
Agnes Lindemann

Russian-German painter, 1878-1942

Name Variants:
Lindeman, Agnessa Eduardovna
Jul 3, 1878, Pulkovo
Nov 6, 1942, Gotha
Places of Activity:
Saint Petersburg
V. O., 13 linia, 36, kv. 15, Saint Petersburg
V. O., 13 linia, 36, kv. 16, Saint Petersburg
V. O. 16 l., d. 36, Saint Petersburg
Vas. Ostr., 14 liniya, d. 3, kv. 10, Petrograd
Exhibitions: 17
Exhibiting Countries: 4
Exhibiting Cities: 5
Catalogue Entries: 64
Types of Work: painting and drawing: 64
Date Title City Venue # of Cat. Entries Type of Org. Body
Feb 22, 1905 (Feb 9, 1905 o.S.) Выставка картин "Союз Русских Художников" [Vy'stavka kartin "Soyuz Russkikh Khudozhnikov" : Exhibition of Painting "Union of Russian Artists"] Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown) 10
Jan 27, 1906 (Jan 14, 1906 o.S.) Выставка акварели, пастели, tempera, рисунков [Vy'stavka akvareli, pasteli, tempera, risunkov : Exhibition of Aquarelles, Pastels, Tempera, Drawings] Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown) 1
Feb 1906 Художественная выставка „Мир Искусства“ [Khudozhestvennaya vy'stavka „Mir Iskusstva“ : Art Exhibition "World of Art"] Saint Petersburg [Ekateriniskij zal] 6
Nov 15, 1906 Russische Kunstausstellung 1906 Berlin Eduard Schulte, Kunsthandlung 6 art galleries
Apr 22‒Oct 31, 1907 VII. Esposizione Internazionale d’Arte della Città di Venezia Venice Giardini Pubblici 2 others
1908‒1909 VI выставка картин Союза Русских Художников [VI vy'stavka kartin Soyuza Russkikh Khudozhnikov : VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists] Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown) 1
1908 Звено [Zveno : Link] Kiev Kiev (exact location unknown) 5
1909‒1910 VII Выставка Картин Союза Русских Художников [VII Vy'stavka Kartin Soyuza Russkikh Khudozhnikov : VII Exhibition of Paintings of the Union of Russian Artists] Moscow [Literaturno-Khudozhestvenny'j Kruzhok : Literature and art salon] 5
1910 Выставка Картин Союза Русских Художников [Vy'stavka Kartin Soyuza Russkikh Khudozhnikov : Exhibition of Paintings of the Association of Russian Artists] Kiev [Gorodskoj muzej] 3
1911 Мир Искусства [Mir Iskusstva : World of Art] Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown) 4
Jan 1911 Мир искусства [Mir iskusstva : World of Art] Saint Petersburg Saint Petersburg (exact location unknown) 5
Jan‒Feb 1912 Мир искусства [Mir iskusstva : World of Art] Saint Petersburg Saint Petersburg (exact location unknown) 1
Oct 28, 1913 (Oct 15, 1913 o.S.) Постоянная Выставка Современнаго Искусства [Postoyannaya Vy'stavka Sovremennago Iskusstva : Permanent Exhibition of Modern Art] Saint Petersburg [Khudozhestvennoe Byuro Doby'chinoj : Dobychina's Art Bureau] 3 art galleries
Nov 1913 Мир Искусства. Выставка картин [Mir Iskusstva. Vy'stavka kartin : World of Art. Exhibition of paintings] Saint Petersburg Dom Obshestva Pooshrfenija hudozhestv 4
1914‒1915 XII Выставка Картин Союза Русских Художников [XII Vy'stavka Kartin Soyuza Russkikh Khudozhnikov : XII Exhibition of Paintings of the Union of Russian Artists] Moscow [Khudozhestvenny'j salon 11 : Khudozhestvenny'j's Salon 11] 3
1914 Выставка картин в пользу лазарета деятелей искусства [Vy'stavka kartin v polʹzu lazareta deyatelej iskusstva : Exhibition of Paintings for the Artists Infirmary] Saint Petersburg [Khudozhestvennoe Byuro Doby'chinoj : Dobychina's Art Bureau] 2 art galleries
