
Gustav Wentzel

Norwegian painter, 1859-1927

Name Variants (ULAN):
Wentzel, Nils Gustav
Places of Activity:
Exhibitions: 4
Exhibiting Countries: 4
Exhibiting Cities: 4
Catalogue Entries: 8
Types of Work: painting and drawing: 8
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Name Nationality Date of Birth Date of Death # of Co-Appearances
Christian Skredsvig NO 1854 1924 3 exhibitions
Marie Bolette Wilhelmine Falsen HU 1861 1957 2 exhibitions
Peter Vilhelm Ilsted DK 1861 1933 2 exhibitions
Albert Edelfelt FI 1854 1905 2 exhibitions
Georges-Constant Gasté FR 1869 1910 2 exhibitions
Aimé Nicolas Morot FR 1850 1913 2 exhibitions
Amaldus Nielsen NO 1838 1932 2 exhibitions
Oda Krohg NO 1860 1935 2 exhibitions
Otto Valstad NO 1862 1950 2 exhibitions
Félix Bracquemond FR 1833 1914 2 exhibitions
Virginie Elodie Demont-Breton FR 1859 1935 2 exhibitions
Walter MacEwen US 1860 1943 2 exhibitions
Bertalan Karlovszky HU 1858 1938 2 exhibitions
César María Herrer Marcher ES 1868 1919 2 exhibitions
Gudmund Stenersen NO 1863 1934 2 exhibitions
Gerhard Munthe NO 1849 1929 2 exhibitions
Halfdan Frithjof Strom NO 1863 1949 3 exhibitions
Eilif Peterssen NO 1852 1928 2 exhibitions
Gaston Guignard FR 1848 1922 2 exhibitions
Antonin Mercié FR 1845 1916 2 exhibitions
Georg Nicolai Achen DK 1860 1912 2 exhibitions
Gyula Stetka HU 1855 1925 2 exhibitions
Julius Paulsen DK 1860 1940 2 exhibitions
Julien-Gustave Gagliardini FR 1846 1927 2 exhibitions
Joseph Saint-Germier FR 1860 1925 2 exhibitions
Peder Severin Krøyer DK 1851 1909 2 exhibitions
Jeno Jendrassik HU 1860 1919 2 exhibitions
Ede Balló HU 1859 1936 2 exhibitions
Louis Auguste Girardot FR 1856 1933 2 exhibitions
Lucien Griveau FR 1858 1923 2 exhibitions
Vittore Grubicy de Dragon IT 1851 1920 2 exhibitions
Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida ES 1863 1923 2 exhibitions
Vilhelm Emanuel Behm NO 1859 1934 2 exhibitions
Giovanni Boldini IT 1842 1931 2 exhibitions
Rupert Bunny AU 1864 1947 2 exhibitions
Armand Berton FR 1854 1917 2 exhibitions
Alexandre Lunois FR 1863 1916 2 exhibitions
Jules Adler FR 1865 1952 2 exhibitions
Maurice Réalier-Dumas FR 1860 1928 2 exhibitions
Gottfrid Samuel Nickolaus Kallsteniüs SE 1861 1943 2 exhibitions
Ignac Ujvary HU 1860 1927 2 exhibitions
Lajos Deák-Ébner HU 1850 1934 2 exhibitions
Viktor Olgyai HU 1870 1929 2 exhibitions
Santiago Rusiñol ES 1861 1931 2 exhibitions
Etienne Dinet FR 1861 1929 2 exhibitions
Maurice Bompard FR 1857 1936 2 exhibitions
André Edouard Devambez FR 1867 1944 2 exhibitions
Henry d' Estienne FR 1872 1949 2 exhibitions
Robert Nadler HU 1858 1938 2 exhibitions
Imre Knopp HU 1867 1945 2 exhibitions
Oscar Mendlick HU 1871 1963 2 exhibitions
Tivadar Zemplényi HU 1864 1917 2 exhibitions
Gyula Benczúr HU 1844 1920 2 exhibitions
Thorolf Holmboe NO 1866 1935 2 exhibitions
