I. sál [I. Hall]
1. Akteon [Actaeon]
painting: oil
Willi Nowak Mníšek, Mníšek pod Brdy |
I. sál [I. Hall]
2. Děvče s jablky [Girl with Apples]
painting: oil
Willi Nowak Mníšek, Mníšek pod Brdy |
I. sál [I. Hall]
3. Koupání [Bathing]
painting: oil
Willi Nowak Mníšek, Mníšek pod Brdy |
I. sál [I. Hall]
4. Na procházce, III. pojetí [On a Walk, III. Conception]
painting: oil
Willi Nowak Mníšek, Mníšek pod Brdy |
I. sál [I. Hall]
5. Pramen [Spring]
painting: oil
Willi Nowak Mníšek, Mníšek pod Brdy |
I. sál [I. Hall]
6. Neděle [Sunday]
painting: oil
Willi Nowak Mníšek, Mníšek pod Brdy |
I. sál [I. Hall]
7. Podobizna dámy [Portrait of a Lady]
painting: oil
Willi Nowak Mníšek, Mníšek pod Brdy |
I. sál [I. Hall]
8. Bathseba, II. pojetí [Bathsheba, II. Conception]
painting: oil
Willi Nowak Mníšek, Mníšek pod Brdy |
I. sál [I. Hall]
9. Děvče u stolu [Girl by a Table]
painting: oil
Willi Nowak Mníšek, Mníšek pod Brdy |
I. sál [I. Hall]
10. W. F. Jäger: Pařez [Stump]
painting: oil
W. Franz Jäger Raspenava |
I. sál [I. Hall]
11. W. F. Jäger: Údolí Wittigu [Valley of Wittig]
painting: oil
W. Franz Jäger Raspenava |
I. sál [I. Hall]
12. W. F. Jäger: Motiv rašelinišť Jizerských hor [Peat Bog Motive in Jizera Mountains]
painting: oil
W. Franz Jäger Raspenava |
I. sál [I. Hall]
13. W. F. Jäger: Dřevorubec [Lumberjack]
painting: oil
W. Franz Jäger Raspenava |
I. sál [I. Hall]
14. W. F. Jäger: Žula [Granite]
painting: oil
W. Franz Jäger Raspenava |
I. sál [I. Hall]
15. W. F. Jäger: Krajina na jaře (Jizerské hory) [Landscape in Spring (Jizera Mountains)]
painting: oil
W. Franz Jäger Raspenava |
II. sál [II. Hall]
16. Zámecký park [Castle Park]
painting: oil
Gustav Klimt Vienna |
II. sál [II. Hall]
17. Růžová zahrada [Rose [or: Pink] Garden]
painting: oil
Gustav Klimt Vienna |
II. sál [II. Hall]
18. Smrt a láska [Death and Love]
painting: oil
Gustav Klimt Vienna |
II. sál [II. Hall]
19. Slunečnice [Sunflower[s]]
painting: oil
Gustav Klimt Vienna |
II. sál [II. Hall]
20. Vidina [Vision]
painting: oil
Gustav Klimt Vienna |
II. sál [II. Hall]
21. Jabloň [Apple Tree]
painting: oil
Gustav Klimt Vienna |
II. sál [II. Hall]
22. Oleandr a růže [Oleander and Rose[s]]
painting: oil
Gustav Klimt Vienna |
II. sál [II. Hall]
23. Panna [Virgin]
painting: oil
Gustav Klimt Vienna |
II. sál [II. Hall]
24. Kříž v selské zahradě [Cross in a Farm Garden]
painting: oil
Gustav Klimt Vienna |
II. sál [II. Hall]
25. Rodina [Family]
painting: oil
Gustav Klimt Vienna |
II. sál [II. Hall]
26 [01]. [Kresba] [[Drawing]]
painting: oil
- Original entry: "26 [cat. no.] Osm kreseb [Eight Drawings]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
Gustav Klimt Vienna |
II. sál [II. Hall]
26 [02]. [Kresba] [[Drawing]]
painting: oil
- Original entry: "26 [cat. no.] Osm kreseb [Eight Drawings]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
Gustav Klimt Vienna |
II. sál [II. Hall]
26 [03]. [Kresba] [[Drawing]]
painting: oil
- Original entry: "26 [cat. no.] Osm kreseb [Eight Drawings]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
Gustav Klimt Vienna |
II. sál [II. Hall]
26 [04]. [Kresba] [[Drawing]]
painting: oil
- Original entry: "26 [cat. no.] Osm kreseb [Eight Drawings]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
Gustav Klimt Vienna |
II. sál [II. Hall]
26 [05]. [Kresba] [[Drawing]]
painting: oil
- Original entry: "26 [cat. no.] Osm kreseb [Eight Drawings]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
Gustav Klimt Vienna |
II. sál [II. Hall]
26 [06]. [Kresba] [[Drawing]]
painting: oil
- Original entry: "26 [cat. no.] Osm kreseb [Eight Drawings]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
Gustav Klimt Vienna |
II. sál [II. Hall]
26 [07]. [Kresba] [[Drawing]]
painting: oil
- Original entry: "26 [cat. no.] Osm kreseb [Eight Drawings]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
Gustav Klimt Vienna |
II. sál [II. Hall]
26 [08]. [Kresba] [[Drawing]]
painting: oil
- Original entry: "26 [cat. no.] Osm kreseb [Eight Drawings]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
Gustav Klimt Vienna |
III. sál [III. Hall]
27. Jardin Public v Bruselu [Jardin Public in Brussels]
painting: oil
Ferdinand Michl Vienna |
III. sál [III. Hall]
28. Karel Finger: Kostelní věž [Church Tower]
300 M
painting: oil
- The price for this entry is different from the other entries as it is marked with an M as German Goldmark.
