
Franz Roubaud

Russian painter, 1856-1928

Name Variants (ULAN):
Rubo, Frants Alekseevich; Rubo, Franc Alekseevič; Roubaud, Frantz Alexeevich; Rubo, Franc Oleksijovyč; Rubo, F. A. Frants; Rubo, Franz; Roubaud, Frants Alekseevich
Places of Activity:
Herzog Heinrichstr. 15, Munich
Exhibitions: 3
Exhibiting Countries: 3
Exhibiting Cities: 3
Catalogue Entries: 5
Types of Work: painting and drawing: 5
Date Title City Venue # of Cat. Entries Type of Org. Body
01/06/1905 - end/10/1905 IX. Internationale Kunstausstellung Munich Königlicher Glaspalast 3 artist associations
1906 Munich Fine Art Exhibition London Grafton Galleries 1 art galleries
Apr 23‒Oct 31, 1914 XI. Esposizione d'Arte della Città di Venezia Venice Giardini Pubblici 1 others
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Name Nationality Date of Birth Date of Death # of Co-Appearances
Leopold Otto Strützel DE 1855 1930 3 exhibitions
Raffael Schuster-Woldan DE 1870 1951 3 exhibitions
Julius, the younger Adam DE 1852 1913 2 exhibitions
Edward Theodore Compton GB 1849 1921 2 exhibitions
Adolf Echtler DE 1843 1914 2 exhibitions
August Frind DE 1852 1924 2 exhibitions
Josua von Gietl DE 1847 1922 2 exhibitions
August Johann Holmberg DE 1851 1911 2 exhibitions
Hans Kamlah DE 1861 1908 2 exhibitions
Hermann Kaulbach DE 1846 1909 2 exhibitions
Hermann Knopf AT 1870 1928 2 exhibitions
Alfred Kowalski PL 1849 1915 2 exhibitions
August Kühles DE 1859 1926 2 exhibitions
Anton Laupheimer DE 1848 1927 2 exhibitions
Hugo Wilhelm Kauffmann DE 1844 1915 2 exhibitions
Richard Lipps DE 1857 1926 2 exhibitions
Wilhelm Löwith AT 1861 1932 2 exhibitions
Pius Ferdinand Messerschmitt DE 1858 1915 2 exhibitions
Georg Papperitz DE 1846 1918 2 exhibitions
Toby Edward Rosenthal US 1848 1917 2 exhibitions
Heinrich Schlitt DE 1849 1923 2 exhibitions
Ernst Schmitz DE 1859 1917 2 exhibitions
Leopold Schonchen DE 1855 1935 2 exhibitions
Albert Friedrich Schröder DE 1854 1939 2 exhibitions
Alfred Schwarzschild DE 1874 1948 2 exhibitions
Franz Xaver Simm AT 1853 1918 2 exhibitions
Richard Hermann Strebel DE 1861 1940 2 exhibitions
Ernst Thallmaier DE 1868 1916 2 exhibitions
Emil Uhl AT 1864 1945 2 exhibitions
Rudolf Bernhard Willmann FR 1868 1919 2 exhibitions
Joseph Wopfner DE 1843 1927 2 exhibitions
Eugeny Ivanovich Stolitsa RU 1870 1929 2 exhibitions
Carl Blos DE 1860 1941 3 exhibitions
Richard Benno Adam DE 1873 1937 2 exhibitions
Józef Brandt PL 1841 1915 2 exhibitions
Franz von Defregger AT 1835 1921 3 exhibitions
Michael Zeno Diemer DE 1867 1939 2 exhibitions
August Fink DE 1846 1916 2 exhibitions
Johann Daniel Holz DE 1867 1945 2 exhibitions
Gabriel Schachinger DE 1850 1912 2 exhibitions
Philipp Otto Schäfer DE 1868 2 exhibitions
Julius Schrag DE 1864 1948 2 exhibitions
Carl Wilhelm Anton Seiler DE 1846 1921 3 exhibitions
Walter Thor DE 1870 1929 3 exhibitions
Ludwig Willroider DE 1845 1910 2 exhibitions
Frans Pieter Ter Meulen NL 1843 1927 2 exhibitions
Hugo Mühlig DE 1854 1929 2 exhibitions
Walter Firle DE 1859 1929 3 exhibitions
Gilbert von Canal DE 1849 1927 2 exhibitions
Edmund Harburger DE 1846 1906 2 exhibitions
Adolf Heller DE 1874 1914 2 exhibitions
Karl Gussow DE 1843 1907 2 exhibitions
Edmund Steppes DE 1873 1968 2 exhibitions
Wenzel Wirkner DE 1864 1947 2 exhibitions
Carl Langhammer DE 1868 1943 2 exhibitions
Adolf Le Comte NL 1850 1921 2 exhibitions
Carlo Cressini IT 1864 1938 2 exhibitions
Eugenio Hermoso Martínez ES 1883 1963 2 exhibitions
Fritz Baer DE 1850 1919 3 exhibitions
Hans Petersen DE 1850 1914 3 exhibitions
Karl Küstner DE 1861 1934 2 exhibitions
Adolf Maennchen DE 1860 1920 2 exhibitions
Frederik Jacobus van Rossum du Chattel NL 1856 1917 2 exhibitions
Hans Best DE 1874 1942 2 exhibitions
José María López Mezquita ES 1883 1954 2 exhibitions
Fritz von Wille DE 1860 1941 2 exhibitions
Matthäus Schiestl DE 1869 1939 2 exhibitions
Guido Grimani IT 1871 1933 2 exhibitions
Galileo Chini IT 1873 1956 2 exhibitions
Friedrich Eckenfelder DE 1861 1938 2 exhibitions
Georg Flad DE 1853 1913 2 exhibitions
Friedrich August von Kaulbach DE 1850 1920 2 exhibitions
Hans von Faber du Faur DE 1863 1940 2 exhibitions
Carlo Fornara IT 1871 1968 2 exhibitions
Claus Meyer DE 1856 1919 2 exhibitions
Paolo Sala IT 1859 1924 2 exhibitions
Ermenegildo Agazzi IT 1866 1945 2 exhibitions
Carlo Balestrini IT 1868 1923 2 exhibitions
Manuel Benedito Vives ES 1875 1963 2 exhibitions
Otto Eerelman NL 1839 1926 2 exhibitions
Alessandro Gallotti IT 1879 1961 2 exhibitions
Giacomo Grosso IT 1860 1938 2 exhibitions
Pompeo Mariani IT 1857 1927 2 exhibitions
Lazzaro Pasini IT 1861 1949 2 exhibitions
Augusto Stoppoloni IT 1855 1936 2 exhibitions
Gerolamo Cairati IT 1860 1943 3 exhibitions
Julius Exter DE 1863 1939 2 exhibitions
Carl Marr US 1858 1936 2 exhibitions
Clemente Pugliese-Levi IT 1855 1936 2 exhibitions
Hans Looschen DE Jun 23, 1859 Feb 11, 1923 2 exhibitions
Walter Geffcken DE 1872 1950 2 exhibitions
Ludwig von Zumbusch DE 1861 1927 2 exhibitions
Fritz Reusing DE 1874 1957 2 exhibitions
Bernardus Johannes Blommers NL 1845 1914 2 exhibitions
Menso Kamerlingh Onnes BE 1860 1925 2 exhibitions
Johann Zoetelief Tromp NL 1872 1947 2 exhibitions
David Young Cameron GB 1865 1945 2 exhibitions
Gerke Henkes NL 1844 1927 2 exhibitions
Gugliemo Talamini IT 1868 1917 2 exhibitions
Friedrich Kallmorgen DE 1856 1924 2 exhibitions
Hermann Urban US 1866 1946 2 exhibitions
Raoul Frank AT 1867 1939 2 exhibitions
Otto Hierl-Deronco DE 1859 1935 2 exhibitions
Leonhard Sandrock DE 1867 1945 2 exhibitions
Louis Willem van Soest NL 1867 1948 2 exhibitions
Leonardo Bazzaro IT 1853 1937 2 exhibitions
Alceste Campriani IT 1848 1933 2 exhibitions
Lodovico Cavaleri IT 1867 1942 2 exhibitions
Emilio Gola IT 1851 1923 2 exhibitions
Vittorio Guaccimanni IT 1859 1938 2 exhibitions
Emilio Longoni IT 1859 1933 2 exhibitions
Emo Mazzetti IT 1870 1955 2 exhibitions
Antonio Rizzi IT 1869 1940 2 exhibitions
Gaetano Previati IT 1852 1920 2 exhibitions
Cesare Vianello IT 1803 1894 2 exhibitions
Traiano Chitarin IT 1864 1935 2 exhibitions
Theodor Axentowicz PL 1859 1938 2 exhibitions
Arthur Henri Christiaan Briët NL 1867 1939 2 exhibitions
Hendrik Johannes Haverman NL 1857 1928 2 exhibitions
Giorgio Belloni IT 1861 1944 2 exhibitions
Antonio Piatti IT 1875 1962 2 exhibitions
Albert Roelofs NL 1877 1920 2 exhibitions
Fritz Burger DE 1867 1927 2 exhibitions
Baldassare Longoni IT 1876 1956 2 exhibitions
Luigi Gioli IT 1854 1947 2 exhibitions
Giovanni Battista Costantini IT 1872 1947 2 exhibitions
Alessandro Battaglia IT 1870 1940 2 exhibitions
Wojciech Weiss PL 1875 1950 2 exhibitions
Frans Hens BE 1856 1928 2 exhibitions
Umberto Coromaldi IT 1870 1948 2 exhibitions
Francesco Sartorelli IT 1856 1939 2 exhibitions
Guglielmo Ciardi IT 1842 1917 2 exhibitions
Lodovico Tommasi IT 1866 1941 2 exhibitions
Eugen Felix Prosper Bracht DE 1842 1921 2 exhibitions
Eugen Kampf DE 1861 1933 2 exhibitions
Willem de Zwart NL 1862 1931 2 exhibitions
