venue / organizer

Galleries of the Royal Society of British Artists

Suffolk Street, Pall Mall, S.W., London
exhibition buildings
Exhibitions: 14
Catalogue Entries: 3876
Artists: 478
Nationalities: 18
Gender: 34 % female, 64 % male
Date Title Type of Org. Body # of Cat. Entries # of Artists
May 22, 1909 Forty-First Exhibition of Modern Pictures. New English Art Club exhibition buildings 342 111
winter/1909 Forty-Second Exhibition of Modern Pictures. New English Art Club artist associations 326 121
summer/1910 Forty-Third Exhibition of Modern Pictures. New English Art Club artist associations 292 127
Winter 1910 Forty-Fourth Exhibition of Modern Pictures by the New English Art Club artist associations 372 164
Summer 1911 Forty-fifth Exhibition of Modern Pictures. New English Art Club artist associations 214 97
Winter 1911 Forty-Sixth Exhibition of Modern Pictures by the New English Art Club artist associations 321 138
Summer 1912 Forty-seventh Exhibition of Modern Pictures. New English Art Club artist associations 201 95
winter/1912 Forty-eighth Exhibition of Modern Pictures. New English Art Club artist associations 192 79
summer/1913 Forty-ninth Exhibition of Modern Pictures. New English Art Club artist associations 255 126
winter/1913 Fiftieth Exhibition of Modern Pictures. New English Art Club artist associations 283 123
Jun‒Jul 1914 Fifty-first Exhibition of Modern Pictures. New English Art Club artist associations 281 134
Winter 1914 Fifty-second Exhibition of Modern Pictures. New English Art Club artist associations 258 109
spring/1915 Fifty-Third Exhibition of Modern Picture by the New English Art Club artist associations, exhibition buildings 255 112
Dec 1915 Fifty-Fourth Exhibition of Modern Picture by the New English Art Club artist associations, exhibition buildings 284 106
Date Title City Venue # of Cat. Entries
Name Date of Birth Date of Death Nationality # of Exhibitions # of Cat. Entries
Elinor Proby Adams 1885 1945 GB 2 2
Clifford Isaac Addams 1876 1942 US 3 5
Anna Airy 1882 1964 GB 5 8
L. Albert 1 1
Guy Bevan Alexander 1882 1942 GB 9 11
Robert Graham Dryden Alexander 1875 1945 GB 3 3
Adrian Paul Allinson 1890 1959 GB 5 6
Elizabeth Andrews 1882 1977 GB 1 1
Boris Anrep 1883 1969 RU 1 2
Maxwell Armfield 1881 1972 GB 10 16
Ernest Armstrong GB 3 3
William Edward Arnold-Forster 1885 1951 GB 1 1
Mary Elizabeth Atkins GB 3 5
Clare Atwood 1866 1962 GB 12 24
Enid H. Bagnold 1 2
William Wyatt Bagshawe 1882 1916 GB 1 1
Charles Henry Collins Baker 1880 1959 GB 9 9
