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251 - 300 of 419
Title Type Person Price Cat.No. Exhibition Exh. Date City Venue
[Balagan : Balagan] Korovin, Sergey 85 [VI vy'stavka kartin Soyuza Russkikh Khudozhnikov : VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists] 1908‒1909 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Inej : Frost] Grabar, Igor 85 [VI vy'stavka kartin Soyuza Russkikh Khudozhnikov : VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists] 1908‒1909 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Na Sukharevoj bashni : At the Sukharev Tower] Korovin, Sergey 84 [VI vy'stavka kartin Soyuza Russkikh Khudozhnikov : VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists] 1908‒1909 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Oktyabrʹskiya zelenya : The October Green] Grabar, Igor 84 [VI vy'stavka kartin Soyuza Russkikh Khudozhnikov : VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists] 1908‒1909 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Pokhorony' : The funeral] Korovin, Sergey 83 [VI vy'stavka kartin Soyuza Russkikh Khudozhnikov : VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists] 1908‒1909 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Delʹfinium : Delphinium] Grabar, Igor 83 [VI vy'stavka kartin Soyuza Russkikh Khudozhnikov : VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists] 1908‒1909 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Na bogomolʹe : On the pilgrimage] Korovin, Sergey 82 [VI vy'stavka kartin Soyuza Russkikh Khudozhnikov : VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists] 1908‒1909 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Ryabinka i berezy' : Rowan and birch] Grabar, Igor 82 [VI vy'stavka kartin Soyuza Russkikh Khudozhnikov : VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists] 1908‒1909 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Ozhidanie poezda : Waiting for the train] Korovin, Sergey 81 [VI vy'stavka kartin Soyuza Russkikh Khudozhnikov : VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists] 1908‒1909 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Nepribranny'j stol : Unharvested table] Grabar, Igor 81 [VI vy'stavka kartin Soyuza Russkikh Khudozhnikov : VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists] 1908‒1909 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Ruslan : Ruslan] Korovin, Sergey 80 [VI vy'stavka kartin Soyuza Russkikh Khudozhnikov : VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists] 1908‒1909 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Prudik : Little Pond] Golovin, Aleksandr 80 [VI vy'stavka kartin Soyuza Russkikh Khudozhnikov : VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists] 1908‒1909 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Vityazʹ : Knight] Korovin, Sergey 79 [VI vy'stavka kartin Soyuza Russkikh Khudozhnikov : VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists] 1908‒1909 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[E'skiz k pʹese "U czarskikh vrat" Knuta Gamsuna : Sketch for the play "At the Tsar's Gates" by Knut Hamsun] Golovin, Aleksandr 79 [VI vy'stavka kartin Soyuza Russkikh Khudozhnikov : VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists] 1908‒1909 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Ratʹ : Host] Korovin, Sergey 78 [VI vy'stavka kartin Soyuza Russkikh Khudozhnikov : VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists] 1908‒1909 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[E'skiz k opere "Boris Godunov" : Sketch for the opera "Boris Godunov"] Golovin, Aleksandr 78 [VI vy'stavka kartin Soyuza Russkikh Khudozhnikov : VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists] 1908‒1909 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[E'skiz "Mirskaya skhodka" : Sketch "World Gathering"] Korovin, Sergey 77 [VI vy'stavka kartin Soyuza Russkikh Khudozhnikov : VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists] 1908‒1909 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[E'skiz k opere "Boris Godunov" : Sketch for the opera "Boris Godunov"] Golovin, Aleksandr 77 [VI vy'stavka kartin Soyuza Russkikh Khudozhnikov : VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists] 1908‒1909 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Izvoshhik : Cabman] Korovin, Sergey 76 [VI vy'stavka kartin Soyuza Russkikh Khudozhnikov : VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists] 1908‒1909 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[E'skiz k opere "Boris Godunov" : Sketch for the opera "Boris Godunov"] Golovin, Aleksandr 76 [VI vy'stavka kartin Soyuza Russkikh Khudozhnikov : VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists] 1908‒1909 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[U reki prep. Sergiya. (Variant) : By the river prep. Sergius. (Variantion)] Korovin, Sergey 75 [VI vy'stavka kartin Soyuza Russkikh Khudozhnikov : VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists] 1908‒1909 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[E'skiz k opere "Boris Godunov" : Sketch for the opera "Boris Godunov"] Golovin, Aleksandr 75 [VI vy'stavka kartin Soyuza Russkikh Khudozhnikov : VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists] 1908‒1909 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Mirskaya skhodka : World Gathering] painting: aquarelle Korovin, Sergey 74 [VI vy'stavka kartin Soyuza Russkikh Khudozhnikov : VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists] 1908‒1909 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[E'skiz k opere "Boris Godunov" : Sketch for the opera "Boris Godunov"] Golovin, Aleksandr 74 [VI vy'stavka kartin Soyuza Russkikh Khudozhnikov : VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists] 1908‒1909 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Na bogomolʹe : On the pilgrimage] Korovin, Sergey 73 [VI vy'stavka kartin Soyuza Russkikh Khudozhnikov : VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists] 1908‒1909 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[E'skiz k opere "Boris Godunov" : Sketch for the opera "Boris Godunov"] Golovin, Aleksandr 73 [VI vy'stavka kartin Soyuza Russkikh Khudozhnikov : VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists] 1908‒1909 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Pered nakazaniem : Before the punishment] Korovin, Sergey 72 [VI vy'stavka kartin Soyuza Russkikh Khudozhnikov : VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists] 1908‒1909 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[E'skiz k opere "Boris Godunov" : Sketch for the opera "Boris Godunov"] Golovin, Aleksandr 72 [VI vy'stavka kartin Soyuza Russkikh Khudozhnikov : VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists] 1908‒1909 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Volostnoj sud : The Volost court] Korovin, Sergey 71 [VI vy'stavka kartin Soyuza Russkikh Khudozhnikov : VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists] 1908‒1909 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[E'tyud : Etude] Vinogradov, Sergey 70 [VI vy'stavka kartin Soyuza Russkikh Khudozhnikov : VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists] 1908‒1909 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Volostnoj sud : The Volost court] Korovin, Sergey 70 [VI vy'stavka kartin Soyuza Russkikh Khudozhnikov : VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists] 1908‒1909 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Osenʹ : Autumn] Vinogradov, Sergey 69 [VI vy'stavka kartin Soyuza Russkikh Khudozhnikov : VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists] 1908‒1909 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Pokhorony'. (Variant) : The funeral. (Vatiation)] Korovin, Sergey 69 [VI vy'stavka kartin Soyuza Russkikh Khudozhnikov : VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists] 1908‒1909 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Sad : Garden] Vinogradov, Sergey 68 [VI vy'stavka kartin Soyuza Russkikh Khudozhnikov : VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists] 1908‒1909 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Pokhorony' : The funeral] Korovin, Sergey 68 [VI vy'stavka kartin Soyuza Russkikh Khudozhnikov : VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists] 1908‒1909 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Letom : In the summer] Vinogradov, Sergey 67 [VI vy'stavka kartin Soyuza Russkikh Khudozhnikov : VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists] 1908‒1909 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[E'skizy' ry'baka : Fisherman's sketches] Korovin, Sergey 67 [VI vy'stavka kartin Soyuza Russkikh Khudozhnikov : VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists] 1908‒1909 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Vesna : Spring] Vinogradov, Sergey 66 [VI vy'stavka kartin Soyuza Russkikh Khudozhnikov : VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists] 1908‒1909 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[E'skizy' ry'baka : Fisherman's sketches] Korovin, Sergey 66 [VI vy'stavka kartin Soyuza Russkikh Khudozhnikov : VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists] 1908‒1909 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Zvonnicza cz. Ioanna Bogoslova : Belfry of ts. John the Theologian] Vasnetsov, Apollinary 65 [VI vy'stavka kartin Soyuza Russkikh Khudozhnikov : VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists] 1908‒1909 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Risunok uglem : Drawing charcoal] drawing: charcoal Korovin, Sergey 65 [VI vy'stavka kartin Soyuza Russkikh Khudozhnikov : VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists] 1908‒1909 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Czerkovʹ Sergiya : Church of Sergey] Vasnetsov, Apollinary 64 [VI vy'stavka kartin Soyuza Russkikh Khudozhnikov : VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists] 1908‒1909 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Prodazha loshadi : Sale of a horse] Korovin, Sergey 64 [VI vy'stavka kartin Soyuza Russkikh Khudozhnikov : VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists] 1908‒1909 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Czerkovʹ Klimenta v Zavelichʹi : Church of Clement in Zavelich'yi] Vasnetsov, Apollinary 63 [VI vy'stavka kartin Soyuza Russkikh Khudozhnikov : VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists] 1908‒1909 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[V vagone : In the wagon] Korovin, Sergey 63 [VI vy'stavka kartin Soyuza Russkikh Khudozhnikov : VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists] 1908‒1909 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Reka Velikaya : Velikaya River] Vasnetsov, Apollinary 62 [VI vy'stavka kartin Soyuza Russkikh Khudozhnikov : VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists] 1908‒1909 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Melʹnicza na Pskov- Reke : Mill on the Pskov River] Vasnetsov, Apollinary 61 [VI vy'stavka kartin Soyuza Russkikh Khudozhnikov : VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists] 1908‒1909 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Draka : Fight] Korovin, Sergey 61 [VI vy'stavka kartin Soyuza Russkikh Khudozhnikov : VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists] 1908‒1909 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Gremyachaya bashnya : Gremyachaya Tower] Vasnetsov, Apollinary 60 [VI vy'stavka kartin Soyuza Russkikh Khudozhnikov : VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists] 1908‒1909 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)
[Sv. Nikolaj Chudotvorecz : St. Nicholas the Wonderworker] Korovin, Sergey 60 [VI vy'stavka kartin Soyuza Russkikh Khudozhnikov : VI exhibition of paintings of the Union of Russian Artists] 1908‒1909 Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown)