92. С. В. Ноаковский [S. V. Noakovskij]: [Рисунок] (Россия в XVII веке) [[Risunok] (Rossiya v XVII veke) : [Drawing] (Russia in 17th Century)]
Original entry: "92-97 [cat. no.] Рисунки (Россия в XVII веке)". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
XIII-я Выставка Картин Московского Товарищества Художников [XIII-ya Vy'stavka Kartin Moskovskogo Tovarishhestva Khudozhnikov : XIII. Paintings Exhibition of the Moscow Association of Artists] |
93. С. В. Ноаковский [S. V. Noakovskij]: [Рисунок] (Россия в XVII веке) [[Risunok] (Rossiya v XVII veke) : [Drawing] (Russia in 17th Century)]
Original entry: "92-97 [cat. no.] Рисунки (Россия в XVII веке)". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
XIII-я Выставка Картин Московского Товарищества Художников [XIII-ya Vy'stavka Kartin Moskovskogo Tovarishhestva Khudozhnikov : XIII. Paintings Exhibition of the Moscow Association of Artists] |
94. С. В. Ноаковский [S. V. Noakovskij]: [Рисунок] (Россия в XVII веке) [[Risunok] (Rossiya v XVII veke) : [Drawing] (Russia in 17th Century)]
Original entry: "92-97 [cat. no.] Рисунки (Россия в XVII веке)". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
XIII-я Выставка Картин Московского Товарищества Художников [XIII-ya Vy'stavka Kartin Moskovskogo Tovarishhestva Khudozhnikov : XIII. Paintings Exhibition of the Moscow Association of Artists] |
95. С. В. Ноаковский [S. V. Noakovskij]: [Рисунок] (Россия в XVII веке) [[Risunok] (Rossiya v XVII veke) : [Drawing] (Russia in 17th Century)]
Original entry: "92-97 [cat. no.] Рисунки (Россия в XVII веке)". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
XIII-я Выставка Картин Московского Товарищества Художников [XIII-ya Vy'stavka Kartin Moskovskogo Tovarishhestva Khudozhnikov : XIII. Paintings Exhibition of the Moscow Association of Artists] |
96. С. В. Ноаковский [S. V. Noakovskij]: [Рисунок] (Россия в XVII веке) [[Risunok] (Rossiya v XVII veke) : [Drawing] (Russia in 17th Century)]
Original entry: "92-97 [cat. no.] Рисунки (Россия в XVII веке)". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
XIII-я Выставка Картин Московского Товарищества Художников [XIII-ya Vy'stavka Kartin Moskovskogo Tovarishhestva Khudozhnikov : XIII. Paintings Exhibition of the Moscow Association of Artists] |
97. С. В. Ноаковский [S. V. Noakovskij]: [Рисунок] (Россия в XVII веке) [[Risunok] (Rossiya v XVII veke) : [Drawing] (Russia in 17th Century)]
Original entry: "92-97 [cat. no.] Рисунки (Россия в XVII веке)". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
XIII-я Выставка Картин Московского Товарищества Художников [XIII-ya Vy'stavka Kartin Moskovskogo Tovarishhestva Khudozhnikov : XIII. Paintings Exhibition of the Moscow Association of Artists] |
98. С. В. Ноаковский [S. V. Noakovskij]: В парке [V parke : In a Park]
XIII-я Выставка Картин Московского Товарищества Художников [XIII-ya Vy'stavka Kartin Moskovskogo Tovarishhestva Khudozhnikov : XIII. Paintings Exhibition of the Moscow Association of Artists] |
99. С. В. Ноаковский [S. V. Noakovskij]: В парке [V parke : In a Park]
XIII-я Выставка Картин Московского Товарищества Художников [XIII-ya Vy'stavka Kartin Moskovskogo Tovarishhestva Khudozhnikov : XIII. Paintings Exhibition of the Moscow Association of Artists] |
176. С. В. Ноаковский [S. V. Noakovskij]: [Архитектурный набросок] [[Arkhitekturny'j nabrosok] : Architectural Sketch]
