1. М. Х. Аладжалов [M. Kh. Aladzhalov]: Провинциальный город [Provinczialʹny'j gorod : Provincial City]
Manuil Khristoforovich Aladzhalov Sretenka, meb. komn. Ponamareva, Moscow |
2. М. Х. Аладжалов [M. Kh. Aladzhalov]: Монастырский дворик [Monasty'rskij dvorik : Monastery Courtyard]
Manuil Khristoforovich Aladzhalov Sretenka, meb. komn. Ponamareva, Moscow |
3. М. Х. Аладжалов [M. Kh. Aladzhalov]: Монастырь [Monasty'rʹ : Monastery]
Manuil Khristoforovich Aladzhalov Sretenka, meb. komn. Ponamareva, Moscow |
4. М. Х. Аладжалов [M. Kh. Aladzhalov]: К вечеру [K vecheru : By the evening]
Manuil Khristoforovich Aladzhalov Sretenka, meb. komn. Ponamareva, Moscow |
5. М. Х. Аладжалов [M. Kh. Aladzhalov]: Двор [Dvor : Courtyard]
Manuil Khristoforovich Aladzhalov Sretenka, meb. komn. Ponamareva, Moscow |
6. М. Х. Аладжалов [M. Kh. Aladzhalov]: Ночь [Nochʹ : Night]
Manuil Khristoforovich Aladzhalov Sretenka, meb. komn. Ponamareva, Moscow |
7. М. Х. Аладжалов [M. Kh. Aladzhalov]: Вечерний луч [Vechernij luch : Evening ray]
Manuil Khristoforovich Aladzhalov Sretenka, meb. komn. Ponamareva, Moscow |
8. М. Х. Аладжалов [M. Kh. Aladzhalov]: Крылечко [Kry'lechko : The porch]
Manuil Khristoforovich Aladzhalov Sretenka, meb. komn. Ponamareva, Moscow |
9. М. Х. Аладжалов [M. Kh. Aladzhalov]: Базар [Bazar : Market]
Manuil Khristoforovich Aladzhalov Sretenka, meb. komn. Ponamareva, Moscow |
10. М. Х. Аладжалов [M. Kh. Aladzhalov]: Зима [Zima : Winter]
Manuil Khristoforovich Aladzhalov Sretenka, meb. komn. Ponamareva, Moscow |
17. Молитва [Molitva : Prayer]
Boris Anisfel'd |
18. Весна [Vesna : Spring]
Boris Anisfel'd |
19. Изумруд [Izumrud : Emerald]
Boris Anisfel'd |
20. Цветы [Czvety' : Flowers]
Boris Anisfel'd |
11. Этюд [E'tyud : Sketch]
Abram Arkhipov Myasnitskaya, Uchil. Zhivopisi, V. i Z., Moscow, Myasnitskaya Ulitsa, 101000 |
12. Этюд [E'tyud : Sketch]
Abram Arkhipov Myasnitskaya, Uchil. Zhivopisi, V. i Z., Moscow, Myasnitskaya Ulitsa, 101000 |
13. Этюд [E'tyud : Sketch]
Abram Arkhipov Myasnitskaya, Uchil. Zhivopisi, V. i Z., Moscow, Myasnitskaya Ulitsa, 101000 |
14. Этюд [E'tyud : Sketch]
Abram Arkhipov Myasnitskaya, Uchil. Zhivopisi, V. i Z., Moscow, Myasnitskaya Ulitsa, 101000 |
15. Этюд [E'tyud : Sketch]
Abram Arkhipov Myasnitskaya, Uchil. Zhivopisi, V. i Z., Moscow, Myasnitskaya Ulitsa, 101000 |
16. Этюд [E'tyud : Sketch]
Abram Arkhipov Myasnitskaya, Uchil. Zhivopisi, V. i Z., Moscow, Myasnitskaya Ulitsa, 101000 |
21. Коппелиус и Коппелия [Koppelius i Koppeliya : Coppelius and Coppelia]
Léon Bakst Kirochnaya 24, Saint Petersburg |
22. Портрет Андрюши Бакст [Portret Andryushi Bakst : Portrait of Andryusha Bakst]
L. P, Bakst
Léon Bakst Kirochnaya 24, Saint Petersburg |
23. Осень (Финляндиия) [Osenʹ (Finlyandiiya) : Autumn (Finland)]
Léon Bakst Kirochnaya 24, Saint Petersburg |
24. Вечерние лучи (Финляндия) [Vechernie luchi (Finlyandiya) : Evening Rays (Finland)]
painting: gouache
Léon Bakst Kirochnaya 24, Saint Petersburg |
25. Эскиз декорации к "Дону Жуану". Часовня в монастыре [E'skiz dekoraczii k "Donu Zhuanu". Chasovnya v monasty're : Sketch decoration to the "Don Juan". Chapel in the monastery]
Léon Bakst Kirochnaya 24, Saint Petersburg |
26. Эскиз декорации к "Дону Жуану". Комната [E'skiz dekoraczii k "Donu Zhuanu". Komnata : Sketch decoration to the "Don Juan". Room]
Léon Bakst Kirochnaya 24, Saint Petersburg |
27. Шалость Эрота [Shalostʹ E'rota : The Prank of Eros]
Léon Bakst Kirochnaya 24, Saint Petersburg |
28. Шарж [Sharzh : Cartoon]
For a humorous magazine
[Для юморист. журнала] |
Léon Bakst Kirochnaya 24, Saint Petersburg |
29. Костюм ХХ века [Kostyum KhKh veka : The costume of the twentieth century]
For an american Shanson-Singer
[Для американской шансонетки] |
Léon Bakst Kirochnaya 24, Saint Petersburg |
30. Натурщица [Naturshhicza : Model]
Léon Bakst Kirochnaya 24, Saint Petersburg |
31. Фантазия на Версальские мотивы [Fantaziya na Versalʹskie motivy' : Fantasy of the Versailles motives]
I. A. Morozov
Alexandre Benois Admiralteysky kan. 31, Saint Petersburg |
32. Занавес "Старинного Театра" [Zanaves "Starinnogo Teatra" : The curtain of the "Old Theater"]
Alexandre Benois Admiralteysky kan. 31, Saint Petersburg |
33. Parterre du Midi
Alexandre Benois Admiralteysky kan. 31, Saint Petersburg |
34. Арлекинада [Arlekinada : Harlequinade]
Alexandre Benois Admiralteysky kan. 31, Saint Petersburg |
35. Вид из окон дворца на Версальские сады [Vid iz okon dvorcza na Versalʹskie sady' : View from the windows of the palace at the Gardens of Versailles]
Alexandre Benois Admiralteysky kan. 31, Saint Petersburg |
36. Предупреждение [Preduprezhdenie : A warning]
From the series "Death"
[Из серии "Смерть"] |
Alexandre Benois Admiralteysky kan. 31, Saint Petersburg |
37. Похороны [Pokhorony' : The funeral]
From the series "Death"
[Из серии "Смерть"] |
Alexandre Benois Admiralteysky kan. 31, Saint Petersburg |
38. Памятник [Pamyatnik : The Memorial]
From the series "Death"
[Из серии "Смерть"] |
Alexandre Benois Admiralteysky kan. 31, Saint Petersburg |
39. Эскиз декорации [E'skiz dekoraczii : Sketch of decoration]
"Honor and Revenge": (Production at the Lukomorye Theater in St. Petersburg)
["Честь и месть": (Постановка в Театре "Лукоморье" в Санкт-Петербурге)] |
Ivan Bilibin Mytninskaya nab. 11, Saint Petersburg |
40. Эскиз костюмов [E'skiz kostyumov : Sketch of Costumes]
"Honor and Revenge": (Production at the Lukomorye Theater in St. Petersburg)
["Честь и месть": (Постановка в Театре "Лукоморье" в Санкт-Петербурге)] |
Ivan Bilibin Mytninskaya nab. 11, Saint Petersburg |
41. Эскиз костюмов [E'skiz kostyumov : Sketch of Costumes]
"Honor and Revenge": (Production at the Lukomorye Theater in St. Petersburg)
["Честь и месть": (Постановка в Театре "Лукоморье" в Санкт-Петербурге)] |
Ivan Bilibin Mytninskaya nab. 11, Saint Petersburg |
42. Эскиз костюмов [E'skiz kostyumov : Sketch of Costumes]
"Honor and Revenge": (Production at the Lukomorye Theater in St. Petersburg)
["Честь и месть": (Постановка в Театре "Лукоморье" в Санкт-Петербурге)] |
Ivan Bilibin Mytninskaya nab. 11, Saint Petersburg |
43. Эскиз костюмов [E'skiz kostyumov : Sketch of Costumes]
"Honor and Revenge": (Production at the Lukomorye Theater in St. Petersburg)
["Честь и месть": (Постановка в Театре "Лукоморье" в Санкт-Петербурге)] |
Ivan Bilibin Mytninskaya nab. 11, Saint Petersburg |
44. Акварель [Akvarelʹ : Aquarelle]
painting: aquarelle
Konstantin Bogayevsky Mal. Teatr, kv. K. V. Kandaurova, Moscow |
45. Акварель [Akvarelʹ : Aquarelle]
painting: aquarelle
Konstantin Bogayevsky Mal. Teatr, kv. K. V. Kandaurova, Moscow |
46. Акварель [Akvarelʹ : Aquarelle]
painting: aquarelle
Konstantin Bogayevsky Mal. Teatr, kv. K. V. Kandaurova, Moscow |
47. Акварель [Akvarelʹ : Aquarelle]
painting: aquarelle
Konstantin Bogayevsky Mal. Teatr, kv. K. V. Kandaurova, Moscow |
48. Акварель [Akvarelʹ : Aquarelle]
painting: aquarelle
Konstantin Bogayevsky Mal. Teatr, kv. K. V. Kandaurova, Moscow |
49. Акварель [Akvarelʹ : Aquarelle]
painting: aquarelle
Konstantin Bogayevsky Mal. Teatr, kv. K. V. Kandaurova, Moscow |
50. Акварель [Akvarelʹ : Aquarelle]
painting: aquarelle
Konstantin Bogayevsky Mal. Teatr, kv. K. V. Kandaurova, Moscow |
51. Рисунок [Risunok : Drawing]
Konstantin Bogayevsky Mal. Teatr, kv. K. V. Kandaurova, Moscow |
319. "Белое с красным" ["Beloe s krasny'm" : "White with red"]
Jan Ciągliński Liteyny pr., 55, Saint Petersburg |
320. Индийский этюд [Indijskij e'tyud : Indian sketch]
Jan Ciągliński Liteyny pr., 55, Saint Petersburg |
321. Индийский этюд [Indijskij e'tyud : Indian sketch]
Jan Ciągliński Liteyny pr., 55, Saint Petersburg |
