1. Hráči [Players]
painting: oil
Vincenc Beneš Prague |
2. Pokušení [Temptation]
náčrt [sketch]
Vincenc Beneš Prague |
3. Pokušení [Temptation]
painting: oil
Vincenc Beneš Prague |
4. Z nábřeží [On the Waterfront]
painting: oil
Vincenc Beneš Prague |
5. Scéna [Scene]
painting: oil
Vincenc Beneš Prague |
6. Ženy [Women]
painting: oil
Vincenc Beneš Prague |
7 a). Krajina [Landscape]
painting: oil
Josef Čapek Prague |
7 b). Krajina [Landscape]
painting: oil
Josef Čapek Prague |
8. Továrna [Factory]
painting: oil
Josef Čapek Prague |
9 a). Z Marseille [From Marseille]
painting: oil
Josef Čapek Prague |
9 b). Z Marseille [From Marseille]
painting: oil
Josef Čapek Prague |
10. Derain A.: Krajina [Landscape]
painting: oil
André Derain Paris |
11. Derain A.: Město [City]
painting: oil
André Derain Paris |
12. Feigl Fritz: Studie podobizny [Study of a Portrait]
painting: oil
Bedřich Feigl Berlin |
13. Feigl Fritz: Samson a Dalila [Samson and Delilah]
náčrt [sketch]
Bedřich Feigl Berlin |
14. Feigl Fritz: Studie [Study]
painting: oil
Bedřich Feigl Berlin |
other medium
16. Zátiší [Still Life]
painting: oil
Emil Filla Prague |
17. Zátiší [Still Life]
painting: oil
Emil Filla Prague |
18. Idylla [Idyll]
painting: oil
Emil Filla Prague |
19. V aleji [In Alley]
painting: oil
Emil Filla Prague |
20. Model
painting: oil
Emil Filla Prague |
21. Pisatel [Writer]
painting: oil
Emil Filla Prague |
22. Tanečnice [Female Dancer]
painting: oil
Emil Filla Prague |
23. Diváci [Spectators]
painting: oil
Emil Filla Prague |
24. Večer [Evening]
painting: oil
Emil Filla Prague |
25. Malá Strana [Malá strana]
painting: oil
- Malá Strana is a district of the city of Prague.
Emil Filla Prague |
26. Salome [Salome]
painting: oil
Emil Filla Prague |
27. Zápasníci [Fighters]
painting: oil
Emil Filla Prague |
28. Žena [Woman]
painting: aquarelle
Emil Filla Prague |
29. Hlava [Head]
drawing: pen and ink
Emil Filla Prague |
30. Hlava [Head]
studie [study]
Emil Filla Prague |
31. Kytarista [Guitarist]
painting: oil
Emil Filla Prague |
32. Friesz A.: Krajina [Landscape]
painting: oil
Othon Friesz Paris |
33. Lázně v Bohdanči. Perspektivní pohled a půdorysy [Spa in Bohdaneč. Perspective view and a ground plan]
Josef Gočár Prague |
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
48. Kopec v krajině [Hill in the Landscape]
painting: oil
Erich Heckel Berlin |
49. Na pobřeží [On the Shore]
painting: oil
Erich Heckel Berlin |
50. Ve člunu [In a Boat]
painting: oil
Erich Heckel Berlin |
51. Clown [Clown]
painting: oil
Erich Heckel Berlin |
52. Koupání [Bathing]
painting: oil
Erich Heckel Berlin |
53. Studie Hřbitovních Staveb [Study of cemetery constructions]
painting: oil
Vlastislav Hofman Prague |
54. Studie Hřbitovních Staveb [Study of cemetery constructions]
painting: oil
Vlastislav Hofman Prague |
55. Studie Architektury Nábytkové [Study of Furniture Architecture]
painting: oil
Vlastislav Hofman Prague |
59. Strojovna v Jatkách [Machine Room at the Slaughterhouse]
In the description regarding the type of work, there is following note: "3 výkresy" = "3 drawings".
Josef Chochol Prague |
60. Návrh ze soutěže na pomník Fügnera a Tyrše v Praze na Letné. Architektonická část. (Autor sochařské části Bohumil Kafka) Celkový pohled a studie vnitřku mohyly. [Proposition from the competition for the monument of Fügner and Tyrš in Prague at Letná. Architecural part. (Author of the sculptural part Bohumil Kafka) Overall view and study of the cairn's inside.]