Original entry: "176-180 [cat. no.] Архитектурные наброски". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
Выставка акварели, пастели, tempera, рисунков [Vy'stavka akvareli, pasteli, tempera, risunkov : Exhibition of Aquarelles, Pastels, Tempera, Drawings] |
177. С. В. Ноаковский [S. V. Noakovskij]: [Архитектурный набросок] [[Arkhitekturny'j nabrosok] : Architectural Sketch]
Original entry: "176-180 [cat. no.] Архитектурные наброски". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
Выставка акварели, пастели, tempera, рисунков [Vy'stavka akvareli, pasteli, tempera, risunkov : Exhibition of Aquarelles, Pastels, Tempera, Drawings] |
178. С. В. Ноаковский [S. V. Noakovskij]: [Архитектурный набросок] [[Arkhitekturny'j nabrosok] : Architectural Sketch]
Original entry: "176-180 [cat. no.] Архитектурные наброски". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
Выставка акварели, пастели, tempera, рисунков [Vy'stavka akvareli, pasteli, tempera, risunkov : Exhibition of Aquarelles, Pastels, Tempera, Drawings] |
179. С. В. Ноаковский [S. V. Noakovskij]: [Архитектурный набросок] [[Arkhitekturny'j nabrosok] : Architectural Sketch]
Original entry: "176-180 [cat. no.] Архитектурные наброски". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
Выставка акварели, пастели, tempera, рисунков [Vy'stavka akvareli, pasteli, tempera, risunkov : Exhibition of Aquarelles, Pastels, Tempera, Drawings] |
180. С. В. Ноаковский [S. V. Noakovskij]: [Архитектурный набросок] [[Arkhitekturny'j nabrosok] : Architectural Sketch]
Original entry: "176-180 [cat. no.] Архитектурные наброски". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
Выставка акварели, пастели, tempera, рисунков [Vy'stavka akvareli, pasteli, tempera, risunkov : Exhibition of Aquarelles, Pastels, Tempera, Drawings] |
258. Ноаковский, С. (Noakowsky, S.): [Рисунок] [[Risunok] : Drawing]
Original entry: "258-269 [cat. no.] 12 рисунков". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
Художественная выставка „Мир Искусства“ [Khudozhestvennaya vy'stavka „Mir Iskusstva“ : Art Exhibition "World of Art"] |
259. Ноаковский, С. (Noakowsky, S.): [Рисунок] [[Risunok] : Drawing]
Original entry: "258-269 [cat. no.] 12 рисунков". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
Художественная выставка „Мир Искусства“ [Khudozhestvennaya vy'stavka „Mir Iskusstva“ : Art Exhibition "World of Art"] |
260. Ноаковский, С. (Noakowsky, S.): [Рисунок] [[Risunok] : Drawing]
Original entry: "258-269 [cat. no.] 12 рисунков". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
Художественная выставка „Мир Искусства“ [Khudozhestvennaya vy'stavka „Mir Iskusstva“ : Art Exhibition "World of Art"] |
261. Ноаковский, С. (Noakowsky, S.): [Рисунок] [[Risunok] : Drawing]
Original entry: "258-269 [cat. no.] 12 рисунков". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
Художественная выставка „Мир Искусства“ [Khudozhestvennaya vy'stavka „Mir Iskusstva“ : Art Exhibition "World of Art"] |
262. Ноаковский, С. (Noakowsky, S.): [Рисунок] [[Risunok] : Drawing]
Original entry: "258-269 [cat. no.] 12 рисунков". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
Художественная выставка „Мир Искусства“ [Khudozhestvennaya vy'stavka „Mir Iskusstva“ : Art Exhibition "World of Art"] |
263. Ноаковский, С. (Noakowsky, S.): [Рисунок] [[Risunok] : Drawing]
