I. Terem [I. Hall]
1. A provancei fönnsíkon [On the Plateau of Provence]
painting: oil
Frédéric Montenard Paris |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
2. Alkonyodás. (Emlék 1900-ból) [Dusk. (Memory from 1900)]
painting: oil
Luigi Loir Paris |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
3. Vuillard, C.: Szalon Villeneuvben [Salon in Villeneuve]
painting: oil
Magánt. [Private Collection]
C. Vuillard |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
4. Laurens, Jean Paul: Mounet-Sully „Larétin" szerepében [Mounet-Sully in the Role of „Larétin"]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Jean-Paul Laurens Paris |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
5. Lemaire, Madeleine: Rózsák [Roses]
painting: oil
Madeleine Jeanne Lemaire Paris |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
6. A hegyi patak [The Mountain Brook]
painting: oil
Paul Chabas Paris |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
7. Tarent hercegnő arcképe [The Portrait of Princess Tarent]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Ferdinand Humbert Paris |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
8. Női akt [Female nude]
painting: oil
Henry Lerolle Paris |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
9. Az Első felhő [The First Cloud]
painting: oil
Révillon Anatole úr [Mr. Révillon Anatole]
Edouard Gelhay Paris |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
10. A fürdő [The bath]
painting: oil
Tony Robert-Fleury Paris |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
11. A Meuse partján [On the Shore of the Meuse]
painting: oil
René Billotte Paris |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
12. Elöntött vidék [Flooded Land]
painting: oil
Pierre Lagarde Paris |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
13. Munka után [After Work]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Albert Maignan Paris |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
14. Miss E. P. arcképe [Portrait of Miss E. P.]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
Edmond Aman-Jean Paris |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
15. Öböl Bretagneban [Bay in Brittany]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
Charles Cottet Paris |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
16. Detaille, Edouard: Gránátos a régi gárdából (1806.) [Grenadier from the Old Guards (1806.)]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
Jean Baptiste Edouard Detaille |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
17. Anya és gyermeke [Mother and Her Child]
painting: oil
Charles Cottet Paris |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
18. Gilbert, Victor: Visszatérés a halászatról Dieppeben [Returning from Fishing in Dieppe]
painting: oil
Victor Gabriel Gilbert Paris |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
19. Gosselin, Albert: Leszálló éjjel [Descending Night]
painting: oil
Ferdinand-Jules-Albert Gosselin Paris |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
20. La Touche, Gaston: Kacérkodás [Coquetry]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
Gaston de Latouche |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
21. Lemaire, Madeleine: Nagyanyám arcképe [Portrait of My Grandmother]
painting: oil
Madeleine Jeanne Lemaire Paris |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
22. De la Gandara, Antonio: Kutya és farkas közt [Between Dog and Wolf]
painting: oil
Antonio de la Gandara Paris |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
23. Blanche J. E.: Leányarckép [Portrait of a Girl]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
Jacques-Emile Blanche Paris |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
24. Henri Martin, Jean Guillaume: Labastidei völgy [Valley in Labastide]
painting: oil
Henri Jean Guillaume Martin Paris |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
25. Zuber, Jean Henry: Az Antibes foknál [At the Cap d'Antibes]
painting: oil
Jean Henri Zuber Paris |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
26. Zo, Henry: Várakozó picadorok [Waiting Picadors]
painting: oil
A tourcoingi múzeum [Museum of Tourcoing]
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
Henri Zo Paris |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
27. Hofbauer, Charles: Csatatér [Battlefield]
painting: oil
Charles C. J. Hoffbauer Paris |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
28. Adam, Louis Emile: Őszi nap [Autumn Day]
painting: oil
Louis Emile Adan Paris |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
29. Bergeret, Pierre Danis: Csendélet [Still Life]
painting: oil
Denis Pierre Bergeret Paris |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
30. Saint Germier, Joseph: Egy kis csatorna Veneziában [A Small Canal in Venice]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Joseph Saint-Germier Neully S/S., Paris |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
31. Krisztus [Christ]
painting: oil
Jean Béraud Paris |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
32. I. grófnő arcképe [Portrait of Countess I.]
painting: oil
Henri Gervex Paris |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
33. Lefebvre, Jules: A művész fiának az arcképe [Portrait of the Artist´s Son]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Jules Joseph Lefebvre Paris |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
34. Richemond, Alfred de: Altatás [Lulling to Sleep]
painting: oil
Alfred Paul Marie Panon Desbassayns Richemont Paris |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
35. Gagliardini, Gustave Julien: Vidéki tér [Square in a Village [or: Rural Area]]
painting: oil
Julien-Gustave Gagliardini Paris |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
36. Faunok és kentaurok [Fauns and Centaurs]
painting: oil
Fernand Cormon Paris |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
37. Gagliardini, Gustave Julien: Kisvárosi kút [Well in a Small Town]
painting: oil
Julien-Gustave Gagliardini Paris |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
38. Agache, Alfred Pierre: Az igazság [The Truth [or: Justice]]
painting: oil
Alfred-Pierre Agache Paris |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
39. Fürdés [Bathing]
painting: oil
Albert Besnard Paris |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
40. Bonnat, León: A művész anyjának az arcképe [Portrait of the Artist´s Mother]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
Léon Bonnat Paris |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
41. Dauchez, André: Kóróégetés [Burning Weed]
painting: oil
Andre Dauchez Paris |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
42. Dawant, Albert: Miséres...
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
Albert Pierre Dawant Paris |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
43. Eros és Psyché [Eros and Psyche]
painting: aquarelle
Guillaume Dubufe Paris |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
44. E. R. asszony arcképe [Portrait of Lady E. R.]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
François Flameng Paris |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
45. Mystikus kép [Mystic Picture]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Emile Friant Paris |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
46. Laparra, William: Nagyanya [Grandmother]
painting: oil
William Julien Émile Édouard Laparra 65, Boulevard de Clichy, Paris |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
47. Laparra, William: Az elhagyott lak [The Abandoned House]
painting: oil
William Julien Émile Édouard Laparra 65, Boulevard de Clichy, Paris |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
48. Hazatérés a halászatról Grandcampban [Homecoming from the Fishing in Grandcamp]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Paul Mathey Paris |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
49. Ménard, Emile René: ,,Aigues mortes"
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
René Ménard Paris |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
50. Picard, Georges: Esti álmodozás [Daydreaming in the Evening]
painting: oil
Georges-Picard Picard Paris |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
51. Prinet, René Xavier: Barátnők közt [Among Girlfriends]
painting: oil
René François Xavier Prinet Paris |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
52. A tavasz virágai [The Flowers of Spring]
painting: oil
Ernest Quost Paris |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
53. Rosset-Granger, Edouard: M. D. kisasszony arcképe [Portrait of Miss M. D.]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Paul Edouard Rosset-Granger Paris |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
54. Anya és gyermekei [Mother and Her Children]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
Lucien Simon Paris |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
55. Tattegrain,François: A kivonulás St. Quentinból. 1557 augusztus 29 [The Exodus from St. Quentin. 29 August 1557]
painting: oil
Note in the title: "(Két napi öldöklés, fosztogatás és gyujtogatás után a a lakosság maradványa II. Fülöp spanyol király rendeletére kivonul a város romjai közül.)" [After two days of killing, plundering and arson, the remainder of the population leaves the ruines of the city by order of the Spanish King, Philipp II.]
Francis Tattegrain Paris |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
56. Búcsúzás [Farewell]
painting: oil
Edouard Toudouze Paris |
I. Terem [I. Hall]
57. „Borbouillade utazása" [„The Journey of Borbouillade"]
painting: oil
Jean Veber Paris |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
58. Spányik Cornél: Szünet közt [Between Breaks]
painting: oil
Kornel Spanyik Munkácsy-utca 14; VI, Budapest |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
59. Arcképtanulmány [Portrait Study]
painting: oil
Bertalan Pór Szabó József-utca 12; VII, Budapest |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
60. Villámosi völgy [Valley of Villámos]
Hugó Poll Damjanich utca 32; VII, Budapest |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
61. Borostyánkő [Amber]
Hugó Poll Damjanich utca 32; VII, Budapest |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
62. Este a Dunán [Evening on the Danube]
Hugó Poll Damjanich utca 32; VII, Budapest |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
63. Tanulmány [Study]
Hugó Poll Damjanich utca 32; VII, Budapest |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
64. Szalonak vára [The Castle of Szalonak]
Hugó Poll Damjanich utca 32; VII, Budapest |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
65. Felső-Lövői patak [Brook of Felső-Lövő]
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
Hugó Poll Damjanich utca 32; VII, Budapest |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
66. Szalonak vára délről [The Castle of Szalonak Seen from the South]
Hugó Poll Damjanich utca 32; VII, Budapest |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
67. Holdvilág [Moonlight]
Hugó Poll Damjanich utca 32; VII, Budapest |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
68. Malompatakvölgy, Dömös [Malompatak-Valley, Dömös]
Hugó Poll Damjanich utca 32; VII, Budapest |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
69. Fürdőszobában [In the Bathroom]
Hugó Poll Damjanich utca 32; VII, Budapest |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
70. Zivatarfelhők [Thunderclouds]
Hugó Poll Damjanich utca 32; VII, Budapest |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
71. Károly-akna, Salgótarján [Károly-Mineshaft, Salgótarján]
Hugó Poll Damjanich utca 32; VII, Budapest |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
72. Esős naplemenet a tengeren [Rainy Sunset on the Sea]
painting: oil
Nándor Katona Akácfa-utca 24; VII, Budapest |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
73. Női akt [Female Nude]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
Frigyes Strobentz Pettentkoferstr. 31, Munich |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
74. Fiatal leány gerániumokkal [Young Girl with Geraniums]
painting: oil
Walter Gay Paris |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
75. Frieseke, Carl: Sárga tulipánok [Yellow Tulips]
painting: oil
Frederick Carl Frieseke Paris |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
76. Görgey Arthur [Arthur Görgey]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
Fülöp László Heugasse 12; 1040, Vienna |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
77. Van der Weyden, Harry: A kolostor [The Monastery]
painting: oil
Harry van der Weyden Paris |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
78. Bisbing, Henry S.: Reggel a legelőn [Morning on the Pasture]
painting: oil
Henry Singlewood Bisbing Paris |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
79. ✝ Sisley Alfréd: Júniusi nap [Day in June]
painting: oil
Alfred Sisley |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
80. Morris Young, Charles: Az est [The Evening]
painting: oil
Charles Morris Young Paris |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
81. Morris Young, Charles: Havas hangulat [Snowy Mood]
painting: oil
Charles Morris Young Paris |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
82. Kora tavasz a Magas-Tátrában [Early Spring in the High Tatras]
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
Nándor Katona Akácfa-utca 24; VII, Budapest |
II. Terem [II. Hall]
83. Csalamádé gyűjtés [Collecting Forage]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
Lajos Zombory Kmetty-utca 29; VI, Budapest |
III. Terem [III. Hall]
84. Márk Lajos: B. Magda. arcképe [Portrait of B. Magda.]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
Louis Mark Vörösmarty-utca 34a; VI, Budapest |
III. Terem [III. Hall]
85. Sportkedvelő [Lover of Sports]
painting: oil
Gyula Kardos Munkácsy-utca 27.; VI., Budapest |
III. Terem [III. Hall]
86. Pállya Celesztin: Tavaszi munka [Spring Work]
painting: oil
Celesztin Pallya Ujpest, Budapest |
III. Terem [III. Hall]
87. Kati
painting: oil
Gyula Kosztolányi-Kann Váci-út 10; V, Budapest |
III. Terem [III. Hall]
88. Márk Lajos: Dr. M. P.-né arcképe [Portrait of the Wife of Dr. M. P.]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Louis Mark Vörösmarty-utca 34a; VI, Budapest |
III. Terem [III. Hall]
89. Részlet Lussingrandeból [Scene of Lussingrande]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
Gyula Kosztolányi-Kann Váci-út 10; V, Budapest |
III. Terem [III. Hall]
90. Fürdés után [After the Bath]
painting: oil
Anders Zorn Paris |
III. Terem [III. Hall]
91. Tájrészlet Rovenscánál [Scene of a Landscape at Rovensca]
painting: oil
Gyula Kosztolányi-Kann Váci-út 10; V, Budapest |
III. Terem [III. Hall]
92. Márk Lajos: Dr. R. M.-né arcképe [Portrait of the Wife of Dr. R. M.]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Louis Mark Vörösmarty-utca 34a; VI, Budapest |
III. Terem [III. Hall]
93. Lussigrande
painting: oil
Gyula Kosztolányi-Kann Váci-út 10; V, Budapest |
III. Terem [III. Hall]
94. Kilátás az ablakomból [View from My Window]
painting: oil
Gyula Kosztolányi-Kann Váci-út 10; V, Budapest |
III. Terem [III. Hall]
95. Tavasz [Spring]
painting: oil
Gyula Kosztolányi-Kann Váci-út 10; V, Budapest |
III. Terem [III. Hall]
96. Harrison, Alexandre: A tenger tükre [The Mirror of the Sea]
painting: oil
Thomas Alexander Harrison Paris |
III. Terem [III. Hall]
97. Harrison, Alexandre: A felhő [The Cloud]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
Thomas Alexander Harrison Paris |
III. Terem [III. Hall]
98. Ákácos út [Road with Acacias [or: Ákácos-Street]]
painting: tempera
Ferenc Olgyay Szolnok, [Művésztelep [Art colony]] |
III. Terem [III. Hall]
99. Zagyvakiöntés [Zagyva Flood]
painting: oil
Ferenc Olgyay Szolnok, [Művésztelep [Art colony]] |
III. Terem [III. Hall]
100. Vasárnap [Sunday]
painting: oil
Ferenc Olgyay Szolnok, [Művésztelep [Art colony]] |
III. Terem [III. Hall]
101. Tanya [Farm]
painting: tempera
Ferenc Olgyay Szolnok, [Művésztelep [Art colony]] |
III. Terem [III. Hall]
102. Libák az úton [Geese on the Road]
painting: tempera
Ferenc Olgyay Szolnok, [Művésztelep [Art colony]] |
III. Terem [III. Hall]
103. Tanya télen [Farm in the Winter]
painting: oil
Ferenc Olgyay Szolnok, [Művésztelep [Art colony]] |
III. Terem [III. Hall]
104. Hídon [On the Bridge]
painting: tempera
Ferenc Olgyay Szolnok, [Művésztelep [Art colony]] |
III. Terem [III. Hall]
105. A tenyői Tiszahídnál [By the Tisza-Bridge at Tenyő]
painting: oil
Ferenc Olgyay Szolnok, [Művésztelep [Art colony]] |
III. Terem [III. Hall]
106. Tehenek az ákácosban [Cows in the Acacia Grove]
painting: tempera
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Ferenc Olgyay Szolnok, [Művésztelep [Art colony]] |
III. Terem [III. Hall]
107. Festő [Painter]
painting: oil
Ferenc Olgyay Szolnok, [Művésztelep [Art colony]] |
III. Terem [III. Hall]
108. Tó partján [On the Lakeside]
painting: oil
Gusztáv Magyar-Mannheimer Jókai-út 6; VII, Budapest |
III. Terem [III. Hall]
109. Nagy Zsiga: Katica
painting: oil
Zsigmond Nagy Kelenhegyi út 12-14; I, Budapest |
III. Terem [III. Hall]
110. Táncmulatság [Ball]
painting: oil
Ferenc Ujházy Gyöngytyúk-utca 3; VIII, Budapest |
III. Terem [III. Hall]
111. Pállya Celesztin: Falusi nagy vásár [Big Market in the Village]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
Celesztin Pallya Ujpest, Budapest |
III. Terem [III. Hall]
112. Pállya Celesztin: Ötöt egy hatosért [Five for a Six]
painting: oil
Celesztin Pallya Ujpest, Budapest |
III. Terem [III. Hall]
113. Vegyeskereskedés Bártfán [General Store in Bártfa]
painting: oil
Miksa Bruck Munkácsy-utca 14; VI, Budapest |
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
114. Párviadal [Duel]
painting: oil, Olajvázlaz [oil sketch]
Lajos Zombory Kmetty-utca 29; VI, Budapest |
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
115. Krumplihordás [Carrying Potatoes]
painting: oil
Lajos Zombory Kmetty-utca 29; VI, Budapest |
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
116. Kriesch Aladár: Saját arckép [Self-Portrait]
painting: tempera
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Aladár Körösfői-Kriesch Gödöllő |
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
117. Jendrássik Jenő: Késő bánat [Belated Sorrow]
painting: oil
Jeno Jendrassik Városligeti-fasor 26; VI, Budapest |
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
118. Jendrássik Jenő: Tanulmány [Study]
painting: oil
Jeno Jendrassik Városligeti-fasor 26; VI, Budapest |
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
119. Jendrássik Jenő: Nehéz felelet [Difficult Answer]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
Jeno Jendrassik Városligeti-fasor 26; VI, Budapest |
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
120. Jendrássik Jenő: T. A.-né úrnő arcképe [Portrait of the Wife of T. A. [or: Portrait of Lady T. A.]]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Jeno Jendrassik Városligeti-fasor 26; VI, Budapest |
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
121. Jendrássik Jenő: Dr. I. E. úr arcképe [Portrait of Dr. I. E. [m]]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Jeno Jendrassik Városligeti-fasor 26; VI, Budapest |
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
122. Jendrássik Jenő: Cigánleány [Gipsy Girl]
painting: oil
Jeno Jendrassik Városligeti-fasor 26; VI, Budapest |
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
123. Jendrássik Jenő: Z. comtesse arcképe [Portrait of Comtesse Z.]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Jeno Jendrassik Városligeti-fasor 26; VI, Budapest |
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
124. Pállik Béla: Legelőn [On the Pasture]
painting: oil
Béla Pallik Kmetty-utca 29.; VI., Budapest |
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
125. Pállik Béla: Hazatérő nyáj [Homecoming Herd]
painting: oil
Béla Pallik Kmetty-utca 29.; VI., Budapest |
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
126. Pállik Béla: Anyajuh ikrekkel [Ewe with Twins]
painting: oil
Béla Pallik Kmetty-utca 29.; VI., Budapest |
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
127. Paczka Cornélia: Magyar parasztudvar zivatar után [Hungarian Farm After a Thunderstorm]
painting: oil
Cornelia Paczka Wagner Lützowstrasse 60/a, Berlin |
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
128. Bunny, Ruppert C. W.: Egy Cupido szárnyából kihullott toll [Fallen Feather from a Cupid´s Wing]
painting: oil
Rupert Bunny Paris |
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
129. Névnapi köszöntő [Name Day Greeting]
painting: oil
Mari Biasini Ungargasse 45.; III., Vienna |
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
130. Téli délután [Winter Afternoon]
painting: oil
Lajos Szlányi Szolnok, [Művésztelep [Art colony]] |
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
131. Befagyott Zagyva [Frozen Zagyva]
painting: oil
Lajos Szlányi Szolnok, [Művésztelep [Art colony]] |
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
132. Naplementekor [At Sunset]
painting: oil
Lajos Szlányi Szolnok, [Művésztelep [Art colony]] |
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
133. Napsütés télen [Sunshine in Winter]
painting: oil
Lajos Szlányi Szolnok, [Művésztelep [Art colony]] |
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
134. Zagyvapart Szolnokon [Zagyva-Shore in Szolnok]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. Other entries marked with a star have a corresponding reproduction in the catalogue.
Lajos Szlányi Szolnok, [Művésztelep [Art colony]] |
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
135. Fűzfák [Willow Trees]
painting: oil
Lajos Szlányi Szolnok, [Művésztelep [Art colony]] |
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
136. Téli est [Winter Evening]
painting: oil
Lajos Szlányi Szolnok, [Művésztelep [Art colony]] |
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
137. Szolnoki Tabán-részlet [Scene of Tabán at Szolnok]
painting: oil
Lajos Szlányi Szolnok, [Művésztelep [Art colony]] |
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
138. Tanulmány (Székely leány) [Study (Székely Girl)]
painting: oil
Arthur Coulin Fekete-utca 6, Brașov |
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
139. Téli verőfény [Bright Sunshine in Winter]
painting: oil
Lajos Szlányi Szolnok, [Művésztelep [Art colony]] |
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
140. Tarló szélén [At the Edge of the Stubble Field]
painting: oil
Lajos Zombory Kmetty-utca 29; VI, Budapest |
V. Terem [V. Hall]
141. Ujváry, Ignác: Téli táj [Winter Landscape]
painting: oil
Ignac Ujvary Práter-utca 9; VIII, Budapest |
V. Terem [V. Hall]
142. Ujváry, Ignác: Erdő mellett [Next to the Forest]
painting: oil
Ignac Ujvary Práter-utca 9; VIII, Budapest |
V. Terem [V. Hall]
143. Ujváry, Ignác: Téli alkony [Dusk in Winter]
painting: oil
Ignac Ujvary Práter-utca 9; VIII, Budapest |
V. Terem [V. Hall]
144. Ujváry, Ignác: Deres reggel [Frosted Morning]
painting: oil
Ignac Ujvary Práter-utca 9; VIII, Budapest |
V. Terem [V. Hall]
145. Ujváry, Ignác: A víznél [At the Water]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
Ignac Ujvary Práter-utca 9; VIII, Budapest |
V. Terem [V. Hall]
146. Nyári napsütés [Sunshine in Summer]
painting: oil
Izsák Perlmutter Andrássy-út 60; VI, Budapest |
V. Terem [V. Hall]
147. Vasárnapon [On Sunday]
painting: oil
Izsák Perlmutter Andrássy-út 60; VI, Budapest |
V. Terem [V. Hall]
148. Özvegy és leányai [Widow with Her Daughters [or: Widower with His Daughters; Widow with Her Maidens]]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
Izsák Perlmutter Andrássy-út 60; VI, Budapest |
V. Terem [V. Hall]
149. Séta előtt [Before the Walk]
painting: oil
Izsák Perlmutter Andrássy-út 60; VI, Budapest |
V. Terem [V. Hall]
150. Utcai részlet (Hollandia) [Scene of a Street (Holland)]
painting: oil
Izsák Perlmutter Andrássy-út 60; VI, Budapest |
V. Terem [V. Hall]
151. Tengeri fürdőben [In a Sea Bath]
painting: oil
Izsák Perlmutter Andrássy-út 60; VI, Budapest |
V. Terem [V. Hall]
152. Falu hóban (Hontmegye) [Village in the Snow (Hont-County)]
painting: oil
Izsák Perlmutter Andrássy-út 60; VI, Budapest |
V. Terem [V. Hall]
153. Nyári est Norvégiában [Summer Evening in Norway]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
Fritz Thaulow Paris |
V. Terem [V. Hall]
154. Estefelé [Towards Evening]
painting: oil
Lajos Zombory Kmetty-utca 29; VI, Budapest |
V. Terem [V. Hall]
155. Tájkép reggel [Landscape in the Morning]
painting: oil
Lajos Zombory Kmetty-utca 29; VI, Budapest |
V. Terem [V. Hall]
156. Az udvarban [In the Yard]
painting: oil
Lajos Zombory Kmetty-utca 29; VI, Budapest |
V. Terem [V. Hall]
157. Folyó szélén [On the Riverside]
painting: oil
Lajos Zombory Kmetty-utca 29; VI, Budapest |
V. Terem [V. Hall]
158. Egylovas fogat [One-Horse Carriage]
painting: oil
Lajos Zombory Kmetty-utca 29; VI, Budapest |
VI. Terem [VI. Hall]
159. Nádler Róbert: Arab iskola [Arab School [or: Arabian School]]
painting: oil
Robert Nadler Andrássy-út 71; VI, Budapest |
VI. Terem [VI. Hall]
160. Nádler Róbert: Csendes öböl [Quiet Bay]
painting: oil
Robert Nadler Andrássy-út 71; VI, Budapest |
VI. Terem [VI. Hall]
161. Nádler Róbert: Dolomit havasok [Dolomite Alps]
painting: oil
Robert Nadler Andrássy-út 71; VI, Budapest |
VI. Terem [VI. Hall]
162. Nádler Róbert: Szabad fürdő a Balaton partján [Public Bath at the Shore of the Lake Balaton]
painting: oil
Robert Nadler Andrássy-út 71; VI, Budapest |
VI. Terem [VI. Hall]
163. Nádler Róbert: Sori a Riviérán [Sori at the Riviera]
painting: oil
Robert Nadler Andrássy-út 71; VI, Budapest |
VI. Terem [VI. Hall]
164. Nádler Róbert: Gossensass
painting: oil
Robert Nadler Andrássy-út 71; VI, Budapest |
VI. Terem [VI. Hall]
165. Nádler Róbert: Utczarészlet Travnikban [Scene of a Street in Travnik]
painting: oil
Robert Nadler Andrássy-út 71; VI, Budapest |
VI. Terem [VI. Hall]
166. Nádler Róbert: Travnik
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
Robert Nadler Andrássy-út 71; VI, Budapest |
VI. Terem [VI. Hall]
167. Nádler Róbert: Téli táj [Winter Landscape]
painting: oil
Robert Nadler Andrássy-út 71; VI, Budapest |
VI. Terem [VI. Hall]
168. Nádler Róbert: Reccoi öböl [Recco Bay]
painting: oil
Robert Nadler Andrássy-út 71; VI, Budapest |
VI. Terem [VI. Hall]
169. Nádler Róbert: Rapallo
painting: oil
Robert Nadler Andrássy-út 71; VI, Budapest |
VI. Terem [VI. Hall]
170. Nádler Róbert: Habos hullámok [Foaming Waves]
painting: oil
Robert Nadler Andrássy-út 71; VI, Budapest |
VI. Terem [VI. Hall]
171. Nádler Róbert: Veneziai részlet [Venetian Scene]
painting: oil
Robert Nadler Andrássy-út 71; VI, Budapest |
VI. Terem [VI. Hall]
172. Nádler Róbert: Hullámcsapkodás [Wash of the Waves]
painting: oil
Robert Nadler Andrássy-út 71; VI, Budapest |
VI. Terem [VI. Hall]
173. Nádler Róbert: Sziklás part a Rivierán [Rocky Shore at the Riviera]
painting: oil
Robert Nadler Andrássy-út 71; VI, Budapest |
VI. Terem [VI. Hall]
174. Nadler Róbert: Hegyi patak [Mountain Brook]
painting: oil
"Nadler" is considered to be a spelling error.
Robert Nadler Andrássy-út 71; VI, Budapest |
VI. Terem [VI. Hall]
175. Nádler Róbert: Reccoi spiaggia [Spiaggia at Recco]
painting: oil
Robert Nadler Andrássy-út 71; VI, Budapest |
VI. Terem [VI. Hall]
176. Nádler Róbert: Recco
painting: oil
Robert Nadler Andrássy-út 71; VI, Budapest |
VI. Terem [VI. Hall]
177. Nádler Róbert: Őszi színek [Autumn Colours]
painting: oil
Robert Nadler Andrássy-út 71; VI, Budapest |
VI. Terem [VI. Hall]
178. Nadler Róbert: Atlanti tenger [Atlantic Sea]
painting: oil
"Nadler" is considered to be a spelling error.