Karl Finger |
III. sál [III. Hall]
29. U Jaderského přístavu [At the Adriatic Port]
painting: oil
Eduard Ameseder Vienna |
III. sál [III. Hall]
30. Konst. Korzendörfer: Vlastní podobizna [Self-portrait]
1000 M
painting: oil
- The price for this entry is different from the other entries as it is marked with an M as German Goldmark.
Konstantin Korzendörfer Munich |
III. sál [III. Hall]
31. J. Martinka: První sníh [First Snow]
painting: oil
Vojtěch Martinka Munich |
III. sál [III. Hall]
32. J. Martinka: Podzim [Autumn]
painting: oil
Vojtěch Martinka Munich |
III. sál [III. Hall]
33. Rich. Müller: V atelieru [In a Studio]
4000 M
painting: oil
- The price for this entry is different from the other entries as it is marked with an M as German Goldmark.
Richard Müller Dresden |
III. sál [III. Hall]
34. C. Thiemann: Zlaté lilie [Golden Lilies]
painting: oil
Carl Theodor Thiemann Dachau |
III. sál [III. Hall]
35. Rich. Müller: Dalmatský pes [Dalmatian Dog]
3000 M
painting: oil
- The price for this entry is different from the other entries as it is marked with an M as German Goldmark.
Richard Müller Dresden |
III. sál [III. Hall]
other medium, olej, tempera [oil, tempera]
III. sál [III. Hall]
37. Vlastní podobizna [Self-portrait]
Antonín Schück Prague |
III. sál [III. Hall]
38. C. Thiemann: Z dvorní zahrady v Dachově [From a Courtyard Garden in Dachov]
painting: oil
Carl Theodor Thiemann Dachau |
III. sál [III. Hall]
39. C. Thiemann: Kytice [Bouquet]
painting: oil
Carl Theodor Thiemann Dachau |
III. sál [III. Hall]
40. V loži tanečního paláce [In a Loge in the Dance Palace]
painting: tempera
Ferdinand Michl Vienna |
III. sál [III. Hall]
41. A. Justitz: Únos [Hijack]
painting: oil
Alfréd Justitz Prague |
III. sál [III. Hall]
42. Karel Krattner: Návrh k oltářnímu obrazu [Proposal for an Altarpiece]
painting: oil
Karl Krattner Prague |
III. sál [III. Hall]
43. A. Justitz: Zátiší [Still Life]
Alfréd Justitz Prague |
III. sál [III. Hall]
44. A. Justitz: Hlava mladého muže [Head of a Young Man]
Alfréd Justitz Prague |
III. sál [III. Hall]
45. Fritz. Gärtner: Z továrny na hedvábí [From a Silk Factory]
Fritz Gärtner Schloss Mallin[c]krodt b. Wetter a. d. Ruhr, Herdecke |
III. sál [III. Hall]
46. Karel Krattner jr.: Krajina s lidmi [Landscape with People]
painting: oil
Carlo Krattner Prague |
III. sál [III. Hall]
47. Fr. Thiele: Zátiší [Still Life]
painting: oil
Franz Thiele Prague |
III. sál [III. Hall]
48. Fr. Thiele: Akt se zátiším [Nude with a Still Life]
painting: oil
Franz Thiele Prague |
III. sál [III. Hall]
49. Fr. Thiele: Zátiší [Still Life]
painting: oil
Franz Thiele Prague |
III. sál [III. Hall]
50. Karel Krattner jr.: Krajina s lidmi [Landscape with People]
painting: oil
Carlo Krattner Prague |
III. sál [III. Hall]
51. Matka umělcova [Mother of the Artist]
painting: oil
Robert Knoebel Munich |
III. sál [III. Hall]
52. Při toaletě [At Her Toilet]
painting: oil
Robert Knoebel Munich |
IV. sál [IV. Hall]
53. Pieta [Pietà]
600 M
painting: oil
- The price for this entry is different from the other entries as it is marked with an M as German Goldmark.
Max Oppenheimer Berlin |
IV. sál [IV. Hall]
54. Zátiší s mísou [Still Life with a Bowl]
800 M
painting: oil
- The price for this entry is different from the other entries as it is marked with an M as German Goldmark.
Max Oppenheimer Berlin |
IV. sál [IV. Hall]
55. Bičování [Flogging]
6000 M
painting: oil
- The price for this entry is different from the other entries as it is marked with an M as German Goldmark.
Max Oppenheimer Berlin |
IV. sál [IV. Hall]
56. Zátiší s lahví [Still Life with a Bottle]
800 M
painting: oil
- The price for this entry is different from the other entries as it is marked with an M as German Goldmark.
Max Oppenheimer Berlin |
IV. sál [IV. Hall]
57. Prometheus [Prometheus]
300 M
painting: oil
- The price for this entry is different from the other entries as it is marked with an M as German Goldmark.
Max Oppenheimer Berlin |
IV. sál [IV. Hall]
58. Zátiší s bílým šátkem [Still Life with a White Scarf]
painting: oil
soukr. maj. [private collection]
Max Oppenheimer Berlin |
IV. sál [IV. Hall]
59. Tilla Durieux [Tilla Durieux]
painting: oil
soukr. maj. [private collection]
Max Oppenheimer Berlin |
IV. sál [IV. Hall]
60. Operace [Operation]
6400 M
painting: oil
- The price for this entry is different from the other entries as it is marked with an M as German Goldmark.
Max Oppenheimer Berlin |
IV. sál [IV. Hall]
61. Paní J. V. [Mrs. J. V.]
painting: oil
soukr. maj. [private collection]
Max Oppenheimer Berlin |
IV. sál [IV. Hall]
62. Utěšitelka [Comforter [f]]
3500 M
painting: oil
- The price for this entry is different from the other entries as it is marked with an M as German Goldmark.
