
François Vernay

French painter and draftsman, 1821-1896

Name Variants (ULAN):
Miel, François; Vernay, François Miel; Miel, Francis; Vernay, Francis; Vernay, Francois; Vernay, Francois Miel; Vernay, Miel
1821, Lyon
1896, Lyon
Exhibitions: 3
Exhibiting Countries: 2
Exhibiting Cities: 2
Catalogue Entries: 5
Types of Work: painting and drawing: 5
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Name Nationality Date of Birth Date of Death # of Co-Appearances
Philippe Rousseau FR 1816 1887 2 exhibitions
James Tissot FR 1836 1902 2 exhibitions
François Bonvin FR 1817 1887 2 exhibitions
Marcellin Desboutin FR 1823 1902 2 exhibitions
Frédéric Bazille FR 1841 1870 2 exhibitions
Jules Bastien-Lepage FR 1848 1884 2 exhibitions
Paul Jacques Aimé Baudry FR 1828 1886 2 exhibitions
William-Adolphe Bouguereau FR 1825 1905 2 exhibitions
Gustave Caillebotte FR 1848 1894 2 exhibitions
Gustave Moreau FR 1826 1898 2 exhibitions
Guillaume Dubufe FR 1853 1909 2 exhibitions
Gustave Colin FR 1828 1910 2 exhibitions
Charles Paul Renouard FR 1845 1924 2 exhibitions
Antoine Vollon FR 1833 1900 2 exhibitions
Charles Chaplin FR 1825 1891 2 exhibitions
Victor Alfred Paul Vignon FR 1847 1909 3 exhibitions
Gustave Ricard FR 1823 1873 2 exhibitions
Jean Charles Cazin FR 1841 1901 2 exhibitions
Louis Legrand FR 1863 1951 2 exhibitions
Paul Camille Guigou FR 1834 1871 2 exhibitions
Léon Bonnat FR 1833 1922 2 exhibitions
Alexandre-Gabriel Decamps FR 1803 1860 2 exhibitions
Emile Friant FR 1863 1932 2 exhibitions
Félix Ziem FR 1821 1911 2 exhibitions
Adolphe-Félix Cals FR 1810 1880 2 exhibitions
Jules Dupré FR 1811 1889 2 exhibitions
Paul César Helleu FR 1859 1927 2 exhibitions
Théodore Rousseau FR 1812 1867 2 exhibitions
Ernest Quost FR 1842 1931 2 exhibitions
Henry Lerolle FR 1848 1929 2 exhibitions
Alphonse Legros FR 1837 1911 2 exhibitions
Albert-Charles Lebourg FR 1849 1928 3 exhibitions
Stanislas Lépine FR 1835 1892 2 exhibitions
Henri Fantin-Latour FR 1836 1904 3 exhibitions
Jean-François Millet FR 1814 1875 2 exhibitions
Théodule Ribot FR 1823 1891 2 exhibitions
Georges Jeanniot FR 1848 1934 2 exhibitions
Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres FR 1780 1867 2 exhibitions
Eugène Boudin FR 1824 1898 3 exhibitions
Johan Barthold Jongkind NL 1819 1891 3 exhibitions
Pierre Puvis de Chavannes FR 1824 1898 2 exhibitions
Edmond Aman-Jean FR 1858 1936 2 exhibitions
Armand Guillaumin FR 1841 1927 3 exhibitions
Berthe Morisot FR 1841 1895 2 exhibitions
Henri Le Sidaner FR 1862 1939 2 exhibitions
Eugène Carrière FR 1849 1906 3 exhibitions
Mary Cassatt US 1844 1926 2 exhibitions
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec FR 1864 1901 3 exhibitions
Gaston de Latouche FR 1854 1913 2 exhibitions
Georges Seurat FR 1859 1891 2 exhibitions
Odilon Redon FR 1840 1916 3 exhibitions
Maxime Maufra FR 1861 1918 2 exhibitions
Albert André FR 1869 1954 2 exhibitions
Lucien Simon FR 1861 1945 2 exhibitions
Jean Louis Forain FR 1852 1931 2 exhibitions
Adolphe Monticelli FR 1824 1886 2 exhibitions
Georges d' Espagnat FR 1870 1950 2 exhibitions
Jacques-Emile Blanche FR 1861 1942 2 exhibitions
Charles Cottet FR 1863 1925 2 exhibitions
Honoré Daumier FR 1810 1879 2 exhibitions
Edgar Degas FR 1834 1917 3 exhibitions
Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot FR 1796 1875 2 exhibitions
Eugène Delacroix FR 1798 1863 2 exhibitions
Paul Signac FR 1863 1935 3 exhibitions
Albert Besnard FR 1849 1934 2 exhibitions
Paul Gauguin FR 1848 1903 3 exhibitions
Jean-François Raffaëlli FR 1850 1924 2 exhibitions
Alfred Sisley FR 1839 1899 3 exhibitions
Edouard Manet FR 1832 1883 3 exhibitions
Camille Pissarro FR 1831 1903 3 exhibitions
Paul Cézanne FR 1839 1906 3 exhibitions
Pierre-Auguste Renoir FR 1841 1919 3 exhibitions
Maurice Denis FR 1870 1943 2 exhibitions
Claude Monet FR 1840 1926 2 exhibitions
Edouard Vuillard FR 1868 1940 2 exhibitions

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Recommended Citation: "François Vernay." In Database of Modern Exhibitions (DoME). European Paintings and Drawings 1905-1915. Last modified Mar 2, 2020.