
Heinrich Beecke

German painter, 1877-1954

Name Variants:
Beecke, Henri; Beeke, Heinrick
Apr 4, 1877, Strasburg
Places of Activity:
Exhibitions: 6
Exhibiting Countries: 3
Exhibiting Cities: 5
Catalogue Entries: 14
Types of Work: painting and drawing: 14
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Name Nationality Date of Birth Date of Death # of Co-Appearances
William Straube DE 1871 1954 4 exhibitions
Edouard Vallet CH 1876 1929 4 exhibitions
Heinrich Otto DE 1858 1923 3 exhibitions
Wilhelm Hambüchen DE 1869 1939 4 exhibitions
Friedrich Fehr DE 1862 1927 4 exhibitions
Heinrich Uhl DE 1882 1915 2 exhibitions
Alexander Max Koester DE 1864 1932 3 exhibitions
Mathilde Luise Battenberg DE 1878 1936 2 exhibitions
Lothar von Seebach DE 1853 1930 2 exhibitions
Marie Henriette Paquet-Steinhausen DE 1881 1958 2 exhibitions
Myron G. Barlow US 1873 1937 2 exhibitions
Channel Pickering Townsley US 1867 1921 2 exhibitions
Jesse Whitsit US 1874 2 exhibitions
Robert Hoffmann DE 1868 1935 3 exhibitions
Ernst Isselmann DE Apr 29, 1885 Mar 17, 1916 3 exhibitions
Gustav Kampmann DE 1859 1917 3 exhibitions
Heinz Baden DE 1887 1954 2 exhibitions
August Gebhard DE 1880 1945 2 exhibitions
Oskar H. Hagemann DE 1888 Aug 18, 1984 2 exhibitions
Friedrich von Keller DE 1840 1914 2 exhibitions
Otto Mewes 2 exhibitions
Paul Oberhoff DE Sep 16, 1884 Apr 23, 1960 2 exhibitions
Rudolph Scheffler DE 1884 1973 2 exhibitions
Hans Sutter DE 1887 1916 2 exhibitions
Wilhelm Kalb DE 1870 1938 2 exhibitions
Eduard Stiefel CH Apr 5, 1875 Dec 30, 1967 2 exhibitions
Hans Sturzenegger CH 1875 1943 2 exhibitions
Lucien Blumer FR 1871 1947 2 exhibitions
Andreas Egersdörfer DE 1866 1946 2 exhibitions
Heinrich Zernin DE 1868 1951 2 exhibitions
Marius Joseph Avy FR 1871 1939 2 exhibitions
Kenyon Cox US 1856 1919 2 exhibitions
Georg Daubner DE 1865 1926 2 exhibitions
John Fabian Carlson SE 1874 1945 2 exhibitions
Ben Ali Haggin US 1882 1951 2 exhibitions
James Roy Hopkins US 1877 1969 2 exhibitions
William Ritschel US 1864 1949 2 exhibitions
Albert Rosenthal US 1863 1939 2 exhibitions
Mary Bradish Titcomb US 1856 1927 2 exhibitions
George Matthew Bruestle US 1872 1939 2 exhibitions
Frank Craig GB 1874 1918 2 exhibitions
David Davies AU 1864 1939 2 exhibitions
Alice Kent Stoddard US 1884 1976 2 exhibitions
Cullen Bryan Yates US 1866 1945 2 exhibitions
Rudolf Hellwag AT 1867 1942 5 exhibitions
Johann Vincenz Cissarz DE 1873 1942 3 exhibitions
August Deusser DE 1870 1942 3 exhibitions
Johann Georg Dreydorff DE 1873 1935 4 exhibitions
Rudolf Gudden DE 1863 1935 3 exhibitions
Ewald Manz DE Jul 27, 1886 Oct 16, 1960 2 exhibitions
Alexander Leo Soldenhoff CH 1882 1951 2 exhibitions
Armand Apol BE 1879 1950 2 exhibitions
David Zacharias DE 1871 1915 2 exhibitions
