
Willi Nowak

Czech painter, 1886-1977

Name Variants (ULAN):
Nowak, Willy; Nowak, Vilém
Places of Activity:
Exhibitions: 13
Exhibiting Countries: 2
Exhibiting Cities: 4
Catalogue Entries: 73
Types of Work: painting and drawing: 73
Date Title City Venue # of Cat. Entries Type of Org. Body
1907 Výstava 8 Kunst-Ausstellung [The Exhibition 8 Art-Exhibition] Prague Prague (exact location unknown) 16 artist's collectives
Jun‒Jul 1908 Výstava „Osmi“ [Exhibition of "The Eight"] Prague Topičův salon 1 artist's collectives
Apr 1909 Achtzehnte Ausstellung der Berliner Secession Berlin Ausstellungshaus am Kurfürstendamm 208/9 1 artist associations
Feb‒Mar 1910 Deutschböhmischer Künstlerbund [German-Bohemian Artists Association] Prague Rudolfinum 2 artist associations, arts associations
ca/04/1911 - 14/05/1911 XIII. Jahrgang. Winter 1910/1911. X. Ausstellung. [Sammlung Maurice Masson, Paris] Berlin Paul Cassirer 17 art galleries
Feb‒Mar 1912 Zvláštní výstava spolku Deutsch-Böhmischer Künstlerbund [Special Exhibition of the German-Bohemian Artists Association] Prague Rudolfinum 3 artist associations, arts associations
May 25‒Sep 30, 1912 Internationale Kunstausstellung des Sonderbundes Westdeutscher Kunstfreunde und Künstler zu Cöln Cologne Städtische Ausstellungshalle am Aachener Tor 2 artist associations
Sep‒Nov 1912 II. výstava Skupiny výtvarných umělců [II. Exhibition of the Skupina výtvarných umělců] Prague Obecní dům 2 artist associations
1913 XXVI. Ausstellung der Berliner Secession Berlin Ausstellungshaus am Kurfürstendamm 208/9 2 artist associations
Aug‒Sep 1913 Neue Kunst. II.Gesamtausstellung Munich Hans Goltz 2 art galleries
Jan‒Feb 1914 Deutschböhmischer Künstlerbund [German-Bohemian Artists Association] Prague Rudolfinum 9 artist associations
ca.19/04/1914 - 08/05/1914 XVI. Jahrgang. 1913-14. Achte Ausstellung. [Kollektion Karl Hofer] Berlin Paul Cassirer 13 art galleries
May 30‒Oct 1, 1914 Neue Münchener Secession. Erste Ausstellung Munich Galerienstraße 26 3
collapse all Catalogue View List View
Name Nationality Date of Birth Date of Death # of Co-Appearances
Heinrich Hönich CZ Oct 5, 1873 Sep 5, 1957 3 exhibitions
Konstantin Korzendörfer CZ 1862 3 exhibitions
Franz Thiele CZ 1868 1945 3 exhibitions
Antonín Procházka CZ 1882 1945 4 exhibitions
Robert Knoebel DE 1874 1924 3 exhibitions
August Brömse CZ 1873 1925 3 exhibitions
Antonín Schück CZ 1880 1913 3 exhibitions
Bedřich Feigl CZ 1884 1965 3 exhibitions
Robert Genin RU 1884 1941 3 exhibitions
Emil Filla CZ 1882 1953 4 exhibitions
Erich Heckel DE 1883 1970 5 exhibitions
Moritz Melzer DE 1877 1966 5 exhibitions
Karl Finger CZ Mar 25, 1888 Sep 16, 1944 2 exhibitions
Vojtěch Martinka CZ Aug 19, 1875 2 exhibitions
Alfréd Justitz CZ Jul 19, 1879 Feb 9, 1934 2 exhibitions