Original entry: "258-269 [cat. no.] 12 рисунков". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
Художественная выставка „Мир Искусства“ [Khudozhestvennaya vy'stavka „Mir Iskusstva“ : Art Exhibition "World of Art"] |
264. Ноаковский, С. (Noakowsky, S.): [Рисунок] [[Risunok] : Drawing]
Original entry: "258-269 [cat. no.] 12 рисунков". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
Художественная выставка „Мир Искусства“ [Khudozhestvennaya vy'stavka „Mir Iskusstva“ : Art Exhibition "World of Art"] |
265. Ноаковский, С. (Noakowsky, S.): [Рисунок] [[Risunok] : Drawing]
Original entry: "258-269 [cat. no.] 12 рисунков". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
Художественная выставка „Мир Искусства“ [Khudozhestvennaya vy'stavka „Mir Iskusstva“ : Art Exhibition "World of Art"] |
266. Ноаковский, С. (Noakowsky, S.): [Рисунок] [[Risunok] : Drawing]
Original entry: "258-269 [cat. no.] 12 рисунков". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
Художественная выставка „Мир Искусства“ [Khudozhestvennaya vy'stavka „Mir Iskusstva“ : Art Exhibition "World of Art"] |
267. Ноаковский, С. (Noakowsky, S.): [Рисунок] [[Risunok] : Drawing]
Original entry: "258-269 [cat. no.] 12 рисунков". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
Художественная выставка „Мир Искусства“ [Khudozhestvennaya vy'stavka „Mir Iskusstva“ : Art Exhibition "World of Art"] |
268. Ноаковский, С. (Noakowsky, S.): [Рисунок] [[Risunok] : Drawing]
Original entry: "258-269 [cat. no.] 12 рисунков". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
Художественная выставка „Мир Искусства“ [Khudozhestvennaya vy'stavka „Mir Iskusstva“ : Art Exhibition "World of Art"] |
269. Ноаковский, С. (Noakowsky, S.): [Рисунок] [[Risunok] : Drawing]
Original entry: "258-269 [cat. no.] 12 рисунков". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
Художественная выставка „Мир Искусства“ [Khudozhestvennaya vy'stavka „Mir Iskusstva“ : Art Exhibition "World of Art"] |
141. С. В. Ноаковский [S. V. Noakovskij]: [Рисунок] [[Risunok] : [Drawing]]
Original entry: "141-148 Рисунки". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
XIV Выставка Картин Московского Товарищества Художников [XIV Vy'stavka Kartin Moskovskogo Tovarishhestva Khudozhnikov : The 14th Exhibition of Paintings. Moscow Association of Artists] |
142. С. В. Ноаковский [S. V. Noakovskij]: [Рисунок] [[Risunok] : [Drawing]]
Original entry: "141-148 Рисунки". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
XIV Выставка Картин Московского Товарищества Художников [XIV Vy'stavka Kartin Moskovskogo Tovarishhestva Khudozhnikov : The 14th Exhibition of Paintings. Moscow Association of Artists] |
143. С. В. Ноаковский [S. V. Noakovskij]: [Рисунок] [[Risunok] : [Drawing]]
Original entry: "141-148 Рисунки". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
XIV Выставка Картин Московского Товарищества Художников [XIV Vy'stavka Kartin Moskovskogo Tovarishhestva Khudozhnikov : The 14th Exhibition of Paintings. Moscow Association of Artists] |
144. С. В. Ноаковский [S. V. Noakovskij]: [Рисунок] [[Risunok] : [Drawing]]
Original entry: "141-148 Рисунки". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
XIV Выставка Картин Московского Товарищества Художников [XIV Vy'stavka Kartin Moskovskogo Tovarishhestva Khudozhnikov : The 14th Exhibition of Paintings. Moscow Association of Artists] |
