1. Knihomol [Bookworm]
František Kupka |
2. Vzdor [Defiance]
František Kupka |
3. Sacré Coeur de Mont-Martre [Sacré-Cœur de Montmartre]
František Kupka |
4. Na druhém břehu [On the Other Bank]
František Kupka |
5. Cesta ticha [Path of Silence]
František Kupka |
6. Vlna 1. [Wave 1.]
František Kupka |
7. Vlna 2. [Wave 2.]
František Kupka |
8. Podobizna [Portrait]
František Kupka |
9. Vlastní portrét [Self-portrait]
František Kupka |
10. Havran [Raven]
drawing: charcoal
František Kupka |
11. Povznesení [Rising]
drawing: charcoal
František Kupka |
12. Mnich [Monk]
drawing: charcoal
František Kupka |
13. Vzpoura [Revolt]
drawing: charcoal
František Kupka |
14. Spánek [Sleep]
drawing: charcoal
František Kupka |
15. Čarodějník [Sorcerer]
drawing: charcoal
František Kupka |
16. Čarodějník [Sorcerer]
drawing: pen and ink, kresba tuší [ink drawing]
František Kupka |
17. Čarodějník [Sorcerer]
drawing: pen and ink, kresba tuší [ink drawing]
František Kupka |
18. Hlasovací právo v Belgii [Voting Rights in Belgium]
drawing: pen and ink, kresba tuší [ink drawing]
František Kupka |
19. Hlasovací právo v Belgii [Voting Rights in Belgium]
drawing: pen and ink, kresba tuší [ink drawing]
František Kupka |
20. Hlasovací právo v Belgii [Voting Rights in Belgium]
drawing: pen and ink, kresba tuší [ink drawing]
František Kupka |
21. Vánoce zvířat [Animals' Christmas]
drawing: pen and ink, kresba tuší [ink drawing]
František Kupka |
22. Červ vítěz [Worm, the Winner]
drawing: pen and ink, kresba tuší [ink drawing]
František Kupka |
23. Orbis pictus [Orbis Pictus]
drawing: pen and ink, kresba tuší [ink drawing]
František Kupka |
24. Le Mannekin-pis [Manneken Pis]
drawing: pen and ink, kresba tuší [ink drawing]
František Kupka |
25. Noc na Montmartru [Night at Montmartre]
drawing: pen and ink, kresba tuší [ink drawing]
František Kupka |
26. Obálka na knihu [Book Cover]
drawing: pen and ink, kresba tuší [ink drawing]
František Kupka |
27. Spisovatel krvavých románů [Writer of Bloody Novels]
drawing: pen and ink, kresba tuší [ink drawing]
František Kupka |
28. Antisemitism v Alžíru [Antisemitism in Algiers]
drawing: pen and ink, kresba tuší [ink drawing]
František Kupka |
29. Konečně králem (Petr Karaďorděvič) [Finally Becoming the King (Peter I of Serbia)]
drawing: pen and ink, kresba tuší [ink drawing]
František Kupka |
30. Teď se jí hnusí! [Now He [or: She] Disgusts Her!]
drawing: pen and ink, kresba tuší [ink drawing]
František Kupka |
31. Ó lásko! [Oh Love!]
drawing: pen and ink, kresba tuší [ink drawing]
František Kupka |
32. Jak mile hřejí (le bon fourneau) [How Nice They Give Warmth (Good Stove)]
drawing: pen and ink, kresba tuší [ink drawing]
František Kupka |
33. Apačové – rytíři u pařížského předměstí [Apache – Knights from the Parisian Suburbs]
drawing: pen and ink, kresba tuší [ink drawing]
František Kupka |
34. Nastolení [Enthronement]
drawing: pen and ink
František Kupka |
35. Před závody [Before Races [or: In front of Factories]]
drawing: pen and ink, kresba tuší [ink drawing]
František Kupka |
36. Dům Sokratův [Socrates' House]
drawing: pen and ink, kresba tuší [ink drawing]
František Kupka |
37. Dámskou protekcí [Through Women's Protection]
drawing: pen and ink, kresba tuší [ink drawing]
František Kupka |
38. Přípravy k odhalení Renanovy sochy v Bretaňsku [Preparations for the Unveiling of Renan's Statue in Brittany]
drawing: pen and ink, kresba tuší [ink drawing]
František Kupka |
39. Antisemita – až do těch peněz! [Anti-Semite – Until That Money!]
drawing: pen and ink, kresba tuší [ink drawing]
František Kupka |
40. Individuelní svoboda: Vždyť je to mé dítě! [Individual Freedom: It's My Baby After All!]
drawing: pen and ink, kresba tuší [ink drawing]
František Kupka |
41. Černá mše? [Black Mass?]
drawing: pen and ink, kresba tuší [ink drawing]
František Kupka |
42. Slavný umělec (Whisler) [Famous Artist (Whistler)]
drawing: pen and ink, kresba tuší [ink drawing]
- "Whisler" is considered to be a spelling error. Possible correction: Whistler.
