Czech artist, 1877-1942
II. Saal
70. Simon Franz: Eine spanische Tänzerin
Hagenbund. XV. Ausstellung Paris |
27. Šimon Fr.: Písčiny (dopolední nálada) [Sandbank (morning mood)]
XVI. výstava výtvarných umělců Manes v Praze [XVI. Exhibition of the Fine Artists Manes in Prague] Paris |
29. Šimon Fr.: Studie [Study]
painting: oil
XVI. výstava výtvarných umělců Manes v Praze [XVI. Exhibition of the Fine Artists Manes in Prague] Paris |
31. Šimon Fr.: Písčiny (po západu slunce) [Sandbank (After the Sunset)]
XVI. výstava výtvarných umělců Manes v Praze [XVI. Exhibition of the Fine Artists Manes in Prague] Paris |
42. Šimon Fr.: Hippodromy [Hippodromes]
painting: oil
XVI. výstava výtvarných umělců Manes v Praze [XVI. Exhibition of the Fine Artists Manes in Prague] Paris |
44. Šimon Fr.: St. Germaine [St. Germaine]
painting: oil
XVI. výstava výtvarných umělců Manes v Praze [XVI. Exhibition of the Fine Artists Manes in Prague] Paris |
69. Šimon Fr.: Večer v pařížských ulicích [Evening in the Streets of Paris]
painting: oil
XVI. výstava výtvarných umělců Manes v Praze [XVI. Exhibition of the Fine Artists Manes in Prague] Paris |
1169. Simon, Frantisek: Boulevard bei Regen
painting: oil
IX. Internationale Kunstausstellung 19, rue Daguerre, Paris |
109. Šimon Frant.: V zahradě Luxemburské [In Jardin du Luxembourg]
painting: oil
Umělecká výstava v Olomouci Spolku výtv. umělců „Manes“ [Art Exhibition in Olomouc of the Union of Fine Artist "Manes"] Paris |
Sál I (vstupní) [Hall I (entrance)]
110. Šimon Frant.: Dětské divadélko [Small Children's Theatre]
painting: oil
Umělecká výstava v Olomouci Spolku výtv. umělců „Manes“ [Art Exhibition in Olomouc of the Union of Fine Artist "Manes"] Paris |
111. Šimon Frant.: St. Germaine [St. Germain]
painting: oil
Umělecká výstava v Olomouci Spolku výtv. umělců „Manes“ [Art Exhibition in Olomouc of the Union of Fine Artist "Manes"] Paris |
112. Šimon Frant.: Večer v pařížských ulicích [Evening in the Street of Paris]
painting: oil
Umělecká výstava v Olomouci Spolku výtv. umělců „Manes“ [Art Exhibition in Olomouc of the Union of Fine Artist "Manes"] Paris |
113. Šimon Frant.: Hippodromy [Hippodromes]
painting: oil
Umělecká výstava v Olomouci Spolku výtv. umělců „Manes“ [Art Exhibition in Olomouc of the Union of Fine Artist "Manes"] Paris |
Sál I (vstupní) [Hall I (entrance)]
114. Šimon Frant.: Před bouří [Before the Storm]
painting: oil
Umělecká výstava v Olomouci Spolku výtv. umělců „Manes“ [Art Exhibition in Olomouc of the Union of Fine Artist "Manes"] Paris |
Sál IV [Hall IV]
115. Šimon Frant.: Písčiny (po západu slunce) [Sandbanks (after Sunset)]
painting: oil
Umělecká výstava v Olomouci Spolku výtv. umělců „Manes“ [Art Exhibition in Olomouc of the Union of Fine Artist "Manes"] Paris |
Sál II [Hall II]
116. Šimon Frant.: Písčiny (dopolední nálada) [Sandbanks (Morning Mood)]
painting: oil
Umělecká výstava v Olomouci Spolku výtv. umělců „Manes“ [Art Exhibition in Olomouc of the Union of Fine Artist "Manes"] Paris |
Sál I (vstupní) [Hall I (entrance)]
117. Šimon Frant.: Náraz větru [Wind Gust]
painting: oil
Umělecká výstava v Olomouci Spolku výtv. umělců „Manes“ [Art Exhibition in Olomouc of the Union of Fine Artist "Manes"] Paris |
Sál II [Hall II]
118. Šimon Frant.: Mlha [Fog]
painting: oil
Umělecká výstava v Olomouci Spolku výtv. umělců „Manes“ [Art Exhibition in Olomouc of the Union of Fine Artist "Manes"] Paris |
118. Šimon Fr.: V zahradě Luxemburské [In Jardin du Luxembourg]
painting: oil
Umělecká výstava S. V. U. „Manes“ [Art Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist "Manes"] Paris |
119. Šimon Fr.: Dětské divadélko [Children's Theater]
painting: oil
Umělecká výstava S. V. U. „Manes“ [Art Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist "Manes"] Paris |
120. Šimon Fr.: St. Germaine [St. Germain]
painting: oil
Umělecká výstava S. V. U. „Manes“ [Art Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist "Manes"] Paris |
121. Šimon Fr.: Večer v pařížských ulicích [Evening in the Streets of Paris]
painting: oil
Umělecká výstava S. V. U. „Manes“ [Art Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist "Manes"] Paris |
122. Šimon Fr.: Hippodromy [Hippodromes]
painting: oil
Umělecká výstava S. V. U. „Manes“ [Art Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist "Manes"] Paris |
123. Šimon Fr.: Před bouří [Before the Storm]
painting: oil
Umělecká výstava S. V. U. „Manes“ [Art Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist "Manes"] Paris |
124. Šimon Fr.: Písčiny (po západu) [Sandbanks (after Sunset)]
painting: oil
Umělecká výstava S. V. U. „Manes“ [Art Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist "Manes"] Paris |
125. Šimon Fr.: Písčiny (dopoledne) [Sandbanks (Forenoon)]
painting: oil
Umělecká výstava S. V. U. „Manes“ [Art Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist "Manes"] Paris |
126. Šimon Fr.: Mlha [Fog]
painting: oil
Umělecká výstava S. V. U. „Manes“ [Art Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist "Manes"] Paris |
1440. Simon (T. François): "L'Hiver"
painting: oil
Salon d'Automne. 3e Exposition 19, rue Daguerre, Paris |
3. Frant. Šimon: Cesta v Poříčí. (Soumrak) [Road in Poříčí. (Twilight)]