Max Oppenheimer Berlin |
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
IV. sál [IV. Hall]
71. Zátiší s čajovou konvicí [Still Life with a Teapot]
900 M
painting: oil
- The price for this entry is different from the other entries as it is marked with an M as German Goldmark.
Max Oppenheimer Berlin |
IV. sál [IV. Hall]
72. Zubní lékař [Dentist]
2500 M
painting: oil
- The price for this entry is different from the other entries as it is marked with an M as German Goldmark.
Max Oppenheimer Berlin |
IV. sál [IV. Hall]
73. Judita [Judith]
900 M
painting: oil
- The price for this entry is different from the other entries as it is marked with an M as German Goldmark.
Max Oppenheimer Berlin |
IV. sál [IV. Hall]
74. Oplakávání [Lamentation]
3500 M
painting: oil
- The price for this entry is different from the other entries as it is marked with an M as German Goldmark.
Max Oppenheimer Berlin |
IV. sál [IV. Hall]
75. Jindřich Mann [Heinrich Mann]
4000 M
painting: oil
- The price for this entry is different from the other entries as it is marked with an M as German Goldmark.
Max Oppenheimer Berlin |
V. sál [V. Hall]
76. E. Hegenbarth: Kolonie besídek ve sněhu [Bower Colony in Snow]
painting: oil
Emanuel Hegenbarth Dresden |
V. sál [V. Hall]
77. E. Hegenbarth: Slunný den na pastvině [Sunny Day on a Pasture]
painting: oil
Emanuel Hegenbarth Dresden |
V. sál [V. Hall]
78. E. Hegenbarth: Koupající se děti [Bathing Children]
painting: oil
Emanuel Hegenbarth Dresden |
V. sál [V. Hall]
79. E. Hegenbarth: Stádo dobytka [Cattle Herd]
painting: oil
Emanuel Hegenbarth Dresden |
V. sál [V. Hall]
80. E. Hegenbarth: Večer na terase [Evening on a Terrace]
painting: oil
Emanuel Hegenbarth Dresden |
V. sál [V. Hall]
81. E. Hegenbarth: Býčkové v horách [Little Bulls in the Mountains]
painting: oil
Emanuel Hegenbarth Dresden |
V. sál [V. Hall]
82. E. Hegenbarth: Zátiší [Still Life]
painting: oil
Emanuel Hegenbarth Dresden |
V. sál [V. Hall]
83. E. Hegenbarth: Návrat ženců [Return of Reapers]
painting: oil
Emanuel Hegenbarth Dresden |
V. sál [V. Hall]
84. E. Hegenbarth: Bouračka [Crash]
painting: oil
Emanuel Hegenbarth Dresden |
V. sál [V. Hall]
85. E. Hegenbarth: Skupina koní [Group of Horses]
painting: oil
Emanuel Hegenbarth Dresden |
V. sál [V. Hall]
86. E. Hegenbarth: Osamělá stezka [Lonely Trail]
painting: oil
Emanuel Hegenbarth Dresden |
V. sál [V. Hall]
87. E. Hegenbarth: Zapřažení Siváci [Harnessed Grey Horses]
painting: oil
Emanuel Hegenbarth Dresden |
V. sál [V. Hall]
88. E. Hegenbarth: Silnice [Road]
painting: oil
Emanuel Hegenbarth Dresden |
V. sál [V. Hall]
89. E. Hegenbarth: Odpočívající dobytek [Resting Cattle]
painting: oil
Emanuel Hegenbarth Dresden |
VI. sál [VI. Hall]
90. Zátiší s květinami [Still Life with Flowers]
painting: oil
Emil Orlik Berlin |
VI. sál [VI. Hall]
91. Zkouška k „Faustu“ u Reinhardta ["Faust" Rehearsal at Reinhardt's]
painting: oil
Emil Orlik Berlin |
VI. sál [VI. Hall]
92. Podobizna ženy sudanské [Portrait of a Sudanese Woman]
painting: oil
Emil Orlik Berlin |
VI. sál [VI. Hall]
93. Koš květin [Flower Basket]
painting: oil
Emil Orlik Berlin |
VI. sál [VI. Hall]
94. Děvče z kmene Fellahů [Girl from the Fellah Tribe]
painting: oil
Emil Orlik Berlin |
VI. sál [VI. Hall]
95. Vyjížďka za večera [Ride in the Evening]
painting: oil
Emil Orlik Berlin |
VI. sál [VI. Hall]
96. Čínské dítě [Chinese Child]
painting: oil
Emil Orlik Berlin |
VI. sál [VI. Hall]
97. Západ slunce v Kahýře [Sunset in Cairo]
painting: oil
Emil Orlik Berlin |
VI. sál [VI. Hall]
98. Aniba (Nubie) [Aniba (Nubia)]
painting: oil
Emil Orlik Berlin |
VI. sál [VI. Hall]
99. Memnův kolos [Coloss of Memnon]
painting: oil
Emil Orlik Berlin |
VI. sál [VI. Hall]
100. Mešita v Luxoru [Mosque in Luxor]
painting: oil
Emil Orlik Berlin |
VI. sál [VI. Hall]
101. Číňanka [Chinese Woman]
painting: oil
Emil Orlik Berlin |
VI. sál [VI. Hall]
102. Palmy ve větru [Palm Trees in the Wind]
painting: oil
Emil Orlik Berlin |
VI. sál [VI. Hall]
103. Ženský akt [Female Nude]
painting: oil
Emil Orlik Berlin |
VI. sál [VI. Hall]
104. Krajina v Assuanu [Landscape in Aswan]
painting: oil
Emil Orlik Berlin |
VI. sál [VI. Hall]
105. Čínská matka s děckem [Chinese Mother with a Child]
painting: oil
Emil Orlik Berlin |
VI. sál [VI. Hall]
106. Oslař [Man with Donkey]
painting: oil
Emil Orlik Berlin |
VI. sál [VI. Hall]
107. Zříceniny v Medine [Ruins near Medina]
painting: oil
Emil Orlik Berlin |
VI. sál [VI. Hall]
108. Nubian [Nubian [m]]
painting: oil
Emil Orlik Berlin |
VI. sál [VI. Hall]