Pavel Janák Prague |
61 a, b. Průčelí Domu [House Frontage]
The Type of work is descibed as "náčrty" (sketches)
Pavel Janák Prague |
62. Monumentální Vnitřek [Monumental Iterior]
The Type of work is descibed as "náčrt" (sketch)
Pavel Janák Prague |
63 a,b,c. Návrhy Nábytku [Furniture Designs]
Pavel Janák Prague |
69. Kirchner E. L.: Aktobati [Acrobats]
painting: oil
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner Berlin |
70. Kirchner E. L.: Nahá dívka [Naked Girl]
painting: oil
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner Berlin |
71. Kirchner E. L.: Podobizna pana G. [Portrait of Mister G.]
painting: oil
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner Berlin |
72. Kirchner E. L.: Žena u moře [Woman by Sea]
painting: oil
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner Berlin |
73. Kirchner E. L.: U moře [By the Sea]
painting: oil
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner Berlin |
74. Kirchner E. L.: Krajina [Landscape]
painting: oil
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner Berlin |
75. Kirchner E. L.: Interieur [Interior]
painting: oil
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner Berlin |
76. Kresba [Drawing]
Zdeněk Kratochvíl Prague |
77. Kresba [Drawing]
Zdeněk Kratochvíl Prague |
78. Kresba [Drawing]
Zdeněk Kratochvíl Prague |
79. Müller Otto: Idylla [Idyll]
painting: oil
Otto Mueller Berlin |
80. Müller Otto: U vody [By the Water]
painting: oil
Otto Mueller Berlin |
81. Nowak Willy: Koupání [Bathing]
painting: oil
Willi Nowak Mníšek, Mníšek pod Brdy |
82. Nowak Willy: Krajina [Landscape]
painting: oil
Willi Nowak Mníšek, Mníšek pod Brdy |
83. Procházka Ant.: Hamlet [Hamlet]
painting: oil
Antonín Procházka Moravská Ostrava, Ostrava |
84. Procházka Ant.: Studie [Study]
painting: oil
Antonín Procházka Moravská Ostrava, Ostrava |
85. Procházka Ant.: Útěk [Escape]
painting: oil
Antonín Procházka Moravská Ostrava, Ostrava |
86. Schmitt-Rottluft: Villa s věží [Villa with a Tower]
painting: oil
Karl Schmidt-Rottluff Berlin |
87. Schmitt-Rottluft: Ženská hlava s maskou [Woman's Head with a Mask]
painting: oil
Karl Schmidt-Rottluff Berlin |
88. Schmitt-Rottluft: Jiřiny ve váse [Dahlias in a Vase]
painting: oil
Karl Schmidt-Rottluff Berlin |
89. Idylla [Idyll]
painting: oil
Ladislav Šíma Prague |
90. Žena v krajině [Woman in a Landscape]
painting: oil
Ladislav Šíma Prague |
91. Země [Earth]
painting: oil
Václav Špála Prague |
92. Studie krajiny [Study of a Landscape]
Václav Špála Prague |
93. Krajina [Landscape]
painting: aquarelle
Václav Špála Prague |
94. Idylla [Idyll]
painting: oil
Václav Špála Prague |
95. Cihelna [Brickyard]
painting: oil
Václav Špála Prague |
96. Duha [Rainbow]
painting: oil
Václav Špála Prague |
Name | Date of Birth | Date of Death | Nationality | # of Cat. Entries |
Vincenc Beneš | 1883 | 1979 | CZ | 6 |
Josef Čapek | 1887 | 1945 | CZ | 5 |
André Derain | 1880 | 1954 | FR | 2 |
Bedřich Feigl | 1884 | 1965 | CZ | 3 |
Emil Filla | 1882 | 1953 | CZ | 16 |
Othon Friesz | 1879 | 1949 | FR | 1 |
Josef Gočár | 1880 | 1945 | CZ | 1 |
Erich Heckel | 1883 | 1970 | DE | 5 |
Vlastislav Hofman | 1884 | 1964 | CZ | 3 |
Josef Chochol | 1880 | 1956 | CZ | 1 |
Pavel Janák | 1882 | 1956 | CZ | 4 |
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner | 1880 | 1938 | DE | 7 |
Zdeněk Kratochvíl | 1883 | 1961 | CZ | 3 |
Otto Mueller | 1874 | 1930 | DE | 2 |
Willi Nowak | 1886 | 1977 | CZ | 2 |
Antonín Procházka | 1882 | 1945 | CZ | 3 |
Karl Schmidt-Rottluff | 1884 | 1976 | DE | 3 |
Ladislav Šíma | Jul 12, 1885 | May 16, 1956 | CZ | 2 |
Václav Špála | 1885 | 1946 | CZ | 6 |