Valet" : Exhibition of Paintings by "Jack of Diamonds Association of Artists"] Jan 23‒Feb 26, 1912 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Avtoportret i portret zheny' : Self-Portrait and Portrait of the Wife] Lentulov, Aristarkh 123 [Vy'stavka Kartin Obshhestva Khudozhnikov "Bubnovy'j Valet" : Exhibition of Paintings by "Jack of Diamonds Association of Artists"] Jan 23‒Feb 26, 1912 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Zhenshhina s rebenkom : Woman with a Child] Lentulov, Aristarkh 124 [Vy'stavka Kartin Obshhestva Khudozhnikov "Bubnovy'j Valet" : Exhibition of Paintings by "Jack of Diamonds Association of Artists"] Jan 23‒Feb 26, 1912 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[E'tyud : Study] Lentulov, Aristarkh 125 [Vy'stavka Kartin Obshhestva Khudozhnikov "Bubnovy'j Valet" : Exhibition of Paintings by "Jack of Diamonds Association of Artists"] Jan 23‒Feb 26, 1912 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
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