109. Z Levínu u Ouštěku [From Levín near Úštěk]
painting: oil
Emil Orlik Berlin |
VI. sál [VI. Hall]
110. České děvče [Bohemian Girl]
painting: oil
Emil Orlik Berlin |
VI. sál [VI. Hall]
111. Z Geltschberku u Ouštěku [From the Sedlo Mountain near Úštěk]
painting: oil
Emil Orlik Berlin |
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
VII. sál [VII. Hall]
118 [01]. Aug. Brömse: [Temperová skizza] [[Tempera Sketch]]
painting: tempera
- Original entry: "118 [cat. no.] Čtyři temperové skizzy [Four Tempera Sketches]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
August Brömse Prague |
VII. sál [VII. Hall]
118 [02]. Aug. Brömse: [Temperová skizza] [[Tempera Sketch]]
painting: tempera
- Original entry: "118 [cat. no.] Čtyři temperové skizzy [Four Tempera Sketches]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
August Brömse Prague |
VII. sál [VII. Hall]
118 [03]. Aug. Brömse: [Temperová skizza] [[Tempera Sketch]]
painting: tempera
- Original entry: "118 [cat. no.] Čtyři temperové skizzy [Four Tempera Sketches]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
August Brömse Prague |
VII. sál [VII. Hall]
118 [04]. Aug. Brömse: [Temperová skizza] [[Tempera Sketch]]
painting: tempera
- Original entry: "118 [cat. no.] Čtyři temperové skizzy [Four Tempera Sketches]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
August Brömse Prague |
VII. sál [VII. Hall]
119. Aug. Brömse: Mrtvý syn [Dead Son]
August Brömse Prague |
VII. sál [VII. Hall]
120. Aug. Brömse: Temperová skizza [Tempera Sketch]
painting: tempera
August Brömse Prague |
other medium
VII. sál [VII. Hall]
122 [01]. Aug. Brömse: [Temperová skizza] [[Tempera Sketch]]
painting: tempera
- Original entry: "122 [cat. no.] Čtyři temperové skizzy [Four Tempera Sketches]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
August Brömse Prague |
VII. sál [VII. Hall]
122 [02]. Aug. Brömse: [Temperová skizza] [[Tempera Sketch]]
painting: tempera
- Original entry: "122 [cat. no.] Čtyři temperové skizzy [Four Tempera Sketches]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
August Brömse Prague |
VII. sál [VII. Hall]
122 [03]. Aug. Brömse: [Temperová skizza] [[Tempera Sketch]]
painting: tempera
- Original entry: "122 [cat. no.] Čtyři temperové skizzy [Four Tempera Sketches]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
August Brömse Prague |
VII. sál [VII. Hall]
122 [04]. Aug. Brömse: [Temperová skizza] [[Tempera Sketch]]
painting: tempera
- Original entry: "122 [cat. no.] Čtyři temperové skizzy [Four Tempera Sketches]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
August Brömse Prague |
other medium
VII. sál [VII. Hall]
124. Aug. Brömse: „Staveniště“, olejová skizza ["Construction Site", Oil Sketch]
painting: oil
August Brömse Prague |
other medium
VII. sál [VII. Hall]
126 [01]. Aug. Brömse: [Temperová skizza] [[Tempera Sketch]]
painting: tempera
- Original entry: "126 [cat. no.] Dvě temperové skizzy [Two Tempera Sketches]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
August Brömse Prague |
VII. sál [VII. Hall]
126 [02]. Aug. Brömse: [Temperová skizza] [[Tempera Sketch]]
painting: tempera
- Original entry: "126 [cat. no.] Dvě temperové skizzy [Two Tempera Sketches]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
August Brömse Prague |
VII. sál [VII. Hall]
127. Aug. Brömse: Temperová skizza [Tempera Sketch]
painting: tempera
August Brömse Prague |
VII. sál [VII. Hall]
128. Aug. Brömse: „Kazatel“ ["Preacher"]
painting: tempera
August Brömse Prague |
VII. sál [VII. Hall]
129 [01]. Aug. Brömse: [Temperová skizza] [[Tempera Sketch]]
painting: tempera
- Original entry: "129 [cat. no.] Dvě temperové skizzy [Two Tempera Sketches]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
August Brömse Prague |
VII. sál [VII. Hall]
129 [02]. Aug. Brömse: [Temperová skizza] [[Tempera Sketch]]
painting: tempera
- Original entry: "129 [cat. no.] Dvě temperové skizzy [Two Tempera Sketches]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
August Brömse Prague |
VII. sál [VII. Hall]
130. Aug. Brömse: „Pieta“ ["Pietà"]
painting: tempera
August Brömse Prague |
VII. sál [VII. Hall]
131 [01]. Aug. Brömse: [Olejová skizza] [[Oil Sketch]]
painting: oil
- Original entry: "131 [cat. no.] Dvě olejové skizzy [Two Oil Sketches]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
August Brömse Prague |
VII. sál [VII. Hall]
131 [02]. Aug. Brömse: [Olejová skizza] [[Oil Sketch]]
painting: oil
- Original entry: "131 [cat. no.] Dvě olejové skizzy [Two Oil Sketches]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
August Brömse Prague |
VII. sál [VII. Hall]
132. Aug. Brömse: Podobizna dra G. [Portrait of Dr. G.]
painting: oil
August Brömse Prague |
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
VII. sál [VII. Hall]
142 [01]. Aug. Brömse: [Kresba tužkou] [[Pencil Drawing]]
drawing, kresba tužkou [pencil drawing]
- Original entry: "142 [cat. no.] Devět kreseb tužkou [Nine Pencil Drawings]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
August Brömse Prague |
VII. sál [VII. Hall]
142 [02]. Aug. Brömse: [Kresba tužkou] [[Pencil Drawing]]
drawing, kresba tužkou [pencil drawing]
- Original entry: "142 [cat. no.] Devět kreseb tužkou [Nine Pencil Drawings]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
August Brömse Prague |
VII. sál [VII. Hall]
142 [03]. Aug. Brömse: [Kresba tužkou] [[Pencil Drawing]]
drawing, kresba tužkou [pencil drawing]
- Original entry: "142 [cat. no.] Devět kreseb tužkou [Nine Pencil Drawings]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
August Brömse Prague |
VII. sál [VII. Hall]
142 [04]. Aug. Brömse: [Kresba tužkou] [[Pencil Drawing]]
drawing, kresba tužkou [pencil drawing]
- Original entry: "142 [cat. no.] Devět kreseb tužkou [Nine Pencil Drawings]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
August Brömse Prague |
VII. sál [VII. Hall]
142 [05]. Aug. Brömse: [Kresba tužkou] [[Pencil Drawing]]
drawing, kresba tužkou [pencil drawing]
- Original entry: "142 [cat. no.] Devět kreseb tužkou [Nine Pencil Drawings]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
August Brömse Prague |
VII. sál [VII. Hall]
142 [06]. Aug. Brömse: [Kresba tužkou] [[Pencil Drawing]]
drawing, kresba tužkou [pencil drawing]
- Original entry: "142 [cat. no.] Devět kreseb tužkou [Nine Pencil Drawings]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
August Brömse Prague |
VII. sál [VII. Hall]
142 [07]. Aug. Brömse: [Kresba tužkou] [[Pencil Drawing]]
drawing, kresba tužkou [pencil drawing]
- Original entry: "142 [cat. no.] Devět kreseb tužkou [Nine Pencil Drawings]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
August Brömse Prague |
VII. sál [VII. Hall]
142 [08]. Aug. Brömse: [Kresba tužkou] [[Pencil Drawing]]
drawing, kresba tužkou [pencil drawing]
- Original entry: "142 [cat. no.] Devět kreseb tužkou [Nine Pencil Drawings]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
August Brömse Prague |
VII. sál [VII. Hall]
142 [09]. Aug. Brömse: [Kresba tužkou] [[Pencil Drawing]]
drawing, kresba tužkou [pencil drawing]
- Original entry: "142 [cat. no.] Devět kreseb tužkou [Nine Pencil Drawings]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
August Brömse Prague |
VII. sál [VII. Hall]
143. Konst. Korzendörfer: Před plesem [Before a Ball]
400 M
painting: tempera
- The price for this entry is different from the other entries as it is marked with an M as German Goldmark.
Konstantin Korzendörfer Munich |
VII. sál [VII. Hall]
144. Jindř. Hönich: Ještěd [Ještěd]
500 M
painting: oil
- The price for this entry is different from the other entries as it is marked with an M as German Goldmark.
Heinrich Hönich Munich |
VII. sál [VII. Hall]
145. Vlastní podobizna [Self-portrait]
painting: oil
Robert Knoebel Munich |
VII. sál [VII. Hall]
146. Jindř. Hönich: Jaro [Spring]
800 M
painting: oil
- The price for this entry is different from the other entries as it is marked with an M as German Goldmark.
Heinrich Hönich Munich |
VII. sál [VII. Hall]
147. Jindř. Hönich: Studie zeleniny [Study of Vegetables]
600 M
painting: oil
- The price for this entry is different from the other entries as it is marked with an M as German Goldmark.
Heinrich Hönich Munich |
VII. sál [VII. Hall]
148. Starý dělník [Old Workman]
painting: oil
Alfréd Justitz Prague |
VII. sál [VII. Hall]
149. Jindř. Hönich: Močály [Swamps]
500 M
painting: oil
- The price for this entry is different from the other entries as it is marked with an M as German Goldmark.
Heinrich Hönich Munich |
VII. sál [VII. Hall]
150. Jindř. Hönich: Bouře v močálech [Storm[s] in Swamps]
500 M
painting: oil
- The price for this entry is different from the other entries as it is marked with an M as German Goldmark.
Heinrich Hönich Munich |
VII. sál [VII. Hall]
151. Podobizna grafika Hönicha [Portrait of the Graphic Artist Hönich]
painting: oil
Robert Knoebel Munich |
other medium
VIII. sál [VIII. Hall]
153. C. Thiemann: Aleje na podzim [Alleys in Autumn]
painting: oil
Carl Theodor Thiemann Dachau |
VIII. sál [VIII. Hall]
154. A. Justitz: Podzimní nálada [Autumn Mood]
painting: oil
Alfréd Justitz Prague |
VIII. sál [VIII. Hall]
155. Pohled na vnitřní část Vídně [View of the Inner Part of Vienna]
painting: oil
Ferdinand Michl Vienna |
VIII. sál [VIII. Hall]
156. V divadle Elysée [In the Théâtre des Champs-Élysées]
painting: oil
Ferdinand Michl Vienna |
VIII. sál [VIII. Hall]
157. J. Martinka: Večer [Evening]
painting: oil
Vojtěch Martinka Munich |
VIII. sál [VIII. Hall]
158. Den narozenin [Birthday]
painting: oil
Robert Knoebel Munich |
VIII. sál [VIII. Hall]
159. Vyhlídka z městské kavárny v Drážďanech [View from a City Café in Dresden]
painting: oil
Ferdinand Michl Vienna |
other medium
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
161. Bitva [Battle]
50 M
- The price for this entry is different from the other entries as it is marked with an M as German Goldmark.