Gaines Ruger Donoho US 1857 1916 2 exhibitions
Sigismund Righini CH 1870 1937 2 exhibitions
Georg Altheim DE 1865 1928 2 exhibitions
Hans Schroedter DE 1872 1957 2 exhibitions
Alfred Hartley GB Jul 15, 1855 Oct 27, 1933 2 exhibitions
William Anderson Coffin US 1855 1925 2 exhibitions
Alfred Nathaniel Oppenheim DE 1873 1953 2 exhibitions
Wilhelm August Theodor Steinhausen DE 1846 1924 2 exhibitions
Ernst Würtenberger DE 1868 1934 2 exhibitions
Ludwig Keller DE 1865 1925 2 exhibitions
Louis Betts US 1873 1961 2 exhibitions
Ernest Leonard Blumenschein US 1874 1960 2 exhibitions
Howard Russell Butler US 1856 1934 2 exhibitions
Chauncey Foster Ryder US 1868 1949 2 exhibitions
Alice Schille US 1869 1955 2 exhibitions
Leopold Gould Seyffert US 1887 1956 2 exhibitions
Douglas Volk US 1856 1935 2 exhibitions
Arthur Wardle GB 1864 1949 2 exhibitions
William Wendt US 1865 1946 2 exhibitions
George Hirst Bogert US 1864 1944 2 exhibitions
Henry Hobart Nichols US 1869 1962 2 exhibitions
Henry Rankin Poore US 1859 1940 2 exhibitions
Walter Ophey DE 1882 1930 3 exhibitions
Max Clarenbach DE 1880 1952 5 exhibitions
Theodor Schindler DE Apr 1, 1870 Jun 26, 1950 2 exhibitions
Ferdinand Brütt DE 1849 1936 2 exhibitions
Karl Küstner DE 1861 1934 2 exhibitions
Carl Hermann Lasch DE 1861 1926 2 exhibitions
Otto Ubbelohde DE 1867 1922 2 exhibitions
Gennaro Befani IT 1866 1937 2 exhibitions
Ernst Carl Friedrich te Peerdt DE 1852 1932 2 exhibitions
Isaac Henry Caliga US 1857 1954 2 exhibitions
Walter Granville-Smith US 1870 1938 2 exhibitions
John Christen Johansen US 1876 1964 2 exhibitions
William Langson Lathrop US 1859 1938 2 exhibitions
Jean MacLane US 1878 1964 2 exhibitions
F. Luis Mora US 1874 1940 2 exhibitions
Robert William Vonnoh US 1858 1933 2 exhibitions
Harry Mills Walcott US 1870 1944 2 exhibitions
Frank Bramley GB 1857 1915 2 exhibitions
Arnold Priestman GB 1854 1925 2 exhibitions
Daniel Garber US 1880 1958 2 exhibitions
Julia Beatrice How GB 1867 1932 2 exhibitions
Benjamin Eastlake Leader GB 1877 1916 2 exhibitions
John Francis Murphy US 1853 1921 2 exhibitions
William S. Robinson US 1861 1945 2 exhibitions
Robert Spencer US 1879 1931 2 exhibitions
Frederick Judd Waugh US 1861 1940 2 exhibitions
Hans Brühlmann CH 1878 1911 3 exhibitions
Heinrich Altherr CH 1878 1947 2 exhibitions
Arthur Grimm DE 1883 1948 2 exhibitions
Albert Haueisen DE 1872 1954 2 exhibitions
Hans Peter, the younger Feddersen DE 1848 1941 2 exhibitions
Van Dearing Perrine US 1869 1955 2 exhibitions
Fred Wagner US 1864 1940 2 exhibitions
Wilhelm Thielmann DE 1868 1924 2 exhibitions
Adolf Beyer DE 1869 1953 2 exhibitions
Robert Reid US 1862 1929 2 exhibitions
E. A. Walton GB 1860 1922 2 exhibitions
Elliott Daingerfield US 1859 1932 2 exhibitions
Paul Dougherty US 1877 1947 2 exhibitions