145. С. В. Ноаковский [S. V. Noakovskij]: [Рисунок] [[Risunok] : [Drawing]]
Original entry: "141-148 Рисунки". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
XIV Выставка Картин Московского Товарищества Художников [XIV Vy'stavka Kartin Moskovskogo Tovarishhestva Khudozhnikov : The 14th Exhibition of Paintings. Moscow Association of Artists] |
146. С. В. Ноаковский [S. V. Noakovskij]: [Рисунок] [[Risunok] : [Drawing]]
Original entry: "141-148 Рисунки". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
XIV Выставка Картин Московского Товарищества Художников [XIV Vy'stavka Kartin Moskovskogo Tovarishhestva Khudozhnikov : The 14th Exhibition of Paintings. Moscow Association of Artists] |
147. С. В. Ноаковский [S. V. Noakovskij]: [Рисунок] [[Risunok] : [Drawing]]
Original entry: "141-148 Рисунки". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
XIV Выставка Картин Московского Товарищества Художников [XIV Vy'stavka Kartin Moskovskogo Tovarishhestva Khudozhnikov : The 14th Exhibition of Paintings. Moscow Association of Artists] |
148. С. В. Ноаковский [S. V. Noakovskij]: [Рисунок] [[Risunok] : [Drawing]]
Original entry: "141-148 Рисунки". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
XIV Выставка Картин Московского Товарищества Художников [XIV Vy'stavka Kartin Moskovskogo Tovarishhestva Khudozhnikov : The 14th Exhibition of Paintings. Moscow Association of Artists] |
98. С. Б. Ноаковский [S. B. Noakovskij]: Костел [Kostel : Church]
XV Выставка Картин Московскаго Товарищества Художников [XV Vy'stavka Kartin Moskovskago Tovarishhestva Khudozhnikov : The 15th Exhibition of Paintings. Moscow Association of Artists] |
99. С. Б. Ноаковский [S. B. Noakovskij]: Старый город [Stary'j gorod : Old Town]
XV Выставка Картин Московскаго Товарищества Художников [XV Vy'stavka Kartin Moskovskago Tovarishhestva Khudozhnikov : The 15th Exhibition of Paintings. Moscow Association of Artists] |
100. С. Б. Ноаковский [S. B. Noakovskij]: В монастыре [V monasty're : In the Monastery]
XV Выставка Картин Московскаго Товарищества Художников [XV Vy'stavka Kartin Moskovskago Tovarishhestva Khudozhnikov : The 15th Exhibition of Paintings. Moscow Association of Artists] |
101. С. Б. Ноаковский [S. B. Noakovskij]: Мотив Краковскаго замка [Motiv Krakovskago zamka : Motive of the Castle of Krakow]
XV Выставка Картин Московскаго Товарищества Художников [XV Vy'stavka Kartin Moskovskago Tovarishhestva Khudozhnikov : The 15th Exhibition of Paintings. Moscow Association of Artists] |
102. С. Б. Ноаковский [S. B. Noakovskij]: Приемная Сигизмунда III в Краковском замке [Priemnaya Sigizmunda III v Krakovskom zamke : Reception-room of Sigismund III in Krakow Castle]
XV Выставка Картин Московскаго Товарищества Художников [XV Vy'stavka Kartin Moskovskago Tovarishhestva Khudozhnikov : The 15th Exhibition of Paintings. Moscow Association of Artists] |
103. С. Б. Ноаковский [S. B. Noakovskij]: Архитектурный мотив [Arkhitekturny'j motiv : Architectural Motive]
XV Выставка Картин Московскаго Товарищества Художников [XV Vy'stavka Kartin Moskovskago Tovarishhestva Khudozhnikov : The 15th Exhibition of Paintings. Moscow Association of Artists] |
104. С. Б. Ноаковский [S. B. Noakovskij]: Спальня [Spalʹnya : Bedroom]