F. Baker 2 2
Muriel Isabella Baker 1 1
George Banks GB 1 1
Anthony Raine Barker 1880 1963 GB 1 1
Phyllis Mable Barron 1890 1964 GB 3 5
Claude Francis Barry 1883 1970 GB 1 1
Charles Henry Baskett 1872 1953 GB 1 1
Walter Bayes 1869 1956 GB 11 14
Ernest George Beach 1865 1943 GB 1 1
Helen Catherine Bedford 1874 1949 GB 3 5
Max Beerbohm 1872 1956 GB 4 42
George Lionel Behrend 1868 1950 GB 2 5
George Belcher 1875 1947 GB 1 1
George Bell 1878 1966 AU 1 1
Vanessa Bell 1879 1961 GB 2 2
Hugh Bellingham-Smith 1866 1922 GB 13 51
Margaret Benecke 1876 1962 GB 1 2
Alfred Bentley 1879 1923 GB 1 1
Eleanor Best 1875 1957 GB 5 9
Robert Polhill Bevan 1865 1925 GB 5 9
Geoffrey Birkbeck Oct 12, 1875 Apr 25, 1954 GB 1 1
Henry Bishop 1868 1939 GB 4 5
Hugh Blaker 1873 1936 GB 1 1
Jacques-Emile Blanche 1861 1942 FR 3 4
Emily Beatrice Bland 1864 1951 GB 11 17
M. Evergood Blashki 1871 1939 US 1 1
Lily Blatherwick 1854 1934 GB 5 6
Duncan Bluett 1 1
David Bomberg 1890 1957 GB 3 5
Muirhead Bone 1876 1953 GB 7 59
Alfred Edward Borthwick 1871 1955 GB 2 3
Albert Ernest Bottomley 1873 1950 GB 2 3
Dora Boughton-Leigh GB 1 1
Alexander Stuart Boyd 1854 1930 GB 6 9
Margory Brend 1880 1959 GB 7 8
Dorothy Brett 1883 1977 GB 3 4
E. L. Brockhurst 1 1
Gerald L. Brockhurst 1890 1978 US 2 5
Frederick Brown 1851 1941 GB 12 43
Reginald Grange Brundrit 1883 1960 GB 1 1
Eveleen Buckton 1872 1962 GB 5 9
Herbert Ashwin Budd 1881 1950 GB 2 2
D. M. Burgess 1 1
W. B. C. Burnet GB 2 3
Margaret Delisle Burns 1888 1974 GB 1 1
Edward James Buttar 1873 1943 GB 2 3
Maud Ireland Button 1877 1965 GB 1 1
Sydney William Carline 1888 1929 GB 3 4
Dorothy Comyns Carr 1878 1918 GB 1 1
Dora Carrington 1893 1932 GB 2 2
Frank W. Carter 1870 1933 4 4
Frederick Carter 1885 1967 GB 1 3
Nolan of Castleknock 1 2
Edmond Carl, de Celle 1889 1938 US 3 3
Charles Sidney Cheston 1882 1960 GB 10 28
Evelyn Cheston 1875 1929 GB 10 41
Cyril Chitty 1888 1964 GB 1 1
Gerard Chowne 1875 1917 GB 10 41
Desmond Macready Chute 1895 1962 GB 1 1
Edna Clarke Hall 1879 1979 GB 7 12
William Herbert Clarkson 1872 1944 GB 2 4
William Lionel Clause 1887 1946 GB 2 3
Katherine Frances Clausen 1886 1936 US 1 1
Alphaeus Philemon Cole 1876 1988 US 1 1
William C. Coles GB 10 14
Andrew Colley 1859 1910 GB 2 3
Harry Collison 1868 1945 GB 1 1
Philip Connard 1875 1958 GB 6 17
P. Conway 2 3
Brownell Cornwallis 1916 1 1
Joseph Crawhall 1861 1913 GB 4 12
Julia H. Creamer 1 2
Gladys M. Croil 1 1
Nora Lucy Mowbray Cundell 1889 1948 GB 3 3
John Currie 1883 1914 GB 4 6