Karl Krattner CZ Jan 7, 1862 Dec 10, 1926 2 exhibitions
Rudolf Bitzan DE May 18, 1872 Nov 21, 1938 2 exhibitions
Katharina Schäffner DE Sep 24, 1884 1908 2 exhibitions
Julius Schmiedl CZ 1883 1944 2 exhibitions
Hans Brühlmann CH 1878 1911 3 exhibitions
Hermann Huber CH 1888 Dec 9, 1967 3 exhibitions
Bohumil Kubišta CZ 1884 1918 3 exhibitions
W. Franz Jäger CZ 1861 1928 3 exhibitions
George Kars CZ 1882 1945 3 exhibitions
Georg Gustav Koppe CZ Oct 4, 1870 2 exhibitions
Karl Martin Schade CZ Jan 17, 1862 Feb 20, 1954 2 exhibitions
Vincenc Beneš CZ 1883 1979 3 exhibitions
Otto Mueller DE 1874 1930 3 exhibitions
Hans Purrmann DE 1880 1966 3 exhibitions
Carl Otto Czeschka AT 1878 1960 2 exhibitions
Adolf Erbslöh DE 1881 1947 4 exhibitions
Wenzel Wirkner DE 1864 1947 2 exhibitions
Rudolf Levy DE 1875 1943 3 exhibitions
Fritz Gärtner CZ 1882 1958 3 exhibitions
Karl Hofer DE 1878 1955 4 exhibitions
Oskar Kokoschka AT 1886 1980 4 exhibitions
Karl Schmidt-Rottluff DE 1884 1976 4 exhibitions
Max Oppenheimer AT 1885 1954 3 exhibitions
Alexander Kanoldt DE 1881 1939 3 exhibitions
Rudolf Grossmann DE 1882 1941 3 exhibitions
Ludwig Meidner DE 1884 1966 2 exhibitions
Ernst Ascher 1888 1953 2 exhibitions
Fritz Lederer CZ 1878 1949 2 exhibitions
Franz Heckendorf DE 1888 1962 3 exhibitions
Jules Pascin BG 1885 1930 4 exhibitions
Josef Bató HU 1888 1966 2 exhibitions
Heinrich Heuser DE 1887 1967 2 exhibitions
Erzsébet Szegfy HU 1877 2 exhibitions
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner DE 1880 1938 4 exhibitions
Oskar Moll DE 1875 1947 4 exhibitions
Max Pechstein DE 1881 1955 5 exhibitions
Wilhelm Lehmbruck DE 1881 1919 2 exhibitions
Aleksandr Pavlovich Mogilevski RU 1885 1980 2 exhibitions
Hermann Bruck DE 1873 1951 2 exhibitions
Jan Verhoeven NL 1870 1941 2 exhibitions
Eduard Ameseder AT 1856 1938 2 exhibitions
Paul Klee CH 1879 1940 3 exhibitions
Gustav Klimt AT 1862 1918 3 exhibitions
August Macke DE 1887 1914 3 exhibitions
Ferdinand Michl CZ 1877 1951 3 exhibitions
Walter Bondy CZ Dec 28, 1880 Sep 17, 1940 3 exhibitions
Emil Orlik CZ 1870 1932 5 exhibitions
Benno Berneis DE 1883 1916 3 exhibitions
Carl Theodor Thiemann DE 1881 1966 2 exhibitions
Curt Herrmann DE 1854 1929 3 exhibitions
Richard Müller DE 1874 1954 3 exhibitions
Maurice de Vlaminck FR 1876 1958 4 exhibitions
Georg Tappert DE 1880 1957 2 exhibitions
Alexei Jawlensky RU 1864 1941 4 exhibitions
Erik Werenskiold NO 1855 1938 2 exhibitions
Alfred Heinrich Pellegrini CH 1881 1958 2 exhibitions
Othon Friesz FR 1879 1949 5 exhibitions
Otto Hettner DE 1875 1931 3 exhibitions
Walther Klemm DE 1883 1957 3 exhibitions
André Derain FR 1880 1954 4 exhibitions
Waldemar Rösler DE 1882 1916 4 exhibitions