XV Выставка Картин Московскаго Товарищества Художников [XV Vy'stavka Kartin Moskovskago Tovarishhestva Khudozhnikov : The 15th Exhibition of Paintings. Moscow Association of Artists] |
105. С. Б. Ноаковский [S. B. Noakovskij]: Парафенон [Parafenon : Parthenon]
XV Выставка Картин Московскаго Товарищества Художников [XV Vy'stavka Kartin Moskovskago Tovarishhestva Khudozhnikov : The 15th Exhibition of Paintings. Moscow Association of Artists] |
106. С. Б. Ноаковский [S. B. Noakovskij]: Средневековые стены [Srednevekovy'e steny' : Medieval Walls]
XV Выставка Картин Московскаго Товарищества Художников [XV Vy'stavka Kartin Moskovskago Tovarishhestva Khudozhnikov : The 15th Exhibition of Paintings. Moscow Association of Artists] |
107. С. Б. Ноаковский [S. B. Noakovskij]: Краковский мотив [Krakovskij motiv : Krakow Motive]
XV Выставка Картин Московскаго Товарищества Художников [XV Vy'stavka Kartin Moskovskago Tovarishhestva Khudozhnikov : The 15th Exhibition of Paintings. Moscow Association of Artists] |
184. С. В. Ноаковский [S. V. Noakovskij]: В фламандском городе [V flamandskom gorode : In the Flemish City]
XVI Выставка Картин Московского Товарищества Художников [XVI Vy'stavka Kartin Moskovskogo Tovarishhestva Khudozhnikov : The 16th Exhibition of Paintings. Moscow Association of Artists] |
185. С. В. Ноаковский [S. V. Noakovskij]: Греческое кладбище [Grecheskoe kladbishhe : Greek Cemetery]
XVI Выставка Картин Московского Товарищества Художников [XVI Vy'stavka Kartin Moskovskogo Tovarishhestva Khudozhnikov : The 16th Exhibition of Paintings. Moscow Association of Artists] |
186. С. В. Ноаковский [S. V. Noakovskij]: В монастыре [V monasty're : In the Monastery]
XVI Выставка Картин Московского Товарищества Художников [XVI Vy'stavka Kartin Moskovskogo Tovarishhestva Khudozhnikov : The 16th Exhibition of Paintings. Moscow Association of Artists] |
187. С. В. Ноаковский [S. V. Noakovskij]: Переулок [Pereulok : Side Street]
XVI Выставка Картин Московского Товарищества Художников [XVI Vy'stavka Kartin Moskovskogo Tovarishhestva Khudozhnikov : The 16th Exhibition of Paintings. Moscow Association of Artists] |
188. С. В. Ноаковский [S. V. Noakovskij]: Средневековая комната [Srednevekovaya komnata : Medieval Room]
XVI Выставка Картин Московского Товарищества Художников [XVI Vy'stavka Kartin Moskovskogo Tovarishhestva Khudozhnikov : The 16th Exhibition of Paintings. Moscow Association of Artists] |
195. Ноаковский С. [Noakovskij S.]: [Впечатление] Италии [[Vpechatlenie] Italii : [Impression] of Italy]
Original entry: "195-207 [cat. no.] Впечатления Италии". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
XVII Выставка Картин Московскаго Товарищества Художников [XVII Vy'stavka Kartin Moskovskago Tovarishhestva Khudozhnikov : The 17th Exhibition of paintings. Moscow Association of Artists] |
196. Ноаковский С. [Noakovskij S.]: [Впечатление] Италии [[Vpechatlenie] Italii : [Impression] of Italy]
Original entry: "195-207 [cat. no.] Впечатления Италии". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
XVII Выставка Картин Московскаго Товарищества Художников [XVII Vy'stavka Kartin Moskovskago Tovarishhestva Khudozhnikov : The 17th Exhibition of paintings. Moscow Association of Artists] |
197. Ноаковский С. [Noakovskij S.]: [Впечатление] Италии [[Vpechatlenie] Italii : [Impression] of Italy]
Original entry: "195-207 [cat. no.] Впечатления Италии". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