Max Oppenheimer Berlin |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
162. Tilla Durieux [Tilla Durieux]
120 M
- The price for this entry is different from the other entries as it is marked with an M as German Goldmark.
Max Oppenheimer Berlin |
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
167. Utěšitelka [Comforter [f]]
60 M
- The price for this entry is different from the other entries as it is marked with an M as German Goldmark.
Max Oppenheimer Berlin |
other medium
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
169. František Blei [František Blei]
80 M
- The price for this entry is different from the other entries as it is marked with an M as German Goldmark.
Max Oppenheimer Berlin |
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
179. Návrh k „Samsonu“ [Design for "Samson"]
50 M
- The price for this entry is different from the other entries as it is marked with an M as German Goldmark.
Max Oppenheimer Berlin |
other medium
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
181. Návrh fresky [Proposal for a Fresco]
50 M
- The price for this entry is different from the other entries as it is marked with an M as German Goldmark.
Max Oppenheimer Berlin |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
182. Kresba k „Nanebevstoupení“ [Drawing to "Ascension"]
50 M
- The price for this entry is different from the other entries as it is marked with an M as German Goldmark.
Max Oppenheimer Berlin |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
183 [01]. C. O. Czeschka: [Kresba na snímkovém papíře] [[Drawing on a Photographic Paper]]
- Original entry: "183 [cat. no.] 11 kreseb na snímkovém papíře [11 Drawings on a Photograhic Paper]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
Carl Otto Czeschka Hamburg |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
183 [02]. C. O. Czeschka: [Kresba na snímkovém papíře] [[Drawing on a Photographic Paper]]
- Original entry: "183 [cat. no.] 11 kreseb na snímkovém papíře [11 Drawings on a Photograhic Paper]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
Carl Otto Czeschka Hamburg |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
183 [03]. C. O. Czeschka: [Kresba na snímkovém papíře] [[Drawing on a Photographic Paper]]
- Original entry: "183 [cat. no.] 11 kreseb na snímkovém papíře [11 Drawings on a Photograhic Paper]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
Carl Otto Czeschka Hamburg |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
183 [04]. C. O. Czeschka: [Kresba na snímkovém papíře] [[Drawing on a Photographic Paper]]
- Original entry: "183 [cat. no.] 11 kreseb na snímkovém papíře [11 Drawings on a Photograhic Paper]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
Carl Otto Czeschka Hamburg |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
183 [05]. C. O. Czeschka: [Kresba na snímkovém papíře] [[Drawing on a Photographic Paper]]
- Original entry: "183 [cat. no.] 11 kreseb na snímkovém papíře [11 Drawings on a Photograhic Paper]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
Carl Otto Czeschka Hamburg |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
183 [06]. C. O. Czeschka: [Kresba na snímkovém papíře] [[Drawing on a Photographic Paper]]
- Original entry: "183 [cat. no.] 11 kreseb na snímkovém papíře [11 Drawings on a Photograhic Paper]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
Carl Otto Czeschka Hamburg |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
183 [07]. C. O. Czeschka: [Kresba na snímkovém papíře] [[Drawing on a Photographic Paper]]
- Original entry: "183 [cat. no.] 11 kreseb na snímkovém papíře [11 Drawings on a Photograhic Paper]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
Carl Otto Czeschka Hamburg |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
183 [08]. C. O. Czeschka: [Kresba na snímkovém papíře] [[Drawing on a Photographic Paper]]
- Original entry: "183 [cat. no.] 11 kreseb na snímkovém papíře [11 Drawings on a Photograhic Paper]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
Carl Otto Czeschka Hamburg |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
183 [09]. C. O. Czeschka: [Kresba na snímkovém papíře] [[Drawing on a Photographic Paper]]
- Original entry: "183 [cat. no.] 11 kreseb na snímkovém papíře [11 Drawings on a Photograhic Paper]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
Carl Otto Czeschka Hamburg |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
183 [10]. C. O. Czeschka: [Kresba na snímkovém papíře] [[Drawing on a Photographic Paper]]
- Original entry: "183 [cat. no.] 11 kreseb na snímkovém papíře [11 Drawings on a Photograhic Paper]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
Carl Otto Czeschka Hamburg |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
183 [11]. C. O. Czeschka: [Kresba na snímkovém papíře] [[Drawing on a Photographic Paper]]
- Original entry: "183 [cat. no.] 11 kreseb na snímkovém papíře [11 Drawings on a Photograhic Paper]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
Carl Otto Czeschka Hamburg |
other medium
other medium
other medium
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
187. Dotaz [Question]
400 M
- The price for this entry is different from the other entries as it is marked with an M as German Goldmark.
Richard Müller Dresden |
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
194. Jindřich Hönich: Z cyklu „Přírodě“ [From the Series "To Nature"]
80 M
- The price for this entry is different from the other entries as it is marked with an M as German Goldmark.
Heinrich Hönich Munich |
other medium
other medium
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
197. Opice a bažant [Monkey and Pheasant]
250 M
- The price for this entry is different from the other entries as it is marked with an M as German Goldmark.
Richard Müller Dresden |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
198. Jindřich Hönich: Z cyklu „Přírodě“ [From the Series "To Nature"]
80 M
- The price for this entry is different from the other entries as it is marked with an M as German Goldmark.
Heinrich Hönich Munich |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
199 [01]. Jindřich Hönich: [Novoročenka] [[New Year Card]]
10 M
- The price for this entry is different from the other entries as it is marked with an M as German Goldmark.
Heinrich Hönich Munich |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
199 [02]. Jindřich Hönich: [Novoročenka] [[New Year Card]]
10 M
- The price for this entry is different from the other entries as it is marked with an M as German Goldmark.
