
Béla Iványi-Grünwald

Hungarian painter, 1867-1940

Name Variants (ULAN):
Ivanyi-Grunwald, Bela; Grunwaid, Bela Ivanyi; Ivanyi-Grunwald, Adelbert
1867, Somogyszob
Places of Activity:
Corso Italia 139, Rome
Baia Mare
Müvész-Telep, Kecskemét
Exhibitions: 17
Exhibiting Countries: 4
Exhibiting Cities: 6
Catalogue Entries: 237
Types of Work: painting and drawing: 237
Date Title City Venue # of Cat. Entries Type of Org. Body
Spring 1905 Tavaszi nemzetközi kiállítás [International Spring Exhibition 1905] Budapest Műcsarnok 15 arts associations
Apr 22‒Oct 31, 1905 VI. Esposizione d'Arte della Città di Venezia Venice Giardini Pubblici 1 others
01/06/1905 - end/10/1905 IX. Internationale Kunstausstellung Munich Königlicher Glaspalast 1 artist associations
Feb 1906 Grünwald Iványi Béla gyüjteményes kiállítása [Exhibition of the Collected Works of Béla Grünwald Iványi] Budapest Nemzeti Szalon 82 exhibition buildings
Mar 1907 A Nemzeti Szalon. Első csoportkiállítás [The First Group Exhibition Of The National Salon] Budapest Nemzeti Szalon 5 exhibition buildings
May 1‒Oct 20, 1907 Internationale Kunstausstellung Mannheim Mannheim Kunsthalle Mannheim 1
Jan 1908 M.I.É.N.K. [1] [M.I.É.N.K. [1]] Budapest Nemzeti Szalon 11 exhibition buildings
Feb‒Mar 1909 M.I.É.N.K. második kiállitása [Second Exhibition of M.I.É.N.K.] Budapest Nemzeti Szalon 1 exhibition buildings
Apr 22‒Oct 31, 1909 VIII. Esposizione d'Arte della Città di Venezia Venice Giardini Pubblici 1 others
Jan‒Feb 1910 M.I.É.N.K. III-ik kiállítás [Third Exhibition of M.I.É.N.K] Budapest Nemzeti Szalon 11 exhibition buildings
Feb 5‒Mar 3, 1910 Ausstellung Ungarischer Maler Berlin Ausstellungshaus am Kurfürstendamm 208/9 4
Mar 16‒Apr 1910 A Művészház bibliai kiállítása és Jacobey Károly művészi hagyatéka [Biblical Art Exhibition and the Estate of Károly Jacobey in the Művészház] Budapest Művészház 1 artist associations
Apr 27‒Jun 19, 1910 Nemzetközi Impresszionista kiállítás [International Impressionist Exhibition] Budapest Művészház 3 artist associations
Apr 13‒Jul 1912 Stedelijke Internationale Tentoonstelling Van Kunstwerken Van Levende Meesters Amsterdam Stedelijk Museum 1 museums
Feb 1913 Iványi-Grünwald Béla festményeinek és magyar műgyüjtemények bemutatása. I. Dr. Sonnenfeld Zsigmond gyüjteménye [Exhibition of the Paintings of Béla Iványi-Grünwald and the Presentation of Hungarian Art Collections. I. Zsigmond Sonnenfeld] Budapest Ernst Múzeum 71 museums
Dec 1913 Első csoportkiállitás [First Group Exhibition] Budapest Ernst Múzeum 14 museums
Apr 23‒Oct 31, 1914 XI. Esposizione d'Arte della Città di Venezia Venice Giardini Pubblici 14 others
collapse all Catalogue View List View
Name Nationality Date of Birth Date of Death # of Co-Appearances
Károly Ferenczy HU 1862 1917 15 exhibitions
Pál Szinyei Merse HU 1845 1920 10 exhibitions
Izsák Perlmutter HU 1866 1932 10 exhibitions
István Csók HU 1865 1961 10 exhibitions
Gyula Kosztolányi-Kann HU 1868 1945 10 exhibitions
Adolf Fényes HU 1867 1945 9 exhibitions
Gusztáv Magyar-Mannheimer HU 1859 1937 10 exhibitions
Mihály Munkácsy HU 1844 1900 8 exhibitions
János Vaszary HU 1867 1939 9 exhibitions
József Rippl-Rónai HU 1861 1927 10 exhibitions
János Thorma HU 1870 1937 6 exhibitions
László Paál HU 1846 1879 7 exhibitions
Ferenc Olgyay HU 1872 1939 7 exhibitions
Károly Kernstok HU 1873 1940 7 exhibitions
Lajos Szlányi HU 1869 1949 7 exhibitions
Tivadar Zemplényi HU 1864 1917 6 exhibitions
István Réti HU 1872 1945 5 exhibitions
Louis Mark HU 1867 1942 6 exhibitions
László Mednyánszky HU 1852 1919 7 exhibitions
Frigyes Strobentz HU 1856 1929 8 exhibitions
Ferenc Hatvany HU 1881 1958 6 exhibitions
Guglielmo Ciardi IT 1842 1917 6 exhibitions
Gerolamo Cairati IT 1860 1943 6 exhibitions
Károly Lotz HU 1833 1904 5 exhibitions
Ödön Kacziány HU 1852 1933 6 exhibitions
Gugliemo Talamini IT 1868 1917 5 exhibitions
Lajos Zombory HU 1867 1933 5 exhibitions
Oszkár Glatz HU 1872 1958 7 exhibitions
Otto Hierl-Deronco DE 1859 1935 5 exhibitions
Andor Boruth HU 1873 1955 5 exhibitions
Aladár Körösfői-Kriesch HU 1863 1920 6 exhibitions
Gaetano Previati IT 1852 1920 5 exhibitions
Pál Jávor HU 1880 1923 5 exhibitions
Imre Knopp HU 1867 1945 5 exhibitions