Vettore Zanetti-Zilla IT 1864 1946 2 exhibitions
Fritz Erler DE 1868 1940 2 exhibitions
Józef Mehoffer PL 1869 1946 2 exhibitions
Willem Bastiaan Tholen NL 1860 1931 2 exhibitions
Francesco Gioli IT 1846 1922 2 exhibitions
Giuseppe Zanetti-Miti IT 1859 1929 2 exhibitions
Emma Ciardi IT 1879 1933 2 exhibitions
Ödön Kacziány HU 1852 1933 2 exhibitions
Hubert von Heyden DE 1860 1911 2 exhibitions
Otto Heinrich Engel DE 1866 1949 2 exhibitions
Franz Xaver Hoch DE May 15, 1869 Jun 17, 1916 2 exhibitions
Heinrich Hermanns DE 1862 1942 2 exhibitions
Horace Mann Livens GB 1862 1936 2 exhibitions
Onorato Carlandi IT 1848 1939 2 exhibitions
Adolf Oberländer DE 1845 1923 3 exhibitions
Angelo Jank DE 1868 1940 2 exhibitions
Beppe Ciardi IT 1875 1932 2 exhibitions
Ferruccio Scattola IT 1873 1950 2 exhibitions
Izsák Perlmutter HU 1866 1932 2 exhibitions
Johan Akkeringa NL 1861 1942 2 exhibitions
Floris Arntzenius NL 1864 1925 2 exhibitions
Marius van der Maarel NL 1857 1921 2 exhibitions
Joseph Damberger DE 1867 1951 2 exhibitions
Heinrich Knirr DE 1862 1944 2 exhibitions
Giuseppe Casciaro IT 1863 1945 2 exhibitions
Pietro Fragiacomo IT 1856 1922 2 exhibitions
Hans von Bartels DE 1856 1913 2 exhibitions
Max Kuschel DE Oct 18, 1862 Sep 18, 1935 2 exhibitions
Marius Alexander Jacques Bauer NL 1867 1932 2 exhibitions
Walter Georgi DE 1871 1924 2 exhibitions
Camillo Innocenti IT 1871 1961 2 exhibitions
Johann Hendrik Mastenbroek NL 1875 1945 2 exhibitions
Ludwig Dettmann DE 1865 1944 2 exhibitions
Kazimierz Sichulski PL 1879 1942 2 exhibitions
Willem Elisa Roelofs NL 1874 1940 2 exhibitions
Karl Haider DE 1846 1912 2 exhibitions
Béla Iványi-Grünwald HU 1867 1940 2 exhibitions
Eugène Laermans BE 1864 1940 2 exhibitions
Susanne Robertson NL 1855 1922 2 exhibitions
Hendrik Willem Mesdag NL 1831 1915 2 exhibitions
Alfred East GB 1849 1913 2 exhibitions
Henri Le Sidaner FR 1862 1939 2 exhibitions
Antonio Mancini IT 1852 1930 2 exhibitions
Frigyes Strobentz HU 1856 1929 2 exhibitions
Károly Ferenczy HU 1862 1917 2 exhibitions
Olga Boznańska PL 1865 1940 2 exhibitions
Leo Putz IT 1869 1940 2 exhibitions
Bertram Priestman GB 1868 1951 2 exhibitions
Rudolf Sieck DE 1877 1957 2 exhibitions
Willy Sluiter NL 1873 1949 2 exhibitions
Hans Borchardt DE 1865 1917 2 exhibitions
Toni von Stadler AT 1850 1917 2 exhibitions
Charles Vetter DE May 1, 1858 1941 2 exhibitions
Adolf Hengeler DE 1863 1927 2 exhibitions
Wilhelm Ludwig Lehmann CH 1861 1932 2 exhibitions
Thérèse Schwartze NL 1851 1918 2 exhibitions
Leo Samberger DE 1861 1949 2 exhibitions
Karl Johann Nikolaus Piepho DE 1869 1920 2 exhibitions
Charles Tooby GB 1863 Oct 13, 1913 2 exhibitions
Richard Winternitz DE 1861 1929 2 exhibitions
Paul Eduard Crodel DE 1862 1928 2 exhibitions
Carl Theodor Meyer-Basel CH 1860 1932 2 exhibitions
Benno Becker DE 1860 1938 2 exhibitions
Richard Kaiser DE 1868 1941 2 exhibitions
Hermann Groeber DE 1865 1935 2 exhibitions
Heinrich von Zügel DE 1850 1941 2 exhibitions
Albert Besnard FR 1849 1934 2 exhibitions
Jean-François Raffaëlli FR 1850 1924 2 exhibitions
Rudolf Schramm-Zittau DE 1874 1929 2 exhibitions
Franz von Stuck DE 1863 1928 2 exhibitions
Fritz von Uhde DE 1848 1911 2 exhibitions
Hugo von Habermann DE 1849 1929 2 exhibitions
Hans von Hayek AT 1869 1940 2 exhibitions

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Recommended Citation: "Franz Roubaud." In Database of Modern Exhibitions (DoME). European Paintings and Drawings 1905-1915. Last modified Apr 14, 2020.