322. Индийский этюд [Indijskij e'tyud : Indian sketch]
Jan Ciągliński Liteyny pr., 55, Saint Petersburg |
323. Индийский этюд [Indijskij e'tyud : Indian sketch]
Jan Ciągliński Liteyny pr., 55, Saint Petersburg |
324. Индийский этюд [Indijskij e'tyud : Indian sketch]
Jan Ciągliński Liteyny pr., 55, Saint Petersburg |
325. Индийский этюд [Indijskij e'tyud : Indian sketch]
Jan Ciągliński Liteyny pr., 55, Saint Petersburg |
326. Индийский этюд [Indijskij e'tyud : Indian sketch]
Jan Ciągliński Liteyny pr., 55, Saint Petersburg |
327. Индийский этюд [Indijskij e'tyud : Indian sketch]
Jan Ciągliński Liteyny pr., 55, Saint Petersburg |
328. Индийский этюд [Indijskij e'tyud : Indian sketch]
Jan Ciągliński Liteyny pr., 55, Saint Petersburg |
329. Индийский этюд [Indijskij e'tyud : Indian sketch]
Jan Ciągliński Liteyny pr., 55, Saint Petersburg |
330. Индийский этюд [Indijskij e'tyud : Indian sketch]
Jan Ciągliński Liteyny pr., 55, Saint Petersburg |
331. Индийский этюд [Indijskij e'tyud : Indian sketch]
Jan Ciągliński Liteyny pr., 55, Saint Petersburg |
332. Индийский этюд [Indijskij e'tyud : Indian sketch]
Jan Ciągliński Liteyny pr., 55, Saint Petersburg |
333. Индийский этюд [Indijskij e'tyud : Indian sketch]
Jan Ciągliński Liteyny pr., 55, Saint Petersburg |
334. Индийский этюд [Indijskij e'tyud : Indian sketch]
Jan Ciągliński Liteyny pr., 55, Saint Petersburg |
335. Индийский этюд [Indijskij e'tyud : Indian sketch]
Jan Ciągliński Liteyny pr., 55, Saint Petersburg |
336. Индийский этюд [Indijskij e'tyud : Indian sketch]
Jan Ciągliński Liteyny pr., 55, Saint Petersburg |
337. Индийский этюд [Indijskij e'tyud : Indian sketch]
Jan Ciągliński Liteyny pr., 55, Saint Petersburg |
338. Индийский этюд [Indijskij e'tyud : Indian sketch]
Jan Ciągliński Liteyny pr., 55, Saint Petersburg |
339. Индийский этюд [Indijskij e'tyud : Indian sketch]
Jan Ciągliński Liteyny pr., 55, Saint Petersburg |
87. Перуджия. Лев и Грифон [Perudzhiya. Lev i Grifon : Perugia. The Lion and the Gryphon]
Mstislav Dobuzhinsky Drovyannoj per. 4, Saint Petersburg |
88. Милан. St. Lorenzo [Milan. St. Lorenzo : Milan. St. Lorenzo]
Mstislav Dobuzhinsky Drovyannoj per. 4, Saint Petersburg |
89. Падуа. Sattamelata [Padua. Sattamelata : Padua. Sattamelata]
Mstislav Dobuzhinsky Drovyannoj per. 4, Saint Petersburg |
90. Декорации и костюмы к "Франческо да Римини", д'Аннунцио [Dekoraczii i kostyumy' k "Franchesko da Rimini", d'Annunczio : Decoration and costumes for "Franceska da Rimini", d'Annunczio]
Komissarzhevskaya Theatre
[Театр Комиссаржевской] |
Mstislav Dobuzhinsky Drovyannoj per. 4, Saint Petersburg |
91. Рисунок. (Петербург) [Risunok. (Peterburg) : Drawing. (Petersburg)]
K. F. Yuon
Mstislav Dobuzhinsky Drovyannoj per. 4, Saint Petersburg |
92. Месса [Messa : Mass]
Nikolai Vasilevich Doseikin |
93. Кирасиры [Kirasiry' : Cuirassiers]
Nikolai Vasilevich Doseikin |
94. Аллея [Alleya : Alley]
Nikolai Vasilevich Doseikin |
95. Море [More : Sea]
Nikolai Vasilevich Doseikin |
96. Аллея [Alleya : Alley]
Nikolai Vasilevich Doseikin |
97. Вечер [Vecher : Evening]
Nikolai Vasilevich Doseikin |
98. Парк [Park : Park]
Nikolai Vasilevich Doseikin |
99. Беседка [Besedka : Pavillion]
Nikolai Vasilevich Doseikin |
100. Портрет [Portret : Portrait]
Nikolai Vasilevich Doseikin |
101. Портрет [Portret : Portrait]
Nikolai Vasilevich Doseikin |
102. Портрет [Portret : Portrait]
Nikolai Vasilevich Doseikin |
103. Портрет [Portret : Portrait]
Modest Aleksandrovic Durnow Schtatny per., d. Danilova, Moscow |
104. Портрет [Portret : Portrait]
Modest Aleksandrovic Durnow Schtatny per., d. Danilova, Moscow |
105. Ураган [Uragan : Hurricane]
Modest Aleksandrovic Durnow Schtatny per., d. Danilova, Moscow |
106. Царство водки [Czarstvo vodki : The Kingdom of Vodka]
Modest Aleksandrovic Durnow Schtatny per., d. Danilova, Moscow |
107. Любовь и ревность [Lyubovʹ i revnostʹ : Love and jealousy]
Modest Aleksandrovic Durnow Schtatny per., d. Danilova, Moscow |
108. Азалии [Azalii : Azaleas]
Modest Aleksandrovic Durnow Schtatny per., d. Danilova, Moscow |
109. Рисунок для афиши [Risunok dlya afishi : Drawing for the poster]
Modest Aleksandrovic Durnow Schtatny per., d. Danilova, Moscow |
353. Буффонада [Buffonada : Buffoonery]
Nikolaj Petrovič Feofilaktov Metropol', kv. 23, Moscow |
72. Эскиз к опере "Борис Годунов" [E'skiz k opere "Boris Godunov" : Sketch for the opera "Boris Godunov"]
I. A. Morozov
Aleksandr Golovin Oficerskaya 33. Dekorativn. Mast. Marinsk. teatra, Saint Petersburg |
73. Эскиз к опере "Борис Годунов" [E'skiz k opere "Boris Godunov" : Sketch for the opera "Boris Godunov"]
I. A. Morozov
Aleksandr Golovin Oficerskaya 33. Dekorativn. Mast. Marinsk. teatra, Saint Petersburg |
74. Эскиз к опере "Борис Годунов" [E'skiz k opere "Boris Godunov" : Sketch for the opera "Boris Godunov"]
I. A. Morozov
Aleksandr Golovin Oficerskaya 33. Dekorativn. Mast. Marinsk. teatra, Saint Petersburg |
75. Эскиз к опере "Борис Годунов" [E'skiz k opere "Boris Godunov" : Sketch for the opera "Boris Godunov"]
I. A. Morozov
Aleksandr Golovin Oficerskaya 33. Dekorativn. Mast. Marinsk. teatra, Saint Petersburg |
76. Эскиз к опере "Борис Годунов" [E'skiz k opere "Boris Godunov" : Sketch for the opera "Boris Godunov"]
I. A. Morozov
Aleksandr Golovin Oficerskaya 33. Dekorativn. Mast. Marinsk. teatra, Saint Petersburg |
77. Эскиз к опере "Борис Годунов" [E'skiz k opere "Boris Godunov" : Sketch for the opera "Boris Godunov"]
I. A. Morozov
Aleksandr Golovin Oficerskaya 33. Dekorativn. Mast. Marinsk. teatra, Saint Petersburg |
78. Эскиз к опере "Борис Годунов" [E'skiz k opere "Boris Godunov" : Sketch for the opera "Boris Godunov"]
I. A. Morozov
Aleksandr Golovin Oficerskaya 33. Dekorativn. Mast. Marinsk. teatra, Saint Petersburg |
79. Эскиз к пьесе "У царских врат" Кнута Гамсуна [E'skiz k pʹese "U czarskikh vrat" Knuta Gamsuna : Sketch for the play "At the Tsar's Gates" by Knut Hamsun]
I. A. Morozov
Aleksandr Golovin Oficerskaya 33. Dekorativn. Mast. Marinsk. teatra, Saint Petersburg |
80. Прудик [Prudik : Little Pond]
I. A. Morozov
Aleksandr Golovin Oficerskaya 33. Dekorativn. Mast. Marinsk. teatra, Saint Petersburg |
81. Неприбранный стол [Nepribranny'j stol : Unharvested table]
Sold to the Tretyakov Gallery
[Приобрет. в Третьяковскую галлерею] |
Igor Grabar Ovchininkovsky per. d. Meshherinoj, Moscow |
82. Рябинка и березы [Ryabinka i berezy' : Rowan and birch]
I. A. Morozov
Igor Grabar Ovchininkovsky per. d. Meshherinoj, Moscow |
83. Дельфиниум [Delʹfinium : Delphinium]
Igor Grabar Ovchininkovsky per. d. Meshherinoj, Moscow |
84. Октябрьския зеленя [Oktyabrʹskiya zelenya : The October Green]
Igor Grabar Ovchininkovsky per. d. Meshherinoj, Moscow |
85. Иней [Inej : Frost]
Igor Grabar Ovchininkovsky per. d. Meshherinoj, Moscow |
86. Березовая чаща [Berezovaya chashha : Birch thicket]
Igor Grabar Ovchininkovsky per. d. Meshherinoj, Moscow |
86a. В утренней заре [V utrennej zare : In the morning dawn]
Igor Grabar Ovchininkovsky per. d. Meshherinoj, Moscow |
119. Встреча воеводы [Vstrecha voevody' : Meeting of Voevoda]
Sketches for publication for school
[Эскизы к изданию для школы] |
Sergey Ivanov |
120. Возок боярский [Vozok boyarskij : Vozok of Boyars]
Sketches for publication for school
[Эскизы к изданию для школы] |
Sergey Ivanov |
121. Отлив [Otliv : The ebb]
[Бретань] |
Nikolai Aleksandrovič Klodt Uchilishhe Zhivopisi, Vayan. i Zodch., Moscow |
122. Пляж [Plyazh : Beach]
[Бретань] |
Nikolai Aleksandrovič Klodt Uchilishhe Zhivopisi, Vayan. i Zodch., Moscow |
123. Виллы [Villy' : The Villas]
[Бретань] |
Nikolai Aleksandrovič Klodt Uchilishhe Zhivopisi, Vayan. i Zodch., Moscow |