Gertrude M. Curtis 1875 1921 GB 1 1
Joan Cyprian-Williams 1 1
Antonia Cyriax 1881 1927 GB 4 7
Henry D'Arcy Hart 1866 1938 GB 1 1
Susan Isabel Dacre 1844 1933 GB 5 8
Elinor Mary Darwin 1879 1954 GB 3 5
Alice Davies 1 2
G. D. Davison 2 2
Barbara Davy 3 5
Marian Dawson 1 1
Nelson Dawson 1859 1941 GB 4 10
Jane Emmet De Glehn 1873 1961 US 3 5
Wilfrid-Gabriel De Glehn 1870 1951 GB 12 42
C. Edmund Delbos 1879 1949 US 1 1
Wynford Dewhurst 1864 1941 GB 2 3
Stewart Dick 1 1
Walter Dobson 1 1
Francis Dodd 1874 1949 GB 14 99
Ruth T. Doggett 1893 1945 GB 1 1
Honor Camilla Doyle 1888 1944 GB 2 3
Elsie Druce 1880 1965 2 2
Thomas Cantrell Dugdale 1880 1952 GB 2 2
Ellen Eaton 1865 1949 GB 3 3
William Eden Apr 4, 1849 Feb 21, 1915 GB 1 3
Ethel Harriet Elder 1876 GB 8 11
Essil R. Elmslie 1880 1952 GB 10 18
Paul Emile 1 2
Robert James Enraght-Moony 1879 1946 IE 8 11
Violet Eustace 1875 GB 4 6
John Everett 1876 1949 GB 3 7
Betty Maud Christian Fagan 1875 1932 GB 3 4
Alice Maud Fanner 1865 1930 GB 14 52
Margaret Farquharson 1 1
Hilda Fearon 1878 1917 GB 1 1
Eleanor Fell 1946 GB 4 5
Muriel Fewster GB 4 7
Harry Fidler 1859 1935 GB 1 1
Renée Finch 1876 1954 GB 5 7
Mark Fisher 1841 1923 GB 13 62
John P. Flanagan 1 3
Hanslip Fletcher 1874 1955 GB 5 7
Mary Sargant Florence 1857 1954 GB 7 15
Anais Fohn 1 1
Anaïs Folin 1892 1 1
Rachel Fourmaintraux-Winslow 1880 GB 1 1
William Edward Fox 1872 1948 GB 6 11
Thomas E. Francis 1873 1961 GB 1 1
Arthur A. Friedenson 1872 1955 GB 1 2
Hester Frood 1882 1971 GB 3 3
Roger Fry 1866 1934 GB 2 5
Albert Henry Fullwood 1863 1930 AU 4 8
Marian Elizabeth Furniss 1955 GB 1 1
Phyllis Gardner 1890 1939 GB 2 2
Arthur Joseph Gaskin 1862 1928 GB 2 3
Charles Genge 1874 1958 GB 2 2
Henri Gensel 2 3
Eric George 1881 1961 GB 1 2
Millicent George 2 4
Charles March Gere 1869 1957 GB 11 68
Margaret Gere 1878 1965 GB 8 14
Mark Gertler 1891 1939 GB 9 19
Percy Francis Gethin 1874 1916 IE 2 6
Colin Unwin Gill 1892 1940 GB 1 1
Harold Gilman 1876 1919 GB 7 11
Charles Ginner 1878 1952 GB 3 6
Louis Ginnett 1875 1946 GB 1 1
Giuseppe Giusti 1872 IT 1 1
Mary Godwin 1887 1960 GB 5 8
Morris Goldstein 1892 GB 4 6
Stephen Gooden 1892 1955 GB 1 1
Robert Gwelo Goodman 1871 1939 ZA 1 1
Jan Gordon 1882 1944 GB 1 1
Spencer Gore 1878 1914 GB 8 23
Laura Sylvia Gosse 1881 1968 GB 9 13
Bernard Cecil Gotch 1876 1963 GB 1 2
Alec Carruthers Gould 1870 1948 GB 2 3
E. B. Granger 1 1
Duncan Grant 1885 1978 GB 2 3
Maurice Gray 1 1
Ronald Gray 1868 1951 GB 4 4
Edward John Gregory 1850 1909 GB 5 5
