
William Müller

Swiss painter

Name Variants:
Muller, William (Wilhelm)
1881, Bern
Places of Activity:
Exhibitions: 2
Exhibiting Countries: 2
Exhibiting Cities: 2
Catalogue Entries: 4
Types of Work: painting and drawing: 4
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Name Nationality Date of Birth Date of Death # of Co-Appearances
Ernest Bolens CH 1881 1959 2 exhibitions
Fritz Boscovits CH Nov 13, 1871 Jun 23, 1965 2 exhibitions
Albert Schmidt CH Sep 1, 1883 Dec 15, 1970 2 exhibitions
Emil Prochaska CH 1874 1948 2 exhibitions
Eduard Stiefel CH Apr 5, 1875 Dec 30, 1967 2 exhibitions
Alexandre Perrier CH 1862 1936 2 exhibitions
Sigismund Righini CH 1870 1937 2 exhibitions
Edouard Vallet CH 1876 1929 2 exhibitions
Giovanni Giacometti CH 1868 1933 2 exhibitions
Cuno Amiet CH 1868 1961 2 exhibitions
Max Buri CH 1868 1915 2 exhibitions
Ferdinand Hodler CH 1853 1918 2 exhibitions

Additional Information

+Exhibitions by Year(Bar Chart)

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+Catalogue Entries by Type of Work(Pie Chart)

+Catalogue Entries by Year(Bar Chart)

Recommended Citation: "William Müller." In Database of Modern Exhibitions (DoME). European Paintings and Drawings 1905-1915. Last modified Dec 20, 2019.