Robert Nadler Andrássy-út 71; VI, Budapest |
VI. Terem [VI. Hall]
179. Nádler Róbert: Részlet Jaicé-ből [Scene of Jaice]
painting: oil
Robert Nadler Andrássy-út 71; VI, Budapest |
VII. Terem [VII. Hall]
180. Hayek, Hans von: Téli táj [Winter Landscape]
painting: oil
Hans von Hayek Dachau |
VII. Terem [VII. Hall]
181. Palmié I., Charles Prof.: Alkony [Dusk]
painting: oil
Charles J. Palmie Munich |
VII. Terem [VII. Hall]
182. Jabirus (Délamerikai gólyák) [Jabirus (South-American Storks)]
painting: tempera
Paul Neuenborn Munich |
VII. Terem [VII. Hall]
183. Arckép [Portrait]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Heinrich Knirr Munich |
VII. Terem [VII. Hall]
184. Pietzsch, Richárd: Nyári táj [Summer Landscape]
painting: oil
Richard Pietzsch Grünwald, Bavaria |
VII. Terem [VII. Hall]
185. A szerelem kertje [The Garden of Love]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
Otto Hierl-Deronco Munich |
VII. Terem [VII. Hall]
186. Falu az Amper mellett (Zivataros hangulat) [Village Nearby the Amper (Stormy Mood)]
painting: oil
Richard Kaiser Munich |
VII. Terem [VII. Hall]
187. Festő és modell [Painter and Model]
painting: oil
Károly Ferenczy Rottenbiller-utca 46; VII, Budapest |
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
VII. Terem [VII. Hall]
198. Krausz W. Viktor: Arckép [Portrait]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Wilhelm Victor Krausz Kohlmessergasse 8; 1030, Vienna |
VII. Terem [VII. Hall]
199. Schaefer, Philipp Ottó: Meglepetés [Surprise]
painting: tempera
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
Philipp Otto Schäfer Munich |
VII. Terem [VII. Hall]
200. Krausz W. Viktor: Olajprés [Oil Press]
painting: oil
Wilhelm Victor Krausz Kohlmessergasse 8; 1030, Vienna |
VII. Terem [VII. Hall]
201. Álarcot vegyenek ! [Buy masks !]
painting: oil
Walter Püttner Munich |
VII. Terem [VII. Hall]
202. Séta [Walk]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
Leo Putz |
VII. Terem [VII. Hall]
203. Tavaszi eső [Spring Rain]
painting: oil
Wilhelm Ludwig Lehmann Munich |
VII. Terem [VII. Hall]
204. Libák [Geese]
painting: oil
Rudolf Schramm-Zittau Munich |
VII. Terem [VII. Hall]
205. Alissa (Spanyol táncosnő) [Alissa (Spanish Dancer)]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
Philipp Klein Munich |
VII. Terem [VII. Hall]
206. Gólyák [Storks]
painting: oil
Walter Georgi Munich |
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
VIII. Terem [VIII. Hall]
215. A bölcső [The Crib]
painting: oil
Béla Endre Hódmezővásárhely |
VIII. Terem [VIII. Hall]
216. Molnár János: Falu szegényei a templomban [The Poor of the Village in the Church]
painting: oil
Janos Pentelei-Molnar Dunapentele, Dunaújváros |
VIII. Terem [VIII. Hall]
217. Este [Evening]
painting: oil
Antal Berkes Nefelejts-utca 61; VII, Budapest |
VIII. Terem [VIII. Hall]
218. Téli reggel [Winter Morning]
painting: oil
Antal Berkes Nefelejts-utca 61; VII, Budapest |
VIII. Terem [VIII. Hall]
219. Arckép [Portrait]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Pál Jávor Váci-körút 66; V, Budapest |
VIII. Terem [VIII. Hall]
220. Benjámin Herman: Sidló Feri kollegám képmása [Portrait of My Colleague Feri Sidló]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Hermann Benjámin Kurfürstenstrasse 39.; II., Munich |
VIII. Terem [VIII. Hall]
221. Zubriczky L.: A szorgalmasok [The Hard Workers]
painting: oil
Lorand Zubriczky 9, rue Champagne Première, Paris |
VIII. Terem [VIII. Hall]
222. Zubriczky L.: Szajnaparti részlet [Scene of the Shore of the Seine]
painting: oil
Lorand Zubriczky 9, rue Champagne Première, Paris |
other medium
VIII. Terem [VIII. Hall]
224. Rákoscsabai liget [Grove in Rákoscsaba]
painting: oil
Mihály Zeller |
VIII. Terem [VIII. Hall]
225. Olt részlet [Scene of Olt]
painting: oil
László Diószeghy Damjanich-utca 32. III; VII, Budapest |
VIII. Terem [VIII. Hall]
226. Kis özvegy [Small Widow]
painting: oil
Vilmos Nagy Király-utca 112; VI, Budapest |
VIII. Terem [VIII. Hall]
227. Intérieur
painting: oil
Magántul. [Private Collection]
Emil Rosenberger Bálvány-utca 26.; V., Budapest |
VIII. Terem [VIII. Hall]
228. Műkritika [Art Criticism]
painting: oil
Vilmos Nagy Király-utca 112; VI, Budapest |
VIII. Terem [VIII. Hall]
229. A mellőzött [The Overlooked]
painting: oil
Vilmos Nagy Király-utca 112; VI, Budapest |
VIII. Terem [VIII. Hall]
230. Juszkó Béla: Alkonyat a Hortobágyon [Dusk on the Hortobágy]
painting: oil
Bela Juszko Külső Kerepesi-út 1. V-ház; VIII, Budapest |
VIII. Terem [VIII. Hall]
231. Leszámolás [Payoff]
painting: oil
Béla Endre Hódmezővásárhely |
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
240. Telepy Károly: Odvaskő a borsodi Bükben [Odvaskő in the Bük of Borsod]
painting: oil
Karoly Telepy Városligeti-fasor 26; VI, Budapest |
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
241. Jancsi és Juliska [Hansel and Gretel]
painting: oil
Károly Reinhard Bajza-utca 23; VI, Budapest |
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
242. Kriesch Aladár: Falu vége [End of the Village]
painting: tempera
Aladár Körösfői-Kriesch Gödöllő |
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
243. Dr. K. Gy. arcképe [Portrait of Dr. K. Gy.]
painting: oil
Magánt. [Private Collection]
Jenő Keményffy Sziget-utca 4-6; V, Budapest |
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
244. Bál után [After the Ball]
painting: oil
Károly Reinhard Bajza-utca 23; VI, Budapest |
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
245. Kis cseléd [Little Servant]
painting: oil
Károly Reinhard Bajza-utca 23; VI, Budapest |
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
246. Kriesch Aladár: Templomozás Kalotaszegen [Mass in Kalotaszeg]
painting: tempera
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
Aladár Körösfői-Kriesch Gödöllő |
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
247. Arckép [Portrait]
painting: oil
Jenő Keményffy Sziget-utca 4-6; V, Budapest |
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
248. Peske Géza: A csuzli [The Slingshot]
painting: oil
Geza Peske Damjanich-utca 51; VII, Budapest |
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
249. Aggházy, Gyula: Pulykapásztorok [Turkey Farmers]
painting: oil
Julius Agghazy Andrássy-út 71; VI, Budapest |
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
250. Peske Géza: Hat meg nyolc az ? [Six Plus Eight Equal ?]
painting: oil
Geza Peske Damjanich-utca 51; VII, Budapest |
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
251. Telepy Károly: Liptóujvár
painting: oil
Karoly Telepy Városligeti-fasor 26; VI, Budapest |
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
252. Brandl Gusztáv: L. baronesse arcképe [Portrait of Baroness L.]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Gusztáv Kőszegi-Brandl Fő-utca 42.; II., Budapest |
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
253. Arckép-csoport [Portrait-Group]
painting: oil
Magánt. [Private Collection]
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
Imre Knopp Andrássy-út 96; VI, Budapest |
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
254. Délutáni pihenés [Resting in the Afternoon]
painting: oil
Géza Vastagh Váci-utca 84; IV, Budapest |
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
255. Telepy Károly: Valle Eggeriában Nubia forrása Róma mellett [In Valle Eggeria, The Spring of Nubia, Next to Rome]
painting: oil
Karoly Telepy Városligeti-fasor 26; VI, Budapest |
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
256. Arckép [Portrait]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
József Karvaly Csömöri-út 18., VII., Budapest |
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
257. Tölgyessy Arthur: A kaszás [The Reaper]
painting: oil
Artur Tölgyessy Kelenhegyi-út 12-14; I, Budapest |
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
258. Tölgyessy Arthur: A jegenyék alatt [Under the Poplars]
painting: oil
Artur Tölgyessy Kelenhegyi-út 12-14; I, Budapest |
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
259. Tölgyessy Arthur: Szántás [Plough]
painting: oil
Artur Tölgyessy Kelenhegyi-út 12-14; I, Budapest |
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
260. Arckép [Portrait]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Sándor Endrey Alkotmány-utca 27; V, Budapest |
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
261. Tölgyessy Arthur: Behordás [Harvest Home]
painting: oil
Artur Tölgyessy Kelenhegyi-út 12-14; I, Budapest |
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
262. Tölgyessy Arthur: Pipacsos mező [Poppy Field]
painting: oil
Artur Tölgyessy Kelenhegyi-út 12-14; I, Budapest |
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
263. Aggházy Gyula: Tavasz [Spring]
painting: oil
Julius Agghazy Andrássy-út 71; VI, Budapest |
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
264. Bruck H.: Tavasz [Spring]
painting: oil
Hermina Bruck Döbrentei-utca 10; I, Budapest |
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
265. Ziffer Sándor: Anyám a tükör mellett [My Mother Next to the Mirror]
painting: oil
Sandor Ziffer Kerepesi-út 71, Budapest |
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
266. Arcképtanulmány [Portrait Study]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
József Karvaly Csömöri-út 18., VII., Budapest |
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
267. Déry Béla: Esős este Beliben (Cherso) [Rainy Evening in Beli (Cherso)]
painting: oil
Béla Dery Röck Szilárd-utca 17, VIII, Budapest |
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
268. Déry Béla: Esteli hullámjáték [Play of the Waves in the Evening]
painting: oil
Béla Dery Röck Szilárd-utca 17, VIII, Budapest |
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
269. Aprójószág a hóban [Poultry in the Snow]
painting: oil
Géza Vastagh Váci-utca 84; IV, Budapest |
X. Terem [X. Hall]
270. A Mimi szalónja [The Salon of Mimi]
painting: oil
János Tornyai Hódmezővásárhely |
X. Terem [X. Hall]
271. Alföldi tanya [Farm in the Great Hungarian Plain]
painting: oil, Olaj-vázlat [Oil Sketch]
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
János Tornyai Hódmezővásárhely |
X. Terem [X. Hall]
272. A Tátra a Csorba-tónál [The Tatras at the Lake Csorba]
painting: oil
Gyula Háry Nagy János-utca 14; VI, Budapest |
X. Terem [X. Hall]
273. Kikötő Veneziában [Port in Venice]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. Other entries marked with a star have a corresponding reproduction in the catalogue.