124. Вечер [Vecher : Evening]
[Бретань] |
Nikolai Aleksandrovič Klodt Uchilishhe Zhivopisi, Vayan. i Zodch., Moscow |
125. Отлив [Otliv : The ebb]
[Бретань] |
Nikolai Aleksandrovič Klodt Uchilishhe Zhivopisi, Vayan. i Zodch., Moscow |
126. Прилив [Priliv : The flood]
[Бретань] |
Nikolai Aleksandrovič Klodt Uchilishhe Zhivopisi, Vayan. i Zodch., Moscow |
127. Мгла [Mgla : Mist]
[Бретань] |
Nikolai Aleksandrovič Klodt Uchilishhe Zhivopisi, Vayan. i Zodch., Moscow |
128. Порт [Port : Port]
[Бретань] |
Nikolai Aleksandrovič Klodt Uchilishhe Zhivopisi, Vayan. i Zodch., Moscow |
129. Залив [Zaliv : Creek]
Nikolai Aleksandrovič Klodt Uchilishhe Zhivopisi, Vayan. i Zodch., Moscow |
130. Скалы [Skaly' : Rocks]
Nikolai Aleksandrovič Klodt Uchilishhe Zhivopisi, Vayan. i Zodch., Moscow |
131. Камень [Kamenʹ : Stone]
Nikolai Aleksandrovič Klodt Uchilishhe Zhivopisi, Vayan. i Zodch., Moscow |
132. После шторма [Posle shtorma : After the storm]
Nikolai Aleksandrovič Klodt Uchilishhe Zhivopisi, Vayan. i Zodch., Moscow |
133. Cap d'Ail - ночь [Cap d'Ail - nochʹ : Cap d'Ail - night]
I. A. Morozov
Konstantin Korovin Tverskaya, Pimenovsky per., d. kn. Kudasheva, Moscow |
134. На юге Франции [Na yuge Franczii : In the south of France]
I. A. Morozov
Konstantin Korovin Tverskaya, Pimenovsky per., d. kn. Kudasheva, Moscow |
135. Розы [Rozy' : Roses]
I. A. Morozov
Konstantin Korovin Tverskaya, Pimenovsky per., d. kn. Kudasheva, Moscow |
136. Париж ночью. Boulevard des Italiens [Parizh nochʹyu. Boulevard des Italiens : Paris at night. Boulevard des Italiens]
I. A. Morozov
Konstantin Korovin Tverskaya, Pimenovsky per., d. kn. Kudasheva, Moscow |
137. Весна [Vesna : Spring]
I. A. Morozov
Konstantin Korovin Tverskaya, Pimenovsky per., d. kn. Kudasheva, Moscow |
138. Терраса [Terrasa : Terrace]
I. A. Morozov
Konstantin Korovin Tverskaya, Pimenovsky per., d. kn. Kudasheva, Moscow |
139. Villefranche
Konstantin Korovin Tverskaya, Pimenovsky per., d. kn. Kudasheva, Moscow |
140. Окно. Париж [Okno. Parizh : Window. Paris]
Konstantin Korovin Tverskaya, Pimenovsky per., d. kn. Kudasheva, Moscow |
141. Ночь. Юг Франции [Nochʹ. Yug Franczii : Night. South of France]
A. G. Podgoreckaya
Konstantin Korovin Tverskaya, Pimenovsky per., d. kn. Kudasheva, Moscow |
142. Видение [Videnie : Vision]
A. G. Podgoreckaya
[Эскизы] |
Konstantin Korovin Tverskaya, Pimenovsky per., d. kn. Kudasheva, Moscow |
143. Рай [Raj : Paradise]
[Ескизы] |
Konstantin Korovin Tverskaya, Pimenovsky per., d. kn. Kudasheva, Moscow |
144. Наяда [Nayada : Naiad]
[Эскизы] |
Konstantin Korovin Tverskaya, Pimenovsky per., d. kn. Kudasheva, Moscow |
145. Восточная сказка [Vostochnaya skazka : Eastern fairy tale]
[Эскизы] |
Konstantin Korovin Tverskaya, Pimenovsky per., d. kn. Kudasheva, Moscow |
146. У моря [U morya : By the sea]
[Эскизы] |
Konstantin Korovin Tverskaya, Pimenovsky per., d. kn. Kudasheva, Moscow |
147. Весна [Vesna : Spring]
[Эскизы] |
Konstantin Korovin Tverskaya, Pimenovsky per., d. kn. Kudasheva, Moscow |
148. Под Петербургом [Pod Peterburgom : Near St. Petersburg]
[Эскизы] |
Konstantin Korovin Tverskaya, Pimenovsky per., d. kn. Kudasheva, Moscow |
1. На маневрах [Na manevrakh : On maneuvers]
The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
Sergey Korovin |
2. На маневрах [Na manevrakh : On maneuvers]
The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
Sergey Korovin |
3. На маневрах [Na manevrakh : On maneuvers]
The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
Sergey Korovin |
4. На маневрах [Na manevrakh : On maneuvers]
The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
Sergey Korovin |
5. На маневрах [Na manevrakh : On maneuvers]
The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
Sergey Korovin |
6. На маневрах [Na manevrakh : On maneuvers]
The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
Sergey Korovin |
7. На маневрах [Na manevrakh : On maneuvers]
The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
Sergey Korovin |
8. Кавалерист [Kavalerist : Cavalryman]
The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
Sergey Korovin |
9. Кавалерист [Kavalerist : Cavalryman]
The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
Sergey Korovin |
10. Солдат [Soldat : Soldier]
The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
Sergey Korovin |
11. На пикете [Na pikete : At the picket]
The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
Sergey Korovin |
12. Учение в казармах [Uchenie v kazarmakh : Teachings in barracks]
The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
Sergey Korovin |
13. Солдат [Soldat : Soldier]
The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
Sergey Korovin |
14. Атака [Ataka : Attack]
The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
Sergey Korovin |
15. Голова солдата [Golova soldata : Soldier's Head]
The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
Sergey Korovin |
16. Драгун [Dragun : Dragoon]
The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
Sergey Korovin |
17. Драгуны [Draguny' : Dragoons]
The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
Sergey Korovin |
18. Драгун [Dragun : Dragoon]
The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
Sergey Korovin |
19. Осмотр лошади [Osmotr loshadi : Horse Inspection]
The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
Sergey Korovin |
20. В поле [V pole : In field]
The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
Sergey Korovin |
21. Этюд к картине "Мирская сходка" [E'tyud k kartine "Mirskaya skhodka" : Etude for the painting "The World Meeting"]
1. The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
2. Etude [Этюд] |
Sergey Korovin |
22. Пейзаж [Pejzazh : Landscape]
1. The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
2. Etude [Этюд] |
Sergey Korovin |
23. Дорога [Doroga : Road]
1. The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
2. Etude [Этюд] |
Sergey Korovin |
24. Дорога [Doroga : Road]
1. The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
2. Etude [Этюд] |
Sergey Korovin |
25. Пейзаж [Pejzazh : Landscape]
1. The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
2. Etude [Этюд] |
Sergey Korovin |
26. Этюд головы [E'tyud golovy' : Etude of a head]
1. The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
2. Etude [Этюд] |
Sergey Korovin |
27. "Nue"
1. The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
2. Etude [Этюд] |
Sergey Korovin |
28. Пейзаж [Pejzazh : Landscape]
1. The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
2. Etude [Этюд] |
Sergey Korovin |
29. Пейзаж [Pejzazh : Landscape]
1. The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
2. Etude [Этюд] |
Sergey Korovin |
30. Пейзаж [Pejzazh : Landscape]
1. The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
2. Etude [Этюд] |
Sergey Korovin |
31. Дорога [Doroga : Road]
1. The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
2. Etude [Этюд] |
Sergey Korovin |
32. Дорога [Doroga : Road]
1. The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
2. Etude [Этюд] |
Sergey Korovin |
33. Этюд на Волге [E'tyud na Volge : Etude on the Volga]
1. The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
2. Etude [Этюд] |
Sergey Korovin |
34. На Волге [Na Volge : On the Volga]
1. The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
2. Etude [Этюд] |
Sergey Korovin |
35. Пейзаж [Pejzazh : Landscape]
1. The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
2. Etude [Этюд] |
Sergey Korovin |
36. Пейзаж [Pejzazh : Landscape]
1. The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
2. Etude [Этюд] |
Sergey Korovin |
37. Стога [Stoga : Rags]