William Sergeant Kendall US 1869 1938 2 exhibitions
Henry Scott Tuke GB 1858 1929 2 exhibitions
Bruce Crane US 1857 1937 2 exhibitions
Charles Rosen US 1878 1950 2 exhibitions
Gardner George Symons US 1863 1930 2 exhibitions
George William Sotter US 1879 1953 2 exhibitions
Wilhelm Schmurr DE 1878 1959 3 exhibitions
Otto Sohn-Rethel DE 1877 1949 2 exhibitions
Walter Waentig DE 1881 1962 2 exhibitions
Robert Boninger DE 1869 Oct 31, 1935 2 exhibitions
Emil Von Gerliczy DE 1871 1924 2 exhibitions
Heinrich Heuser DE 1887 1967 2 exhibitions
Georg Lebrecht DE 1875 1945 2 exhibitions
Jonas Lie NO 1880 1940 2 exhibitions
Emil Österman SE 1870 1927 2 exhibitions
Gifford Reynolds Beal US 1879 1956 2 exhibitions
Edward Francis Rook US 1870 1960 2 exhibitions
Charles Harold Davis US 1856 1933 2 exhibitions
Raymond Charmaison FR 1876 1955 2 exhibitions
Charles Morris Young US 1869 1964 2 exhibitions
Albert Neuhuys NL 1844 1914 2 exhibitions
Anselm Friedrich Feuerbach DE 1829 1880 2 exhibitions
Franz Gräßel DE 1861 1948 2 exhibitions
Ferdinand Willaert BE 1861 1938 2 exhibitions
Hayley Lever US 1876 1958 2 exhibitions
Stanhope Alexander Forbes GB 1857 1947 2 exhibitions
George Faulkner Wetherbee US Dec 1851 Jul 23, 1920 2 exhibitions
John White Alexander US 1856 1915 2 exhibitions
William Dacres Adams GB 1864 1951 2 exhibitions
Cecilia Beaux US 1855 1942 2 exhibitions
Lillian Genth US 1876 1953 2 exhibitions
Birge Harrison US 1854 1929 2 exhibitions
Charles Hawthorne US 1872 1930 2 exhibitions
Leonard Ochtman US 1854 1934 2 exhibitions
Walter Elmer Schofield US 1867 1944 2 exhibitions
Irving Ramsay Wiles US 1861 1948 2 exhibitions
Charles Herbert Woodbury US 1864 1940 2 exhibitions
Max Stern DE 1872 1943 2 exhibitions
George Wesley Bellows US 1882 1925 2 exhibitions
Alexander Gerbig DE 1878 1948 2 exhibitions
Alfred-Hermann Helberger DE 1871 Jan 31, 1946 2 exhibitions
Alfred Schmidt DE 1867 1956 2 exhibitions
Jakob Nussbaum DE 1873 1936 3 exhibitions
Nikolay Feshin RU 1881 1955 2 exhibitions
Ernst Hardt DE 1869 1917 2 exhibitions
Harry van der Weyden US 1868 1952 2 exhibitions
Halfdan Frithjof Strom NO 1863 1949 2 exhibitions
Glyn Warren Philpot GB 1884 1937 2 exhibitions
William Merritt Chase US 1849 1916 2 exhibitions
Hilda Fearon GB 1878 1917 2 exhibitions
Ben Foster US 1852 1926 2 exhibitions
Edward Willis Redfield US 1869 1965 2 exhibitions
Rudolf Bacher AT 1862 1945 2 exhibitions
Alice Trübner DE 1875 1916 4 exhibitions
Arnold Böcklin CH 1827 1901 2 exhibitions
Ernest Lawson US 1873 1939 2 exhibitions
Walter Conz DE 1872 1947 2 exhibitions
Thomas Alexander Harrison US 1853 1930 2 exhibitions
Georg Brandes DE 1878 1961 2 exhibitions
Max Neumann DE 1885 1973 2 exhibitions
Ernst Matthes DE 1878 1918 2 exhibitions