Giorgio Belloni IT 1861 1944 5 exhibitions
Camillo Innocenti IT 1871 1961 6 exhibitions
Giovanni Battista Costantini IT 1872 1947 5 exhibitions
Ettore Tito IT 1859 1941 5 exhibitions
Arthur Douglas Peppercorn GB 1847 1926 5 exhibitions
Bertram Priestman GB 1868 1951 7 exhibitions
Lajos Gulácsy HU 1882 1932 5 exhibitions
Oliver Hall GB 1869 1957 5 exhibitions
Vettore Zanetti-Zilla IT 1864 1946 5 exhibitions
Carlo Fornara IT 1871 1968 4 exhibitions
Manuel Benedito Vives ES 1875 1963 4 exhibitions
Giacomo Grosso IT 1860 1938 4 exhibitions
Giuseppe Zanetti-Miti IT 1859 1929 5 exhibitions
Emma Ciardi IT 1879 1933 5 exhibitions
Valér Ferenczy HU 1885 1954 5 exhibitions
Frank Brangwyn GB 1867 1956 5 exhibitions
Istvan Bosznay HU 1868 1944 5 exhibitions
Carl Marr US 1858 1936 4 exhibitions
Beppe Ciardi IT 1875 1932 5 exhibitions
Ferruccio Scattola IT 1873 1950 5 exhibitions
Walter Firle DE 1859 1929 4 exhibitions
Walter Geffcken DE 1872 1950 4 exhibitions
Fülöp László HU 1869 1937 5 exhibitions
Alfred East GB 1849 1913 6 exhibitions
David Young Cameron GB 1865 1945 4 exhibitions
Giuseppe Casciaro IT 1863 1945 5 exhibitions
Pietro Fragiacomo IT 1856 1922 5 exhibitions
Nándor Katona HU 1864 1932 5 exhibitions
Sandor Nyilasy HU 1873 1934 4 exhibitions
Fritz Baer DE 1850 1919 4 exhibitions
Friedrich Kallmorgen DE 1856 1924 4 exhibitions
Bertalan Pór HU 1880 1964 4 exhibitions
Ignac Ujvary HU 1860 1927 4 exhibitions
Robert Wellmann HU 1866 1946 4 exhibitions
Leonardo Bazzaro IT 1853 1937 4 exhibitions
Alceste Campriani IT 1848 1933 4 exhibitions
Emilio Gola IT 1851 1923 4 exhibitions
Vittorio Guaccimanni IT 1859 1938 4 exhibitions
Emilio Longoni IT 1859 1933 4 exhibitions
Emo Mazzetti IT 1870 1955 4 exhibitions
Antonio Rizzi IT 1869 1940 4 exhibitions
Giulio Aristide Sartorio IT 1860 1932 4 exhibitions
Raffaele Tafuri IT 1857 1929 4 exhibitions
Cesare Vianello IT 1803 1894 4 exhibitions
Alessandro Milesi IT 1856 1945 4 exhibitions
Traiano Chitarin IT 1864 1935 4 exhibitions
Guido Marussig IT 1885 1938 4 exhibitions
Adelbert Niemeyer DE 1867 1932 4 exhibitions
Hans Herrmann DE 1858 1942 4 exhibitions
Hugó Poll HU 1867 1931 4 exhibitions
Miksa Bruck HU 1863 1920 4 exhibitions
Oscar Mendlick HU 1871 1963 4 exhibitions
Aladár Edvi Illés HU 1870 1958 4 exhibitions
Ferencz Paczka HU 1856 1925 4 exhibitions
Gyula Benczúr HU 1844 1920 4 exhibitions
Antonio Piatti IT 1875 1962 4 exhibitions
Vincenzo de Stefani IT 1859 1937 4 exhibitions
John Lavery IE 1856 1941 6 exhibitions
Frans Pieter Ter Meulen NL 1843 1927 3 exhibitions
Alfred Withers GB 1856 1932 4 exhibitions
Baldassare Longoni IT 1876 1956 4 exhibitions
Luigi Gioli IT 1854 1947 4 exhibitions
Bartolomeo Bezzi IT 1851 1923 4 exhibitions
Alessandro Battaglia IT 1870 1940 4 exhibitions
Cesare Maggi IT 1881 1962 4 exhibitions
Francesco Sartorelli IT 1856 1939 4 exhibitions
Lodovico Tommasi IT 1866 1941 4 exhibitions
Jules Joseph Lefebvre FR 1836 1912 3 exhibitions
Imre Emerich Révész HU 1859 1945 3 exhibitions
Carlo Cressini IT 1864 1938 3 exhibitions
Lorenzo Delleani IT 1840 1908 3 exhibitions
Eugenio Hermoso Martínez ES 1883 1963 3 exhibitions
Oscar Graf DE 1873 1958 5 exhibitions
Antonio Mancini IT 1852 1930 5 exhibitions
Francesco Gioli IT 1846 1922 4 exhibitions
Heinrich Hermanns DE 1862 1942 4 exhibitions
Frederick Carl Frieseke US 1874 1939 4 exhibitions
Horace Mann Livens GB 1862 1936 4 exhibitions
Onorato Carlandi IT 1848 1939 4 exhibitions
Luigi Selvatico IT 1873 1938 3 exhibitions
Géza Mészöly HU 1844 1887 3 exhibitions
Sándor Bihari HU 1856 1906 3 exhibitions
José María López Mezquita ES 1883 1954 3 exhibitions
Frank Mura US 1861 3 exhibitions
Fritz von Wille DE 1860 1941 3 exhibitions
Ödön Márffy HU 1878 1959 4 exhibitions
Walter Püttner DE 1872 1953 4 exhibitions
Henry Caro-Delvaille FR 1876 1928 4 exhibitions
Constance Halford GB 1865 4 exhibitions
Albert Besnard FR 1849 1934 7 exhibitions
Gaston de Latouche FR 1854 1913 5 exhibitions
Giuseppe Pellizza da Volpedo IT 1868 1907 3 exhibitions
Jef Leempoels BE 1867 1935 3 exhibitions
Charles Cottet FR 1863 1925 6 exhibitions
Guido Grimani IT 1871 1933 3 exhibitions
Galileo Chini IT 1873 1956 3 exhibitions