František Kupka |
43. V Lourdech: Bůh ti požehná! [In Lourdes: God Will Bless You!]
drawing: pen and ink, kresba tuší [ink drawing]
František Kupka |
44. Prostituce zákonná [Legal Prostitution]
drawing: pen and ink, kresba tuší [ink drawing]
František Kupka |
45. U Jeho Jasnosti pana knížete [By His Serene Highness Mr. Prince]
drawing: pen and ink, kresba tuší [ink drawing]
František Kupka |
46. Loutkové divadlo světa [Puppet Theater of the World]
drawing: pen and ink, kresba tušová [ink drawing]
- Cat. no. 46-54 are listed under the sub-header "Cykly. I. Peníze [Series. I. Money]".
František Kupka |
47. Bratrství [Brotherhood]
drawing: pen and ink, kresba tušová [ink drawing]
- Cat. no. 46-54 are listed under the sub-header "Cykly. I. Peníze [Series. I. Money]".
František Kupka |
48. Všechno na světě je pouze houpačka [Everything in the World Is Just a Swing]
drawing: pen and ink, kresba tušová [ink drawing]
- Cat. no. 46-54 are listed under the sub-header "Cykly. I. Peníze [Series. I. Money]".
František Kupka |
49. Což ani s milliardami to nepůjde? [It Won't Work Even With the Billions?]
drawing: pen and ink, kresba tušová [ink drawing]
- Cat. no. 46-54 are listed under the sub-header "Cykly. I. Peníze [Series. I. Money]".
František Kupka |
50. Mezinárodní spřež kapitalistů [International Team of Capitalists]
drawing: pen and ink, kresba tušová [ink drawing]
- Cat. no. 46-54 are listed under the sub-header "Cykly. I. Peníze [Series. I. Money]".
František Kupka |
51. Andělé střážní [Guardian Angels]
drawing: pen and ink, kresba tušová [ink drawing]
- Cat. no. 46-54 are listed under the sub-header "Cykly. I. Peníze [Series. I. Money]".
František Kupka |
52. Já kašlu na všechno! [I Do Not Give a Damn About Anything!]
drawing: pen and ink, kresba tušová [ink drawing]
- Cat. no. 46-54 are listed under the sub-header "Cykly. I. Peníze [Series. I. Money]".
František Kupka |
53. Zábavy a radosti bohatých (ozdobná výplň) [Fun and Joy of the Rich (Decorative Filling)]
drawing: pen and ink, kresba tušová [ink drawing]
- Cat. no. 46-54 are listed under the sub-header "Cykly. I. Peníze [Series. I. Money]".
František Kupka |
54. Věda opřená o pravou lidskost vítězí nad penězi [Science Based on True Humanity Triumphs Over Money]
drawing: pen and ink, kresba tušová [ink drawing]
- Cat. no. 46-54 are listed under the sub-header "Cykly. I. Peníze [Series. I. Money]".
František Kupka |
55. Kresba v čelo cyklu [Drawing at the Front of the Cycle]
drawing: pen and ink, kresba tušová [ink drawing]
- Cat. no. 55-69 are listed under the sub-header "Cykly. II. Rozmanitá náboženství [Series. II. Diverse Religions]".
František Kupka |
56. Bohové indičtí [Indian Gods]
drawing: pen and ink, kresba tušová [ink drawing]
- Cat. no. 55-69 are listed under the sub-header "Cykly. II. Rozmanitá náboženství [Series. II. Diverse Religions]".
František Kupka |
57. Jehova hebrejský [Hebrew Jehovah]
drawing: pen and ink, kresba tušová [ink drawing]
- Cat. no. 55-69 are listed under the sub-header "Cykly. II. Rozmanitá náboženství [Series. II. Diverse Religions]".
František Kupka |
58. Bůh a náboženský cit žaponský [Japanese God and Religious Feeling]
drawing: pen and ink, kresba tušová [ink drawing]
- Cat. no. 55-69 are listed under the sub-header "Cykly. II. Rozmanitá náboženství [Series. II. Diverse Religions]".
František Kupka |
59. Představa černochův o nebi [Idea of the Black People about the Heaven]
drawing: pen and ink, kresba tušová [ink drawing]
- Cat. no. 55-69 are listed under the sub-header "Cykly. II. Rozmanitá náboženství [Series. II. Diverse Religions]".