Bernhard Pankok DE 1872 1943 2 exhibitions
Lodewijk Schelfhout NL 1881 1943 2 exhibitions
Arthur Segal RO 1875 1944 2 exhibitions
Theo von Brockhusen DE 1882 1919 4 exhibitions
Edwin Scharff DE 1887 1955 2 exhibitions
Jakob Nussbaum DE 1873 1936 2 exhibitions
Otto Beyer DE Oct 20, 1885 Jun 17, 1962 2 exhibitions
Hans Meid DE 1883 1957 2 exhibitions
Ferdinand Hodler CH 1853 1918 4 exhibitions
Emanuel Hegenbarth DE 1868 1923 3 exhibitions
Karl Caspar DE 1879 1956 2 exhibitions
Martin Brandenburg DE 1870 1919 2 exhibitions
Julius Hess DE 1878 1957 2 exhibitions
Alfred Sohn-Rethel DE 1875 1958 2 exhibitions
Emil Nolde DE 1867 1956 2 exhibitions
Emil Rudolf Weiss DE 1875 1942 3 exhibitions
Egon Schiele AT 1890 1918 2 exhibitions
Karl Walser CH 1877 1943 2 exhibitions
Maria Caspar-Filser DE 1878 1968 2 exhibitions
Eugen Feiks HU 1878 1939 2 exhibitions
Adolf Oberländer DE 1845 1923 2 exhibitions
Auguste Herbin FR 1882 1960 2 exhibitions
Hans Baluschek DE 1870 1935 2 exhibitions
George Mosson DE 1851 1933 2 exhibitions
Max Beckmann DE 1884 1950 3 exhibitions
Albert Weisgerber DE 1878 1915 2 exhibitions
Aristide Maillol FR 1861 1944 2 exhibitions
Alice Trübner DE 1875 1916 2 exhibitions
Kees van Dongen NL 1877 1968 3 exhibitions
Franz Marc DE 1880 1916 2 exhibitions
Georges Braque FR 1882 1963 2 exhibitions
Pierre Bonnard FR 1867 1947 4 exhibitions
Pierre Paul Girieud FR 1876 1948 2 exhibitions
Robert Breyer DE 1866 1941 2 exhibitions
Heinrich Hübner DE 1869 1945 2 exhibitions
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec FR 1864 1901 2 exhibitions
Vincent van Gogh NL 1853 1890 4 exhibitions
Paul Cézanne FR 1839 1906 4 exhibitions
Henri Edmond Cross FR 1856 1910 2 exhibitions
Fritz Rhein DE 1873 1948 2 exhibitions
Henri Matisse FR 1869 1954 3 exhibitions
Leopold Kalckreuth DE 1855 1928 2 exhibitions
Konrad von Kardorff DE 1877 1945 2 exhibitions
Pablo Picasso ES 1881 1973 2 exhibitions
Max Slevogt DE 1868 1932 2 exhibitions
Edouard Vuillard FR 1868 1940 3 exhibitions
Albert Marquet FR 1875 1947 2 exhibitions
Wilhelm Trübner DE 1851 1917 2 exhibitions
Henri Charles Manguin FR 1874 1949 2 exhibitions
Lovis Corinth DE 1858 1925 2 exhibitions
Paul Gauguin FR 1848 1903 2 exhibitions
Vassily Kandinsky RU 1866 1944 2 exhibitions
Maurice Denis FR 1870 1943 2 exhibitions
Ulrich Hübner DE 1872 1932 2 exhibitions
Edvard Munch NO 1863 1944 2 exhibitions
Max Liebermann DE 1847 1935 2 exhibitions
Pierre-Auguste Renoir FR 1841 1919 2 exhibitions

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+Catalogue Entries by Type of Work(Pie Chart)

+Catalogue Entries by Year(Bar Chart)

Recommended Citation: "Willi Nowak." In Database of Modern Exhibitions (DoME). European Paintings and Drawings 1905-1915. Last modified Nov 4, 2019.