Gyula Háry Nagy János-utca 14; VI, Budapest |
X. Terem [X. Hall]
274. Jármay-út a tarpataki völgyben [Jármay-Road in the Valley of Tarpatak]
painting: oil
Gyula Háry Nagy János-utca 14; VI, Budapest |
X. Terem [X. Hall]
275. Rio S. Agostino, Venezia
painting: oil
Gyula Háry Nagy János-utca 14; VI, Budapest |
X. Terem [X. Hall]
276. Canale Grande, Venezia
painting: oil
Gyula Háry Nagy János-utca 14; VI, Budapest |
X. Terem [X. Hall]
277. Tull Ödön: Capri szigetről [From Capri Island]
painting: oil
Edmund Tull Lipót-körút 5; V, Budapest |
X. Terem [X. Hall]
278. Tull Ödön: Kertben [In the Garden]
painting: oil
Edmund Tull Lipót-körút 5; V, Budapest |
X. Terem [X. Hall]
279. Deák-Ebner Lajos: B. M. úrhölgy arcképe [Portrait of Madam B. M.]
painting: tempera
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Lajos Deák-Ébner Fő-utca 49; II, Budapest |
X. Terem [X. Hall]
280. Macskatoilette [Catlick]
painting: oil
Imre Gergely Kelenhegyi-út 12-14; I, Budapest |
X. Terem [X. Hall]
281. Pállik Béla: Kakasviadal [Cockfight]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Béla Pallik Kmetty-utca 29.; VI., Budapest |
X. Terem [X. Hall]
282. Pállik Béla: Esthangulat [Evening Mood]
painting: oil
Béla Pallik Kmetty-utca 29.; VI., Budapest |
X. Terem [X. Hall]
283. A templomban [In the Church]
painting: oil
József Jászai Szondy-utca 58., VI., Budapest |
X. Terem [X. Hall]
284. Révész Imre: Templomba [To the Church]
painting: oil
Imre Emerich Révész Andrássy-út 71; VI, Budapest |
X. Terem [X. Hall]
285. Révész Imre: Legeltetés [Grazing]
painting: oil
Imre Emerich Révész Andrássy-út 71; VI, Budapest |
X. Terem [X. Hall]
286. Révész Imre: Osztozkodás [Division]
painting: oil
Imre Emerich Révész Andrássy-út 71; VI, Budapest |
X. Terem [X. Hall]
287. Téli éj [Winter Night]
painting: oil
Károly Pongrácz Szolnok, [Művésztelep [Art colony]] |
X. Terem [X. Hall]
288. Nyári tájkép [Summer Landscape]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
Károly Pongrácz Szolnok, [Művésztelep [Art colony]] |
X. Terem [X. Hall]
289. Alkonyat [Dusk]
painting: oil
Károly Pongrácz Szolnok, [Művésztelep [Art colony]] |
X. Terem [X. Hall]
290. Egy holdvilágos éj az Òczeánon [A Moonlight Night on the Ocean]
painting: oil
Oscar Mendlick Aerdenhout |
X. Terem [X. Hall]
291. Borulás [Cloudiness]
painting: oil
Károly Pongrácz Szolnok, [Művésztelep [Art colony]] |
X. Terem [X. Hall]
292. Szandai út [Szanda Road]
painting: oil
Károly Pongrácz Szolnok, [Művésztelep [Art colony]] |
X. Terem [X. Hall]
293. Est [Evening]
painting: oil
Aladár Edvi Illés |
X. Terem [X. Hall]
294. Búzahordás [Collecting Wheat]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
Aladár Edvi Illés |
X. Terem [X. Hall]
295. A Berninák Samaden felől (Engadin) [The Berninas from Samaden (Engadin)]
painting: oil
Miksa Bruck Munkácsy-utca 14; VI, Budapest |
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
296. Női arckép [Female Portrait]
painting: oil
Magánt. [Private Collection]
Zsigmond Vajda Munkácsy-utca 14; VI, Budapest |
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
297. Reggel felé [Towards Morning]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
Zsigmond Vajda Munkácsy-utca 14; VI, Budapest |
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
298. Édes otthon [Sweet Home]
painting: oil
Zsigmond Vajda Munkácsy-utca 14; VI, Budapest |
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
299. Paczka Ferenc: Női akt [Female Nude]
painting: oil
Ferencz Paczka Lützowstrasse 60 a; W, Berlin |
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
300. Paczka Cornélia: Szegény lelkek [Poor Souls]
painting: oil
Cornelia Paczka Wagner Lützowstrasse 60/a, Berlin |
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
301. Mihalik Dániel: A vágásban [In the Cutting [or: During the Cutting]]
painting: oil
Daniel Mihalik Szolnok, [Művésztelep [art colony]] |
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
302. Mihalik Dániel: Tiszapart [TIsza Shore]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
Daniel Mihalik Szolnok, [Művésztelep [art colony]] |
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
303. Mihalik Dániel: Határfák [Border Trees]
painting: oil
Daniel Mihalik Szolnok, [Művésztelep [art colony]] |
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
304. Mihalik Dániel: Esthajnal [Gloaming]
painting: oil
Daniel Mihalik Szolnok, [Művésztelep [art colony]] |
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
305. Mihalik Dániel: Éjfél [Midnight]
painting: oil
Daniel Mihalik Szolnok, [Művésztelep [art colony]] |
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
306. Markó Ernő: Dunapartján [On the Shore of the Danube]
painting: oil
Erno Marko Logody-utca 29; I, Budapest |
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
307. Dannat W. T.: Maria la Bonita arcképe [Portrait of Maria la Bonita]
painting: oil
William Turner Dannat Paris |
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
308. Markó Ernő: Ősz [Autumn]
painting: oil
Erno Marko Logody-utca 29; I, Budapest |
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
309. Ujváry Ignác: Est a bükkben [Evening in the Bükk]
painting: oil
Ignac Ujvary Práter-utca 9; VIII, Budapest |
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
310. Kézdi-Kovács László: Hallgatag erdő [Silent Forest]
painting: oil
László Kézdi Kovács Ó-Budai rakpart 4/b; III, Budapest |
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
311. Telkessy Valér: Női arckép. T. K. [Portrait of a Woman. T. K.]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Valéria Telkessy Dísz-tér 15; I, Budapest |
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
312. K. Spányi Béla: Reggeli szürkület [Dawn]
painting: oil
Béla Spanyi Bodajk |
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
313. Mednyánszky László báró: Hegyi tó [Mountain Lake]
painting: oil
László Mednyánszky Mariahilferstr. 89/a, Vienna |
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
314. K. Spányi Béla: Alkonyat, gólyákkal [Dusk, with Storks]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
Béla Spanyi Bodajk |
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
315. Borúth Andor: Jézus születése (a pásztorok imádkozása) [The Birth of Jesus (The Prayer of the Shepherds)]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
Andor Boruth Bajza-utca 23; VI, Budapest |
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
316. K. Spányi Béla: A nyugalom [The Rest]
painting: oil
Béla Spanyi Bodajk |
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
317. Mednyánszky László báró: Tavaszi eső után [After the Spring Rain]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
László Mednyánszky Mariahilferstr. 89/a, Vienna |
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
318. A gond [The Trouble]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
Gyula Rudnay Ferenc-körút 40; IX, Budapest |
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
319. Férfi arcképtanulmány [Portrait Study of a Man]
painting: oil
Magánt. [Private Collection]
Ede Balló Városligeti-fasor 26; VI, Budapest |
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
320. Virágárús leány [Flower Selling Girl]
painting: oil
Tivadar Zemplényi Fehérvári-út 38; I, Budapest |
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
321. Nem megmondtam? [Didn't I Tell [You]?]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
Tivadar Zemplényi Fehérvári-út 38; I, Budapest |
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
322. Skutezky, Döme: Munkában [At Work]
painting: oil
Dome Skutezky Banská Bystrica |
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
323. Nyilasy Sándor: Anya és gyermek [Mother and Child]
painting: oil
Sandor Nyilasy Szeged |
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
324. Nyilasy Sándor: Leány [Girl]
painting: oil
Sandor Nyilasy Szeged |
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
325. Alkony a nagyerdőn [Dusk on the Large Forest]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
Istvan Bosznay Bethlen-utca 61, Debrecen |
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
326. A füzes őszszel [Willow in Autumn]
painting: oil
Endre Frecskay Szolnok, [Művésztelep [Art colony]] |
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
327. Vasárnap délután [Sunday Afternoon]
painting: oil
Magánt. [Private Collection]
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
János Thorma Nagybánya, Baia Mare |
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
328. Kora tavasz [Early Spring]
painting: oil
Endre Frecskay Szolnok, [Művésztelep [Art colony]] |
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
329. Téli reggel [Winter Morning]
painting: oil
Istvan Bosznay Bethlen-utca 61, Debrecen |
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
330. Borongós táj [Cloudy Landscape]
painting: oil
Lajos Zombory Kmetty-utca 29; VI, Budapest |
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
331. Tanulmány [Study]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
Bertalan Pór Szabó József-utca 12; VII, Budapest |
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
332. Grünwald Béla: Antique
painting: oil
Béla Iványi-Grünwald Corso Italia 139, Rome |
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
333. Grünwald Béla: Felhők [Couds]
painting: oil
Béla Iványi-Grünwald Corso Italia 139, Rome |
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
334. Grünwald Béla: Nagybányai hetivásár [Weekly Market in Nagybánya]
painting: oil
Magánt. [Private Collection]
Béla Iványi-Grünwald Corso Italia 139, Rome |
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
335. Grünwald Béla: A magyar művészház Rómában [The Hungarian Artist´s House in Rome]
painting: oil
Magánt. [Private Collection]
Béla Iványi-Grünwald Corso Italia 139, Rome |
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
336. Grünwald Béla: Holdvilág [Moonlight]
painting: oil
Béla Iványi-Grünwald Corso Italia 139, Rome |
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
337. Grünwald Béla: Est [Evening]
painting: oil