1. The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
2. Etude [Этюд] |
Sergey Korovin |
38. Стога [Stoga : Rags]
1. The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
2. Etude [Этюд] |
Sergey Korovin |
39. Стога [Stoga : Rags]
1. The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
2. Etude [Этюд] |
Sergey Korovin |
40. Пейзаж [Pejzazh : Landscape]
The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
Etude [Этюды] |
Sergey Korovin |
41. Лес.Пейзаж [Les.Pejzazh : Forest. Landscape]
The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
Etude [Этюды] |
Sergey Korovin |
42. Голова [Golova : Head]
The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
Etude [Этюды] |
Sergey Korovin |
43. Песня [Pesnya : Song]
The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
Etude [Этюды] |
Sergey Korovin |
44. Деревня [Derevnya : Village]
The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
Etude [Этюды] |
Sergey Korovin |
45. Мельница [Melʹnicza : Mill]
The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
Etude [Этюды] |
Sergey Korovin |
46. Этюд [E'tyud : Etude]
The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
Etude [Этюды] |
Sergey Korovin |
47. Этюд [E'tyud : Etude]
The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
Etude [Этюды] |
Sergey Korovin |
48. Этюд [E'tyud : Etude]
The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
Etude [Этюды] |
Sergey Korovin |
49. Этюд [E'tyud : Etude]
The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
Etude [Этюды] |
Sergey Korovin |
50. Этюд [E'tyud : Etude]
The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
Etude [Этюды] |
Sergey Korovin |
51. Этюд [E'tyud : Etude]
The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
Etude [Этюды] |
Sergey Korovin |
52. Этюд [E'tyud : Etude]
The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
Etude [Этюды] |
Sergey Korovin |
53. Этюд [E'tyud : Etude]
The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
Etude [Этюды] |
Sergey Korovin |
54. Этюд [E'tyud : Etude]
The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
Etude [Этюды] |
Sergey Korovin |
55. Этюд [E'tyud : Etude]
The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
Etude [Этюды] |
Sergey Korovin |
56. Этюд [E'tyud : Etude]
The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
Etude [Этюды] |
Sergey Korovin |
57. Этюд [E'tyud : Etude]
The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
Etude [Этюды] |
Sergey Korovin |
58. Этюд [E'tyud : Etude]
The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
Etude [Этюды] |
Sergey Korovin |
58. Куликовское поле [Kulikovskoe pole : Field Kulikovo]
1. The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
2. Genre and sketches [Жанр и эскизы] |
Sergey Korovin |
59. На станции [Na stanczii : At the station]
1. The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
2. Genre and sketches [Жанр и эскизы] |
Sergey Korovin |
60. Св. Николай Чудотворец [Sv. Nikolaj Chudotvorecz : St. Nicholas the Wonderworker]
1. The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
2. Genre and sketches [Жанр и эскизы] |
Sergey Korovin |
61. Драка [Draka : Fight]
1. The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
2. Genre and sketches [Жанр и эскизы] |
Sergey Korovin |
63. В вагоне [V vagone : In the wagon]
1. The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
2. Genre and sketches [Жанр и эскизы] |
Sergey Korovin |
64. Продажа лошади [Prodazha loshadi : Sale of a horse]
1. The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
2. Genre and sketches [Жанр и эскизы] |
Sergey Korovin |
65. Рисунок углем [Risunok uglem : Drawing charcoal]
drawing: charcoal
1. The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
2. Genre and sketches [Жанр и эскизы] |
Sergey Korovin |
66. Эскизы рыбака [E'skizy' ry'baka : Fisherman's sketches]
1. The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
2. Genre and sketches [Жанр и эскизы] |
Sergey Korovin |
67. Эскизы рыбака [E'skizy' ry'baka : Fisherman's sketches]
1. The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
2. Genre and sketches [Жанр и эскизы] |
Sergey Korovin |
68. Похороны [Pokhorony' : The funeral]
1. The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
2. Genre and sketches [Жанр и эскизы] |
Sergey Korovin |
69. Похороны. (Вариант) [Pokhorony'. (Variant) : The funeral. (Vatiation)]
1. The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
2. Genre and sketches [Жанр и эскизы] |
Sergey Korovin |
70. Волостной суд [Volostnoj sud : The Volost court]
1. The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
2. Genre and sketches [Жанр и эскизы] |
Sergey Korovin |
71. Волостной суд [Volostnoj sud : The Volost court]
1. The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
2. Genre and sketches [Жанр и эскизы] |
Sergey Korovin |
72. Перед наказанием [Pered nakazaniem : Before the punishment]
1. The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
2. Genre and sketches [Жанр и эскизы] |
Sergey Korovin |
73. На богомолье [Na bogomolʹe : On the pilgrimage]
1. The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
2. Genre and sketches [Жанр и эскизы] |
Sergey Korovin |
74. Мирская сходка [Mirskaya skhodka : World Gathering]
painting: aquarelle
1. The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
2. Genre and sketches [Жанр и эскизы] |
Sergey Korovin |
75. У реки преп. Сергия. (Вариант) [U reki prep. Sergiya. (Variant) : By the river prep. Sergius. (Variantion)]
1. The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
2. Genre and sketches [Жанр и эскизы] |
Sergey Korovin |
76. Извощик [Izvoshhik : Cabman]
1. The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
2. Genre and sketches [Жанр и эскизы] |
Sergey Korovin |
77. Эскиз "Мирская сходка" [E'skiz "Mirskaya skhodka" : Sketch "World Gathering"]
1. The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
2. Genre and sketches [Жанр и эскизы] |
Sergey Korovin |
78. Рать [Ratʹ : Host]
1. The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
2. Genre and sketches [Жанр и эскизы] |
Sergey Korovin |
79. Витязь [Vityazʹ : Knight]
1. The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
2. Genre and sketches [Жанр и эскизы] |
Sergey Korovin |
80. Руслан [Ruslan : Ruslan]
1. The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
2. Genre and sketches [Жанр и эскизы] |
Sergey Korovin |
81. Ожидание поезда [Ozhidanie poezda : Waiting for the train]
1. The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
2. Genre and sketches [Жанр и эскизы] |
Sergey Korovin |
82. На богомолье [Na bogomolʹe : On the pilgrimage]
1. The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
2. Genre and sketches [Жанр и эскизы] |
Sergey Korovin |
83. Похороны [Pokhorony' : The funeral]
1. The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
2. Genre and sketches [Жанр и эскизы] |
Sergey Korovin |
84. На Сухаревой башни [Na Sukharevoj bashni : At the Sukharev Tower]
1. The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
2. Genre and sketches [Жанр и эскизы] |
Sergey Korovin |
85. Балаган [Balagan : Balagan]
1. The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
2. Genre and sketches [Жанр и эскизы] |
Sergey Korovin |
86. Извощик. Сумерки [Izvoshhik. Sumerki : Cab. Dusk]
1. The exhibition of the works of Korovin takes place in the context of the VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists
2. Genre and sketches [Жанр и эскизы] |
Sergey Korovin |
149. Пейзаж с грозой [Pejzazh s grozoj : Landscape with a thunder-storm]
Nikolay Krymov Tverskaya, bliz' zastavy, d. Volkova, kv. 5, Moscow |
