French painter, 1884-1972
Date | Title | City | Venue | # of Cat. Entries | Type of Org. Body |
Oct 12, 1913‒Jan 16, 1914 | Post-Impressionist and Futurist Exhibition | London | Doré Gallery | 8 | art galleries |
Jun‒Jul 1914 | Fifty-first Exhibition of Modern Pictures. New English Art Club | London | Galleries of the Royal Society of British Artists | 1 | artist associations |
Winter 1914 | Fifty-second Exhibition of Modern Pictures. New English Art Club | London | Galleries of the Royal Society of British Artists | 1 | artist associations |
spring/1915 | Fifty-Third Exhibition of Modern Picture by the New English Art Club | London | Galleries of the Royal Society of British Artists | 3 | artist associations, exhibition buildings |
Dec 1915 | Fifty-Fourth Exhibition of Modern Picture by the New English Art Club | London | Galleries of the Royal Society of British Artists | 1 | artist associations, exhibition buildings |
170. Paul Emile Pissarro: The Quays of Paris
Post-Impressionist and Futurist Exhibition |
171. Paul Emile Pissarro: View of the Seine at Paris
Post-Impressionist and Futurist Exhibition |
172. Paul Emile Pissarro: The Pont Neuf
Post-Impressionist and Futurist Exhibition |
173. Paul Emile Pissarro: Notre Dame, Paris
Post-Impressionist and Futurist Exhibition |
178. Paul Emile Pissarro: Market at Pontoise
Post-Impressionist and Futurist Exhibition |
179. Paul Emile Pissarro: Market at Gisors
Post-Impressionist and Futurist Exhibition |
180. Paul Emile Pissarro: Market at Mans
Post-Impressionist and Futurist Exhibition |
181. Paul Emile Pissarro: Market at Pontoise
Post-Impressionist and Futurist Exhibition |
66. Paul E. Pissarro: Cathedral de Gisors
Fifty-first Exhibition of Modern Pictures. New English Art Club Stamford Brook Road; Hammersmith, W., London, [The Brook] |
231. P. E. Pissarro: Lavensco au bord de l'Yonne à Buxerre
painting: aquarelle
Fifty-second Exhibition of Modern Pictures. New English Art Club Stamford Brook Road; Hammersmith, W., London, [The Brook] |
182 *. P. E. Pissarro: Marché à Vezelay
painting: aquarelle
Entry is located after cat. no. 181.
Fifty-Third Exhibition of Modern Picture by the New English Art Club Stamford Brook Road; Hammersmith, W., London, [The Brook] |
183. P. E. Pissarro: Vezelay (Yonne)
painting: aquarelle
Fifty-Third Exhibition of Modern Picture by the New English Art Club Stamford Brook Road; Hammersmith, W., London, [The Brook] |
212. P. E. Pissarro: Rue à Asquins
painting: aquarelle
Fifty-Third Exhibition of Modern Picture by the New English Art Club Stamford Brook Road; Hammersmith, W., London, [The Brook] |
South West Rooms
186. Paul E. Pissarro: Les Chargeurs de Gerbes
painting: aquarelle
Fifty-Fourth Exhibition of Modern Picture by the New English Art Club Glen Mor, Ashford, Surrey |