Franz von Defregger AT 1835 1921 3 exhibitions
Carl Wilhelm Anton Seiler DE 1846 1921 3 exhibitions
Joseph Saint-Germier FR 1860 1925 3 exhibitions
Alexander Kellock Brown GB 1849 1922 3 exhibitions
Karl O'Lynch Von Town AT 1869 1942 3 exhibitions
Claus Meyer DE 1856 1919 3 exhibitions
Carlo Balestrini IT 1868 1923 3 exhibitions
Pompeo Mariani IT 1857 1927 3 exhibitions
Augusto Stoppoloni IT 1855 1936 3 exhibitions
Giovanni Giani IT 1866 1936 3 exhibitions
Carlo Donati IT 1874 1949 3 exhibitions
Antonietta Fragiacomo IT 1859 1942 3 exhibitions
Augusto Sezanne IT 1856 1935 3 exhibitions
Vittore Grubicy de Dragon IT 1851 1920 3 exhibitions
Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida ES 1863 1923 3 exhibitions
Giuseppe Mascarini IT 1877 1954 3 exhibitions
Andrea Tavernier IT 1858 1932 3 exhibitions
Heinrich Knirr DE 1862 1944 4 exhibitions
Hans von Bartels DE 1856 1913 4 exhibitions
Charles Haslewood Shannon GB 1863 1937 4 exhibitions
George Washington Lambert AU 1873 1930 4 exhibitions
Hans Borchardt DE 1865 1917 5 exhibitions
Alberto Martini IT 1876 1954 3 exhibitions
George Clausen GB 1852 1944 3 exhibitions
Walter Georgi DE 1871 1924 4 exhibitions
Attilio Pratella IT 1856 1949 3 exhibitions
Lino Selvatico IT 1872 1924 3 exhibitions
Gennaro Favai IT 1879 1958 3 exhibitions
Clemente Pugliese-Levi IT 1855 1936 3 exhibitions
Ercole Sibellato IT 1878 1963 3 exhibitions
Augusto Carutti IT 1875 1956 3 exhibitions
Hans Looschen DE Jun 23, 1859 Feb 11, 1923 3 exhibitions
Adolf Münzer DE 1870 1953 4 exhibitions
Ludwig von Zumbusch DE 1861 1927 3 exhibitions
Daniel Mihalik HU 1869 1910 3 exhibitions
Herbert Edwin Pelham Hughes-Stanton GB 1870 1937 4 exhibitions
Bernardus Johannes Blommers NL 1845 1914 3 exhibitions
Menso Kamerlingh Onnes BE 1860 1925 3 exhibitions
Johann Zoetelief Tromp NL 1872 1947 3 exhibitions
Giuseppe Carozzi IT 1864 1938 3 exhibitions
Gerke Henkes NL 1844 1927 3 exhibitions
Cecil William Rea GB 1860 1935 3 exhibitions
Augusto Majani IT 1867 1959 3 exhibitions
Emilio Borsa IT 1857 1931 3 exhibitions
Eduardo Chicharro y Agüera ES 1873 1949 3 exhibitions
John Alfred Arnesby Brown GB 1866 1955 3 exhibitions
Thérèse Schwartze NL 1851 1918 5 exhibitions
Edmond Aman-Jean FR 1858 1936 4 exhibitions
Dezső Czigány HU 1883 1937 3 exhibitions
Luigi Nono IT 1850 1918 3 exhibitions
Giovanni Vianello IT 1873 1926 3 exhibitions
Hans Petersen DE 1850 1914 3 exhibitions
Hermann Urban US 1866 1946 3 exhibitions
Isabella A. Dods-Withers GB 1876 1939 3 exhibitions
Lionello Balestrieri IT 1872 1958 3 exhibitions
Leonhard Sandrock DE 1867 1945 3 exhibitions
Lajos Deák-Ébner HU 1850 1934 3 exhibitions
Laszlo Hegedus HU 1870 1911 3 exhibitions
Otto Greiner DE 1869 1916 3 exhibitions
Ernest Albert Waterlow GB 1850 1919 3 exhibitions
Willy Hamacher DE 1865 1909 3 exhibitions
Lodovico Cavaleri IT 1867 1942 3 exhibitions
Guglielmo Amedeo Lori IT 1866 1913 3 exhibitions
Santiago Rusiñol ES 1861 1931 3 exhibitions
Matteo Olivero IT 1879 1932 3 exhibitions
Pietro Chiesa CH 1876 1959 3 exhibitions
Karl Johann Nikolaus Piepho DE 1869 1920 5 exhibitions
Henri Jean Guillaume Martin FR 1860 1943 4 exhibitions
René Ménard FR 1862 1930 4 exhibitions
Thomas Austen Brown GB 1859 1924 4 exhibitions
Giuseppe de Sanctis IT 1858 1924 3 exhibitions
Vincenzo Migliaro IT 1858 1938 3 exhibitions
László Kézdi Kovács HU 1864 1942 3 exhibitions
Ernst Liebermann DE 1869 1960 3 exhibitions
Janos Pentelei-Molnar HU 1878 1924 3 exhibitions
Sandor Ziffer HU 1888 1962 3 exhibitions
André Edouard Devambez FR 1867 1944 3 exhibitions
Edgar Chahine FR 1874 1947 3 exhibitions
Robert Nadler HU 1858 1938 3 exhibitions
Edmund Tull HU 1870 1911 3 exhibitions
Llewelyn Lloyd IT 1879 1949 3 exhibitions
Eugène Laermans BE 1864 1940 4 exhibitions
Anders Zorn SE 1860 1920 4 exhibitions
Susanne Robertson NL 1855 1922 4 exhibitions
Dante Ricci IT 1879 1957 3 exhibitions
Italico Brass IT 1870 1943 3 exhibitions
Gustav Schönleber DE 1851 1917 3 exhibitions
Jean-François Raffaëlli FR 1850 1924 6 exhibitions
Frans Hens BE 1856 1928 3 exhibitions
Walter Vaes BE 1882 1958 3 exhibitions
Robert Anning Bell GB 1863 1933 3 exhibitions
Grosvenor Thomas AU 1856 1923 3 exhibitions