150. На площади. (Жара) [Na ploshhadi. (Zhara) : On the square. (Heat)]
Nikolay Krymov Tverskaya, bliz' zastavy, d. Volkova, kv. 5, Moscow |
151. Ветреный день [Vetreny'j denʹ : Windy day]
Nikolay Krymov Tverskaya, bliz' zastavy, d. Volkova, kv. 5, Moscow |
152. Вечер. Возвращающееся стадо [Vecher. Vozvrashhayushheesya stado : Evening. Returning herd]
Nikolay Krymov Tverskaya, bliz' zastavy, d. Volkova, kv. 5, Moscow |
137. Портрет [Portret : Portrait]
The catalogue number seems to be erronous
Boris Kustodiyev |
138. Модель [Modelʹ : Model]
The catalogue number seems to be erronous
Boris Kustodiyev |
139. Эскиз к картине "Праздник в деревне" [E'skiz k kartine "Prazdnik v derevne" : Sketch for the painting "Holiday in the village"]
The catalogue number seems to be erronous
Boris Kustodiyev |
140. Японская кукла [Yaponskaya kukla : Japanese doll]
The catalogue number seems to be erronous
Boris Kustodiyev |
141. Ярмарка [Yarmarka : Fair]
I. A. Morozov
The catalogue number seems to be erronous
Boris Kustodiyev |
142. Земская школа в Московской Руси [Zemskaya shkola v Moskovskoj Rusi : Zemstvo School in Moscow Rus]
1.The catalogue number seems to be erronous
2.Folk edition Knebel [Народное издание Кнебель] |
Boris Kustodiyev |
159. На молу. Италия, конец XVII ст. [Na molu. Italiya, konecz XVII st. : At the pier. Italy, end of the XVII century]
Yevgeny Lansere Tuchkov Per., d. 17, kv. 31, Saint Petersburg |
160. В Сирийской пустыне (Иллюстрация) [V Sirijskoj pusty'ne (Illyustracziya) : In the Syrian Desert (Illustration)]
Yevgeny Lansere Tuchkov Per., d. 17, kv. 31, Saint Petersburg |
161. Занятие шведской мызы [Zanyatie shvedskoj my'zy' : Lesson of the Swedish manor]
Miniatures for A. Benois's book "The History of Tsarskoe Selo," ed. R. Golike and A. Vilborg
[Заставки к книге А. Бенуа "История Царского села," изд. Р. Голике и А. Вильборг] |
Yevgeny Lansere Tuchkov Per., d. 17, kv. 31, Saint Petersburg |
162. По дороге в Царское [On the way to Tsarskoe : On the way to Tsarskoe]
Miniatures for A. Benois's book "The History of Tsarskoe Selo," ed. R. Golike and A. Vilborg
[Заставки к книге А. Бенуа "История Царского села," изд. Р. Голике и А. Вильборг] |
Yevgeny Lansere Tuchkov Per., d. 17, kv. 31, Saint Petersburg |
163. Освящение церкви [Osvyashhenie czerkvi : Consecration of the Church]
Miniatures for A. Benois's book "The History of Tsarskoe Selo," ed. R. Golike and A. Vilborg
[Заставки к книге А. Бенуа "История Царского села," изд. Р. Голике и А. Вильборг] |
Yevgeny Lansere Tuchkov Per., d. 17, kv. 31, Saint Petersburg |
164. Имп. Елизавета, посещающая работы [Imp. Elizaveta, poseshhayushhaya raboty' : Imp. Elizabeth visiting works]
Miniatures for A. Benois's book "The History of Tsarskoe Selo," ed. R. Golike and A. Vilborg
[Заставки к книге А. Бенуа "История Царского села," изд. Р. Голике и А. Вильборг] |
Yevgeny Lansere Tuchkov Per., d. 17, kv. 31, Saint Petersburg |
165. Дворцовая церковь [Dvorczovaya czerkovʹ : The Palace Church]
Miniatures for A. Benois's book "The History of Tsarskoe Selo," ed. R. Golike and A. Vilborg
[Заставки к книге А. Бенуа "История Царского села," изд. Р. Голике и А. Вильборг] |
Yevgeny Lansere Tuchkov Per., d. 17, kv. 31, Saint Petersburg |
166. Букеты сирени (Панно) [Bukety' sireni (Panno) : Lilac Bouquets (Panno)]
Agnes Lindemann V. O., 13 linia, 36, kv. 15, Saint Petersburg |
167. T. A. Lugowskaya-Dyagileva: Лесные цветы [Lesny'e czvety' : Forest flowers]
Tatjana Lugowskaya |
168. T. A. Lugowskaya-Dyagileva: Дудулька [Dudulʹka : Dudulka]
Tatjana Lugowskaya |
169. T. A. Lugowskaya-Dyagileva: Розы [Rozy' : Roses]
Tatjana Lugowskaya |
170. Жребий [Zhrebij : Destiny]
Sergey Vasil'yevich Malyutin Ul. Pljushiha, d. 43, Moscow |
171. У Хоругвей [U Khorugvej : Near Khorúgv]
Sergey Vasil'yevich Malyutin Ul. Pljushiha, d. 43, Moscow |
172. Вещее затмение. Из "Слова о полку Игорев" [Veshhee zatmenie. Iz "Slova o polku Igorev" : The living eclipse. From "The Tale of Igor's Regiment"]
painting: aquarelle
Stanzas from the Poem
["Тогда Игорь взрел на светлое солнце, и вид от него тьмою, вся своя воя прикрыты"] |
Sergey Vasil'yevich Malyutin Ul. Pljushiha, d. 43, Moscow |
174. Пристань. Эскиз декорации к оп. "Садко, богатый гость Новгородский" [Pristanʹ. E'skiz dekoraczii k op. "Sadko, bogaty'j gostʹ Novgorodskij" : Pier. Sketch of decoration for the opera. "Sadko, the rich guest of Novgorod"]
A. P. Langovoy
Sergey Vasil'yevich Malyutin Ul. Pljushiha, d. 43, Moscow |
176. Этюд [E'tyud : Etude]
Mikhail Anatolyevich Mamontov Leontyevsky per., d. Polyakova, Moscow |
177. Этюд [E'tyud : Etude]
Mikhail Anatolyevich Mamontov Leontyevsky per., d. Polyakova, Moscow |
178. Meshherin, Nikolay: Цветы (Этюд) [Czvety' (E'tyud) : Flowers (Etude)]
Nikolai Vasilevich Meshcherin Pyatnitskaya, d. Korobkovoy, Moscow |
179. Meshherin, Nikolay: В марте (Этюд) [V marte (E'tyud) : In March (Etude)]
Nikolai Vasilevich Meshcherin Pyatnitskaya, d. Korobkovoy, Moscow |
180. Meshherin, Nikolay: Майское утро [Majskoe utro : May morning]
[Эскиз] |
Nikolai Vasilevich Meshcherin Pyatnitskaya, d. Korobkovoy, Moscow |
181. Meshherin, Nikolay: Утро апреля [Utro aprelya : The Morning of April]
[Эскиз] |
Nikolai Vasilevich Meshcherin Pyatnitskaya, d. Korobkovoy, Moscow |
182. Meshherin, Nikolay: Росистое утро [Rosistoe utro : Dewy morning]
[Эскиз] |
Nikolai Vasilevich Meshcherin Pyatnitskaya, d. Korobkovoy, Moscow |
183. Meshherin, Nikolay: Утро [Utro : Morning]
[Эскиз] |
Nikolai Vasilevich Meshcherin Pyatnitskaya, d. Korobkovoy, Moscow |
184. Meshherin, Nikolay: Восход солнца [Voskhod solncza : Sunrise]
I. I. Troyanovsky
[Эскиз] |
Nikolai Vasilevich Meshcherin Pyatnitskaya, d. Korobkovoy, Moscow |
185. Meshherin, Nikolay: Лунный мотив [Lunny'j motiv : Moon motif]
[Эскиз] |
Nikolai Vasilevich Meshcherin Pyatnitskaya, d. Korobkovoy, Moscow |
186. На рассвете [Na rassvete : At dawn]
[Эскиз] |
Nikolai Vasilevich Meshcherin Pyatnitskaya, d. Korobkovoy, Moscow |
187. Meshherin, Nikolay: Утро после дождя [Utro posle dozhdya : Morning after rain]
[Эскиз] |
Nikolai Vasilevich Meshcherin Pyatnitskaya, d. Korobkovoy, Moscow |
188. Утро [Utro : Morning]
From the series "fêtes gelantes"
[Из серии "fêtes gelantes"] |
Nikolay Milioti B. Nikitskaya, mebl. komn. "Severny polyus", Moscow |
189. Marionettes
From the series "fêtes gelantes"
[Из серии "fêtes gelantes"] |
Nikolay Milioti B. Nikitskaya, mebl. komn. "Severny polyus", Moscow |
190. Ноктюрн [Noktyurn : Nocturne]
From the series "fêtes gelantes"
[Из серии "fêtes gelantes"] |
Nikolay Milioti B. Nikitskaya, mebl. komn. "Severny polyus", Moscow |
190a. Восточная сказка [Vostochnaya skazka : Eastern fairy tale]
From the series "fêtes gelantes"
[Из серии "fêtes gelantes"] |
Nikolay Milioti B. Nikitskaya, mebl. komn. "Severny polyus", Moscow |
198. Портрет З.Н. Гольдингер-Окуньковой [Portret Z.N. Golʹdinger-Okunʹkovoj : Portrait of Z. N. Goldinger-Okunkova]
Leonid Pasternak Uchil. Zhivopisi, Vayan. i. Zodch., Moscow |
199. Нина. Портрет [Nina. Portret : Nina. Portrait]
Mr. Khishin
Leonid Pasternak Uchil. Zhivopisi, Vayan. i. Zodch., Moscow |
200. Игрушка. Портрет [Igrushka. Portret : A toy. Portrait]
B. D. Vostryakov
Leonid Pasternak Uchil. Zhivopisi, Vayan. i. Zodch., Moscow |
201. Автопортрет. (Этюд) [Avtoportret. (E'tyud) : Self-portrait. (Etude)]
Leonid Pasternak Uchil. Zhivopisi, Vayan. i. Zodch., Moscow |
202. Жозефина и Лидия [Zhozefina i Lidiya : Joseohina and Lidia]
Leonid Pasternak Uchil. Zhivopisi, Vayan. i. Zodch., Moscow |
203. Петр I-й на ассамблее [Petr I-j na assamblee : Peter I-st at the Assembly]
[(Из серии исторических картин). Изд. Думнова]