Robert Gregory 1881 1918 GB 3 3
Alvaro Guevara 1894 1951 CL 1 1
Sheelah Gunston 2 2
Edith Gunther 1887 GB 2 2
Allan Gwynne-Jones 1892 1982 GB 4 6
John Algernon Hallam 1880 1948 GB 2 2
Nina Hamnett 1890 1956 GB 3 5
Margaret Hannay 1888 1974 GB 1 1
Winifred Lynton Hannay 1890 1964 GB 3 3
Laurence Hardy 1 2
Ruby M. Hare 1 1
Fairlie Harmar 1876 1945 GB 12 17
Lilian E. A. Harris GB 2 4
L. A. Harrison 1867 1937 GB 2 4
Hilary Clements Hassell 1871 1949 GB 1 2
Willem van Hasselt 1882 1963 NL 1 1
James Hamilton Hay 1874 1916 GB 8 14
Edith D. Hayes 1 1
Alfred Hayward 1875 1971 GB 13 49
Mary Headlam 1874 1959 2 2
Edda Maxwell Heath 1874 1972 US 1 1
Rudolf Hellwag 1867 1942 AT 1 1
Francis Helps 1890 1972 GB 2 3
James Henderson 1871 1951 GB 1 1
Ethel Quixano Henriques 1868 1936 GB 1 1
Mabel Hewett 1 1
Vernon Hill 1887 1972 GB 2 5
Frances Hodgkins 1869 1947 GB 1 2
Mary Hogarth 1862 1935 GB 3 4
Ruth Hollingsworth 1880 1945 GB 2 4
Charles John Holmes 1868 1936 GB 14 61
Bertha Hornung 1 1
J. R. Houghton 1 1
Winifred Howe 1880 1953 GB 1 1
Anna Hope Hudson 1869 1957 US 8 14
Mary Ethel Hunter 1878 1936 GB 1 1
Rudolf Ihlee 1883 1968 GB 3 5
Jean Inglis 1884 1959 GB 3 4
D. G. Innes 1 1
Helen Innes 3 6
James Dickson Innes 1887 1914 GB 4 13
Francis Ernest Jackson 1873 1945 GB 4 4
Frederick William Jackson 1859 1918 GB 1 3
Gerald Goddard Jackson 1878 1941 GB 1 1
Francis Edward James 1849 1920 GB 13 42
Robert James 2 2
Alexander Jamieson 1873 1937 GB 2 2
Darsie Napier Japp 1883 1973 GB 4 4
Gurnell Charles Jennis 1874 1943 GB 1 1
S. H. Jephson 1 1
Augustus John 1878 1961 GB 8 39
Gwen John 1876 1939 GB 3 4
Charles W. Johnson 1 2
Percy Hague Jowett 1882 1955 GB 1 1
Stanisława Karłowska 1876 1952 GB 2 2
Gerald Festus Kelly 1879 1972 GB 1 2
Edward Robert King 1863 1951 GB 1 2
William Kneen 1862 1921 GB 4 7
Jacob Kramer 1892 1962 GB 2 4
Amy E. Krauss GB 1 1
Norma Labouchere 1871 1940 GB 1 1
Henry Lamb 1883 1960 GB 8 18
George Washington Lambert 1873 1930 AU 3 3
Lilian Gardiner Lancaster 1887 1973 GB 5 7
Dorothea Landau 1881 1941 GB 2 2
Gaspard Latoix 1858 1910 US 1 2
Edward Louis Laurenson 1868 1940 IE 4 7
Edward Louis Lawrenson 1868 1940 GB 1 1
Sydney Lee 1866 1949 GB 14 60
Thomas Stirling Lee 1856 1916 GB 4 8
John Leech 1817 1864 GB 1 1
William John Leech 1881 1968 IE 1 1
Derwent Lees 1885 1931 AU 10 40
Rowley Leggett 1878 1945 GB 2 3
Hayley Lever 1876 1958 US 1 1
Neville Lewis 1895 1972 GB 1 2
Maxwell Gordon Lightfoot 1886 1911 GB 1 3
Edward Barnard Lintott 1875 1951 GB 4 6