XVII Выставка Картин Московскаго Товарищества Художников [XVII Vy'stavka Kartin Moskovskago Tovarishhestva Khudozhnikov : The 17th Exhibition of paintings. Moscow Association of Artists] |
198. Ноаковский С. [Noakovskij S.]: [Впечатление] Италии [[Vpechatlenie] Italii : [Impression] of Italy]
Original entry: "195-207 [cat. no.] Впечатления Италии". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
XVII Выставка Картин Московскаго Товарищества Художников [XVII Vy'stavka Kartin Moskovskago Tovarishhestva Khudozhnikov : The 17th Exhibition of paintings. Moscow Association of Artists] |
199. Ноаковский С. [Noakovskij S.]: [Впечатление] Италии [[Vpechatlenie] Italii : [Impression] of Italy]
Original entry: "195-207 [cat. no.] Впечатления Италии". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
XVII Выставка Картин Московскаго Товарищества Художников [XVII Vy'stavka Kartin Moskovskago Tovarishhestva Khudozhnikov : The 17th Exhibition of paintings. Moscow Association of Artists] |
200. Ноаковский С. [Noakovskij S.]: [Впечатление] Италии [[Vpechatlenie] Italii : [Impression] of Italy]
Original entry: "195-207 [cat. no.] Впечатления Италии". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
XVII Выставка Картин Московскаго Товарищества Художников [XVII Vy'stavka Kartin Moskovskago Tovarishhestva Khudozhnikov : The 17th Exhibition of paintings. Moscow Association of Artists] |
201. Ноаковский С. [Noakovskij S.]: [Впечатление] Италии [[Vpechatlenie] Italii : [Impression] of Italy]
Original entry: "195-207 [cat. no.] Впечатления Италии". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
XVII Выставка Картин Московскаго Товарищества Художников [XVII Vy'stavka Kartin Moskovskago Tovarishhestva Khudozhnikov : The 17th Exhibition of paintings. Moscow Association of Artists] |
202. Ноаковский С. [Noakovskij S.]: [Впечатление] Италии [[Vpechatlenie] Italii : [Impression] of Italy]
Original entry: "195-207 [cat. no.] Впечатления Италии". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
XVII Выставка Картин Московскаго Товарищества Художников [XVII Vy'stavka Kartin Moskovskago Tovarishhestva Khudozhnikov : The 17th Exhibition of paintings. Moscow Association of Artists] |
203. Ноаковский С. [Noakovskij S.]: [Впечатление] Италии [[Vpechatlenie] Italii : [Impression] of Italy]
Original entry: "195-207 [cat. no.] Впечатления Италии". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
XVII Выставка Картин Московскаго Товарищества Художников [XVII Vy'stavka Kartin Moskovskago Tovarishhestva Khudozhnikov : The 17th Exhibition of paintings. Moscow Association of Artists] |
204. Ноаковский С. [Noakovskij S.]: [Впечатление] Италии [[Vpechatlenie] Italii : [Impression] of Italy]
Original entry: "195-207 [cat. no.] Впечатления Италии". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
XVII Выставка Картин Московскаго Товарищества Художников [XVII Vy'stavka Kartin Moskovskago Tovarishhestva Khudozhnikov : The 17th Exhibition of paintings. Moscow Association of Artists] |
205. Ноаковский С. [Noakovskij S.]: [Впечатление] Италии [[Vpechatlenie] Italii : [Impression] of Italy]
Original entry: "195-207 [cat. no.] Впечатления Италии". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