(From a series of historical paintings). Publication of Dumnov |
Leonid Pasternak Uchil. Zhivopisi, Vayan. i. Zodch., Moscow |
204. "Увертюра". А. Никишин в Московском Благородном Собрании ["Uvertyura". A. Nikishin v Moskovskom Blagorodnom Sobranii : "Overture". A. Nikishin in the Moscow Noble Assembly]
Leonid Pasternak Uchil. Zhivopisi, Vayan. i. Zodch., Moscow |
205. Этюд смородины [E'tyud smorodiny' : Etude of currant]
Leonid Pasternak Uchil. Zhivopisi, Vayan. i. Zodch., Moscow |
206. Облака. (Этюд) [Oblaka. (E'tyud) : Clouds (Etude)]
Leonid Pasternak Uchil. Zhivopisi, Vayan. i. Zodch., Moscow |
207. В детской [V detskoj : In the nursery]
Leonid Pasternak Uchil. Zhivopisi, Vayan. i. Zodch., Moscow |
208. В детской [V detskoj : In the nursery]
Leonid Pasternak Uchil. Zhivopisi, Vayan. i. Zodch., Moscow |
209. В детской [V detskoj : In the nursery]
Leonid Pasternak Uchil. Zhivopisi, Vayan. i. Zodch., Moscow |
210. В детской [V detskoj : In the nursery]
Leonid Pasternak Uchil. Zhivopisi, Vayan. i. Zodch., Moscow |
211. В детской [V detskoj : In the nursery]
Leonid Pasternak Uchil. Zhivopisi, Vayan. i. Zodch., Moscow |
212. В детской [V detskoj : In the nursery]
Leonid Pasternak Uchil. Zhivopisi, Vayan. i. Zodch., Moscow |
213. Наброски и эскизы [Nabroski i e'skizy' : Studies and sketches]
Leonid Pasternak Uchil. Zhivopisi, Vayan. i. Zodch., Moscow |
214. Наброски и эскизы [Nabroski i e'skizy' : Studies and sketches]
Leonid Pasternak Uchil. Zhivopisi, Vayan. i. Zodch., Moscow |
215. Наброски и эскизы [Nabroski i e'skizy' : Studies and sketches]
Leonid Pasternak Uchil. Zhivopisi, Vayan. i. Zodch., Moscow |
218. Моленная [Molennaya : The Prayer]
North. Arkhangelsk Province
[Север. Архангельская губ.] |
Vladimir Vasilevič Perepletčikov Sadovaya, prot. Yauzskoj chasti, Khludowsky tupik, chastny dom, Moscow |
219. Внутренность часовни [Vnutrennostʹ chasovni : The interior of the chapel]
North. Arkhangelsk Province
[Север. Архангельская губ.] |
Vladimir Vasilevič Perepletčikov Sadovaya, prot. Yauzskoj chasti, Khludowsky tupik, chastny dom, Moscow |
220. Часовня в селени Усть Пинег [Chasovnya v seleni Ustʹ Pineg : Chapel in the village of Ust-Pinega]
North. Arkhangelsk Province
[Север. Архангельская губ.] |
Vladimir Vasilevič Perepletčikov Sadovaya, prot. Yauzskoj chasti, Khludowsky tupik, chastny dom, Moscow |
221. Река Пинега [Reka Pinega : River Pinega]
North. Arkhangelsk Province
[Север. Архангельская губ.] |
Vladimir Vasilevič Perepletčikov Sadovaya, prot. Yauzskoj chasti, Khludowsky tupik, chastny dom, Moscow |
222. Вечер на реке Пинеге [Vecher na reke Pinege : Evening on the River Pinega]
North. Arkhangelsk Province
[Север. Архангельская губ.] |
Vladimir Vasilevič Perepletčikov Sadovaya, prot. Yauzskoj chasti, Khludowsky tupik, chastny dom, Moscow |
223. Сумерки [Sumerki : Nightfall]
North. Arkhangelsk Province
[Север. Архангельская губ.] |
Vladimir Vasilevič Perepletčikov Sadovaya, prot. Yauzskoj chasti, Khludowsky tupik, chastny dom, Moscow |
224. Дорога в лесу [Doroga v lesu : Road in the forest]
North. Arkhangelsk Province
[Север. Архангельская губ.] |
Vladimir Vasilevič Perepletčikov Sadovaya, prot. Yauzskoj chasti, Khludowsky tupik, chastny dom, Moscow |
225. Лесная дорога [Lesnaya doroga : Forest Road]
North. Arkhangelsk Province
[Север. Архангельская губ.] |
Vladimir Vasilevič Perepletčikov Sadovaya, prot. Yauzskoj chasti, Khludowsky tupik, chastny dom, Moscow |
226. Селение Усть-Пинега, при впадении реки Пинеги в Св. Двину [Selenie Ustʹ-Pinega, pri vpadenii reki Pinegi v Sv. Dvinu : The village of Ust-Pinega, at the confluence of the Pinega River in St. Dvina]
North. Arkhangelsk Province
[Север. Архангельская губ.] |
Vladimir Vasilevič Perepletčikov Sadovaya, prot. Yauzskoj chasti, Khludowsky tupik, chastny dom, Moscow |
227. Облака над лесом [Oblaka nad lesom : Clouds over the forest]
North. Arkhangelsk Province
[Север. Архангельская губ.] |
Vladimir Vasilevič Perepletčikov Sadovaya, prot. Yauzskoj chasti, Khludowsky tupik, chastny dom, Moscow |
228. Над Двиной начинается буря [Nad Dvinoj nachinaetsya burya : Over Dvina begins a storm]
North. Arkhangelsk Province
[Север. Архангельская губ.] |
Vladimir Vasilevič Perepletčikov Sadovaya, prot. Yauzskoj chasti, Khludowsky tupik, chastny dom, Moscow |
216. Вечер [Vecher : Evening]
Konstantin Konstantinovich Pervukhin Sivcev-Vrazhek, d. Shablynskoj, kv. 1, Moscow |
217. Канал [Kanal : Duct]
Konstantin Konstantinovich Pervukhin Sivcev-Vrazhek, d. Shablynskoj, kv. 1, Moscow |
237. Зал (с. Ракша, Тамбовск. губ) [Zal (s. Raksha, Tambovsk. gub) : Hall (village of Raksha, Tambov region)]
Gr. Komarovsky
Nikolai Filippovich Petrov Usachev per., d. 3, kv. 25, Saint Petersburg |
238. Передняя [Perednyaya : Anteroom]
Nikolai Filippovich Petrov Usachev per., d. 3, kv. 25, Saint Petersburg |
239. Круглый коридор [Krugly'j koridor : Round corridor]
Nikolai Filippovich Petrov Usachev per., d. 3, kv. 25, Saint Petersburg |
240. Intérieur
Mr. Mansurov
Nikolai Filippovich Petrov Usachev per., d. 3, kv. 25, Saint Petersburg |
229. Под осенним солнцем [Pod osennim solnczem : Under the autumn sun]
Pyotr Petrovichev Orlovsky per.d, Voskresenskogo, kv. 2, Moscow |
230. Хризантемы [Khrizantemy' : Chrysanthemums]
Pyotr Petrovichev Orlovsky per.d, Voskresenskogo, kv. 2, Moscow |
231. В весенних сумерках [V vesennikh sumerkakh : In the spring twilight]
Pyotr Petrovichev Orlovsky per.d, Voskresenskogo, kv. 2, Moscow |
232. Под вешними лучами [Pod veshnimi luchami : Vernal rays]
Pyotr Petrovichev Orlovsky per.d, Voskresenskogo, kv. 2, Moscow |
233. При лунном свете [Pri lunnom svete : In the moonlight]
Pyotr Petrovichev Orlovsky per.d, Voskresenskogo, kv. 2, Moscow |
234. Сирень [Sirenʹ : Lilac]
Pyotr Petrovichev Orlovsky per.d, Voskresenskogo, kv. 2, Moscow |
235. Перед закатом. (Город) [Pered zakatom. (Gorod) : Before sunset. (City)]
Pyotr Petrovichev Orlovsky per.d, Voskresenskogo, kv. 2, Moscow |
236. На пашне [Na pashne : On the arable land]
Pyotr Petrovichev Orlovsky per.d, Voskresenskogo, kv. 2, Moscow |
241. Моя семья [Moya semʹya : My family]
G. I. Schoofs
Il'ya Repin |
242. Поток [Potok : Flow]
Arkady Rylov Zamyatin Per., 3, kv. 7, Petersburg |
243. Пихты [Fikhty' : Fir-trees]
Arkady Rylov Zamyatin Per., 3, kv. 7, Petersburg |
244. К вечеру [K vecheru : Towards evening]
Arkady Rylov Zamyatin Per., 3, kv. 7, Petersburg |
245. Карусель [Karuselʹ : Carousel]
Nikolay Sapunov B. Nikitskaya, mebl. komn. "Severny polyus", Moscow |
246. Карусель [Karuselʹ : Carousel]
Nikolay Sapunov B. Nikitskaya, mebl. komn. "Severny polyus", Moscow |
247. Пионы [Piony' : Peonies]
Nikolay Sapunov B. Nikitskaya, mebl. komn. "Severny polyus", Moscow |
248. Джиовани де-Грассо [Dzhiovani de-Grasso : Giovanni de Grasso]
[Этюд] |
Nikolay Sapunov B. Nikitskaya, mebl. komn. "Severny polyus", Moscow |
249. Эскиз [E'skiz : Sketch]
Nikolay Sapunov B. Nikitskaya, mebl. komn. "Severny polyus", Moscow |
250. Искушение Св. Антония [Iskushenie Sv. Antoniya : The Temptation of St. Anthony]
Nikolay Sapunov B. Nikitskaya, mebl. komn. "Severny polyus", Moscow |
296. Портрет Ленскаго и Южина [Portret Lenskago i Yuzhina : Portrait of Lenky and Yuzhin]
Literaturno-Khudozhestvenny kruzhok
Valentin Serov Vagan'kovsky per., d. Klyukina, Moscow |
297. Портрет Е. С. М-вой [Portret E. S. M-voj : Portrait of E. S. M-va]
I. A. Morozov
Valentin Serov Vagan'kovsky per., d. Klyukina, Moscow |
298. Портрет М. Н. Акимовой [Portret M. N. Akimovoj : Portait of M. N. Akimova]
M. N. Akimova
Valentin Serov Vagan'kovsky per., d. Klyukina, Moscow |
340. Библиотека А. И. Х. [Biblioteka A. I. Kh. : Library A. I. H.]
