German or Czech painter and engraver, 1873-1957
Date | Title | City | Venue | # of Cat. Entries | Type of Org. Body |
Feb‒Mar 1910 | Deutschböhmischer Künstlerbund [German-Bohemian Artists Association] | Prague | Rudolfinum | 2 | artist associations, arts associations |
Feb‒Mar 1912 | Zvláštní výstava spolku Deutsch-Böhmischer Künstlerbund [Special Exhibition of the German-Bohemian Artists Association] | Prague | Rudolfinum | 9 | artist associations, arts associations |
Jan‒Feb 1914 | Deutschböhmischer Künstlerbund [German-Bohemian Artists Association] | Prague | Rudolfinum | 12 | artist associations |
80. H. Hönich: Návrh leptu [Design for an Etching]
Deutschböhmischer Künstlerbund [German-Bohemian Artists Association] Munich |
82. H. Hönich: Návrh leptu [Design for an Etching]
Deutschböhmischer Künstlerbund [German-Bohemian Artists Association] Munich |
V. sal [V. Hall]
100. Jindř. Hönich: Ledovce [Glaciers]
painting: oil
Zvláštní výstava spolku Deutsch-Böhmischer Künstlerbund [Special Exhibition of the German-Bohemian Artists Association] Munich |
V. sal [V. Hall]
101. Jindř. Hönich: Alpská krajina [Alpine Landscape]
painting: oil
Zvláštní výstava spolku Deutsch-Böhmischer Künstlerbund [Special Exhibition of the German-Bohemian Artists Association] Munich |
VIII. sál [VIII. Hall]
162. Jindř. Hönich: Předhoří [Foothills]
painting: oil
Zvláštní výstava spolku Deutsch-Böhmischer Künstlerbund [Special Exhibition of the German-Bohemian Artists Association] Munich |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
175. Jindř. Hönich: Prales [Old-growth Forest]
drawing: pen and ink, perokresba [pen drawing]
Zvláštní výstava spolku Deutsch-Böhmischer Künstlerbund [Special Exhibition of the German-Bohemian Artists Association] Munich |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
188. Jindř. Hönich: Na výšinách [On the Heights]
drawing, bar. kresba [coloured drawing]
Zvláštní výstava spolku Deutsch-Böhmischer Künstlerbund [Special Exhibition of the German-Bohemian Artists Association] Munich |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
189. Jindř. Hönich: Borovice v horách [Pine[s] in the Mountains]
drawing: pen and ink, perokresba [pen drawing]
Zvláštní výstava spolku Deutsch-Böhmischer Künstlerbund [Special Exhibition of the German-Bohemian Artists Association] Munich |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
190. Jindř. Hönich: Kajícník [Penitent]
Zvláštní výstava spolku Deutsch-Böhmischer Künstlerbund [Special Exhibition of the German-Bohemian Artists Association] Munich |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
195. Jindř. Hönich: Večer [Evening]
Zvláštní výstava spolku Deutsch-Böhmischer Künstlerbund [Special Exhibition of the German-Bohemian Artists Association] Munich |
XI. sál [XI. Hall]
233. Jindř. Hönich: Ex libris a pozvánka [Bookplate and Invitation]
drawing: pen and ink, perokresba [pen drawing]
Zvláštní výstava spolku Deutsch-Böhmischer Künstlerbund [Special Exhibition of the German-Bohemian Artists Association] Munich |
VII. sál [VII. Hall]
144. Jindř. Hönich: Ještěd [Ještěd]
500 M
painting: oil
- The price for this entry is different from the other entries as it is marked with an M as German Goldmark.
Deutschböhmischer Künstlerbund [German-Bohemian Artists Association] Munich |
VII. sál [VII. Hall]
146. Jindř. Hönich: Jaro [Spring]
800 M
painting: oil
- The price for this entry is different from the other entries as it is marked with an M as German Goldmark.
Deutschböhmischer Künstlerbund [German-Bohemian Artists Association] Munich |
VII. sál [VII. Hall]
147. Jindř. Hönich: Studie zeleniny [Study of Vegetables]
600 M
painting: oil
- The price for this entry is different from the other entries as it is marked with an M as German Goldmark.
Deutschböhmischer Künstlerbund [German-Bohemian Artists Association] Munich |
VII. sál [VII. Hall]
149. Jindř. Hönich: Močály [Swamps]
500 M
painting: oil
- The price for this entry is different from the other entries as it is marked with an M as German Goldmark.
Deutschböhmischer Künstlerbund [German-Bohemian Artists Association] Munich |
VII. sál [VII. Hall]
150. Jindř. Hönich: Bouře v močálech [Storm[s] in Swamps]
500 M
painting: oil
- The price for this entry is different from the other entries as it is marked with an M as German Goldmark.
Deutschböhmischer Künstlerbund [German-Bohemian Artists Association] Munich |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
194. Jindřich Hönich: Z cyklu „Přírodě“ [From the Series "To Nature"]
80 M
- The price for this entry is different from the other entries as it is marked with an M as German Goldmark.
Deutschböhmischer Künstlerbund [German-Bohemian Artists Association] Munich |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
198. Jindřich Hönich: Z cyklu „Přírodě“ [From the Series "To Nature"]
80 M
- The price for this entry is different from the other entries as it is marked with an M as German Goldmark.
Deutschböhmischer Künstlerbund [German-Bohemian Artists Association] Munich |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
199 [01]. Jindřich Hönich: [Novoročenka] [[New Year Card]]
10 M
- The price for this entry is different from the other entries as it is marked with an M as German Goldmark.
Deutschböhmischer Künstlerbund [German-Bohemian Artists Association] Munich |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
199 [02]. Jindřich Hönich: [Novoročenka] [[New Year Card]]
10 M
- The price for this entry is different from the other entries as it is marked with an M as German Goldmark.
Deutschböhmischer Künstlerbund [German-Bohemian Artists Association] Munich |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
199 [03]. Jindřich Hönich: [Novoročenka] [[New Year Card]]
10 M
- The price for this entry is different from the other entries as it is marked with an M as German Goldmark.
Deutschböhmischer Künstlerbund [German-Bohemian Artists Association] Munich |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
221. Jindřich Hönich: Duby [Oak Trees]
500 M
drawing: pen and ink, perokresba [pen drawing]
- The price for this entry is different from the other entries as it is marked with an M as German Goldmark.
Deutschböhmischer Künstlerbund [German-Bohemian Artists Association] Munich |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
222. Jindřich Hönich: Z cyklu „Přírodě“ [From the Series "To Nature"]
drawing: pen and ink
Deutschböhmischer Künstlerbund [German-Bohemian Artists Association] Munich |