
Carl Bössenroth

Dt. Landschafts- und Marinemaler

Name Variants:
Bossenroth, Carl
Places of Activity:
Exhibitions: 2
Exhibiting Countries: 1
Exhibiting Cities: 1
Catalogue Entries: 5
Types of Work: painting and drawing: 5
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Name Nationality Date of Birth Date of Death # of Co-Appearances
Ernst Müller-Bernburg DE 1874 1945 2 exhibitions
Gottlob Gottfried Klemm DE 1872 1955 2 exhibitions
Karl Bauer DE 1868 1942 2 exhibitions
Robert Fink SK 1878 1950 2 exhibitions
Hans Kempen DE 1874 1930 2 exhibitions
Hermann Eichfeld DE 1845 1917 2 exhibitions
Franz Reinhardt DE 1881 1946 2 exhibitions
August Lüdecke DE 1868 1957 2 exhibitions
Hermann Ebers DE 1881 1955 2 exhibitions
Max Burgmeier CH 1881 1947 2 exhibitions
Hans Lesker DE 1879 1914 2 exhibitions
Paul Roloff DE 1877 1951 2 exhibitions
Hans Lichtenberger DE Apr 9, 1876 1957 2 exhibitions
Viktor Thomas DE 1854 1933 2 exhibitions
Emilie Hallavanya HR 1874 1960 2 exhibitions
Hans Müller-Dachau DE 1877 1925 2 exhibitions
Fritz Gärtner CZ 1882 1958 2 exhibitions
Carl Hans Schrader-Velgen DE 1876 1945 2 exhibitions
Julius Hess DE 1878 1957 2 exhibitions
Fritz Osswald CH 1878 1966 2 exhibitions
Eugen Wolff DE 1873 1937 2 exhibitions
Albert Lamm DE Jan 1, 1873 Jan 18, 1939 2 exhibitions
Charles Vetter DE May 1, 1858 1941 2 exhibitions
Josef, II Kühn DE 1872 Jul 27, 1933 2 exhibitions
Carl Reiser DE 1877 1950 2 exhibitions
Theodor Esser DE Jul 30, 1868 Feb 10, 1937 2 exhibitions
Julius Seyler DE 1873 1958 2 exhibitions
Richard Winternitz DE 1861 1929 2 exhibitions
Amandus Faure DE 1874 1931 2 exhibitions
Theodor Hummel DE 1864 1939 2 exhibitions
Paul Eduard Crodel DE 1862 1928 2 exhibitions
Carl Theodor Meyer-Basel CH 1860 1932 2 exhibitions
Richard Kaiser DE 1868 1941 2 exhibitions
Otto Bauriedl DE 1879 Jun 12, 1961 2 exhibitions
Hermann Groeber DE 1865 1935 2 exhibitions
Rudolf Nissl DE 1870 1955 2 exhibitions
Richard Pietzsch DE 1872 1960 2 exhibitions
Hans von Hayek AT 1869 1940 2 exhibitions
Ulrich Hübner DE 1872 1932 2 exhibitions

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Recommended Citation: "Carl Bössenroth." In Database of Modern Exhibitions (DoME). European Paintings and Drawings 1905-1915. Last modified Aug 17, 2019.