Alexander Jamieson GB 1873 1937 4 exhibitions
Henri Le Sidaner FR 1862 1939 4 exhibitions
Jacques-Emile Blanche FR 1861 1942 5 exhibitions
Carl Theodor Meyer-Basel CH 1860 1932 5 exhibitions
William Nicholson GB 1872 1949 4 exhibitions
Umberto Coromaldi IT 1870 1948 3 exhibitions
Plinio Nomellini IT 1866 1943 3 exhibitions
Eugen Kirchner DE 1865 1938 3 exhibitions
Eugen Felix Prosper Bracht DE 1842 1921 3 exhibitions
Eugen Kampf DE 1861 1933 3 exhibitions
Jean Veber FR 1864 1928 3 exhibitions
James Whitelaw Hamilton GB 1860 1932 3 exhibitions
Enrico della Leonessa IT 1865 1921 3 exhibitions
Antonio Discovolo IT 1874 1956 3 exhibitions
Richard Kaiser DE 1868 1941 5 exhibitions
Adolf Hölzel DE 1853 1934 4 exhibitions
Leo Putz IT 1869 1940 4 exhibitions
Rudolf Schramm-Zittau DE 1874 1929 6 exhibitions
Béla Horthy HU 1869 1943 2 exhibitions
Willy Sluiter NL 1873 1949 4 exhibitions
Denis Pierre Bergeret FR 1846 1910 2 exhibitions
Béla Pallik HU 1845 1908 2 exhibitions
Solomon Joseph Solomon GB 1860 1927 2 exhibitions
anonymous: old master 2 exhibitions
Christian Maximilian Baer DE 1853 1911 2 exhibitions
Carl Kayser-Eichberg DE 1873 1964 2 exhibitions
Wilhelm Nagel DE 1866 1945 2 exhibitions
Edmund Joseph Sullivan GB 1869 1933 2 exhibitions
William Kennedy GB 1859 1918 2 exhibitions
Alice Léotard 2 exhibitions
Franz Multerer DE 1864 1920 2 exhibitions
Eugeny Ivanovich Stolitsa RU 1870 1929 2 exhibitions
Ernst Dargen DE 1866 1929 2 exhibitions
Frank Lamy FR 1855 1919 2 exhibitions
Mario Spinetti IT 1848 1925 2 exhibitions
Augusto Calabi IT 1890 1973 2 exhibitions
Nikolay Dubovskoy RU 1859 1918 2 exhibitions
Henry Muhrmann US 1854 1916 3 exhibitions
Willem Bastiaan Tholen NL 1860 1931 3 exhibitions
Arturo Noci IT 1874 1953 3 exhibitions
Richard Baseleer BE 1867 1951 3 exhibitions
Charles J. Palmie DE 1863 1911 3 exhibitions
anonymous 3 exhibitions
Gotthardt Kuehl DE 1850 1915 4 exhibitions
Christian Adam Landenberger DE 1862 1927 4 exhibitions
Toni von Stadler AT 1850 1917 4 exhibitions
Andre Dauchez FR 1870 1948 4 exhibitions
Emanuel Hegenbarth DE 1868 1923 5 exhibitions
Walter Crane GB 1845 1915 3 exhibitions
Robert von Haug DE 1857 1922 3 exhibitions
Georges Leon Ernest Buysse BE 1864 1916 3 exhibitions
Vilmos Perlrott-Csaba HU 1880 1955 2 exhibitions
Franz Roubaud RU 1856 1928 2 exhibitions
Philipp Otto Schäfer DE 1868 2 exhibitions
Leopold Otto Strützel DE 1855 1930 2 exhibitions
Aimé Nicolas Morot FR 1850 1913 2 exhibitions
Willem, the elder Steelink NL 1826 1913 2 exhibitions
Pierre Lagarde FR 1853 1910 2 exhibitions
Louis Emile Adan FR 1839 1937 2 exhibitions
Alfred Paul Marie Panon Desbassayns Richemont FR 1857 1911 2 exhibitions
William Turner Dannat US 1853 1929 2 exhibitions
Marius van der Maarel NL 1857 1921 3 exhibitions
Franz Horadam DE 1846 1925 2 exhibitions
Max Lieber DE 1851 1918 2 exhibitions
Harrington Mann GB 1864 1937 3 exhibitions
Caspar Ritter DE 1861 1923 2 exhibitions
Robert Weise DE 1870 1923 2 exhibitions
Emil Anner CH 1870 1925 2 exhibitions
Otto Valstad NO 1862 1950 2 exhibitions
Hubert von Herkomer GB 1849 1914 2 exhibitions
Miguel Hernández Nájera ES 1864 1936 2 exhibitions
Pio Joris IT 1843 1921 2 exhibitions
Eliseo Meifrén y Roig ES 1859 1940 2 exhibitions
Hugo Mühlig DE 1854 1929 2 exhibitions
Reinhold Norstedt SE 1843 1911 2 exhibitions
Daniele DeStrobel IT 1873 1942 2 exhibitions
Carlos Vázquez Ubeda ES 1869 1944 2 exhibitions
Enrico Vegetti IT 1863 1951 2 exhibitions
Francesco Vitalini IT 1865 1905 2 exhibitions
Albert Welti CH 1862 1912 2 exhibitions
Francesco Lojacono IT 1841 1915 2 exhibitions
José María Rodríguez-Acosta ES 1878 1941 2 exhibitions
Walter MacEwen US 1860 1943 2 exhibitions
Leonard Campbell Taylor GB 1874 1969 2 exhibitions
Maurice Niekerk NL 1871 1940 2 exhibitions
Frederick Vango Burridge GB 1869 1945 2 exhibitions
Rudolf Schiestl DE 1878 1931 2 exhibitions
Gonzalo Bilbao Martínez ES 1860 1938 2 exhibitions
Ramón Casas ES 1866 1932 2 exhibitions
Vladimir Šereševskij L’vovič RU 1863 1943 2 exhibitions
Vindizio Nodari Pesenti IT 1879 1961 2 exhibitions
Heinrich von Zügel DE 1850 1941 5 exhibitions
Léon Frédéric BE 1856 1940 3 exhibitions