Helen R. Lock GB 6 9
Caron O. Lodge 1883 1910 GB 1 3
J. Henry Lotz 1 1
Maude R. Lousada 4 5
Thomas Esmond Lowinsky 1892 1947 GB 2 4
Mina Loy 1882 1966 GB 1 1
Lowes Dalbiac Luard 1872 1944 GB 1 1
Dugald Sutherland MacColl 1859 1948 GB 8 23
Donald Graeme MacLaren 1886 1917 GB 7 15
Donald Shaw MacLaughlan 1876 1938 US 3 10
Margaret Campbell Macpherson 1860 1931 GB 3 5
William, I MacTaggart 1835 1910 GB 1 2
J. MacWheeble 1 1
Knox Madeline 1890 1975 GB 1 2
Blondelle Edwardes Malone GB 1 1
Antonio Mancini 1852 1930 IT 2 3
Westley Manning 1868 1954 GB 2 2
James Bolivar Manson 1879 1945 GB 3 5
Ruth Manson 1 1
F. W. Marchand 1 1
Arnold Mason 1885 1963 GB 1 1
Josephine Mason GB 5 7
Maud Angela Mathers 1890 1921 4 4
Sidney Mawson 1876 1937 GB 1 1
Hannah Mayor 1871 1947 GB 3 5
William Frederick Mayor 1865 1916 GB 8 15
Mary McCrossan 1854 1934 GB 4 4
Ambrose McEvoy 1878 1927 GB 13 57
Mary McEvoy 1870 1941 GB 1 2
Jean Douglas McIntyre 1889 1967 GB 3 4
Raymond McIntyre 1879 1933 NZ 1 1
Elsie McNaught GB 6 11
Bernard Meninsky 1891 1950 GB 5 11
Innes Meo 1886 1967 GB 1 1
James Meo 1 1
Fletcher James Mercer 1861 1922 GB 10 10
Owen Merton 1887 1931 AU 1 1
Sylvia Meyer 2 3
H. Regina Middleton 2 4
Sylvia Frances Milman 1878 1957 GB 2 2
Malcolm Milne 1887 1954 GB 4 5
Arthur Croft Mitchell 1872 1956 GB 5 5
J. Moppet-Perkins 1 1
David Muirhead 1867 1930 GB 14 96
F. C. Mulock 1866 1930 GB 1 2
Hannah Myers 1 1
John Northcote Nash 1893 1977 GB 5 8
Paul Nash 1889 1946 GB 6 11
Philip Naviasky 1894 1983 GB 2 3
D. Neane 1 1
David Neave 1876 GB 1 1
Ben Nelson 1 1
Geoffrey C. Nelson 1887 GB 3 3
Christopher Nevinson 1889 1946 GB 3 4
Hilda Rix Nicholas 1884 1961 AU 1 1
Bertram Nicholls 1883 1974 GB 1 2
Mabel Nicholson 1871 1918 GB 3 3
William Nicholson 1872 1949 GB 5 7
John Nickal 4 4
John Noble 1874 1934 US 1 1
C. M. Norsworthy 1 1
Frederick O`Neill Gallagher 1 1
George Ommanney 1 1
William Orpen 1878 1931 GB 11 32
Sylvia E. Packard 3 3
Mabel Parmenter 1 1
Edith Payne 1875 1959 GB 1 3
C. Maresco Pearce 1874 1964 GB 12 42
Herbert E. Peart 1 1
Beatrice Stella Pedder 1875 1965 1 1
Edith Maud Peile GB 1 1
Claughton Pellew-Harvey 1890 1966 GB 1 2
Marjory Perceval 1 1
Ralph Mrs. Peto 1 1
Winifred Phillips 1882 1958 GB 9 17
Glyn Warren Philpot 1884 1937 GB 1 1
Louise Pickard 1865 1928 GB 7 10
John Robert Pinches 1885 1968 GB 1 2
Lucien Pissarro 1863 1944 FR 14 117
Ludovico Rodolphe Pissarro 1878 1952 FR 5 8
Orovida Camille Pissarro 1893 1968 GB 4 10
Paul-Emile Pissarro 1884 1972 FR 4 6
Douglas Fox Pitt 1864 1922 GB 5 8
