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Title Type Person Price Cat.No. Exhibition Exh. Date City Venue
[Portret gr. S. Yu. Vitte : Portret of Count S. Yu. Witte] drawing Kustodiyev, Boris 140 [Mir Iskusstva : World of Art] 1911 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Yarmarka : Market] painting Kustodiyev, Boris [Soyuz Russkikh Khudozhnikov : Union of Russian Artists] 1909 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[[Akvarelʹ] : [Watercolor]] painting: aquarelle Kustodiyev, Boris 142 [Mir Iskusstva : World of Art] 1911 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[[Akvarelʹ] : [Watercolor]] painting: aquarelle Kustodiyev, Boris 143 [Mir Iskusstva : World of Art] 1911 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Kupalʹshhiczy' : Bathers [f]] painting: aquarelle Kustodiyev, Boris 144 [Mir Iskusstva : World of Art] 1911 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Portret Yu. E. Kustodievoj : Portrait of Yu. E. Kustodieva] Kustodiyev, Boris 129 [Vy'stavka akvareli, pasteli, tempera, risunkov : Exhibition of Aquarelles, Pastels, Tempera, Drawings] Jan 27, 1906 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Portret E. A. Poleviczkoj : Portrait of E. A. Polevickaya] Kustodiyev, Boris 130 [Vy'stavka akvareli, pasteli, tempera, risunkov : Exhibition of Aquarelles, Pastels, Tempera, Drawings] Jan 27, 1906 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Portret : Portrait] Kustodiyev, Boris 137 [VI vy'stavka kartin Soyuza Russkikh Khudozhnikov : VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists] 1908‒1909 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Modelʹ : Model] Kustodiyev, Boris 138 [VI vy'stavka kartin Soyuza Russkikh Khudozhnikov : VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists] 1908‒1909 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[E'skiz k kartine "Prazdnik v derevne" : Sketch for the painting "Holiday in the village"] Kustodiyev, Boris 139 [VI vy'stavka kartin Soyuza Russkikh Khudozhnikov : VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists] 1908‒1909 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Yaponskaya kukla : Japanese doll] Kustodiyev, Boris 140 [VI vy'stavka kartin Soyuza Russkikh Khudozhnikov : VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists] 1908‒1909 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Yarmarka : Fair] Kustodiyev, Boris 141 [VI vy'stavka kartin Soyuza Russkikh Khudozhnikov : VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists] 1908‒1909 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Zemskaya shkola v Moskovskoj Rusi : Zemstvo School in Moscow Rus] Kustodiyev, Boris 142 [VI vy'stavka kartin Soyuza Russkikh Khudozhnikov : VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists] 1908‒1909 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Portret M. N. Plotnikovoj : Portrait of M. N. Plotnikova] Kustodiyev, Boris 128 [Mir Iskusstva : World of Art] 1911 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Portret Sergeya Gorodeczkago : Portrait of Sergey Gorodetzky] Kustodiyev, Boris 129 [Mir Iskusstva : World of Art] 1911 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Yarmarka : Fair] Kustodiyev, Boris 130 [Mir Iskusstva : World of Art] 1911 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Zharkij denʹ (kupanʹe) : Hot Day (Bathing)] Kustodiyev, Boris 131 [Mir Iskusstva : World of Art] 1911 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Moj dom : My House] Kustodiyev, Boris 132 [Mir Iskusstva : World of Art] 1911 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[U okna : At the Window] Kustodiyev, Boris 133 [Mir Iskusstva : World of Art] 1911 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Prazdnik : Holiday] Kustodiyev, Boris 134 [Mir Iskusstva : World of Art] 1911 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Monasty'rʹ : Monastery] Kustodiyev, Boris 135 [Mir Iskusstva : World of Art] 1911 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Gulyanʹe (e'skiz k kartine) : Festival (Sketch for a Picture)] Kustodiyev, Boris 136 [Mir Iskusstva : World of Art] 1911 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Repeticziya baleta : Ballet Rehersal] Kustodiyev, Boris 137 [Mir Iskusstva : World of Art] 1911 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Osvobozhdenie krestʹyan : Liberation of the Peasants] Kustodiyev, Boris 138 [Mir Iskusstva : World of Art] 1911 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Muzhiki (v czerkvi) : Men (in the Church)] Kustodiyev, Boris 139 [Mir Iskusstva : World of Art] 1911 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Portret M-elle Sh. : Portrait of Modemoiselle Sh.] Kustodiyev, Boris 141 [Mir Iskusstva : World of Art] 1911 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Sad : Garden] Kustodiyev, Boris 149 [Vy'stavka Kartin "Mir Iskusstva" : Exhibition of Paintings "The World of Art"] 1915 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Sad (variant) : Garden (Variation)] Kustodiyev, Boris 150 [Vy'stavka Kartin "Mir Iskusstva" : Exhibition of Paintings "The World of Art"] 1915 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Zima : Winter] Kustodiyev, Boris 151 [Vy'stavka Kartin "Mir Iskusstva" : Exhibition of Paintings "The World of Art"] 1915 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Gorod : City] Kustodiyev, Boris 152 [Vy'stavka Kartin "Mir Iskusstva" : Exhibition of Paintings "The World of Art"] 1915 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Gostinnaya : Living Room] Kustodiyev, Boris 153 [Vy'stavka Kartin "Mir Iskusstva" : Exhibition of Paintings "The World of Art"] 1915 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[U Prokofiya Pazukhina : At Prokofij Pazukhin] Kustodiyev, Boris 154 [Vy'stavka Kartin "Mir Iskusstva" : Exhibition of Paintings "The World of Art"] 1915 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Variant toj zhe temy' : Variation of the Same Theme] Kustodiyev, Boris 155 [Vy'stavka Kartin "Mir Iskusstva" : Exhibition of Paintings "The World of Art"] 1915 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Kabinet Furnacheva : The Cabinet of Furnachev] Kustodiyev, Boris 156 [Vy'stavka Kartin "Mir Iskusstva" : Exhibition of Paintings "The World of Art"] 1915 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Krasavicza : Beauty] Kustodiyev, Boris 157 [Vy'stavka Kartin "Mir Iskusstva" : Exhibition of Paintings "The World of Art"] 1915 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Kupchikha : Merchant's Wife] Kustodiyev, Boris 158 [Vy'stavka Kartin "Mir Iskusstva" : Exhibition of Paintings "The World of Art"] 1915 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Krestny'j khod : Sacred Procession] Kustodiyev, Boris 159 [Vy'stavka Kartin "Mir Iskusstva" : Exhibition of Paintings "The World of Art"] 1915 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[E'skiz k kartine "Monasty'rʹ v Kievskom Rusi" : Sketch for the Painting "Monastery in the Kiev Rus"] Kustodiyev, Boris 160 [Vy'stavka Kartin "Mir Iskusstva" : Exhibition of Paintings "The World of Art"] 1915 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
["1905 god" (e'skiz) : "The Year 1905" (Sketch)] Kustodiyev, Boris 161 [Vy'stavka Kartin "Mir Iskusstva" : Exhibition of Paintings "The World of Art"] 1915 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
Nature morte Kustodiyev, Boris 162 [Vy'stavka Kartin "Mir Iskusstva" : Exhibition of Paintings "The World of Art"] 1915 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Venecziya - San-Dzhordzhio : Venice - San Giorgio] Kustodiyev, Boris 163 [Vy'stavka Kartin "Mir Iskusstva" : Exhibition of Paintings "The World of Art"] 1915 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[E'skiz "Krestny'j khod" : Sketch "A Sacred Procession"] Kustodiyev, Boris 164 [Vy'stavka Kartin "Mir Iskusstva" : Exhibition of Paintings "The World of Art"] 1915 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Progulka verkhom : Horse Riding] Kustodiyev, Boris 164a [Vy'stavka Kartin "Mir Iskusstva" : Exhibition of Paintings "The World of Art"] 1915 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
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