Oskar Obier DE Aug 23, 1876 Aug 8, 1952 2 exhibitions
John Muirhead GB 1863 1927 2 exhibitions
Emmanuel Vierin BE 1869 1954 2 exhibitions
Gari Melchers US 1860 1932 2 exhibitions
Julius Olsson GB 1864 1942 2 exhibitions
Harold Speed GB 1872 1957 2 exhibitions
Helmuth Liesegang DE 1858 1945 2 exhibitions
Hans von Heider DE 1867 1952 2 exhibitions
Hans Olde DE 1855 1917 2 exhibitions
Gustav Schönleber DE 1851 1917 2 exhibitions
Julian Alden Weir US 1852 1919 2 exhibitions
Henri Aimé Duhem FR 1860 1941 2 exhibitions
Laura Knight GB 1877 1970 2 exhibitions
Robert Henri US 1865 1929 2 exhibitions
Gregor von, the elder Bochmann DE 1850 1930 2 exhibitions
Eugen Hamm DE 1885 1930 2 exhibitions
Otto Ackermann DE 1872 1953 2 exhibitions
Fritz Westendorp DE 1867 1926 2 exhibitions
Robert Weir Allan GB 1852 1942 2 exhibitions
James Whitelaw Hamilton GB 1860 1932 2 exhibitions
Max Buri CH 1868 1915 3 exhibitions
Giovanni Giacometti CH 1868 1933 2 exhibitions
Hans Richard von Volkmann DE 1860 1927 3 exhibitions
Henry Muhrmann US 1854 1916 2 exhibitions
Erich Büttner DE 1889 1936 2 exhibitions
Carl Schuch AT 1846 1903 2 exhibitions
Louise Galtier-Boissière FR 1866 1957 2 exhibitions
Childe Hassam US 1859 1935 2 exhibitions
Bernard Boutet de Monvel FR 1881 1949 2 exhibitions
Heinrich Hermanns DE 1862 1942 2 exhibitions
Frederick Carl Frieseke US 1874 1939 2 exhibitions
Moffat Peter Lindner GB 1852 1949 2 exhibitions
Charles Sims GB 1873 1928 2 exhibitions
Modeste Huys BE 1874 1932 2 exhibitions
Algernon Talmage GB 1871 1939 2 exhibitions
Otto, the younger Reiniger DE 1863 1909 2 exhibitions
Hans Thoma DE 1839 1924 4 exhibitions
Wilhelm Schocken DE 1874 1958 2 exhibitions
William Julien Émile Édouard Laparra FR 1873 1920 2 exhibitions
Ulisse Caputo IT 1872 1948 2 exhibitions
Harrington Mann GB 1864 1937 2 exhibitions
Louis Augustus Sargent GB 1881 1965 2 exhibitions
Constance Halford GB 1865 2 exhibitions
John Lavery IE 1856 1941 3 exhibitions
Kurt Tuch DE May 27, 1877 Nov 23, 1963 2 exhibitions
Karl Schwalbach DE 1885 1983 2 exhibitions
Arthur Kampf DE 1864 1950 2 exhibitions
George Washington Lambert AU 1873 1930 2 exhibitions
Ludwig Dill DE 1848 1940 3 exhibitions
Bernhard Pankok DE 1872 1943 2 exhibitions
Arthur Segal RO 1875 1944 2 exhibitions
Ernst Gabler DE 1872 1937 2 exhibitions
Edwin Scharff DE 1887 1955 2 exhibitions
Herbert Edwin Pelham Hughes-Stanton GB 1870 1937 2 exhibitions
Franz Heckendorf DE 1888 1962 2 exhibitions
Hans Meid DE 1883 1957 2 exhibitions
Arthur Streeton AU 1867 1943 2 exhibitions
Charlotte Corinth DE 1880 1967 2 exhibitions
Karl Caspar DE 1879 1956 2 exhibitions
Richard Dreher DE 1875 1932 2 exhibitions
Henri Jean Guillaume Martin FR 1860 1943 2 exhibitions
Thomas Austen Brown GB 1859 1924 2 exhibitions
Carlos Grethe DE 1864 1913 2 exhibitions