Heinrich Hönich Munich |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
199 [03]. Jindřich Hönich: [Novoročenka] [[New Year Card]]
10 M
- The price for this entry is different from the other entries as it is marked with an M as German Goldmark.
Heinrich Hönich Munich |
other medium
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
201. Myš s vavřínovým věncem [Mouse with a Laurel Wreath]
40 M
- The price for this entry is different from the other entries as it is marked with an M as German Goldmark.
Richard Müller Dresden |
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
218. J. Martinka: Skizza [Sketch]
painting: oil
Vojtěch Martinka Munich |
other medium
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
220. Odcizená vlásenka [Stolen Hairpin]
90 M
- The price for this entry is different from the other entries as it is marked with an M as German Goldmark.
Richard Müller Dresden |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
221. Jindřich Hönich: Duby [Oak Trees]
500 M
drawing: pen and ink, perokresba [pen drawing]
- The price for this entry is different from the other entries as it is marked with an M as German Goldmark.
Heinrich Hönich Munich |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
222. Jindřich Hönich: Z cyklu „Přírodě“ [From the Series "To Nature"]
drawing: pen and ink
Heinrich Hönich Munich |
other medium
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
224. J. Martinka: První sníh [First Snow]
drawing: charcoal
Vojtěch Martinka Munich |
other medium
other medium
other medium
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
228. Můra [Moth]
300 M
- The price for this entry is different from the other entries as it is marked with an M as German Goldmark.
Richard Müller Dresden |
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
243. Obchodní dům v Drážďanech [Department Store in Dresden]
500 M
architektura [architecture]
- The price for this entry is different from the other entries as it is marked with an M as German Goldmark.
Rudolf Bitzan Prague |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
244. Obchodní dům v Kolíně [Department Store in Kolín]
500 M
architektura [architecture]
- The price for this entry is different from the other entries as it is marked with an M as German Goldmark.
Rudolf Bitzan Prague |
other medium
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
246. Vnitřek hygienické dvorany [Interior of a Hygienic Hall]
500 M
architektura [architecture]
- The price for this entry is different from the other entries as it is marked with an M as German Goldmark.
Rudolf Bitzan Prague |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
247. Železobetonová kopule [Reinforced Concrete Cupola]
500 M
architektura [architecture]
- The price for this entry is different from the other entries as it is marked with an M as German Goldmark.
Rudolf Bitzan Prague |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
248. V berlínské opeře [In the Berlin Opera]
architektura [architecture]
Rudolf Bitzan Prague |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
249. Hospodářské budovy v Petrohradě [Commerce Buildings in Saint Petersburg]
500 M
architektura [architecture]
- The price for this entry is different from the other entries as it is marked with an M as German Goldmark.
Rudolf Bitzan Prague |
other medium
other medium
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
252. Lučištník [Archer]
350 M
- The price for this entry is different from the other entries as it is marked with an M as German Goldmark.
Richard Müller Dresden |
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
262. K. Schäffnerová: Chrám [Cathedral]
drawing: charcoal
Katharina Schäffner Dresden |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
263. K. Schäffnerová: Zaslíbená země [Promised Land]
drawing: charcoal
Katharina Schäffner Dresden |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
264. K. Schäffnerová: Vodotrysk [Fountain]
drawing: charcoal
Katharina Schäffner Dresden |
other medium
other medium
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
267. K. Schäffnerová: Smrt [Death]
drawing: charcoal
Katharina Schäffner Dresden |
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
275. K. Schäffnerová: K Novalis [K Novalis]
drawing: charcoal
Katharina Schäffner Dresden |
other medium
other medium
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
278. K. Schäffnerová: Ledovce [Glaciers]
drawing: charcoal
Katharina Schäffner Dresden |
other medium
other medium
other medium
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
282 [01]. K. Schäffnerová: [Karikatura] [[Caricature]]
- Original entry: "282 [cat. no.] Rám s 11 karikaturami [Frame with 11 Caricatures]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
Katharina Schäffner Dresden |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
282 [02]. K. Schäffnerová: [Karikatura] [[Caricature]]
- Original entry: "282 [cat. no.] Rám s 11 karikaturami [Frame with 11 Caricatures]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
Katharina Schäffner Dresden |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
282 [03]. K. Schäffnerová: [Karikatura] [[Caricature]]
- Original entry: "282 [cat. no.] Rám s 11 karikaturami [Frame with 11 Caricatures]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
Katharina Schäffner Dresden |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
282 [04]. K. Schäffnerová: [Karikatura] [[Caricature]]
- Original entry: "282 [cat. no.] Rám s 11 karikaturami [Frame with 11 Caricatures]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
Katharina Schäffner Dresden |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
282 [05]. K. Schäffnerová: [Karikatura] [[Caricature]]
- Original entry: "282 [cat. no.] Rám s 11 karikaturami [Frame with 11 Caricatures]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
Katharina Schäffner Dresden |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
282 [06]. K. Schäffnerová: [Karikatura] [[Caricature]]
- Original entry: "282 [cat. no.] Rám s 11 karikaturami [Frame with 11 Caricatures]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
Katharina Schäffner Dresden |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
282 [07]. K. Schäffnerová: [Karikatura] [[Caricature]]