Max Kuschel DE Oct 18, 1862 Sep 18, 1935 3 exhibitions
Emanuele Brugnoli IT 1859 1944 2 exhibitions
Salvino Tofanari IT 1881 1969 2 exhibitions
Carl Wiederhold DE 1863 1961 2 exhibitions
Edmund Harburger DE 1846 1906 2 exhibitions
Raffael Schuster-Woldan DE 1870 1951 2 exhibitions
József Koszta HU 1864 1949 2 exhibitions
Robert McGown Coventry GB 1855 1914 2 exhibitions
Peter Paul Müller DE 1853 1930 2 exhibitions
Carl Langhammer DE 1868 1943 2 exhibitions
Paul Chabas FR 1869 1937 2 exhibitions
Tony Robert-Fleury FR 1837 1911 2 exhibitions
Jean Baptiste Edouard Detaille FR 1848 1912 2 exhibitions
Ferdinand-Jules-Albert Gosselin FR 1862 1931 2 exhibitions
Konrad Krzyżanowski PL 1872 1922 2 exhibitions
Luma Csúzy DE 1856 1934 2 exhibitions
Mihály Zichy HU 1827 1906 2 exhibitions
Byam Shaw GB 1872 1919 2 exhibitions
Giacomo Favretto IT 1849 1887 2 exhibitions
Karl Wendel DE 1878 1946 2 exhibitions
Peter Marius Hansen DK 1868 1928 2 exhibitions
Adolf Le Comte NL 1850 1921 2 exhibitions
Charles-Jules Duvent FR 1867 1940 2 exhibitions
Gaston Guignard FR 1848 1922 2 exhibitions
George Henry GB 1858 1943 2 exhibitions
Albert, Jr. Ludovici GB 1852 1932 2 exhibitions
Antonin Mercié FR 1845 1916 2 exhibitions
Jules Merckaert BE 1872 1924 2 exhibitions
Georgette Meunier BE 1859 1951 2 exhibitions
Georg Ludwig Meyn DE 1859 1920 2 exhibitions
Anton Maria Mucchi-Vignoli IT 1871 1945 2 exhibitions
Karl Ziegler DE 1866 1945 2 exhibitions
Carlo Paolo Agazzi IT 1870 1922 2 exhibitions
Giuseppe Adolfo Feragutti Visconti IT 1850 1924 2 exhibitions
Joaquim Mir Trinxet ES 1873 1940 2 exhibitions
Adolfo De Carolis IT 1874 1928 2 exhibitions
Ricard Canals Llambí ES 1876 1931 2 exhibitions
Terrick Williams GB 1860 1936 2 exhibitions
William Samuel Henry Llewellyn GB 1858 1941 2 exhibitions
Luigi Conconi IT 1852 1917 2 exhibitions
Domenico Morelli IT 1823 1901 2 exhibitions
Norberto Pazzini IT 1856 1936 2 exhibitions
Pilade Bertieri IT 1874 1965 2 exhibitions
Duilio Corompai IT 1876 1952 2 exhibitions
James Stevens Hill GB 1854 1921 2 exhibitions
William Russell Flint GB 1880 1969 2 exhibitions
Edward Stott GB 1859 1918 2 exhibitions
Giuseppe Biasi IT 1885 1945 2 exhibitions
Paul Neuenborn DE 1866 1913 3 exhibitions
Nicolaas Bastert NL 1854 1939 3 exhibitions
Johann Hendrik Mastenbroek NL 1875 1945 3 exhibitions
Emile Claus BE 1849 1924 4 exhibitions
Akseli Gallen-Kallela FI 1865 1931 2 exhibitions
Fernand Khnopff BE 1858 1921 3 exhibitions
Ludwig Dettmann DE 1865 1944 3 exhibitions
Salvatore Marchesi IT 1852 1926 2 exhibitions
Niccolo Cannicci IT 1846 1906 2 exhibitions
Sylvius D. Paoletti IT 1864 1921 2 exhibitions
Camillo Bortoluzzi IT 1868 1933 2 exhibitions
Carl Blos DE 1860 1941 2 exhibitions
Alfred Delaunois BE 1876 1941 3 exhibitions
Hermann Stockmann DE 1867 1938 2 exhibitions
Jean-Paul Laurens FR 1838 1921 2 exhibitions
Tibor Boromisza HU 1880 1960 2 exhibitions
Charles Hermans BE 1839 1924 2 exhibitions
Frans Smeers BE 1873 1960 2 exhibitions
Jean Béraud FR 1849 1935 2 exhibitions
Hermann Göhler DE 1874 1959 2 exhibitions
Adolf Maennchen DE 1860 1920 2 exhibitions
Fritz Thaulow NO 1847 1906 3 exhibitions
Frederik Jacobus van Rossum du Chattel NL 1856 1917 2 exhibitions
Willem Elisa Roelofs NL 1874 1940 3 exhibitions
Herman Johannes van der Weele NL 1852 1930 2 exhibitions
Jean Henri Zuber FR 1844 1909 2 exhibitions
Walter Gay US 1856 1937 2 exhibitions
Christoffel Bisschop NL 1828 1904 2 exhibitions
Max Hünten DE 1869 1936 2 exhibitions
Jean Francis Auburtin FR 1866 1930 2 exhibitions
Hans Best DE 1874 1942 2 exhibitions
Arthur Feudel US 1857 1929 2 exhibitions
Enrique Martínez Cubells y Ruiz ES 1874 1947 2 exhibitions
James Jebusa Shannon US 1862 1923 2 exhibitions
Enrico Coleman GB 1846 1911 2 exhibitions
Vittorio Cavalleri IT 1860 1938 2 exhibitions
Felice Castegnaro IT 1872 1958 2 exhibitions
Pietro Lucano IT 1878 1972 2 exhibitions
Samuel Melton Fisher GB 1856 1939 2 exhibitions
Georges Houston GB 1869 1947 2 exhibitions
Giuseppe Vizzotto Alberti IT 1862 1931 2 exhibitions
Charles H. Mackie GB 1862 1920 2 exhibitions
Luigi Chialiva CH 1842 1914 2 exhibitions
Paul Eduard Crodel DE 1862 1928 4 exhibitions
Julien-Gustave Gagliardini FR 1846 1927 2 exhibitions
