
[Gorodskoj muzej]

Городской музей

Exhibitions: 1
Catalogue Entries: 319
Artists: 48
Nationalities: 5
Gender: 6 % female, 92 % male
Name Date of Birth Date of Death Nationality # of Exhibitions # of Cat. Entries
Manuil Khristoforovich Aladzhalov 1862 1934 RU 1 8
Boris Anisfel'd 1879 1973 RU 1 6
Anatoly Arapov 1876 1949 RU 1 4
Abram Arkhipov 1862 1930 RU 1 3
Léon Bakst 1866 1924 RU 1 2
Alexandre Benois 1870 1960 RU 1 20
Isaak Brodsky 1884 1939 RU 1 9
V. Ya Chambers 1 2
Marija Jakovlevna Chembers-Bilibina 1874 1962 RU 1 5
Jan Ciągliński 1858 1913 PL 1 13
M. K. Čiurlionis 1875 1911 LT 1 2
Mstislav Dobuzhinsky 1875 1957 RU 1 10
Nikolai Vasilevich Doseikin 1863 1935 RU 1 3
Igor Grabar 1871 1960 RU 1 1
Nikolai Aleksandrovič Klodt 1865 1918 RU 1 4
Konstantin Korovin 1861 1939 RU 1 5
Nikolay Krymov 1884 1958 RU 1 2
Boris Kustodiyev 1878 1927 RU 1 1
Agnes Lindemann Jul 3, 1878 Nov 6, 1942 RU 1 3
Walter Lokkenberg 1875 1921 RU 1 2
Georgy Lukomsky 1884 1952 RU 1 5
Sergey Vasil'yevich Malyutin 1859 1937 RU 1 6
Nikolai Vasilevich Meshcherin 1864 1916 RU 1 1
Nikolay Milioti 1874 1962 RU 1 2
Dmitry Mitrokhin 1883 1973 RU 1 12
Georgy Narbut 1886 1920 UA 1 2
Anna Petrovna Ostroumova-Lebedeva 1871 1955 RU 1 1
Leonid Pasternak 1862 1945 RU 1 20
Vladimir Vasilevič Perepletčikov 1863 1918 RU 1 5
Konstantin Konstantinovich Pervukhin 1863 1915 RU 1 1
Kuz'ma Petrov-Vodkin 1878 1939 RU 1 6
Nicholas Roerich 1874 1947 RU 1 6
Arkady Rylov Jan 29, 1870 Jun 22, 1939 RU 1 2
Nikolay Sapunov 1880 1912 RU 1 2
Valentin Serov 1865 1911 RU 1 3
Aleksandr Shervashidze 1867 1968 RU 1 22
A. K. Shhuko 1 2
A. V. Shhusev 1 4
Konstantin Somov 1869 1939 RU 1 1
Aleksander Sredin 1872 1934 RU 1 3
Aleksey Stepanov 1858 1923 RU 1 3
Vasily Surikov 1848 1916 RU 1 21
Nicolas Alexandrovitch Tarkhoff 1871 1930 RU 1 5
Apollinary Vasnetsov 1856 1933 RU 1 9
Sergey Vinogradov 1869 1938 RU 1 3
Aleksandr Yakovlev 1887 1938 RU 1 2
Stepan Petrovich Yaremich 1869 1939 RU 1 6
Konstantin Yuon 1875 1958 RU 1 7

+Artists’ Nationality(Pie Chart)

+Gender Distribution(Pie Chart)

+Catalogue Entries by Type of Work(Pie Chart)

Recommended Citation: "[Gorodskoj muzej]." In Database of Modern Exhibitions (DoME). European Paintings and Drawings 1905-1915. Last modified Aug 17, 2023.