
Tjipke Visser

Dutch sculptor, graphic designer and painter, 1876-1955

Name Variants:
Visser, Tjipke Tebbes
Places of Activity:
Exhibitions: 4
Exhibiting Countries: 1
Exhibiting Cities: 2
Catalogue Entries: 8
Types of Work: painting and drawing: 8
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Name Nationality Date of Birth Date of Death # of Co-Appearances
Phocas Fokkens NL 1888 1965 2 exhibitions
Johanna Cornelia Hermana Bodenheim NL 1874 1951 2 exhibitions
Etienne Bosch NL 1863 1933 3 exhibitions
Theodoor van Hoijtema NL 1863 1917 3 exhibitions
Hetty Broedelet NL 1877 1966 2 exhibitions
Willem, the elder Steelink NL 1826 1913 2 exhibitions
Albert Pieter Hahn NL Mar 17, 1877 Aug 3, 1918 2 exhibitions
Sieger Baukema NL 1852 1936 2 exhibitions
Frederika Henriëtte Broeksmit NL Aug 14, 1875 Jan 25, 1945 2 exhibitions
Anna Wijthoff NL 1863 1944 2 exhibitions
Jan Boon NL 1882 1975 2 exhibitions
Joh. Vlaanderen NL 1867 1936 2 exhibitions
Gerard Hofs NL 1874 1952 2 exhibitions
Gerrit van der Hoef NL 1879 1954 2 exhibitions
Antoon Smeerdijk NL 1885 1965 3 exhibitions
Jacob Gerard Veldheer NL 1866 1954 2 exhibitions
Henry Boot NL 1877 1963 2 exhibitions
Henriëtte van Hove NL 1861 1918 2 exhibitions
Adolphe van Weezel Errens NL 1866 1939 2 exhibitions
Eugène Lücker NL 1876 1943 2 exhibitions
Willem Johannes Weissenbruch NL 1864 1941 3 exhibitions
Jan Hillebrand Wijsmuller NL 1855 1925 4 exhibitions
Berend Adrianus Bongers NL 1866 1949 2 exhibitions
Eduard Gerdes NL 1887 1945 3 exhibitions
John Frederik Hulk NL 1855 1913 2 exhibitions
Cornelis Spoor NL Aug 2, 1867 Feb 22, 1928 2 exhibitions
Willem (Jbzn) Maris NL 1872 1929 2 exhibitions
Dirk de Vries Lam NL 1869 1937 2 exhibitions
Hendrik W. N. Volmar NL 1881 1921 2 exhibitions
Menso Kamerlingh Onnes BE 1860 1925 2 exhibitions
Johann Zoetelief Tromp NL 1872 1947 2 exhibitions
Willem Arnold Witsen NL 1860 1923 2 exhibitions
Philip Zilcken NL 1857 1930 2 exhibitions
Antonie Louis Koster NL 1859 1937 2 exhibitions
Martin Monnickendam NL 1874 1943 4 exhibitions
Gerhard Haverkamp NL 1872 1926 2 exhibitions
Frans David Oerder NL 1867 1944 2 exhibitions
Lizzy Ansingh NL Mar 13, 1875 Dec 14, 1959 4 exhibitions
Henri Savrij NL Dec 13, 1871 Nov 30, 1942 2 exhibitions
Félicien Bobeldijk NL 1876 1964 2 exhibitions
Jan Visser NL 1856 1938 2 exhibitions
Daniël J. R. Jordens NL 1855 1939 2 exhibitions
Maria Adeline Alice Schweistal BE 1864 1950 2 exhibitions
Marius van der Maarel NL 1857 1921 3 exhibitions
Maria Wilhelmina Wandscheer NL 1856 1936 3 exhibitions
Agnieta Cornelia Gijswijt NL 1873 1962 3 exhibitions
Arnold Marc Gorter NL 1866 1933 3 exhibitions
Pieter Cornelis de Moor NL 1866 1953 2 exhibitions
Hobbe Smith NL 1862 1942 3 exhibitions
Johannes Mattheus Graadt van Roggen NL 1867 1959 3 exhibitions
Eduard Frankfort NL 1864 1920 2 exhibitions
Martinus Kramer NL 1860 1918 2 exhibitions
Xeno Augustus Franciscus Ludovicus Munninghoff NL 1873 1944 2 exhibitions
Thamine Tadema-Groeneveld NL 1871 1938 2 exhibitions
Wilhelm Christian Georg Rueter NL 1875 1966 2 exhibitions
Hendrika van Gelder NL 1870 1943 2 exhibitions
Adriaan Herman Gouwe NL 1875 1965 2 exhibitions
Henri Leeuw NL 1861 1918 2 exhibitions
Johannes Carolus Bernardus Sluijters NL 1881 1957 4 exhibitions
Franz Wilhelm Maria Deutmann NL 1867 1915 3 exhibitions