Alphonse Legros FR 1837 1911 2 exhibitions
Fritz Thaulow NO 1847 1906 3 exhibitions
Italico Brass IT 1870 1943 2 exhibitions
Ettore Tito IT 1859 1941 2 exhibitions
Clémentine Hélène Dufau FR 1869 1937 2 exhibitions
Albert Baertson BE 1866 1922 2 exhibitions
Francesco Sartorelli IT 1856 1939 2 exhibitions
Guglielmo Ciardi IT 1842 1917 2 exhibitions
Jean Veber FR 1864 1928 2 exhibitions
René Seyssaud FR 1867 1952 2 exhibitions
Giuseppe Zanetti-Miti IT 1859 1929 2 exhibitions
Emma Ciardi IT 1879 1933 2 exhibitions
Ödön Kacziány HU 1852 1933 2 exhibitions
Raoul Du Gardier FR 1871 1952 2 exhibitions
Otto Hesselbom SE 1848 1913 2 exhibitions
Ferenc Olgyay HU 1872 1939 2 exhibitions
Georges Jeanniot FR 1848 1934 2 exhibitions
Frank Brangwyn GB 1867 1956 2 exhibitions
Istvan Bosznay HU 1868 1944 2 exhibitions
Charles Sims GB 1873 1928 2 exhibitions
Ferruccio Scattola IT 1873 1950 2 exhibitions
Izsák Perlmutter HU 1866 1932 2 exhibitions
Henri Morisset FR 1870 1956 2 exhibitions
Lajos Szlányi HU 1869 1949 2 exhibitions
Fülöp László HU 1869 1937 2 exhibitions
Léon Frédéric BE 1856 1940 2 exhibitions
Pietro Fragiacomo IT 1856 1922 2 exhibitions
Hans von Bartels DE 1856 1913 2 exhibitions
Nándor Katona HU 1864 1932 2 exhibitions
Charles Haslewood Shannon GB 1863 1937 2 exhibitions
Arnold Marc Gorter NL 1866 1933 2 exhibitions
Auguste Lepère FR 1849 1918 2 exhibitions
Herbert Edwin Pelham Hughes-Stanton GB 1870 1937 2 exhibitions
István Csók HU 1865 1961 2 exhibitions
Ignacio Zuloaga ES 1870 1945 2 exhibitions
Henri Jean Guillaume Martin FR 1860 1943 2 exhibitions
Anders Zorn SE 1860 1920 2 exhibitions
Albert-Charles Lebourg FR 1849 1928 2 exhibitions
Oszkár Glatz HU 1872 1958 2 exhibitions
Hendrik Willem Mesdag NL 1831 1915 2 exhibitions
Henri Le Sidaner FR 1862 1939 2 exhibitions
Antonio Mancini IT 1852 1930 2 exhibitions
Frigyes Strobentz HU 1856 1929 2 exhibitions
Olga Boznańska PL 1865 1940 2 exhibitions
Mary Cassatt US 1844 1926 2 exhibitions
Gaston de Latouche FR 1854 1913 2 exhibitions
Andre Dauchez FR 1870 1948 2 exhibitions
John Lavery IE 1856 1941 2 exhibitions
Maxime Maufra FR 1861 1918 2 exhibitions
Emile Claus BE 1849 1924 2 exhibitions
Jacques-Emile Blanche FR 1861 1942 2 exhibitions
Charles Cottet FR 1863 1925 2 exhibitions
Odilon Redon FR 1840 1916 2 exhibitions
Albert Besnard FR 1849 1934 2 exhibitions
Jean-François Raffaëlli FR 1850 1924 2 exhibitions
Paul Signac FR 1863 1935 2 exhibitions
Max Liebermann DE 1847 1935 2 exhibitions
Claude Monet FR 1840 1926 2 exhibitions
Edouard Vuillard FR 1868 1940 2 exhibitions
Pierre-Auguste Renoir FR 1841 1919 2 exhibitions

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Recommended Citation: "Gustav Wentzel." In Database of Modern Exhibitions (DoME). European Paintings and Drawings 1905-1915. Last modified Jun 22, 2020.