1915 Выставка Картин "Мир Искусства" [Vy'stavka Kartin "Mir Iskusstva" : Exhibition of Paintings "The World of Art"] Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown) 3
collapse all Catalogue View List View
Name Nationality Date of Birth Date of Death # of Co-Appearances
Konstantin Somov RU 1869 1939 12 exhibitions
Valentin Serov RU 1865 1911 11 exhibitions
Alexandre Benois RU 1870 1960 13 exhibitions
Tatjana Lugowskaya 1875 9 exhibitions
Mstislav Dobuzhinsky RU 1875 1957 14 exhibitions
Boris Anisfel'd RU 1879 1973 12 exhibitions
Stepan Petrovich Yaremich RU 1869 1939 10 exhibitions
Anna Petrovna Ostroumova-Lebedeva RU 1871 1955 12 exhibitions
Konstantin Yuon RU 1875 1958 9 exhibitions
Boris Kustodiyev RU 1878 1927 11 exhibitions
Konstantin Korovin RU 1861 1939 8 exhibitions
Yevgeny Lansere RU 1875 1946 10 exhibitions
Pyotr Petrovichev RU 1874 1947 7 exhibitions
Abram Arkhipov RU 1862 1930 7 exhibitions
Walter Lokkenberg RU 1875 1921 7 exhibitions
Nikolaj Petrovič Feofilaktov RU 1878 1941 8 exhibitions
Sergey Vasil'yevich Malyutin RU 1859 1937 8 exhibitions
Vladimir Vasilevič Perepletčikov RU 1863 1918 8 exhibitions
Nikolay Milioti RU 1874 1962 9 exhibitions
Sergey Sudyekin RU 1882 1946 9 exhibitions
Igor Grabar RU 1871 1960 8 exhibitions
Ivan Bilibin RU 1876 1942 10 exhibitions
Jan Ciągliński PL 1858 1913 7 exhibitions
Arkady Rylov RU Jan 29, 1870 Jun 22, 1939 8 exhibitions
Nikolai Vasilevich Meshcherin RU 1864 1916 6 exhibitions
Aleksandr Golovin RU 1863 1930 6 exhibitions
Sergey Vinogradov RU 1869 1938 6 exhibitions
Isaak Brodsky RU 1884 1939 6 exhibitions
Nikolay Sapunov RU 1880 1912 7 exhibitions
Dmitry Mitrokhin RU 1883 1973 7 exhibitions
Ossip Emmanujilowitsch Brass RU 1872 1936 6 exhibitions
Nicholas Roerich RU 1874 1947 9 exhibitions
Pavel Kuznetsov RU 1878 1968 7 exhibitions
Filipp Malyavin RU 1869 1940 5 exhibitions
Zinaida Serebryakova RU 1884 1967 5 exhibitions
Nikolai Aleksandrovič Klodt RU 1865 1918 5 exhibitions
Aleksandr Shervashidze RU 1867 1968 6 exhibitions
Stanislav Julianovič Žukovskij RU 1873 1944 6 exhibitions
Nikolai Vasilevich Doseikin RU 1863 1935 5 exhibitions
Aleksey Stepanov RU 1858 1923 5 exhibitions
Nikolay Pavlovic Ul'yanov RU 1875 1949 6 exhibitions
Aleksander Sredin RU 1872 1934 6 exhibitions
Konstantin Bogayevsky RU 1872 1943 8 exhibitions
Mikhail Vrubel' RU 1856 1910 6 exhibitions
Adolf Iosifovic Charlemagne RU 1826 1901 5 exhibitions
Apollinary Vasnetsov RU 1856 1933 5 exhibitions
Georgy Narbut UA 1886 1920 6 exhibitions
Il'ya Repin RU 1844 1930 4 exhibitions
Kuz'ma Petrov-Vodkin RU 1878 1939 6 exhibitions
Anatoly Arapov RU 1876 1949 5 exhibitions
Martiros Sarian AM 1880 1972 6 exhibitions
Petr Savvič Utkin RU 1877 1934 6 exhibitions
Modest Aleksandrovic Durnow RU 1867 1928 4 exhibitions
Konstantin Konstantinovich Pervukhin RU 1863 1915 4 exhibitions
Leonard Turzhansky RU 1875 1945 4 exhibitions
Vasily Surikov RU 1848 1916 4 exhibitions
Léon Bakst RU 1866 1924 7 exhibitions
Leonid Pasternak RU 1862 1945 5 exhibitions
Georgy Lukomsky RU 1884 1952 6 exhibitions
Boris Grigor'yev RU 1886 1939 4 exhibitions
Nicolas Alexandrovitch Tarkhoff RU 1871 1930 8 exhibitions
Manuil Khristoforovich Aladzhalov RU 1862 1934 4 exhibitions
M. K. Čiurlionis LT 1875 1911 4 exhibitions
Nikolay Krymov RU 1884 1958 6 exhibitions
Viktor Borisov-Musatov RU 1870 1905 5 exhibitions
Aleksandr Fedorovich Gaush RU 1873 1947 6 exhibitions
Yelizaveta Kruglikova RU 1865 1941 5 exhibitions