Geoffrey Buckingham Pocock 1879 1960 GB 5 5
F. Montagu Pollock 3 5
Frederick Victor Poole 1865 1936 GB 2 3
Frank Potter 1885 1958 GB 2 2
Tom L. Poulton 1897 1963 GB 2 2
Edward Carter Preston 1885 1965 GB 3 4
Bertram Priestman 1868 1951 GB 1 1
Ernest Procter 1886 1935 GB 2 2
Ernest L. Proctor 1886 1935 GB 1 3
Thea Proctor 1879 1966 AU 4 7
Margaret Fisher Prout 1875 1963 GB 11 28
Hester Maitland Radford 1887 GB 1 1
William Bruce Ellis Ranken 1881 1941 GB 1 1
Gwendolen Raverat 1885 1957 GB 3 7
Jacques Raverat 1885 1925 FR 1 2
Raymond Ray-Jones 1886 1942 GB 1 1
Henry Hope Reed 1877 1970 GB 1 1
T. Dayrell Reed 2 2
Alfred William Rich 1856 1921 GB 14 118
Car Richardson 1873 1959 GB 1 1
Irene Richter 1 1
John Riddle 1873 GB 1 1
Tom Roberts 1856 1931 AU 2 2
William Roberts 1895 1980 GB 2 2
William Palmer Robins 1882 1959 GB 3 4
Evelyn Fothergill Robinson 1872 1939 GB 2 2
Frederic Cayley Robinson 1862 1927 GB 1 1
Noel Rooke 1881 1953 GB 1 1
George Herbert Rose 1882 1955 GB 2 4
Isaac Rosenberg 1890 1918 GB 2 4
William Rothenstein 1872 1945 GB 9 20
Alice B. C. Rowley 2 2
Henry Rushbury 1889 1968 GB 7 14
Rachel Russell 1 1
Walter Westley Russell 1867 1949 GB 11 61
Albert Daniel Rutherston 1881 1953 GB 12 92
John Singer Sargent 1856 1925 US 7 25
Louis Augustus Sargent 1881 1965 GB 7 10
Kate Sargint 3 4
William Beck Savage 1883 1918 GB 4 5
Hubert D. Schloss 2 2
Randolph Schwabe 1885 1948 GB 13 29
Elliot Seabrooke 1886 1950 GB 9 15
Ruth Selby-Bigge 1 1
William Shackleton 1872 1933 GB 14 64
Thomas Frederick Mason Sheard 1866 1921 GB 1 1
Charles A. Sheehan 1868 1956 GB 3 3
Inglis Sheldon-Williams 1870 1940 GB 1 1
F. H. S. Shepherd 1877 1948 GB 13 43
Ernest Leopold Sichel 1862 1941 GB 1 1
Bernard Sickert 1862 1932 DE 12 19
Walter Richard Sickert 1860 1942 GB 10 42
S. Noel Simmons GB 5 7
Charles Walter Simpson 1885 1971 GB 1 1
Rustom Siodia 1881 1946 IN 1 1
Adam Slade 1875 GB 2 2
Edgar Albert Slade 1872 1963 GB 1 1
E. N. Smith 1 1
Gabelle Smith 1 1
Philip C. Smith 3 3
Montague Smyth 1863 1965 GB 1 2
Howard Somerville 1873 1952 GB 3 4
Joseph Edward Southall 1861 1944 GB 10 19
Harold Speed 1872 1957 GB 1 1
Gilbert Spencer 1893 1979 GB 1 1
Stanley Spencer 1891 1959 GB 4 6
Harold Squire 1881 1959 GB 9 16
Charles Stabb 1872 1956 GB 9 14
Philip Wilson Steer 1860 1942 GB 14 54
E. H. Stephens 1 1
G. Torrance Stephenson 1876 1944 GB 2 2
A. Sterndale Bennett 1 1
Dorothy Stevens 1888 1966 CA 4 7
H. Mulready Stone 1860 GB 1 1
Thomas Butler Stoney 1874 GB 2 4
Geoffrey Strahan 1839 1916 2 3