XVII Выставка Картин Московскаго Товарищества Художников [XVII Vy'stavka Kartin Moskovskago Tovarishhestva Khudozhnikov : The 17th Exhibition of paintings. Moscow Association of Artists] |
206. Ноаковский С. [Noakovskij S.]: [Впечатление] Италии [[Vpechatlenie] Italii : [Impression] of Italy]
Original entry: "195-207 [cat. no.] Впечатления Италии". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
XVII Выставка Картин Московскаго Товарищества Художников [XVII Vy'stavka Kartin Moskovskago Tovarishhestva Khudozhnikov : The 17th Exhibition of paintings. Moscow Association of Artists] |
207. Ноаковский С. [Noakovskij S.]: [Впечатление] Италии [[Vpechatlenie] Italii : [Impression] of Italy]
Original entry: "195-207 [cat. no.] Впечатления Италии". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
XVII Выставка Картин Московскаго Товарищества Художников [XVII Vy'stavka Kartin Moskovskago Tovarishhestva Khudozhnikov : The 17th Exhibition of paintings. Moscow Association of Artists] |
279. Ноаковский С. В. [Noakovskij S. V.]: Вход в церковь [Vkhod v czerkovʹ : Entrance to the Church]
XVIII Выставка Картин Московскаго Т-ва Художников [XVIII Vy'stavka Kartin Moskovskago T-va Khudozhnikov : The 18th Exhibition of paintings. Moscow Association of Artists] Rozhdestvenka, d. Strogan. uchilishha, Moscow |
280. Ноаковский С. В. [Noakovskij S. V.]: Склеп [Sklep : Crypt]
XVIII Выставка Картин Московскаго Т-ва Художников [XVIII Vy'stavka Kartin Moskovskago T-va Khudozhnikov : The 18th Exhibition of paintings. Moscow Association of Artists] Rozhdestvenka, d. Strogan. uchilishha, Moscow |
281. Ноаковский С. В. [Noakovskij S. V.]: Памятник [Pamyatnik : Monument]
XVIII Выставка Картин Московскаго Т-ва Художников [XVIII Vy'stavka Kartin Moskovskago T-va Khudozhnikov : The 18th Exhibition of paintings. Moscow Association of Artists] Rozhdestvenka, d. Strogan. uchilishha, Moscow |
282. Ноаковский С. В. [Noakovskij S. V.]: Памятник [Pamyatnik : Monument]
XVIII Выставка Картин Московскаго Т-ва Художников [XVIII Vy'stavka Kartin Moskovskago T-va Khudozhnikov : The 18th Exhibition of paintings. Moscow Association of Artists] Rozhdestvenka, d. Strogan. uchilishha, Moscow |
283. Ноаковский С. В. [Noakovskij S. V.]: Рококо [Rokoko : Rococo]
XVIII Выставка Картин Московскаго Т-ва Художников [XVIII Vy'stavka Kartin Moskovskago T-va Khudozhnikov : The 18th Exhibition of paintings. Moscow Association of Artists] Rozhdestvenka, d. Strogan. uchilishha, Moscow |
284. Ноаковский С. В. [Noakovskij S. V.]: Рококо [Rokoko : Rococo]
XVIII Выставка Картин Московскаго Т-ва Художников [XVIII Vy'stavka Kartin Moskovskago T-va Khudozhnikov : The 18th Exhibition of paintings. Moscow Association of Artists] Rozhdestvenka, d. Strogan. uchilishha, Moscow |
Padiglione della Russia
110. Noakowski Stanislaw: La nuova cattedrale
XI. Esposizione d'Arte della Città di Venezia |
Padiglione della Russia
111. Noakowski Stanislaw: Casa russa
XI. Esposizione d'Arte della Città di Venezia |
Padiglione della Russia
112. Noakowski Stanislaw: Provincia
XI. Esposizione d'Arte della Città di Venezia |
Padiglione della Russia
113. Noakowski Stanislaw: La campagna
XI. Esposizione d'Arte della Città di Venezia |
Padiglione della Russia
114. Noakowski Stanislaw: La merceria
XI. Esposizione d'Arte della Città di Venezia |
Padiglione della Russia
115. Noakowski Stanislaw: Cappella rossa
XI. Esposizione d'Arte della Città di Venezia |