P. Shherbov |
341. Рисунок [Risunok : Drawing]
P. Shherbov |
342. Рисунок [Risunok : Drawing]
P. Shherbov |
343. Рисунок [Risunok : Drawing]
P. Shherbov |
251. Пейзаж с радугой [Pejzazh s radugoj : Landscape with a rainbow]
painting: aquarelle
Konstantin Somov Ekateringofsky pr., 97, Saint Petersburg |
252. Гёте, Амур и муза [Gyote, Amur i muza : Goethe, Cupid and Muse]
Konstantin Somov Ekateringofsky pr., 97, Saint Petersburg |
253. Этюд для женского портрета [E'tyud dlya zhenskogo portreta : Etude for a woman portrait]
painting: aquarelle
Konstantin Somov Ekateringofsky pr., 97, Saint Petersburg |
254. Портрет молодой девушки [Portret molodoj devushki : Portrait of an young woman]
painting: aquarelle
V. P. Ryabushinsky
Konstantin Somov Ekateringofsky pr., 97, Saint Petersburg |
255. Портрет поэта А. А. Блока [Portret poe'ta A. A. Bloka : Portrait of the poet A. A. Blok]
V. P. Ryabushinsky
For magazine "Golden Fleece"
[Для журнала "Золотое Руно"] |
Konstantin Somov Ekateringofsky pr., 97, Saint Petersburg |
256. Портрет художника Е. Е. Лансере [Portret khudozhnika E. E. Lansere : Portrait of the painter A. A. Lansere]
V. P. Ryabushinsky
For magazine "Golden Fleece"
[Для журнала "Золотое Руно"] |
Konstantin Somov Ekateringofsky pr., 97, Saint Petersburg |
257. Арлекин и смерть [Arlekin i smertʹ : Harlequin and death]
painting: aquarelle
V. P. Ryabushinsky
Konstantin Somov Ekateringofsky pr., 97, Saint Petersburg |
258. Концерт [Konczert : Concert]
painting: aquarelle
Konstantin Somov Ekateringofsky pr., 97, Saint Petersburg |
259. Жар-птица [Zhar-pticza : Firebird]
painting: aquarelle
I. A. Morozov
Konstantin Somov Ekateringofsky pr., 97, Saint Petersburg |
260. Старый и новый год [Stary'j i novy'j god : Old and new year]
Konstantin Somov Ekateringofsky pr., 97, Saint Petersburg |
261. Поцелуй. Силуэт [Poczeluj. Silue't : Kiss. Silhouette]
Konstantin Somov Ekateringofsky pr., 97, Saint Petersburg |
262. Иллустрации для книги "Das Lesebuch der Marquise" [Illustraczii dlya knigi "Das Lesebuch der Marquise" : Illustratios for the book "Das Lesebuch der Marquise"]
Konstantin Somov Ekateringofsky pr., 97, Saint Petersburg |
263. Иллустрации для книги "Das Lesebuch der Marquise" [Illustraczii dlya knigi "Das Lesebuch der Marquise" : Illustratios for the book "Das Lesebuch der Marquise"]
Konstantin Somov Ekateringofsky pr., 97, Saint Petersburg |
264. Иллустрации для книги "Das Lesebuch der Marquise" [Illustraczii dlya knigi "Das Lesebuch der Marquise" : Illustratios for the book "Das Lesebuch der Marquise"]
Konstantin Somov Ekateringofsky pr., 97, Saint Petersburg |
265. Библиотека в имении Николаевское Урюшино, княжны А. Н. Голицыной [Biblioteka v imenii Nikolaevskoe Uryushino, knyazhny' A. N. Goliczy'noj : Library in the estate Nikolaevskoe Uryushino, princesses A. N. Golitsynoy]
Aleksander Sredin Prechistenka, Eropkinsky per. Dom Erofeeva, Moscow |
266. В доме Е. Н. Кологривовой в Калуге [V dome E. N. Kologrivovoj v Kaluge : In the house of E. N. Kologrivova in Kaluga]
Aleksander Sredin Prechistenka, Eropkinsky per. Dom Erofeeva, Moscow |
267. Intérieur
In the house of princesse E. I. Kologrivova, earl Sumarkov-Elston, Moscow
Aleksander Sredin Prechistenka, Eropkinsky per. Dom Erofeeva, Moscow |
268. Intérieur
In the house of princesse E. I. Kologrivova, earl Sumarkov-Elston, Moscow
Aleksander Sredin Prechistenka, Eropkinsky per. Dom Erofeeva, Moscow |
269. Intérieur
In the house of princesse E. I. Kologrivova, earl Sumarkov-Elston, Moscow
Aleksander Sredin Prechistenka, Eropkinsky per. Dom Erofeeva, Moscow |
270. Intérieur
In the house of princesse E. I. Kologrivova, earl Sumarkov-Elston, Moscow
Aleksander Sredin Prechistenka, Eropkinsky per. Dom Erofeeva, Moscow |
276. В усадьбе [V usadʹbe : In the manor]
V. V. Prokhorov
Aleksey Stepanov Petrovsky bul'v., d. Medyncevoj, kv. 3, Moscow |
277. Перед бегом [Pered begom : Before running]
V. V. Prokhorov
Aleksey Stepanov Petrovsky bul'v., d. Medyncevoj, kv. 3, Moscow |
278. Загонщики [Zagonshhiki : Hijackers]
V. V. Prokhorov
Aleksey Stepanov Petrovsky bul'v., d. Medyncevoj, kv. 3, Moscow |
279. Фарфор [Farfor : Porcelain]
Sergey Sudyekin Star. Basmannaya, Gorohovy per. d. Kholchevoy, Moscow |
280. Фарфор и цветы [Farfor i czvety' : Porcelain and flowers]
Sergey Sudyekin Star. Basmannaya, Gorohovy per. d. Kholchevoy, Moscow |
281. Гобелен [Gobelen : Tapestry]
Sergey Sudyekin Star. Basmannaya, Gorohovy per. d. Kholchevoy, Moscow |
282. Гобелен [Gobelen : Tapestry]
Sergey Sudyekin Star. Basmannaya, Gorohovy per. d. Kholchevoy, Moscow |
283. Береза [Bereza : Birch]
Sergey Sudyekin Star. Basmannaya, Gorohovy per. d. Kholchevoy, Moscow |
284. Сельский вид [Selʹskij vid : Countryside view]
Sergey Sudyekin Star. Basmannaya, Gorohovy per. d. Kholchevoy, Moscow |
285. Катанье зимой [Katanʹe zimoj : Skiing in winter]
Sergey Sudyekin Star. Basmannaya, Gorohovy per. d. Kholchevoy, Moscow |
286. Вечер на острове [Vecher na ostrove : Evening on the island]
Sergey Sudyekin Star. Basmannaya, Gorohovy per. d. Kholchevoy, Moscow |
287. Новолуние [Novolunie : New moon]
Sergey Sudyekin Star. Basmannaya, Gorohovy per. d. Kholchevoy, Moscow |
288. Господский дом [Gospodskij dom : Lord's house]
Sergey Sudyekin Star. Basmannaya, Gorohovy per. d. Kholchevoy, Moscow |
289. Северный поэт [Severny'j poe't : Northern poet]
Sergey Sudyekin Star. Basmannaya, Gorohovy per. d. Kholchevoy, Moscow |
290. Приглашение к отплытию [Priglashenie k otply'tiyu : Invitation to sailing]
Sergey Sudyekin Star. Basmannaya, Gorohovy per. d. Kholchevoy, Moscow |
291. Приглашение к отплытию [Priglashenie k otply'tiyu : Invitation to sailing]
Sergey Sudyekin Star. Basmannaya, Gorohovy per. d. Kholchevoy, Moscow |
292. Миниатюры по фарфору [Miniatyury' po farforu : Miniatures on porcelain]
Sergey Sudyekin Star. Basmannaya, Gorohovy per. d. Kholchevoy, Moscow |
293. Этюд [E'tyud : Etude]
Vasily Surikov Tverskaya, d. Polyakova, Moscow |
294. Портрет [Portret : Portrait]
Vasily Surikov Tverskaya, d. Polyakova, Moscow |
295. Акварели [Akvareli : Watercolors]
painting: aquarelle
Vasily Surikov Tverskaya, d. Polyakova, Moscow |