Béla Iványi-Grünwald Corso Italia 139, Rome |
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
338. Grünwald Béla: Lombok között [Among Leaves]
painting: oil
Béla Iványi-Grünwald Corso Italia 139, Rome |
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
339. Grünwald Béla: Festés előtt [Before Painting]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
Béla Iványi-Grünwald Corso Italia 139, Rome |
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
340. Grünwald Béla: Kastély [Castle]
painting: oil
Béla Iványi-Grünwald Corso Italia 139, Rome |
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
341. Grünwald Béla: Antique a lombok között [Antique Among the Leaves]
painting: oil
Béla Iványi-Grünwald Corso Italia 139, Rome |
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
342. Grünwald Béla: Parkrészlet éjjel [Scene of a Park at Night]
painting: oil
Béla Iványi-Grünwald Corso Italia 139, Rome |
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
343. Grünwald Béla: Éjjel [Night]
painting: oil
Béla Iványi-Grünwald Corso Italia 139, Rome |
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
344. Grünwald Béla: Nyaraló éjjel [Weekend House at Night [or Vacationer at Night]]
painting: oil
Béla Iványi-Grünwald Corso Italia 139, Rome |
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
345. Grünwald Béla: Romok este [Ruins at Night]
painting: oil
Béla Iványi-Grünwald Corso Italia 139, Rome |
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
346. Grünwald Béla: Cigányleány (Tanulmány) [Gypsy Girl (Study)]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Béla Iványi-Grünwald Corso Italia 139, Rome |
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
347. Holdas éj a tengeren [Moonlit Night on the Sea]
painting: tempera
Ödön Kacziány Kelenhegyi-út 12-14; I, Budapest |
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
348. Holdas éj a kikötőben [Moonlit Night in the Port]
painting: oil
Ödön Kacziány Kelenhegyi-út 12-14; I, Budapest |
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
349. Zárda-udvar [Monastery Garden]
painting: oil
János Tornyai Hódmezővásárhely |
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
350. Zárda-romok [Monastery Ruins]
painting: oil
Ödön Kacziány Kelenhegyi-út 12-14; I, Budapest |
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
351. Pastorale
painting: aquarelle
Charles Conder London |
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
352. Thomas, Groswenor: Tükröződés [Reflection]
painting: oil
Grosvenor Thomas London |
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
353. Thomas, Groswenor: A malom [The Mill]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
Grosvenor Thomas London |
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
354. A Beauliew-mocsár Hampshireben [The Beauliew Swamp in Hampshire]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
Oliver Hall London |
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
355. Nyár [Summer]
painting: oil
John Lavery London |
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
356. Hughes-Stanton, Herbert: Kora reggel Sussexben [Early Morning in Sussex]
painting: oil
Herbert Edwin Pelham Hughes-Stanton London |
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
357. Allan, Robert W.: Hollandi bárkák [Dutch Arks]
painting: oil
Robert Weir Allan London |
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
358. Veneziai emlék [Memory of Venice]
painting: oil
Charles Conder London |
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
359. Sauter, George Prof.: Városháza éjjel. (Impresszio.) [Town Hall at Night (Impression)]
painting: oil
Georg Sauter London |
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
360. Shannon, CHerles H.: A sebesült amazon [The Wounded Amazon]
painting: oil
Charles Haslewood Shannon London |
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
361. Swan Rankin, Mary: Swan Macallan John arcképe [Portrait of Swan Macallan John]
painting: oil
Magántul. [Private Collection]
Mary Rankin Swan London |
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
362. Sauter, George Prof.: Nyári éjjel a Rajnán [Summer Night on the Rhine]
painting: oil
Georg Sauter London |
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
363. Sauter, George Prof.: Sonata
painting: oil
Georg Sauter London |
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
364. Austen-Brown, Thomas: Holdfény [Moonlight]
Thomas Austen Brown London |
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
365. Mann-Livens, Horace: Pihenő munkások [Resting Workers]
painting: oil
Horace Mann Livens Surey |
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
366. Muhrman, Henry: Tavasz [Spring]
Henry Muhrmann Meissen |
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
367. Rózsaszínű ruhás hölgy [Lady in Pink Dress]
painting: oil
John Lavery London |
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
368. Homokkőbánya Southampton mellett [Sandstone Mine near Southampton]
painting: oil
Oliver Hall London |
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
369. Sauter, George Prof.: Pihenő az ablakban [Rest in the Window]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
Georg Sauter London |
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
370. Peppercorn, Douglas Arthur: A tó [The Lake]
painting: oil
Arthur Douglas Peppercorn West Horsley |
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
371. Austen-Brown, Thomas: Nyári napsugárban [In the Summer Sunshine]
painting: oil
Thomas Austen Brown London |
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
372. Austen-Brown, Thomas: Esti szürkület [Dusk]
Thomas Austen Brown London |
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
373. A folyó kanyarulata [The River Bend]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
Bertram Priestman London |
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
374. Holdkelte napnyugtakor [Moonrise at Sunset]
painting: oil
Bertram Priestman London |
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
375. Solomon, J. Solomon: Jeral Zangwill
painting: oil
Magántul. [Private Collection]
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
Solomon Joseph Solomon London |
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
376. Rickets, Charles: Temetés [Funeral]
painting: oil
Charles S. Ricketts London |
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
377. Breton malom [Breton Mill]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
Alfred Withers London |
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
378. Jamicson, Alexandre: A törpe [The Dwarf]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
Alexander Jamieson London |
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
379. Peppercorn, Douglas Arthur: Zivataros nap [Cloudy Day]
painting: oil
Arthur Douglas Peppercorn West Horsley |
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
380. A művész felesége [The Wife of the Artist]
painting: oil
William Rothenstein London |
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
381. Fuller Maitland arcképe [Portrait of Fuller Maitland]
William Strang London |
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
382. Frederick Mac Millan Esq.
William Strang London |
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
383. Ray Strang
William Strang London |
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
384. Strang Jan
William Strang London |
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
385. W. B. Feats Esq.
William Strang London |
other medium
other medium
other medium
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
389. Jaguárok [Jaguars]
painting: aquarelle
John Macallan Swan London |
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
390. Jegesmedvék [Polar Bears]
painting: aquarelle
John Macallan Swan London |
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
391. Tull Ödön: Kora reggel a Guideccán (Venezia.) [Early Morning on the Guidecca (Venezia)]
painting: aquarelle
Edmund Tull Lipót-körút 5; V, Budapest |
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
392. Tull Ödön: Vasárnap délután [Sunday Afternoon]
painting: aquarelle
Edmund Tull Lipót-körút 5; V, Budapest |
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
393. Muhrman, Henry: Híd Szászországban [Bridge in Saxony]
Henry Muhrmann Meissen |
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
394. Muhrman, Henry: Befagyott folyó Meissenben [Frozen Lake in Meissen]
Henry Muhrmann Meissen |
other medium
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
other medium, Aquarell és guasch [Aquarelle and Gouache)
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
397. Vizió [Vision]
painting: gouache
Géza Faragó Nagy János-utca 2; VI, Budapest |
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
398. Lovas smokk [Priggish Rider]
painting: gouache
Géza Faragó Nagy János-utca 2; VI, Budapest |
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
399. Vadász smokk [Priggish Hunter]
painting: gouache
Géza Faragó Nagy János-utca 2; VI, Budapest |
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
400. Tennis smokk [Tennis Prig]
painting: gouache
Géza Faragó Nagy János-utca 2; VI, Budapest |
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
401. Premier smokk [Premier Prig]
painting: gouache
Géza Faragó Nagy János-utca 2; VI, Budapest |
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
402. Vasárnap délután [Sunday Afternoon]
painting: gouache
Géza Faragó Nagy János-utca 2; VI, Budapest |
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
403. Alkalmi vétel [Bargain]
painting: gouache
Géza Faragó Nagy János-utca 2; VI, Budapest |
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
404. Ajánlkozó modell [Volunteering Model]
painting: gouache
Géza Faragó Nagy János-utca 2; VI, Budapest |
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
405. Csodagyermek [Wunderkind]
painting: gouache
Géza Faragó Nagy János-utca 2; VI, Budapest |
other medium
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XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