Giulio Genovese IT 1928 2 exhibitions
Giovanni Fattori IT 1825 1908 2 exhibitions
Angelo Torchi IT 1856 1915 2 exhibitions
Cesare Laurenti IT 1854 1936 2 exhibitions
Fülöp Szenes HU 1863 1944 2 exhibitions
Edmond Verstraeten BE 1870 1957 2 exhibitions
Abraham Hermanjat CH 1862 1932 2 exhibitions
Walter Thor DE 1870 1929 2 exhibitions
Maurice Blieck BE 1876 1922 2 exhibitions
Camille Nicolas Lambert BE 1874 1964 2 exhibitions
August Brömse CZ 1873 1925 2 exhibitions
Federico Zandomeneghi IT 1841 1917 2 exhibitions
René Billotte FR 1846 1915 2 exhibitions
Peder Severin Krøyer DK 1851 1909 2 exhibitions
Charles C. J. Hoffbauer FR 1875 1957 2 exhibitions
Emile Friant FR 1863 1932 2 exhibitions
Jeno Jendrassik HU 1860 1919 2 exhibitions
Géza Vastagh HU 1866 1919 2 exhibitions
Sándor Endrey HU 1867 1940 2 exhibitions
Zsigmond Vajda HU 1860 1931 2 exhibitions
Ede Balló HU 1859 1936 2 exhibitions
William Strang GB 1859 1921 2 exhibitions
Antal Szirmai HU 1860 1927 2 exhibitions
Maurice Greiffenhagen GB 1862 1931 2 exhibitions
Paolo Sala IT 1859 1924 2 exhibitions
Ermenegildo Agazzi IT 1866 1945 2 exhibitions
Frank Weston Benson US 1862 1951 2 exhibitions
Berend Adrianus Bongers NL 1866 1949 2 exhibitions
Charles-Henri-Gaston Dagnac-Riviere FR 1864 1945 2 exhibitions
Angelo dall' Oca Bianca IT 1858 1942 2 exhibitions
Otto Eerelman NL 1839 1926 2 exhibitions
Max Fabian DE 1873 1926 2 exhibitions
Alessandro Gallotti IT 1879 1961 2 exhibitions
Lazzaro Pasini IT 1861 1949 2 exhibitions
Evert Pieters NL 1856 1932 2 exhibitions
Alexander Roche GB 1861 1921 2 exhibitions
Heinrich Tomec AT 1863 1928 2 exhibitions
E. A. Walton GB 1860 1922 2 exhibitions
Gustav Schraegle DE 1867 1925 2 exhibitions
Frederic Cayley Robinson GB 1862 1927 2 exhibitions
Theodoor van Hoijtema NL 1863 1917 2 exhibitions
Ettore de Maria-Bergler IT 1851 1938 2 exhibitions
Ambrogio Antonio Alciati IT 1878 1929 2 exhibitions
Giulio Ettore Erler IT 1876 1964 2 exhibitions
Adolfo Mattielli IT 1883 1966 2 exhibitions
Ramón de Zubiaurre ES 1882 1969 2 exhibitions
Romeo Costetti IT 1871 1957 2 exhibitions
Stefano Bersani IT 1872 1914 2 exhibitions
Mario De Maria IT 1852 1924 2 exhibitions
Willem (Jbzn) Maris NL 1872 1929 2 exhibitions
Alberto Falchetti IT 1878 1951 2 exhibitions
Dirk de Vries Lam NL 1869 1937 2 exhibitions
Vittorio Agostino Castagneto IT 1875 1958 2 exhibitions
Henry Scott Tuke GB 1858 1929 2 exhibitions
Carlos Grethe DE 1864 1913 3 exhibitions
Albert-Charles Lebourg FR 1849 1928 3 exhibitions
Hendrik Willem Mesdag NL 1831 1915 3 exhibitions
Fritz von Uhde DE 1848 1911 5 exhibitions
Béla Czóbel HU 1883 1975 2 exhibitions
Antonio de la Gandara FR 1861 1917 2 exhibitions
Carl Schmoll von Eisenwerth DE 1879 1947 3 exhibitions
Vincenzo Caprile IT 1856 1936 2 exhibitions
Eugen von Blaas IT 1843 1931 2 exhibitions
Rodolphe de Saegher BE 1871 1941 2 exhibitions
Vilhelm Emanuel Behm NO 1859 1934 2 exhibitions
Adriano Baracchini-Caputi IT 1883 1968 2 exhibitions
Giovanni Boldini IT 1842 1931 2 exhibitions
Alf Bachmann DE 1863 1956 2 exhibitions
Fritz Reusing DE 1874 1957 2 exhibitions
Rupert Bunny AU 1864 1947 2 exhibitions
Zsigmond Nagy HU 1872 1932 2 exhibitions
Béla Spanyi HU 1852 1914 2 exhibitions
Ritta Boemm HU 1868 1948 2 exhibitions
Jacobus Simon Hendrik Kever NL 1854 1922 2 exhibitions
Joseph Pennell US 1857 1926 2 exhibitions
Cesare Bertolotti IT 1854 1932 2 exhibitions
Armand Berton FR 1854 1917 2 exhibitions
Antonie Louis Koster NL 1859 1937 2 exhibitions
Alexandre Lunois FR 1863 1916 2 exhibitions
Giuseppe Giusti IT 1872 2 exhibitions
Umberto Moggioli IT 1886 1919 2 exhibitions
Carlo Siviero IT 1882 1953 2 exhibitions
Arturo Tosi IT 1871 1956 2 exhibitions
Agostino Bosia IT 1886 1962 2 exhibitions
Alfredo Protti IT 1882 1949 2 exhibitions
Georg Sauter DE 1866 1937 3 exhibitions
Adolf Oberländer DE 1845 1923 3 exhibitions
Olga Boznańska PL 1865 1940 3 exhibitions
Felice Casorati IT 1883 1963 2 exhibitions
Lajos Tihanyi HU 1885 1938 2 exhibitions
Pietro Bianco Bortoluzzi IT 1875 1937 2 exhibitions
Nikolay Feshin RU 1881 1955 2 exhibitions
Jules Adler FR 1865 1952 2 exhibitions
Théophile Alexandre Steinlen FR 1859 1923 2 exhibitions