300. Maternité
Nicolas Alexandrovitch Tarkhoff 7, Rue Belloni / XV ar., Paris |
301. Enfans et chat (Ребенок с кошкой) [Enfans et chat (Rebenok s koshkoj) : Enfans et chat (Child with a catj)]
Nicolas Alexandrovitch Tarkhoff 7, Rue Belloni / XV ar., Paris |
302. Micarême (карнавал) [Micarême (karnaval) : Micarême (carnival)]
Nicolas Alexandrovitch Tarkhoff 7, Rue Belloni / XV ar., Paris |
303. Chat au fauteuil (Кошка в кресле) [Chat au fauteuil (Koshka v kresle) : Chat au fauteuil (Cat in the armchair)]
Nicolas Alexandrovitch Tarkhoff 7, Rue Belloni / XV ar., Paris |
304. Chrysanthèmes
Nicolas Alexandrovitch Tarkhoff 7, Rue Belloni / XV ar., Paris |
305. La bateuse
Nicolas Alexandrovitch Tarkhoff 7, Rue Belloni / XV ar., Paris |
306. Сена [Sena : Seine]
Nicolas Alexandrovitch Tarkhoff 7, Rue Belloni / XV ar., Paris |
307. La fin du marché (парижский рынок) [La fin du marché (parizhskij ry'nok) : La fin du marché (the Parisian market)]
Nicolas Alexandrovitch Tarkhoff 7, Rue Belloni / XV ar., Paris |
308. La plage
Nicolas Alexandrovitch Tarkhoff 7, Rue Belloni / XV ar., Paris |
309. Les baigneurs
Nicolas Alexandrovitch Tarkhoff 7, Rue Belloni / XV ar., Paris |
310. Altea en fleurs
Nicolas Alexandrovitch Tarkhoff 7, Rue Belloni / XV ar., Paris |
311. За завтраком [Za zavtrakom : At breakfast]
I. I. Troyanovsky
Nicolas Alexandrovitch Tarkhoff 7, Rue Belloni / XV ar., Paris |
312. Ненастные дни [Nenastny'e dni : Bad days]
Leonard Turzhansky I-ya Meshhanskaya, Banny per., d. Chulkova, kv. 52, Moscow |
313. Осеннее солнце [Osennee solncze : Autumn sun]
Leonard Turzhansky I-ya Meshhanskaya, Banny per., d. Chulkova, kv. 52, Moscow |
314. Теплый вечер [Teply'j vecher : Warm evening]
Leonard Turzhansky I-ya Meshhanskaya, Banny per., d. Chulkova, kv. 52, Moscow |
315. В полдень [V poldenʹ : At noon]
Leonard Turzhansky I-ya Meshhanskaya, Banny per., d. Chulkova, kv. 52, Moscow |
316. Портрет г-на N [Portret g-na N : Portrait of Mr. N.]
Leonard Turzhansky I-ya Meshhanskaya, Banny per., d. Chulkova, kv. 52, Moscow |
317. Эскиз "Тень" [E'skiz "Tenʹ" : Sketch "Shadow"]
Leonard Turzhansky I-ya Meshhanskaya, Banny per., d. Chulkova, kv. 52, Moscow |
318. Портрет г-жи К. [Portret g-zhi K. : Portrait of Ms. K]
Leonard Turzhansky I-ya Meshhanskaya, Banny per., d. Chulkova, kv. 52, Moscow |
52. "Зимний сон" ["Zimnij son" : "Winter dream"]
Apollinary Vasnetsov Furmannyj per., d. Shugaeva, Moscow |
53. Весенние ручьи [Vesennie ruchʹi : Spring streams]
Apollinary Vasnetsov Furmannyj per., d. Shugaeva, Moscow |
54. Лесная дорога [Lesnaya doroga : Forest Road]
Apollinary Vasnetsov Furmannyj per., d. Shugaeva, Moscow |
55. Оранжерея [Oranzhereya : Orangery]
Apollinary Vasnetsov Furmannyj per., d. Shugaeva, Moscow |
56. В старинной усадьбе [V starinnoj usadʹbe : In an old manor house]
Apollinary Vasnetsov Furmannyj per., d. Shugaeva, Moscow |
57. Улица в кремле [Ulicza v kremle : Street in the Kremlin]
After Gerberstein
Apollinary Vasnetsov Furmannyj per., d. Shugaeva, Moscow |
58. Посад [Posad : Posad]
Apollinary Vasnetsov Furmannyj per., d. Shugaeva, Moscow |
59. Довмондова стена [Dovmondova stena : Dovmond's Wall]
Pskov etudes
[Псковские этюды] |
Apollinary Vasnetsov Furmannyj per., d. Shugaeva, Moscow |
60. Гремячая башня [Gremyachaya bashnya : Gremyachaya Tower]
Pskov etudes
[Псковские этюды] |
Apollinary Vasnetsov Furmannyj per., d. Shugaeva, Moscow |
61. Мельница на Псков- Реке [Melʹnicza na Pskov- Reke : Mill on the Pskov River]
Pskov etudes
[Псковские этюды] |
Apollinary Vasnetsov Furmannyj per., d. Shugaeva, Moscow |
62. Река Великая [Reka Velikaya : Velikaya River]
Pskov etudes
[Псковские этюды] |
Apollinary Vasnetsov Furmannyj per., d. Shugaeva, Moscow |
63. Церковь Климента в Завеличьи [Czerkovʹ Klimenta v Zavelichʹi : Church of Clement in Zavelich'yi]
Pskov etudes
[Псковские этюды] |
Apollinary Vasnetsov Furmannyj per., d. Shugaeva, Moscow |
64. Церковь Сергия [Czerkovʹ Sergiya : Church of Sergey]
Pskov etudes
[Псковские этюды] |
Apollinary Vasnetsov Furmannyj per., d. Shugaeva, Moscow |
65. Звонница ц. Иоанна Богослова [Zvonnicza cz. Ioanna Bogoslova : Belfry of ts. John the Theologian]
Pskov etudes
[Псковские этюды] |
Apollinary Vasnetsov Furmannyj per., d. Shugaeva, Moscow |
66. Весна [Vesna : Spring]
Sergey Vinogradov Sofijskaja naber., Kokorevskoje podvorje, Moscow |
67. Летом [Letom : In the summer]
Sergey Vinogradov Sofijskaja naber., Kokorevskoje podvorje, Moscow |
68. Сад [Sad : Garden]
Sergey Vinogradov Sofijskaja naber., Kokorevskoje podvorje, Moscow |
69. Осень [Osenʹ : Autumn]
Sergey Vinogradov Sofijskaja naber., Kokorevskoje podvorje, Moscow |
70. Этюд [E'tyud : Etude]
L. D. Sverbeeva
Sergey Vinogradov Sofijskaja naber., Kokorevskoje podvorje, Moscow |
344. Лето [Leto : Summer]
V. O. Grishman
Konstantin Yuon Arbat, d. 17, kv. 7, Moscow |
345. Декоративный пейзаж [Dekorativny'j pejzazh : Decorative landscape]
Konstantin Yuon Arbat, d. 17, kv. 7, Moscow |
346. Сценка у трактира [Sczenka u traktira : The scene at the inn]
Konstantin Yuon Arbat, d. 17, kv. 7, Moscow |
347. В дворянском собрании [V dvoryanskom sobranii : In the Nobility Assembly]
Konstantin Yuon Arbat, d. 17, kv. 7, Moscow |
348. Чаиный домик [Chainy'j domik : Tea house]
Konstantin Yuon Arbat, d. 17, kv. 7, Moscow |
349. Ночь. (Москва) [Nochʹ. (Moskva) : Night. (Moscow)]
Konstantin Yuon Arbat, d. 17, kv. 7, Moscow |
350. Золотые облака [Zoloty'e oblaka : Golden clouds]
Konstantin Yuon Arbat, d. 17, kv. 7, Moscow |
351. Подмосковный пейзаж [Podmoskovny'j pejzazh : Landscape of region near Moscow]
Konstantin Yuon Arbat, d. 17, kv. 7, Moscow |
352. Портрет М. Л. [Portret M. L. : Portrait M. L.]
O. A. Lopatina
Konstantin Yuon Arbat, d. 17, kv. 7, Moscow |
112. По эскизу М. А. Врубеля [Po e'skizu M. A. Vrubelya : After a dketch of M.A. Vrubel]
Viktor Zamyraylo Sadovaya, u., Krasn., vor., d. Borisovskogo, kv. 19, Moscow |
110. Усадьба [Usadʹba : Homestead]
Stanislav Julianovič Žukovskij Tverskaya, Kositsky per., d. Bakhrushina, Moscow |
111. В парке [V parke : In park]
Stanislav Julianovič Žukovskij Tverskaya, Kositsky per., d. Bakhrushina, Moscow |