498. Feiks Jenő: Egy vagyonos úr életéből IV. [From the Life of a Wealthy Gentleman IV.]
drawing: pen and ink, Tusrajz [ink drawing]
Eugen Feiks Franz-Josef-strasse 11., Munich |
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
499. Beethoven
drawing: pen and ink, Tollrajz [pen drawing]
Arnold Gara Teréz-körút 22. III; VI, Budapest |
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
504. Lámpavilágítás [Lamplights]
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Pál Jávor Váci-körút 66; V, Budapest |
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
505. Arckép [Portrait]
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Pál Jávor Váci-körút 66; V, Budapest |
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
506. Tanulmány [Study]
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Pál Jávor Váci-körút 66; V, Budapest |
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
507. Arckép [Portrait]
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Pál Jávor Váci-körút 66; V, Budapest |
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
508. Wellmann, Róbert: Erdélyi szász leány [Saxon Girl of Transylvania]
Robert Wellmann Cervara di Roma |
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
509. Wellmann, Róbert: Férfi-fej [Man´s Head]
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Robert Wellmann Cervara di Roma |
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
510. Wellmann, Róbert: Olasz-görög profil [Italian-Greek Profile]
Robert Wellmann Cervara di Roma |
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
511. Wellmann, Róbert: Egy profiltanulmány [A Profile Study]
drawing: charcoal
Magántul. [Private Collection]
Robert Wellmann Cervara di Roma |
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
512. Wellmann, Róbert: Olasz női fej [Head of an Italian Woman]
Robert Wellmann Cervara di Roma |
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
513. Wellmann, Róbert: Asszonyfej [Head of a Woman]
Robert Wellmann Cervara di Roma |
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
514. Wellmann, Róbert: Arcképtanulmány [Portrait Study]
Robert Wellmann Cervara di Roma |
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
515. Wellmann, Róbert: Gyerek-tanulmány [Child-Study]
drawing, Rötli-rajz [sanguine drawing]
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Robert Wellmann Cervara di Roma |
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
516. Wellmann, Róbert: Akttanulmány [Nude Study]
Robert Wellmann Cervara di Roma |
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
517. Wellmann, Róbert: Női akt [Female Nude]
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Robert Wellmann Cervara di Roma |
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
518. Wellmann, Róbert: Olasz gyerek [Italian Child]
Robert Wellmann Cervara di Roma |
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
519. Wellmann, Róbert: Német ifjú [Young German Man]
drawing, Rötli-rajz [sanguine drawing]
Robert Wellmann Cervara di Roma |
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
520. Wellmann, Róbert: Erdélyi szászleány [Saxon Girl of Transylvania]
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Robert Wellmann Cervara di Roma |
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
521. Wellmann, Róbert: Carneval
Robert Wellmann Cervara di Roma |
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
522. Wellmann, Róbert: Dr. v. S. arcképe [Portrait of Dr. v. S.]
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Robert Wellmann Cervara di Roma |
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
523. Wellmann, Róbert: Leányfej [Head of a Girl]
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Robert Wellmann Cervara di Roma |
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
524. A derby-crack reggeli munkája [The Morning Work of the Derby-Crack]
Caricatura [caricature]
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
Ödön Pajtás |
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
525. Aggodalmak az államdij előtt [Worries Before the State Prize]
Caricatura [caricature]
Ödön Pajtás |
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
526. Az első fellépés [Début]
Caricatura [caricature]
Ödön Pajtás |
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
527. Bizalmas értekezlet [Confidential Conference]
Caricatura [caricature]
Ödön Pajtás |
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
528. Egy istállótulajdonos [A Stall Owner]
Caricatura [caricature]
Ödön Pajtás |
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
529. Utólagos tanács [Posterior Counsil]
Caricatura [caricature]
Ödön Pajtás |
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
530. Érdekszövetség az államdíjra [Interest Group for a State Prize]
Caricatura [caricature]
Ödön Pajtás |
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
531. Outsider [Outsider]
Caricatura [caricature]
Ödön Pajtás |
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
532. Bucsú az akadálynál a la Siófok [Farewell at the Obstacle a la Siófok]
Caricatura [caricature]
Ödön Pajtás |
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
533. A derby-nyertes és tisztelői [The Derby Winner and His [or: Her] Admirers]
Caricatura [caricature]
Ödön Pajtás |
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
534. Angol fegyelem az istállóban [English Discipline in the Stable]
Caricatura [caricature]
Ödön Pajtás |
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
535. Plakát [Poster]
drawing, Színezett rajz [coloured drawing]
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Arnold Gara Teréz-körút 22. III; VI, Budapest |
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
536. Azaléa [Azalea]
painting: aquarelle
Ritta Boemm |
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
537. Erdö széle ősszel [Edge of the Forest in Autumn]
Endre Frecskay Szolnok, [Művésztelep [Art colony]] |
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
538. Délutáni napsütés [Afternoon Sunshine]
Endre Frecskay Szolnok, [Művésztelep [Art colony]] |
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
539. Fűzfasor [Willow Avenue]
Endre Frecskay Szolnok, [Művésztelep [Art colony]] |
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
540. Őszi reggel [Autumn Morning]
Endre Frecskay Szolnok, [Művésztelep [Art colony]] |
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
541. Téli táj [Winter Landscape]
Endre Frecskay Szolnok, [Művésztelep [Art colony]] |
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
542. Tavaszi borulás [Cloudiness in the Spring]
Endre Frecskay Szolnok, [Művésztelep [Art colony]] |
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
543. Falu széle [Edge of the Village]
Endre Frecskay Szolnok, [Művésztelep [Art colony]] |
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
544. Öreg varrónő [Old Seamstress]
drawing: charcoal
Oszkár Glatz Széchényi-utca 1; V, Budapest |
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
other medium, Eredeti rézkarc [original etching]
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
other medium, Eredeti rézkarc [original etching]
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
547. Esti ima [Evening Prayer]
drawing: charcoal
József Egry Rózsa-utca 75; VI, Budapest |
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
other medium, Eredeti rézkarc [original etching]
other medium
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
551. Az Akadémia-utca télen [The Akadémia Street in Winter]
drawing: charcoal
Oszkár Glatz Széchényi-utca 1; V, Budapest |
other medium
553. Foerk Ernő és Sándy Gyula: Az aradi kulturpalota pályaterve [Sketch for the Culture Palace in Arad]
drawing, Épitészeti rajz [architectural drawing]
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Ernő Foerk |
other medium
555. Templomtanulmány. Belső távlat [Study of a Church. Interior]
drawing, Épitészeti rajz [architectural drawing]
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Ottó Serly |
556. Foerk Ernő és Sándy Gyula: Breznóbányai torony [Tower in Breznóbánya]
drawing, Épitészeti rajz [architectural drawing]
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Entry has two creators
Ernő Foerk |
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
557. Vidéki kastély [Castle in the Country]
painting: aquarelle
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Arthur Mellinger Ujvilág-utca 30; IV, Budapest |
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
558. Kaufmann O., Sternberg D.: Síremlék [Tomb]
drawing: pen and ink, Tollrajz [pen drawing]
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Entry has two creators
Oszkár Kaufmann Kerepesi-út 75, Budapest |
other medium
560. Templomtanlmány [Study of a Church]
drawing, Épitészeti rajz [architectural drawing]
Ottó Serly |
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
569. Marr, Carl Prof.: Arcképtanulmány [Portrait Study]
Carl Marr Munich |
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
570. A látogatás [The Visit]
painting: oil
Magántulaj. [Private Collection]
Hans Borchardt Munich |
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
571. Marr, Carl Prof.: Falun [In the Village]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Carl Marr Munich |
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
572. Nyaraló [Weekend House [or Vacationer]]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Benno Becker Munich |
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
573. Landenberger, Christian: Gyermekek a víz partján [Children on the Waterside]
painting: oil
Christian Adam Landenberger Munich |
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
574. Almabor mellett [By a Cider]
painting: oil
Edmund Harburger Munich |
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
575. Müller, Peter Paul: Alkony [Dusk]
painting: oil
Peter Paul Müller Munich |
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
576. Az ajtóban [In the Door]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Hans Borchardt Munich |
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
577. Tavaszi táj [Spring Landscape]
painting: oil
Carl Strathmann Munich |
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
578. Graf-Freiburg, Oscar: Esti séta [Evening Walk]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
Oscar Graf Munich |
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
other medium, Olajtempera [oil tempera]
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
580. Pongyolában [In a Dressing Gown]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
Adolf Münzer |
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
581. Éneklő leányok [Singing Girls]
painting: oil
Adolf Hölzel Dachau |
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
582. Templomtorony [Church Tower]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Adelbert Niemeyer Munich |
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
583. Habermann, Hugó báró: A hallgatás [The Silence]
painting: oil
Hugo von Habermann |
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
584. Habermann, Hugó báró: Női arckép [Portrait of a Woman]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
Hugo von Habermann |
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
585. Csészék. (Csendélet.) [Cups. (Still Life)]
painting: oil
Walter Püttner Munich |
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
586. lntérieur
painting: oil
Adelbert Niemeyer Munich |
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
587. Piepho, Carl: Az erdő szélén [On the Edge of the Forest]
painting: oil
Karl Johann Nikolaus Piepho Munich |
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
588. Bartels, Hans von, Prof.: Németalföldi heringhalászok a parton [Herring-Fishermen of the Low Countries on the Shore]
painting: aquarelle
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
Hans von Bartels Munich |
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
589. Tavaszelő [Early Spring]
painting: oil
Carl Theodor Meyer-Basel |
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
590. Crodel, Paul: Őszi nap a pusztán [Autumn Day in the Grassland]
painting: oil
Paul Eduard Crodel |
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
591. Krumpliszüret [Potato Harvest]
Walter Georgi Munich |
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
592. Baer, Fritz von Prof.: Aratáskor [At the Harvest]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
Fritz Baer Pasing, Munich |
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
593. Stadler, Toni, Prof.: Nyári táj [Summer Landscape]
painting: oil
Toni von Stadler Munich |
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
594. Völkerling, Hermann: Esős idő [Rainy Weather]
painting: oil
Hermann Völkerling Munich |
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
595. Uhde, Fritz von, Prof.: Imába merülve [Immersed in Prayer]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
Fritz von Uhde Munich |
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
596. Tavaszi tánc [Spring Dance]
painting: oil
Walter Geffcken Munich |
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
597. Őszi táj. Impresszió. [Autumn Landscape. Impression.]
painting: oil
Adolf Hölzel Dachau |
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
598. Az udvarban [In the Yard]
painting: oil
Hans von Hayek Dachau |
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
599. Tyúkok [Chickens]
painting: oil
Rudolf Schramm-Zittau Munich |
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
600. Wilmarth, W. H.: A Como-tó [The Lake Como]
painting: oil
William Wilmarth Milan |
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
601. Baditz Ottó: Falu végén [At the Edge of the Village]
painting: oil
Otto Baditz Nagy János-utca 27; VI, Budapest |
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
602. Baditz Ottó: Füzek alatt [Under the Willows]
painting: oil
Otto Baditz Nagy János-utca 27; VI, Budapest |
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
603. Baditz Ottó: Tavasz [Spring]
painting: oil
Otto Baditz Nagy János-utca 27; VI, Budapest |
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
604. Baditz Ottó: Arató gazda [Harvesting Farmer]
painting: oil
Otto Baditz Nagy János-utca 27; VI, Budapest |
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
605. Baditz Ottó: Rét [Meadow]
painting: oil
Otto Baditz Nagy János-utca 27; VI, Budapest |
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
606. Baditz Ottó: Patak partján [On the Shore of the Brook]
painting: oil
Otto Baditz Nagy János-utca 27; VI, Budapest |
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
607. ln flagranti
painting: oil
Antal Szirmai Szolnok, [Művésztelep [Art colony]] |
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
608. Párisi nő [Parisian Woman]
painting: oil
Joseph Mencina Krzesz Krakow |
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
609. Godebsky szobrász arcképe [Portait of the Sculptor Godebsky]
painting: oil
Joseph Mencina Krzesz Krakow |
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
610. Br. kisasszony arcképe [Portrait of Miss Br.]
painting: oil
Joseph Mencina Krzesz Krakow |
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
611. Dr. S. arcképe [Portrait of Dr. S.]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Joseph Mencina Krzesz Krakow |
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
612. Egy lengyel női fej [Head of a Polish Woman]
painting: oil
Joseph Mencina Krzesz Krakow |
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
613. A tolvaj vége [The End of the Thief [or: The Downfall of the Thief]]
painting: oil
Antal Szirmai Szolnok, [Művésztelep [Art colony]] |
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
614. Apáca [Nun]
painting: oil
Béla Gross Árpád-utca 10; V, Budapest |
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
615. Piroska
painting: oil
Béla Gross Árpád-utca 10; V, Budapest |
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
616. Margit
painting: oil
Béla Gross Árpád-utca 10; V, Budapest |
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
617. Komáromy Kacz Endre: Arckép [Portrait]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Endre Komaromi Kacz Bajza utca-23; VI, Budapest |
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
618. Komáromy Kacz Endre: Krisztus a gyermekek között [Christ Among the Children]
painting: oil
Endre Komaromi Kacz Bajza utca-23; VI, Budapest |
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
619. Élet a romok között [Life Among the Ruins]
painting: oil
Béla Benczúr Üllői-út 105, III; IX, Budapest |
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
620. Basch Árpád: Dr. M. S.-né arcképe [The Portrait of the Wife of Dr. M.S.]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Arpad Basch Röck Szilárd utca 32; VIII, Budapest |
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
621. Krutsay, Ferencz: Táncóra [Dance Class]
painting: oil
Ferenc Krutsay Nefelejts-utca 27-29; VII, Budapest |
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
622. Neogrády Antal: Kitaszítva [Expelled]
painting: oil
Antal Neogrady Andrássy-út 71; VI, Budapest |
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
623. Tavasz az Adriai tengerparton [Spring On the Shores of the Adriatic Sea]
painting: oil
Rezső Kárpáthy Albrechtgasse 15, Vienna |
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
624. Neogrády Antal: Falunkból [From Our Village]
painting: oil
Antal Neogrady Andrássy-út 71; VI, Budapest |
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
625. Medović, C.: Római nő a fürdés előtt [Roman Woman Before a Bath]
painting: oil
Celestin Mato Medović Prilaz 38, Zagreb |
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
626. Medović, C.: X. Pius Pápa arcképe [Portrait of Pope Pius X.]
painting: oil
Celestin Mato Medović Prilaz 38, Zagreb |
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
627. Medović, C.: Szent Katharina eljegyzése [The Engagement of Saint Catherine]
painting: oil
Celestin Mato Medović Prilaz 38, Zagreb |
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
628. Medović, C.: Posilovics zágrábi hercegérsek arcképe [Portrait of Prince Archbishop Posilovics of Zagreb]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Celestin Mato Medović Prilaz 38, Zagreb |
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
629. Medović, C.: A kunai temető Dalmáciában [The Cemetery of Kuna in Dalmatia]
painting: oil
Celestin Mato Medović Prilaz 38, Zagreb |
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
630. Medović, C.: A IV Béla alatt végigküzdött csata színhelye a grobniki síkságon Dalmáciában [The Scene of the Battle Fought Under Béla IV. on the Grobnik Lowland in Dalmatia]
painting: oil
Celestin Mato Medović Prilaz 38, Zagreb |
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
631. Medović, C.: Szaglás [Sense of Smell]
painting: oil
Celestin Mato Medović Prilaz 38, Zagreb |
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
632. Medović, C.: Tanulmány N. N. hercegnő képéhez [Study for the Picture of Princess N. N.]
painting: oil
Celestin Mato Medović Prilaz 38, Zagreb |
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
633. Thein Miksa: Merengő leányka [Contemplative Girl]
painting: oil
Méltóságos Hajós József vezérigazgató [High-born József Hajós director general [m.]]
Miksa Timár-Thein Vörösmarthy-utca 35; VI, Budapest |
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
634. Thein Miksa: Erzsi
painting: oil
Dr. Bródy Samu [Dr. Samu Bródy [m.]]
Miksa Timár-Thein Vörösmarthy-utca 35; VI, Budapest |
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
635. Thein Miksa: Dr. S. S. úrnő arcképe [Portrait of the Wife of Dr. S. S.]
painting: oil
Dr. Bródy Samu [Dr. Samu Bródy [m.]]
Miksa Timár-Thein Vörösmarthy-utca 35; VI, Budapest |
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
636. Dal a rózsatőről [Song About the Rose Tree]
painting: oil
Lajos Gulácsy Rigó-utca 14; VIII, Budapest |
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
637. A zárda környéke [The Surroundings of the Monastery]
painting: oil
Lajos Gulácsy Rigó-utca 14; VIII, Budapest |
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
638. Vesztőhely [Scaffold]
painting: oil
Lajos Gulácsy Rigó-utca 14; VIII, Budapest |
XVII. Terem [XVII. Hall]
639. Cserna Rezső S.: Tavaszi hangulat Suresnesben [Spring Mood in Suresnes]
painting: oil
Rezső Sándor Cserna Nádor-utca 20; V, Budapest |
XVII. Terem [XVII. Hall]
640. Kutyatanulmány [Study of a Dog]
painting: oil
Zsófia Strobl Bajza-utca 23; VI, Budapest |
XVII. Terem [XVII. Hall]
641. Pogány M.: Gyermek [Child]
painting: oil
Margit Pogány Sas-utca 4; V, Budapest |
XVII. Terem [XVII. Hall]
642. Cserna Rezső S.: Édes apám [My Father]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Rezső Sándor Cserna Nádor-utca 20; V, Budapest |
XVII. Terem [XVII. Hall]
643. Lókötő [Horse Thief [or Rascal]]
painting: oil
Imre Greguss Baross-utca 81; VIII, Budapest |
XVII. Terem [XVII. Hall]
644. Papp Sándor: Férfi arckép [Portrait of a Man]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Sándor Papp Kinizsy-utca 31; IX, Budapest |
XVII. Terem [XVII. Hall]
645. Macskák [Cats]
painting: oil
Zsófia Strobl Bajza-utca 23; VI, Budapest |