Gottfrid Samuel Nickolaus Kallsteniüs SE 1861 1943 2 exhibitions
Heinrich Vogeler DE 1872 1942 2 exhibitions
Max Schlichting DE 1866 1937 2 exhibitions
Eduard Ameseder AT 1856 1938 2 exhibitions
August von Brandis DE 1862 1947 2 exhibitions
Louis Willem van Soest NL 1867 1948 2 exhibitions
Ernest Quost FR 1842 1931 2 exhibitions
Harry van der Weyden US 1868 1952 2 exhibitions
Wilhelm Victor Krausz HU 1878 1959 2 exhibitions
Viktor Olgyai HU 1870 1929 2 exhibitions
Maurice Eliot FR 1862 1945 2 exhibitions
Richard Bisschop NL 1849 1926 2 exhibitions
Filippo Carcano IT 1840 1914 2 exhibitions
Samuel John Peploe GB 1871 1935 2 exhibitions
Glauco Cambon IT 1875 1930 2 exhibitions
Joseph Simpson GB 1879 1939 2 exhibitions
Samuel John Lamorna Birch GB 1869 1955 2 exhibitions
Albert von Keller DE 1844 1920 3 exhibitions
Isaac Israëls NL 1865 1934 2 exhibitions
Dezső Orbán HU 1884 Oct 8, 1986 2 exhibitions
James McNeill Whistler US 1834 1903 2 exhibitions
Hans von Hayek AT 1869 1940 5 exhibitions
Philipp Klein DE 1871 1907 3 exhibitions
Hermann Eichfeld DE 1845 1917 2 exhibitions
Giuseppe Graziosi IT 1879 1942 2 exhibitions
Richard Emile Miller US 1875 1943 2 exhibitions
Alexandre Marcette BE 1853 1929 2 exhibitions
Franz van Holder BE 1882 1919 2 exhibitions
Hans Adolph Bühler DE 1877 1951 2 exhibitions
Valentín de Zubiaurre ES 1879 1963 2 exhibitions
Alice Ronner BE 1857 1957 2 exhibitions
Theodor Axentowicz PL 1859 1938 2 exhibitions
Maurice Bompard FR 1857 1936 2 exhibitions
Maurice Góth HU 1873 1939 2 exhibitions
Arthur Henri Christiaan Briët NL 1867 1939 2 exhibitions
Henry d' Estienne FR 1872 1949 2 exhibitions
Hendrik Johannes Haverman NL 1857 1928 2 exhibitions
Angelo Morbelli IT 1853 1919 2 exhibitions
Albert Roelofs NL 1877 1920 2 exhibitions
André Sureda FR 1872 1930 2 exhibitions
Louis Abel-Truchet FR 1857 1918 2 exhibitions
Mario Reviglione IT 1883 1965 2 exhibitions
Harold Speed GB 1872 1957 2 exhibitions
Wilhelm Hambüchen DE 1869 1939 2 exhibitions
Constantin Meunier BE 1831 1905 2 exhibitions
Fritz Overbeck DE 1869 1909 2 exhibitions
Richard Pietzsch DE 1872 1960 4 exhibitions
Heinrich Reifferscheid DE 1872 1945 2 exhibitions
Fritz Burger DE 1867 1927 2 exhibitions
James Paterson GB 1854 1932 2 exhibitions
Albin Egger-Lienz AT 1868 1926 2 exhibitions
James Pryde GB 1866 1941 2 exhibitions
Julian Alden Weir US 1852 1919 2 exhibitions
Wojciech Weiss PL 1875 1950 2 exhibitions
Hermen Anglada-Camarasa ES 1871 1959 2 exhibitions
Emile Vloors BE 1871 1952 2 exhibitions
Albert Baertson BE 1866 1922 2 exhibitions
Francisco de Goya ES 1746 1828 2 exhibitions
József Egry HU 1883 1951 2 exhibitions
Laura Knight GB 1877 1970 2 exhibitions
Wilhelm Ludwig Lehmann CH 1861 1932 3 exhibitions
Lucien Simon FR 1861 1945 3 exhibitions
Ferdinand Andri AT 1871 1956 2 exhibitions
Leo Samberger DE 1861 1949 3 exhibitions
Julius Paul Junghanns DE 1876 1958 3 exhibitions
W. Franz Jäger CZ 1861 1928 2 exhibitions
Béla Dery HU 1870 1932 2 exhibitions
Carl Larsson SE 1853 1919 2 exhibitions
Otto Ackermann DE 1872 1953 2 exhibitions
Fritz Westendorp DE 1867 1926 2 exhibitions
Wladyslaw Jarocki PL 1879 1965 2 exhibitions
Robert Weir Allan GB 1852 1942 2 exhibitions
Johannes Hendricus Jurres NL 1875 1946 2 exhibitions
Willem de Zwart NL 1862 1931 2 exhibitions
Jan Hoynk van Papendrecht NL 1858 1933 2 exhibitions
Martinus Schildt NL 1867 1921 2 exhibitions
Mary Elizabeth Atkins GB 2 exhibitions
Charles Tooby GB 1863 Oct 13, 1913 3 exhibitions
Giovanni Giacometti CH 1868 1933 2 exhibitions
Franz von Stuck DE 1863 1928 4 exhibitions
Fritz Erler DE 1868 1940 2 exhibitions
Adolf Luntz AT 1875 1924 2 exhibitions
Józef Mehoffer PL 1869 1946 2 exhibitions
Eduard von Gebhardt DE 1838 1925 2 exhibitions
Carl Vinnen DE 1863 1922 2 exhibitions
Hubert von Heyden DE 1860 1911 2 exhibitions
Otto Heinrich Engel DE 1866 1949 2 exhibitions
Franz Xaver Hoch DE May 15, 1869 Jun 17, 1916 2 exhibitions
Childe Hassam US 1859 1935 2 exhibitions
Raoul Du Gardier FR 1871 1952 2 exhibitions
Victor Olivier Gilsoul BE 1867 1939 2 exhibitions
Bernard Boutet de Monvel FR 1881 1949 2 exhibitions
Moffat Peter Lindner GB 1852 1949 2 exhibitions
Charles Sims GB 1873 1928 2 exhibitions
Modeste Huys BE 1874 1932 2 exhibitions
James Ensor BE 1860 1949 2 exhibitions
Angelo Jank DE 1868 1940 2 exhibitions
Ludwig von Herterich DE 1856 1932 2 exhibitions
Henri Morisset FR 1870 1956 2 exhibitions
Johan Akkeringa NL 1861 1942 2 exhibitions
Floris Arntzenius NL 1864 1925 2 exhibitions
William Julien Émile Édouard Laparra FR 1873 1920 2 exhibitions
Armand Rassenfosse BE 1862 1934 2 exhibitions
Gaston Prunier FR 1863 1927 2 exhibitions
Ulisse Caputo IT 1872 1948 2 exhibitions
Auguste Oleffe BE 1867 1931 2 exhibitions
Julius Diez DE 1870 1954 2 exhibitions
Alfred Roll FR 1846 1919 2 exhibitions
Jacobs Smits BE 1856 1928 2 exhibitions
Arnold Marc Gorter NL 1866 1933 2 exhibitions
Marius Alexander Jacques Bauer NL 1867 1932 2 exhibitions
James Wilson Morrice CA 1865 1924 2 exhibitions
Hobbe Smith NL 1862 1942 2 exhibitions
Benno Becker DE 1860 1938 3 exhibitions
Eugène Carrière FR 1849 1906 3 exhibitions
Hugo von Habermann DE 1849 1929 4 exhibitions
Josef Engelhart AT 1864 1941 2 exhibitions
Hermann Groeber DE 1865 1935 3 exhibitions
René François Xavier Prinet FR 1861 1946 2 exhibitions
Auguste Lepère FR 1849 1918 2 exhibitions
Jan Hillebrand Wijsmuller NL 1855 1925 2 exhibitions
Willem Christiaan Constant Bleckmann NL 1853 1942 2 exhibitions
George Morren BE 1868 1941 2 exhibitions
Kazimierz Sichulski PL 1879 1942 2 exhibitions
Vlastimil Hofmann CZ 1881 1970 2 exhibitions
William Frederick Mayor GB 1865 1916 2 exhibitions
Theodor Joseph Hagen DE 1842 1919 2 exhibitions
Karl Haider DE 1846 1912 2 exhibitions
Hans Beatus Wieland CH 1867 1945 2 exhibitions
Rudolf Hellwag AT 1867 1942 2 exhibitions
Ignacio Zuloaga ES 1870 1945 2 exhibitions
Ferdinand Hart Nibbrig NL 1866 1915 2 exhibitions
Nicolaes van der Waay NL 1855 1936 2 exhibitions
Joža Úprka CZ 1861 1940 2 exhibitions
Hendrik Maarten Krabbé NL 1868 1931 2 exhibitions
Cuno Amiet CH 1868 1961 2 exhibitions
Stephan Filipkiewicz PL 1879 1944 2 exhibitions
Alois Hänisch AT 1866 1937 2 exhibitions
Muirhead Bone GB 1876 1953 2 exhibitions
Max Buri CH 1868 1915 2 exhibitions
Adolfo Levier IT 1873 1953 2 exhibitions
Eugen Feiks HU 1878 1939 2 exhibitions
Mary Cassatt US 1844 1926 2 exhibitions
Jozef Israëls NL 1824 1911 2 exhibitions
William Rothenstein GB 1872 1945 2 exhibitions
Gerard Chowne GB 1875 1917 2 exhibitions
Alfred Sisley FR 1839 1899 4 exhibitions
Théo van Rysselberghe BE 1862 1926 3 exhibitions
Leopold Kalckreuth DE 1855 1928 3 exhibitions
Maurice Denis FR 1870 1943 4 exhibitions
Charles Vetter DE May 1, 1858 1941 2 exhibitions
Albert Weisgerber DE 1878 1915 2 exhibitions
Josef, II Kühn DE 1872 Jul 27, 1933 2 exhibitions
Carl Reiser DE 1877 1950 2 exhibitions
Richard Müller DE 1874 1954 2 exhibitions
Jan Toorop NL 1858 1928 2 exhibitions
Max Slevogt DE 1868 1932 3 exhibitions
Adolf Hengeler DE 1863 1927 2 exhibitions
Walter Bayes GB 1869 1956 2 exhibitions
Félix Vallotton CH 1865 1925 3 exhibitions
Ludwig Dill DE 1848 1940 2 exhibitions
Richard Winternitz DE 1861 1929 2 exhibitions
Camille Pissarro FR 1831 1903 4 exhibitions
Ferdinand Dorsch DE 1875 1938 2 exhibitions
Claude Monet FR 1840 1926 4 exhibitions
Theodor Hummel DE 1864 1939 2 exhibitions
Gustave Courbet FR 1819 1877 3 exhibitions
Hans Thoma DE 1839 1924 2 exhibitions
Charles-François-Prosper Guérin FR 1875 1939 2 exhibitions
Ernst Oppler DE 1867 1929 2 exhibitions
Walter Leistikow DE 1865 1908 2 exhibitions
Eugen Spiro DE 1874 1972 2 exhibitions
Pierre-Auguste Renoir FR 1841 1919 4 exhibitions
Max Liebermann DE 1847 1935 3 exhibitions
Edouard Vuillard FR 1868 1940 3 exhibitions
Emil Orlik CZ 1870 1932 2 exhibitions
Edgar Degas FR 1834 1917 2 exhibitions
Ker-Xavier Roussel FR 1867 1944 2 exhibitions
Wilhelm Trübner DE 1851 1917 2 exhibitions
Edouard Manet FR 1832 1883 2 exhibitions
Ulrich Hübner DE 1872 1932 2 exhibitions
Edvard Munch NO 1863 1944 2 exhibitions
Pierre Bonnard FR 1867 1947 2 exhibitions
Vincent van Gogh NL 1853 1890 2 exhibitions

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Recommended Citation: "Béla Iványi-Grünwald." In Database of Modern Exhibitions (DoME). European Paintings and Drawings 1905-1915. Last modified Jun 22, 2020.