František Kupka |
60. Bozi indiánští [American Indian Gods]
drawing: pen and ink, kresba tušová [ink drawing]
- Cat. no. 55-69 are listed under the sub-header "Cykly. II. Rozmanitá náboženství [Series. II. Diverse Religions]".
František Kupka |
61. Allah – bůh turecký [Allah – Turkish God]
drawing: pen and ink, kresba tušová [ink drawing]
- Cat. no. 55-69 are listed under the sub-header "Cykly. II. Rozmanitá náboženství [Series. II. Diverse Religions]".
František Kupka |
62. Stvoření člověka [Creation of Man]
drawing: pen and ink, kresba tušová [ink drawing]
- Cat. no. 55-69 are listed under the sub-header "Cykly. II. Rozmanitá náboženství [Series. II. Diverse Religions]".
František Kupka |
63. Bůh vatikánský (římský) [Vatican God (Roman)]
drawing: pen and ink, kresba tušová [ink drawing]
- Cat. no. 55-69 are listed under the sub-header "Cykly. II. Rozmanitá náboženství [Series. II. Diverse Religions]".
František Kupka |
64. Bůh ruský [Russian God]
drawing: pen and ink, kresba tušová [ink drawing]
- Cat. no. 55-69 are listed under the sub-header "Cykly. II. Rozmanitá náboženství [Series. II. Diverse Religions]".
František Kupka |
65. Bůh severozápadní Ameriky [God of Northwest America]
drawing: pen and ink, kresba tušová [ink drawing]
- Cat. no. 55-69 are listed under the sub-header "Cykly. II. Rozmanitá náboženství [Series. II. Diverse Religions]".
František Kupka |
66. Bohové řečtí [Greek Gods]
drawing: pen and ink, kresba tušová [ink drawing]
- Cat. no. 55-69 are listed under the sub-header "Cykly. II. Rozmanitá náboženství [Series. II. Diverse Religions]".
František Kupka |
67. Bohové černoští [Gods of the Black People]
drawing: pen and ink, kresba tušová [ink drawing]
- Cat. no. 55-69 are listed under the sub-header "Cykly. II. Rozmanitá náboženství [Series. II. Diverse Religions]".
František Kupka |
68. Bohyně rozumu (10. brumaire II. roku republiky francouzské) [Goddess of Reason (10. Brumaire, Year II of the French Republic)]
drawing: pen and ink, kresba tušová [ink drawing]
- Cat. no. 55-69 are listed under the sub-header "Cykly. II. Rozmanitá náboženství [Series. II. Diverse Religions]".
František Kupka |
69. Náboženství = výnosné řemesílko [Religion = Little Lucrative Craft]
drawing: pen and ink, kresba tušová [ink drawing]
- Cat. no. 55-69 are listed under the sub-header "Cykly. II. Rozmanitá náboženství [Series. II. Diverse Religions]".
František Kupka |
70. Kresba v čelo cyklu [Drawing at the Front of the Cycle]
drawing: pen and ink, kresba tušová [ink drawing]
- Cat. no. 70-84 are listed under the sub-header "Cykly. III. Mír [Series. III. Peace]".
František Kupka |
71. V den všední [On Weekdays]
drawing: pen and ink, kresba tušová [ink drawing]
- Cat. no. 70-84 are listed under the sub-header "Cykly. III. Mír [Series. III. Peace]".
František Kupka |
72. A v neděli [And on Sunday]
drawing: pen and ink, kresba tušová [ink drawing]
- Cat. no. 70-84 are listed under the sub-header "Cykly. III. Mír [Series. III. Peace]".
František Kupka |
73. Paxi vobiscum – pokoj s vámi! [Pax Vobiscum – Peace with You!]
drawing: pen and ink, kresba tušová [ink drawing]
- Cat. no. 70-84 are listed under the sub-header "Cykly. III. Mír [Series. III. Peace]".
František Kupka |
74. Konference míru [Conference of Peace]
drawing: pen and ink, kresba tušová [ink drawing]
- Cat. no. 70-84 are listed under the sub-header "Cykly. III. Mír [Series. III. Peace]".
František Kupka |
75. Základy evropské rovnováhy [Foundations of European Equilibrium]
drawing: pen and ink, kresba tušová [ink drawing]
- Cat. no. 70-84 are listed under the sub-header "Cykly. III. Mír [Series. III. Peace]".
František Kupka |
76. Ať žije armáda! [Long Live the Army!]
drawing: pen and ink, kresba tušová [ink drawing]
- Cat. no. 70-84 are listed under the sub-header "Cykly. III. Mír [Series. III. Peace]".
