Czech painter and graphic artist, 1886-1928
Date | Title | City | Venue | # of Cat. Entries | Type of Org. Body |
May 1, 1908 | Dvacátá šestá výstava Spolku výtvarných umělců Manes v Praze [Twenty-sixth Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artists Manes in Prague] | Prague | [Pavilion in Kinsky Garden] | 2 | artist associations |
Apr‒May 1909 | S. V. U. Manes. XXIX. výstava. (Členská) [Union of Fine Artists Manes. XXIX. Exhibition. (Member's)] | Prague | Prague (exact location unknown) | 1 | artist associations |
Nov 27, 1909‒Jan 9, 1910 | XXX. výstava Sp. výtv. um. Manes. Výstava skizz [XXX. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes. Sketches Exhibition] | Prague | [Pavilion in Kinsky Garden] | 5 | artist associations |
Jan 5‒Mar 1, 1912 | Umělecká výstava v Obecním domě »u Prašné věže« [Art Exhibition in the Municipal House "by the Powder Tower"] | Prague | Obecní dům | 3 | artist associations |
May‒Jun 1914 | 46. výstava S.V.U. Manes v Praze (členská) [46. (Member's) Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artists Manes in Prague] | Prague | [Pavilion in Kinsky Garden] | 5 | artist associations |
7. Brunner V. H.: Interieur [Interior]
painting: oil
Dvacátá šestá výstava Spolku výtvarných umělců Manes v Praze [Twenty-sixth Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artists Manes in Prague] Prague |
8. Brunner V. H.: Okno [Window]
painting: oil
Dvacátá šestá výstava Spolku výtvarných umělců Manes v Praze [Twenty-sixth Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artists Manes in Prague] Prague |
15. V. H. Brunner: Tempera [Tempera]
painting: tempera
S. V. U. Manes. XXIX. výstava. (Členská) [Union of Fine Artists Manes. XXIX. Exhibition. (Member's)] Prague |
59. V. H. Brunner: [Kresba] [[Drawing]]
- Original entry: "59-63 [cat. no.] Kresby [Drawings]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
XXX. výstava Sp. výtv. um. Manes. Výstava skizz [XXX. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes. Sketches Exhibition] Prague |
60. V. H. Brunner: [Kresba] [[Drawing]]
- Original entry: "59-63 [cat. no.] Kresby [Drawings]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
XXX. výstava Sp. výtv. um. Manes. Výstava skizz [XXX. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes. Sketches Exhibition] Prague |
61. V. H. Brunner: [Kresba] [[Drawing]]
- Original entry: "59-63 [cat. no.] Kresby [Drawings]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
XXX. výstava Sp. výtv. um. Manes. Výstava skizz [XXX. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes. Sketches Exhibition] Prague |
62. V. H. Brunner: [Kresba] [[Drawing]]
- Original entry: "59-63 [cat. no.] Kresby [Drawings]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
XXX. výstava Sp. výtv. um. Manes. Výstava skizz [XXX. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes. Sketches Exhibition] Prague |
63. V. H. Brunner: [Kresba] [[Drawing]]
- Original entry: "59-63 [cat. no.] Kresby [Drawings]". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
XXX. výstava Sp. výtv. um. Manes. Výstava skizz [XXX. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes. Sketches Exhibition] Prague |
III. sál [III. Hall]. Skupina
25. Brunner V. H.: Paridův soud [Judgement of Paris]
painting: oil
Umělecká výstava v Obecním domě »u Prašné věže« [Art Exhibition in the Municipal House "by the Powder Tower"] Prague |
III. sál [III. Hall]. Skupina
34. Brunner V. H.: Snímání s kříže [Descent from the Cross]
painting: oil
Umělecká výstava v Obecním domě »u Prašné věže« [Art Exhibition in the Municipal House "by the Powder Tower"] Prague |
III. sál [III. Hall]. Skupina
56. Brunner V. H.: Krajina [Landscape]
painting: oil
Umělecká výstava v Obecním domě »u Prašné věže« [Art Exhibition in the Municipal House "by the Powder Tower"] Prague |
39. Brunner V. H.: [Kresba ku tragedii Viktora Dyka „Zmoudření dona Quijota“] [Drawing to the Tragedy by Viktor Dyk "Don Quixote Awakening"]
- Original entry: "39-42 [cat. no.] 4 kresby jku tragedii Viktora Dyka 'Zmoudření dona Quijota'". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
- The type of work is not specified in the list of works, but in the description below the reproduction at the beginning of the catalogue. |
46. výstava S.V.U. Manes v Praze (členská) [46. (Member's) Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artists Manes in Prague] Prague |
40. Brunner V. H.: [Kresba ku tragedii Viktora Dyka „Zmoudření dona Quijota“] [Drawing to the Tragedy by Viktor Dyk "Don Quixote Awakening"]
- Original entry: "39-42 [cat. no.] 4 kresby jku tragedii Viktora Dyka 'Zmoudření dona Quijota'". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
- The type of work is not specified in the list of works, but in the description below the reproduction at the beginning of the catalogue. |
46. výstava S.V.U. Manes v Praze (členská) [46. (Member's) Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artists Manes in Prague] Prague |
41. Brunner V. H.: [Kresba ku tragedii Viktora Dyka „Zmoudření dona Quijota“] [Drawing to the Tragedy by Viktor Dyk "Don Quixote Awakening"]
- Original entry: "39-42 [cat. no.] 4 kresby jku tragedii Viktora Dyka 'Zmoudření dona Quijota'". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
- The type of work is not specified in the list of works, but in the description below the reproduction at the beginning of the catalogue. |
46. výstava S.V.U. Manes v Praze (členská) [46. (Member's) Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artists Manes in Prague] Prague |
42. Brunner V. H.: [Kresba ku tragedii Viktora Dyka „Zmoudření dona Quijota“] [Drawing to the Tragedy by Viktor Dyk "Don Quixote Awakening"]
- Original entry: "39-42 [cat. no.] 4 kresby jku tragedii Viktora Dyka 'Zmoudření dona Quijota'". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
- The type of work is not specified in the list of works, but in the description below the reproduction at the beginning of the catalogue. |
46. výstava S.V.U. Manes v Praze (členská) [46. (Member's) Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artists Manes in Prague] Prague |
43. Brunner V. H.: Kresba [Drawing]
- The type of work is not specified in the list of works, but in the description below the reproduction at the beginning of the catalogue.
46. výstava S.V.U. Manes v Praze (členská) [46. (Member's) Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artists Manes in Prague] Prague |