Nicolaas Bastert NL 1854 1939 3 exhibitions
Ans C. Berg NL 1873 1942 3 exhibitions
Johan Coenraad Hermann Heyenbrock NL 1871 1948 3 exhibitions
Paulus Bodifée NL Jun 29, 1866 Jan 23, 1938 3 exhibitions
Anna Maria van de Stork-Kruyff NL Nov 19, 1870 Feb 7, 1946 3 exhibitions
Isaac Israëls NL 1865 1934 2 exhibitions
Carl August Breitenstein NL 1864 1921 2 exhibitions
Sipke van der Schaar NL 1879 1961 2 exhibitions
Mies Drabbe NL 1875 1956 2 exhibitions
Marinus Heyl NL 1836 1931 3 exhibitions
Louis van der Tonge NL 1871 1937 3 exhibitions
Thérèse Schwartze NL 1851 1918 4 exhibitions
Salomon Garf NL 1879 1943 2 exhibitions
Edzard Koning NL 1869 1954 2 exhibitions
Gerard Gustaaf Muller NL 1861 1923 2 exhibitions
Jacob Abraham Zon NL 1872 1932 2 exhibitions
Nicolaes van der Waay NL 1855 1936 3 exhibitions
Betsy Repelius NL 1848 1921 3 exhibitions
Charlotte Boom-Pothuis NL Apr 1, 1867 Jan 24, 1945 2 exhibitions
Hendricus Antonius Dievenbach NL 1872 1946 2 exhibitions
Jacobus Laurentius van Ishoven NL May 30, 1870 Jun 28, 1931 2 exhibitions
Gerardus Johannes Jacobus Van Vliet NL 1880 1972 2 exhibitions
Arnold Hendrik Koning NL 1860 1945 3 exhibitions
Hendrik Maarten Krabbé NL 1868 1931 3 exhibitions
Bernardus Antonie van Beek NL 1875 1941 3 exhibitions
Johannes Hendricus Jurres NL 1875 1946 2 exhibitions
Jan Hoynk van Papendrecht NL 1858 1933 2 exhibitions
Martinus Schildt NL 1867 1921 2 exhibitions
Ferdinand Gustaaf Willem Oldewelt NL 1857 1935 2 exhibitions
Barend Jan Abraham Polvliet NL 1869 1918 2 exhibitions
Gerard Johan Staller NL 1880 1956 2 exhibitions
Christina Abigael van der Willigen NL 1850 1931 2 exhibitions
Willem Bastiaan Tholen NL 1860 1931 2 exhibitions
Margaretha Martina de Boer NL 1871 1956 2 exhibitions
Johan Gabriëlse NL 1881 1945 2 exhibitions
Joseph Seckel NL 1881 1945 2 exhibitions
Gerard Westermann NL 1880 1971 2 exhibitions
Frans Langeveld NL Feb 16, 1877 Jun 27, 1939 2 exhibitions
Susanna Cornelia Henriëtta de Vries NL 1867 1942 2 exhibitions
Willy Sluiter NL 1873 1949 3 exhibitions
Jacob Coenraad Ritsema NL 1869 1943 2 exhibitions
Hendrik Jan Wolter NL 1873 1952 2 exhibitions
Johannes Albertus, II Hesterman NL Apr 30, 1877 Oct 25, 1955 2 exhibitions
Gerrit Willem Knap NL 1873 1931 2 exhibitions
Ludolph Georg Julius Berkemeyer NL Aug 20, 1864 Jul 18, 1930 2 exhibitions
Barend Ferwerda NL Apr 3, 1880 Dec 27, 1958 2 exhibitions
Coenraad Matthias Garms NL Sep 4, 1863 Jan 26, 1944 2 exhibitions
David Schulman NL Oct 31, 1881 Oct 21, 1966 2 exhibitions
Piet van Wijngaerdt NL 1873 1964 2 exhibitions
Johan Cohen Gosschalk NL 1873 1912 2 exhibitions
Willem Christiaan Constant Bleckmann NL 1853 1942 2 exhibitions
Johann Hendrik Mastenbroek NL 1875 1945 2 exhibitions
Willem George Frederik Jansen NL Dec 25, 1871 Jun 21, 1949 2 exhibitions
Willem Elisa Roelofs NL 1874 1940 2 exhibitions
Hendrika van der Pek NL 1867 1926 2 exhibitions
Ferdinand Hart Nibbrig NL 1866 1915 2 exhibitions
Susanne Robertson NL 1855 1922 2 exhibitions
Hendrik Willem Mesdag NL 1831 1915 2 exhibitions
Piet Mondrian NL 1872 1944 2 exhibitions

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Recommended Citation: "Tjipke Visser." In Database of Modern Exhibitions (DoME). European Paintings and Drawings 1905-1915. Last modified Jul 20, 2020.