František Kupka |
77. Vy byste nám tu republiku pěkně zprznili! [You Would Defame Our Republic!]
drawing: pen and ink, kresba tušová [ink drawing]
- Cat. no. 70-84 are listed under the sub-header "Cykly. III. Mír [Series. III. Peace]".
František Kupka |
78. Na brzkou shledanou [See You Soon]
drawing: pen and ink, kresba tušová [ink drawing]
- Cat. no. 70-84 are listed under the sub-header "Cykly. III. Mír [Series. III. Peace]".
František Kupka |
79. Prostituovaní [Prostituted]
drawing: pen and ink, kresba tušová [ink drawing]
- Cat. no. 70-84 are listed under the sub-header "Cykly. III. Mír [Series. III. Peace]".
František Kupka |
80. Mučedník míru [Martyr of Peace]
drawing: pen and ink, kresba tušová [ink drawing]
- Cat. no. 70-84 are listed under the sub-header "Cykly. III. Mír [Series. III. Peace]".
František Kupka |
81. Vynálezce (80 tisíc mrtvol za 1/100 vteřiny) [Inventor (80 Thousands Corpses in 1/100 Second)]
drawing: pen and ink, kresba tušová [ink drawing]
- Cat. no. 70-84 are listed under the sub-header "Cykly. III. Mír [Series. III. Peace]".
František Kupka |
82. Tohle vás utiší – [This Will Make You Quiet –]
drawing: pen and ink, kresba tušová [ink drawing]
- Cat. no. 70-84 are listed under the sub-header "Cykly. III. Mír [Series. III. Peace]".
František Kupka |
83. – ale ne vždycky! [– But Not Every Time!]
drawing: pen and ink, kresba tušová [ink drawing]
- Cat. no. 70-84 are listed under the sub-header "Cykly. III. Mír [Series. III. Peace]".
František Kupka |
84. Konečně mír! [Finally, Peace!]
drawing: pen and ink, kresba tušová [ink drawing]
- Cat. no. 70-84 are listed under the sub-header "Cykly. III. Mír [Series. III. Peace]".
František Kupka |
85. Meditace: Výšiny a doliny se srovnávají [Meditation: Heights and Valleys Are Aligning]
František Kupka |
86. Exodus [Exodus]
František Kupka |
87. Peníze [Money]
drawing: pen and ink, perokresba [pen drawing]
František Kupka |
88. Prodejní [Salesman [or: Saleswoman]]
František Kupka |
89. Pravá lidská [True Human]
František Kupka |
90. Nakladatel [Publisher]
František Kupka |
91. Monte Carlo [Monte Carlo]
František Kupka |
92. Na anglické promenádě v Nizze [On an English Promenade in Nice]
František Kupka |
93. Vyjížďka [Ride]
František Kupka |
94. V jízdárně [In the Riding Hall]
František Kupka |
95. Útrapy policistů [Policemen's Trouble]
František Kupka |
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
108. Le progrès de Lyon [Le Progrès de Lyon]
plakát [poster]
František Kupka |
109. Člověk a země (od Elisée Reclusa) [The Earth and iIs Inhabitants (by Élisée Reclus)]
plakát [poster]
František Kupka |
Date | Title | City | Venue | # of common Artists |
Apr 15‒May 17, 1906 | Kupkova výstava v Praze [Kupka Exhibition in Prague] | Prague | Eliščina Třída 6 | 1 artists |
Jun 10‒30, 1905 | Umělecká výstava v Olomouci Spolku výtv. umělců „Manes“ [Art Exhibition in Olomouc of the Union of Fine Artist "Manes"] | Olomouc | Olomouc (exact location unknown) | 1 artists |
Oct 7‒29, 1905 | Umělecká výstava S. V. U. „Manes“ [Art Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist "Manes"] | Kladno | Kladno (exact location unknown) | 1 artists |
May 30‒31, 1910 | Collection Particulière de M. Charles Boutet de Monvel | Paris | Hôtel Drouot | 1 artists |
Jun 1‒Nov 16, 1908 | Kunstschau Wien | Vienna | Gebäude der Kunstschau Wien | 1 artists |
Oct 6‒Nov 15, 1906 | Salon d'Automne. 4e Exposition | Paris | Grand Palais des Champs Elysées | 1 artists |
01/06/1905 - end/10/1905 | IX. Internationale Kunstausstellung | Munich | Königlicher Glaspalast | 1 artists |
Name | Date of Birth | Date of Death | Nationality | # of Cat. Entries |
František Kupka | 1871 | 1957 | CZ | 97 |