- Original entry: "282 [cat. no.] Rám s 11 karikaturami [Frame with 11 Caricatures]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
Katharina Schäffner Dresden |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
282 [08]. K. Schäffnerová: [Karikatura] [[Caricature]]
- Original entry: "282 [cat. no.] Rám s 11 karikaturami [Frame with 11 Caricatures]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
Katharina Schäffner Dresden |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
282 [09]. K. Schäffnerová: [Karikatura] [[Caricature]]
- Original entry: "282 [cat. no.] Rám s 11 karikaturami [Frame with 11 Caricatures]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
Katharina Schäffner Dresden |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
282 [10]. K. Schäffnerová: [Karikatura] [[Caricature]]
- Original entry: "282 [cat. no.] Rám s 11 karikaturami [Frame with 11 Caricatures]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
Katharina Schäffner Dresden |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
282 [11]. K. Schäffnerová: [Karikatura] [[Caricature]]
- Original entry: "282 [cat. no.] Rám s 11 karikaturami [Frame with 11 Caricatures]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
Katharina Schäffner Dresden |
other medium
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
284. Walter Klemm: V sluneční koupeli (Na břehu) [In the Sun Bath (On the Shore)]
painting: oil
Walther Klemm Weimar |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
285. Walter Klemm: Jeřáb [Rowan Tree [or: Crane]]
drawing: charcoal
Walther Klemm Weimar |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
286. C. O. Czeschka: Knižní výzdoba [Book Decoration]
Carl Otto Czeschka Hamburg |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
287. C. O. Czeschka: List do kalendáře [Sheet of a Calendar]
Carl Otto Czeschka Hamburg |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
288. C. O. Czeschka: Knižní výzdoba [Book Decoration]
Carl Otto Czeschka Hamburg |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
289. Walter Klemm: Hrdina [Hero]
painting: oil
Walther Klemm Weimar |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
290. C. O. Czeschka: Titulní list katalogu [Title Page of a Catalogue]
Carl Otto Czeschka Hamburg |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
291. C. O. Czeschka: Illustrace [Illustration]
Carl Otto Czeschka Hamburg |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
292. C. O. Czeschka: Ex libris [Bookplate]
Carl Otto Czeschka Hamburg |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
293. Walter Klemm: Nádraží v Lipsku [Railway Station in Leipzig]
painting: oil
Walther Klemm Weimar |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
294. Walter Klemm: Žně [Harvest Time]
painting: oil
Walther Klemm Weimar |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
295. Walter Klemm: Letní koncert [Summer Concert]
painting: oil
Walther Klemm Weimar |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
296. Walter Klemm: Provazníci [Ropemakers]
painting: oil
Walther Klemm Weimar |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
297. Walter Klemm: Pelikán [Pelican]
painting: oil
Walther Klemm Weimar |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
298. Walter Klemm: Muži s lanem [Men with Rope]
painting: oil
Walther Klemm Weimar |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
299. Walter Klemm: Vinobraní [Grape Harvest]
painting: oil
Walther Klemm Weimar |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
300. Walter Klemm: Podzimní stromky [Small Autumn Trees]
painting: oil
Walther Klemm Weimar |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
301. Walter Klemm: „U Vídně“ ["Near Vienna"]
painting: gouache
Walther Klemm Weimar |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
302. Walter Klemm: Voraři u vodopádu [Rafters by a Waterfall]
painting: oil
Walther Klemm Weimar |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
303. Walter Klemm: Přechod přes trať [Crossing the Train Track]
painting: aquarelle
Walther Klemm Weimar |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
304. Walter Klemm: Aleje v Prateru [Alleys in the Prater]
drawing: charcoal
Walther Klemm Weimar |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
305. Walter Klemm: Krajina [Landscape]
painting: oil
Walther Klemm Weimar |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
306. Walter Klemm: Samaritán [Samaritan]
painting: oil
Walther Klemm Weimar |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
307. Walter Klemm: Eva [Eve]
painting: oil
Walther Klemm Weimar |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
308. Walter Klemm: Sáňkování [Sledging]
drawing, kresba tužkou [pencil drawing]
Walther Klemm Weimar |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
309. Walter Klemm: Ovce na pastvě [Sheep[s] on Pasture]
painting: oil
Walther Klemm Weimar |
IX. sál [IX. Hall]
310. Walter Klemm: Cesta do kostela v Dachově [Road to the Church in Dachov]
drawing: charcoal
Walther Klemm Weimar |
Name | Date of Birth | Date of Death | Nationality | # of Cat. Entries |
Willi Nowak | 1886 | 1977 | CZ | 9 |
W. Franz Jäger | 1861 | 1928 | CZ | 6 |
Gustav Klimt | 1862 | 1918 | AT | 18 |
Ferdinand Michl | 1877 | 1951 | CZ | 5 |
Karl Finger | Mar 25, 1888 | Sep 16, 1944 | CZ | 1 |
Eduard Ameseder | 1856 | 1938 | AT | 1 |
Konstantin Korzendörfer | 1862 | CZ | 2 | |
Vojtěch Martinka | Aug 19, 1875 | CZ | 5 | |
Richard Müller | 1874 | 1954 | DE | 8 |
Carl Theodor Thiemann | 1881 | 1966 | DE | 4 |
Antonín Schück | 1880 | 1913 | CZ | 1 |
Alfréd Justitz | Jul 19, 1879 | Feb 9, 1934 | CZ | 5 |
Karl Krattner | Jan 7, 1862 | Dec 10, 1926 | CZ | 1 |
Fritz Gärtner | 1882 | 1958 | CZ | 1 |
Carlo Krattner | Oct 19, 1895 | CZ | 2 | |
Franz Thiele | 1868 | 1945 | CZ | 3 |
Robert Knoebel | 1874 | 1924 | DE | 5 |
Max Oppenheimer | 1885 | 1954 | AT | 22 |
Emanuel Hegenbarth | 1868 | 1923 | DE | 14 |
Emil Orlik | 1870 | 1932 | CZ | 22 |
August Brömse | 1873 | 1925 | CZ | 30 |
Heinrich Hönich | Oct 5, 1873 | Sep 5, 1957 | CZ | 12 |
Carl Otto Czeschka | 1878 | 1960 | AT | 17 |
Rudolf Bitzan | May 18, 1872 | Nov 21, 1938 | DE | 6 |
Katharina Schäffner | Sep 24, 1884 | 1908 | DE | 17 |
Walther Klemm | 1883 | 1957 | DE | 21 |