Jan Strang 1886 1952 GB 8 21
Christopher William Strange GB 5 6
Arthur Streeton 1867 1943 AU 5 6
Gerald Summers 1886 1969 GB 12 24
Nora Summers 1892 1948 GB 9 21
Harald Sund 1876 1940 NO 2 3
James Swan 1864 1940 GB 1 1
Annie Louisa Swynnerton 1844 1933 GB 4 5
James Anthony Symons 1 1
Mark Lancelot Symons 1886 1935 GB 5 5
Algernon Talmage 1871 1939 GB 2 3
Clara Taylor GB 5 17
Walter Taylor 1860 1943 GB 8 16
H. Samuel Teed 1883 1916 GB 5 8
Kechie Tennent 1888 1968 GB 1 1
James Havard Thomas 1854 1921 GB 1 3
Charles Lambert Colijn Thomson 1873 1926 GB 3 3
George Thomson 1860 1939 GB 3 6
Alfred H. R. Thornton 1863 1939 GB 7 20
Helen Thorpe 1 1
Arthur Ralph Middleton Todd 1891 1966 GB 1 2
Henry Tonks 1862 1937 GB 10 45
Theodosia Townsend 1893 1980 1 1
Hilda Trevelyan 1878 1958 GB 1 1
Wyndham Tryon 1883 1942 GB 8 21
John Damon Turner 1873 1938 GB 2 4
Katharine Turner GB 7 12
Ursula Tyrwhitt 1878 1966 GB 13 35
Francis Sydney Unwin 1885 1925 GB 13 36
Murray McNeel Caird Urquhart 1880 1972 GB 1 1
Daniel Albert Veresmith 1861 1932 US 1 1
Emile Antoine Verpilleux 1888 1964 BE 2 2
Arthur Ernest Vokes 1874 1964 GB 1 1
Edward Vulliamy 1876 1962 GB 2 4
Vera Waddington 1886 1954 GB 7 13
William Hartley Waddington 1883 1961 GB 6 8
Hubert Waley 1891 1968 GB 2 2
Rhoda Waley 1895 1985 GB 1 1
Ethel Walker 1861 1951 GB 13 41
William Eyre Walker 1847 1930 GB 1 1
Charles Daniel Ward 1872 1938 GB 1 1
Aubrey Waterfield 1874 1944 GB 1 1
Harry Watson 1871 1936 GB 1 1
Matthew William Webb 1841 1924 GB 3 3
Mark Weiner 1 1
Denys George Wells 1881 1973 GB 5 9
Jane Welsh 2 3
Grace Westray 1878 GB 4 5
Edith Grace Wheatley 1888 1970 GB 6 7
John Wheatley 1892 1955 GB 3 9
Diana White 1868 1950 GB 3 4
J. A. Milburn White 2 3
John White 1851 1933 GB 1 1
Dora Whittingham 1 1
Harold Williamson 1898 1972 GB 1 1
Dorothy Willis 1 1
Ada M. L. Wilson 1876 1943 GB 1 1
Mary Wilson 2 2
Florence E. Wollard 1 1
Alfred Aaron Wolmark 1877 1961 GB 1 1
Garnet Ruskin Wolseley 1884 1967 GB 1 1
Catherine M. Wood 1857 1950 GB 2 3
Emmie Stewart Wood 1937 GB 2 2
Florence E. Woollard 1 1
Ethel Wright 1866 1939 GB 1 1
R. A. (or: R. H.) Wright 1 1
Frederic Yates 1854 1919 GB 2 2
Blamire Young 1862 1935 AU 1 1

+Artists’ Nationality(Pie Chart)

+Gender Distribution(Pie Chart)

+Catalogue Entries by Type of Work(Pie Chart)

Recommended Citation: "Galleries of the Royal Society of British Artists." In Database of Modern Exhibitions (DoME). European Paintings and Drawings 1905-1915. Last modified Jan 23, 2025.