Alek'sandr T'amanyan RU 1878 1936 4 exhibitions
Viktor Zamyraylo UA 1868 1939 4 exhibitions
P. Shherbov 3 exhibitions
Dmitry Stelletsky RU 1875 1947 4 exhibitions
Natan Alt'man RU 1889 1970 4 exhibitions
Aleksandr Arnshtam RU 1880 1969 3 exhibitions
N.N. Shmakov 3 exhibitions
Mikhail Anatolyevich Mamontov RU 1865 1920 3 exhibitions
V. Ya Chambers 3 exhibitions
Aristarkh Lentulov RU 1882 1943 5 exhibitions
A. V. Shhusev 3 exhibitions
Nicolai Remisoff RU 1887 1975 3 exhibitions
Leonid Sologub RU 1884 1956 3 exhibitions
Maria Ivanovna Ivashintsova RU 1882 1957 3 exhibitions
Mikhail Larionov RU 1881 1964 6 exhibitions
Georgy Yakulov GE 1884 1928 4 exhibitions
Marija Jakovlevna Chembers-Bilibina RU 1874 1962 3 exhibitions
Sergey Chekhonin RU 1878 1936 3 exhibitions
V. D. Shitikov RU 1874 1957 3 exhibitions
Grigorij Michajlovič Bobrovskij RU 1873 1942 3 exhibitions
Veniamin Pavlovic Belkin RU 1884 1951 3 exhibitions
Mykhail Latri RU 1875 1941 3 exhibitions
Zoja Jakovlevna Mostova-Matveeva RU 1884 1972 3 exhibitions
Pavel Naumov UA 1884 1942 3 exhibitions
Artur Fonvizin RU 1883 1973 3 exhibitions
Aleksandr Yakovlev RU 1887 1938 3 exhibitions
Margarita V. Sabaschnikow RU Jan 31, 1882 Nov 2, 1973 2 exhibitions
E.Ya. Sander-Rodlova 2 exhibitions
O.N. Karatygina 2 exhibitions
Anna Vladimirovna Remizova-Vasilyeva RU 1880 1928 2 exhibitions
Aleksei Aleksandrovich Radakov RU 1879 1942 2 exhibitions
Nikolay Tyrsa RU 1887 1942 2 exhibitions
Natalia Goncharova RU 1881 1962 5 exhibitions
Michail Pavlovič Bobyšov RU 1885 1964 2 exhibitions
Lidiya Nikandrovna Verkhovskaya RU 1882 1919 2 exhibitions
Isaak Levitan RU 1860 1900 2 exhibitions
Andrey Ryabushkin RU 1861 1904 2 exhibitions
Paolo, Prince Troubetzkoy IT 1866 1938 2 exhibitions
Maria Vasilievna Iakunchikova-Veber RU 1870 1902 2 exhibitions
Vasily Shukhayev RU 1887 1973 2 exhibitions
Elza Backlund SE 1880 1974 2 exhibitions
Sergey Kolesnikov RU 1879 1955 2 exhibitions
Sergey Ivanov RU 1864 1910 2 exhibitions
Vasili Dmitrievich Millioti RU 1875 1943 2 exhibitions
Valentina Mihajlovna Hodasevič RU 1894 1970 2 exhibitions
Sergej Ivanovič Petrov RU 1881 1936 2 exhibitions
Erna von Deters DE 1876 1961 2 exhibitions
Nadezhda Vladimirovna Lermontova RU 1885 1921 2 exhibitions
Pyotr Konchalovsky RU 1876 1956 3 exhibitions
Ivan Sacharov 2 exhibitions
Magda Nachman Acharya RU 1889 1951 2 exhibitions
Yulia Obolenskaya RU 1889 1945 2 exhibitions
Konstantin Vikent'evič Dydyško RU 1876 1932 2 exhibitions
Ivan Fomin RU 1872 1936 2 exhibitions
Olga Della-Vos Kardovskaya RU 1875 1952 2 exhibitions
Aleksandr Rostislavov RU 1860 1920 2 exhibitions
Sergey Gruzenberg RU 1888 1934 2 exhibitions
Nikolay Kalmakov RU 1873 1955 2 exhibitions
Il'ya Mashkov RU 1881 1944 3 exhibitions
Stanislav-Vitold Vladislavovich Noakovsky PL 1867 1928 2 exhibitions
Fedor Ivanovich Rerberg RU 1865 1938 2 exhibitions
Nikolay Kulbin RU 1868 1917 2 exhibitions
Vasili Ivanovich Denisov RU 1862 1922 2 exhibitions
Nikolai I. Khrustachev RU 1883 1960 2 exhibitions
Aleksandra Aleksandrovna Exster RU 1882 1949 2 exhibitions
David Burlyuk UA 1882 1967 2 exhibitions
Alexei Jawlensky RU 1864 1941 2 exhibitions

+Exhibitions by Year(Bar Chart)

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Recommended Citation: "Agnes Lindemann." In Database of Modern Exhibitions (DoME). European Paintings and Drawings 1905-1915. Last modified May 7, 2020.