Benno Becker DE 1860 1938 3 exhibitions
Cuno Amiet CH 1868 1961 2 exhibitions
Alfred East GB 1849 1913 2 exhibitions
Henri Le Sidaner FR 1862 1939 2 exhibitions
Antonio Mancini IT 1852 1930 2 exhibitions
Emanuel Hegenbarth DE 1868 1923 3 exhibitions
Wilhelm Leibl DE 1844 1900 2 exhibitions
Walter Bondy CZ Dec 28, 1880 Sep 17, 1940 2 exhibitions
Georg Sauter DE 1866 1937 2 exhibitions
Maria Caspar-Filser DE 1878 1968 2 exhibitions
Eugen Feiks HU 1878 1939 2 exhibitions
Olga Boznańska PL 1865 1940 2 exhibitions
Mary Cassatt US 1844 1926 2 exhibitions
Ferdinand Hodler CH 1853 1918 4 exhibitions
Wilhelm Trübner DE 1851 1917 4 exhibitions
Emil Rudolf Weiss DE 1875 1942 3 exhibitions
Adolf Erbslöh DE 1881 1947 2 exhibitions
Adolf Hölzel DE 1853 1934 2 exhibitions
Bertram Priestman GB 1868 1951 2 exhibitions
Gaston de Latouche FR 1854 1913 2 exhibitions
Benno Berneis DE 1883 1916 2 exhibitions
Karl Hofer DE 1878 1955 2 exhibitions
Christian Adam Landenberger DE 1862 1927 2 exhibitions
Toni von Stadler AT 1850 1917 2 exhibitions
Albert Weisgerber DE 1878 1915 2 exhibitions
John Singer Sargent US 1856 1925 2 exhibitions
Andre Dauchez FR 1870 1948 2 exhibitions
Otto Modersohn DE 1865 1943 2 exhibitions
Maxime Maufra FR 1861 1918 2 exhibitions
Lucien Simon FR 1861 1945 2 exhibitions
Otto Hettner DE 1875 1931 2 exhibitions
Franz von Stuck DE 1863 1928 3 exhibitions
Leopold Kalckreuth DE 1855 1928 3 exhibitions
Ludwig von Hofmann DE 1861 1945 2 exhibitions
Walther Klemm DE 1883 1957 2 exhibitions
Alice Maud Fanner GB 1865 1930 2 exhibitions
Mark Fisher GB 1841 1923 2 exhibitions
William Orpen GB 1878 1931 2 exhibitions
Ulrich Hübner DE 1872 1932 4 exhibitions
Amandus Faure DE 1874 1931 2 exhibitions
Theodor Hummel DE 1864 1939 2 exhibitions
Wilfrid-Gabriel De Glehn GB 1870 1951 2 exhibitions
Robert Hermann Sterl DE 1867 1932 2 exhibitions
Fritz Rhein DE 1873 1948 2 exhibitions
Jean-François Raffaëlli FR 1850 1924 2 exhibitions
Alfred Sisley FR 1839 1899 3 exhibitions
Max Beckmann DE 1884 1950 2 exhibitions
Max Pechstein DE 1881 1955 2 exhibitions
Konrad von Kardorff DE 1877 1945 2 exhibitions
Waldemar Rösler DE 1882 1916 2 exhibitions
Theo von Brockhusen DE 1882 1919 2 exhibitions
Emil Orlik CZ 1870 1932 2 exhibitions
Camille Pissarro FR 1831 1903 3 exhibitions
Claude Monet FR 1840 1926 3 exhibitions
Hugo von Habermann DE 1849 1929 2 exhibitions
Hans von Hayek AT 1869 1940 2 exhibitions
Lovis Corinth DE 1858 1925 2 exhibitions
Pierre-Auguste Renoir FR 1841 1919 3 exhibitions
Max Liebermann DE 1847 1935 2 exhibitions

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Recommended Citation: "Heinrich Beecke." In Database of Modern Exhibitions (DoME). European Paintings and Drawings 1905-1915. Last modified Aug 17, 2023.