Hungarian painter, 1880-1964
Date | Title | City | Venue | # of Cat. Entries | Type of Org. Body |
Spring 1905 | Tavaszi nemzetközi kiállítás [International Spring Exhibition 1905] | Budapest | Műcsarnok | 2 | arts associations |
Apr 1‒May 15, 1906 | Tavaszi kiállítás [Spring Exhibition] | Budapest | Műcsarnok | 1 | arts associations |
Jan 1908 | M.I.É.N.K. [1] [M.I.É.N.K. [1]] | Budapest | Nemzeti Szalon | 1 | exhibition buildings |
Nov 1908‒1909 | Téli nemzetközi kiállítás [International Winter Exhibition] | Budapest | Műcsarnok | 2 | arts associations |
Feb‒Mar 1909 | M.I.É.N.K. második kiállitása [Second Exhibition of M.I.É.N.K.] | Budapest | Nemzeti Szalon | 2 | exhibition buildings |
Feb 5‒Mar 3, 1910 | Ausstellung Ungarischer Maler | Berlin | Ausstellungshaus am Kurfürstendamm 208/9 | 1 | |
Apr‒May 1911 | "Nyolcak" kiállitása [Exhibition of "The Eight"] | Budapest | Nemzeti Szalon | 5 | exhibition buildings |
Nov‒Dec 1912 | A Nyolcak harmadik tárlata [The Third Exhibition of the Eight] | Budapest | Nemzeti Szalon | 11 | exhibition buildings |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
59. Arcképtanulmány [Portrait Study]
painting: oil
Tavaszi nemzetközi kiállítás [International Spring Exhibition 1905] Szabó József-utca 12; VII, Budapest |
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
331. Tanulmány [Study]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
Tavaszi nemzetközi kiállítás [International Spring Exhibition 1905] Szabó József-utca 12; VII, Budapest |
X. Terem [X. Hall]
257. Pór Bertalan: Dr. Goldzieher Vilmos úr arcképe [Portrait of Dr. Vilmos Goldzieher]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Tavaszi kiállítás [Spring Exhibition] Szabó József-utca 12; VII, Budapest |
186. Vályogvető cigányok [Adobe-Making Gypies]
painting: oil
M.I.É.N.K. [1] [M.I.É.N.K. [1]] |
III. Terem [III. Hall]
99. Klárika [Klárika]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Téli nemzetközi kiállítás [International Winter Exhibition] Szabó József-utca 12; VII, Budapest |
III. Terem [III. Hall]
104. Önarcképtanulmány [Self-Portrait Study]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Téli nemzetközi kiállítás [International Winter Exhibition] Szabó József-utca 12; VII, Budapest |
173. Tájkép [Landscape]
painting: oil
M.I.É.N.K. második kiállitása [Second Exhibition of M.I.É.N.K.] |
174. Tájkép [Landscape]
painting: oil
M.I.É.N.K. második kiállitása [Second Exhibition of M.I.É.N.K.] |
139. Pór, Bartholomäus: Meine Familie
Ausstellung Ungarischer Maler |
76. Olajfestmény [Oil Painting]
painting: oil
"Nyolcak" kiállitása [Exhibition of "The Eight"] |
77. Olajfestmény [Oil Painting]
painting: oil
"Nyolcak" kiállitása [Exhibition of "The Eight"] |
78. Olajfestmény [Oil Painting]
painting: oil
"Nyolcak" kiállitása [Exhibition of "The Eight"] |
79. Olajfestmény [Oil Painting]
painting: oil
"Nyolcak" kiállitása [Exhibition of "The Eight"] |
80. Olajfestmény [Oil Painting]
painting: oil
"Nyolcak" kiállitása [Exhibition of "The Eight"] |
Rajzok [Drawings]
No cat. no. given, original entry: “Rajzok. (Kompozició-tervek). Eladók. [Drawings. Plans for Compositions. For sale.]" located between cat. no. 68 and 69. Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
A Nyolcak harmadik tárlata [The Third Exhibition of the Eight] |
59. Kartonvázlat [Cartoon Sketch]
painting: aquarelle, Vízfestmény [watercolour painting]
A Nyolcak harmadik tárlata [The Third Exhibition of the Eight] |
60. Akt [Nude]
painting: oil
A Nyolcak harmadik tárlata [The Third Exhibition of the Eight] |
61. Akt [Nude]
painting: oil
A Nyolcak harmadik tárlata [The Third Exhibition of the Eight] |
62. Önarckép [Self-Portrait]
painting: oil
A Nyolcak harmadik tárlata [The Third Exhibition of the Eight] |
63. Önarckép [Self-Portrait]
painting: oil
A Nyolcak harmadik tárlata [The Third Exhibition of the Eight] |
64. Önarckép [Self-Portrait]
painting: oil
A Nyolcak harmadik tárlata [The Third Exhibition of the Eight] |
65. Önarckép [Self-Portrait]
painting: oil
A Nyolcak harmadik tárlata [The Third Exhibition of the Eight] |
66. Kompozícióterv [Composition Plan]
painting: oil
A Nyolcak harmadik tárlata [The Third Exhibition of the Eight] |
67. Terv egy kompozícióhoz [Plan for a Composition]
painting: oil
A Nyolcak harmadik tárlata [The Third Exhibition of the Eight] |
68. Kompozíció terv [Composition Plan]
painting: oil
A Nyolcak harmadik tárlata [The Third Exhibition of the Eight] |