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
4. Frant. Šimon: Studie volů [Study of Oxen]
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
5. Frant. Šimon: Chalupa z Onivalu [Cottage from Onival]
1903 50
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
6. Frant. Šimon: Ze zahrady Luxemburgské [From the Jardin du Luxembourg]
1903 200
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
7. Frant. Šimon: Symfonie [Symphony]
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
8. Frant. Šimon: Brugges [Bruges]
1903 700
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
9. Frant. Šimon: Benátské stíny [Venetian Shadows]
1903 460
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
10. Frant. Šimon: Parné odpoledne [Sultry Afternoon]
1904 380
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
11. Frant. Šimon: Jaro [Spring]
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
12. Frant. Šimon: Na pláži [On a Beach]
1904 500
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
13. Frant. Šimon: Dostaveníčko [Rendezvous]
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
14. Frant. Šimon: Západ slunce u moře [Sunset by a Sea]
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
15. Frant. Šimon: Avenne de la Grd. Armée [Avenue de la Grande Armée]
1905 300
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
16. Frant. Šimon: V loži [In a Bed]
1902 500
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
17. Frant. Šimon: Oxford-Circus [Oxford Circus tube station]
1905 700
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
18. Frant. Šimon: St. Germaine [St. Germaine]
1904 200
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
19. Frant. Šimon: Portrét spisovatele pana J. V. Sládka [Portrait of the Writer Mr. J. V. Sládek]
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
20. Frant. Šimon: Dětské divadélko [Small Children's Theater]
1904 220
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
21. Frant. Šimon: Před Theâtre Marigny [In front of the Théâtre Marigny]
1905 800
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
22. Frant. Šimon: Písčiny. Dopolední nálada [Sandbank. Morning Mood]
1904 320
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
23. Frant. Šimon: Tuillerie na večer [Tuileries in the Evening]
1904 250
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
24. Frant. Šimon: Soumrak u moře [Sunset by a Sea]
1904 200
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
25. Frant. Šimon: Břehy u Onivalu [Shores at Onival]
1904 2000
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
26. Frant. Šimon: Normandské pastviny [Norman Pastures]
1903 200
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
27. Frant. Šimon: Parné odpoledne u moře [Sultry Afternoon by the Sea]
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
28. Frant. Šimon: Benátský dvorek [Venetian Backyard]
1902 750
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
29. Frant. Šimon: Rybáři [Fishermen]
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
30. Frant. Šimon: Léto [Summer]
1905 3000
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
31. Frant. Šimon: Přístav Fécamp [Port of Fécamp]
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
32. Frant. Šimon: Boullevardy při dešti [Boulevards in the Rain]
1903 1000
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
33. Frant. Šimon: Před bouří [Before the Storm]
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
34. Frant. Šimon: Zrcadlový kout [Mirror Corner]
1905 1000
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
36. Frant. Šimon: Z pařížské kavárny [From a Parisian Café]
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
37. Frant. Šimon: Podobizna malíře K. Špillara s chotí [Portrait of the Painter K. Špillar and his Wife]
1904 2000
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
38. Frant. Šimon: Tanečnice kankanu [Can-can Dancer[s]]
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
39. Frant. Šimon: Přístav v Ostende [Port in Ostend]
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
40. Frant. Šimon: Stíny elektrických lamp [Shadows of Electric Lamps]
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
41. Frant. Šimon: Večer v pařížských ulicích [Evening in the Streets of Paris]
1903 200
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
42. Frant. Šimon: Praha (Na Františku) [Prague (Na Františku)]
1903 320
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
43. Frant. Šimon: Theâtre Marigny [Théâtre Marigny]
1905 1200
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
44. Frant. Šimon: Do koupele [Into the Bath]
1905 300
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
45. Frant. Šimon: Studie [Study]
1903 40
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
46. Frant. Šimon: Májová noc [May Night]
1905 1500
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
47. Frant. Šimon: Studie [Study]
1904 50
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
48. Frant. Šimon: Podobizna malíře H. Böttingra [Portrait of the Painter H. Böttinger]
1905 4000
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
49. Frant. Šimon: Studie [Study]
1905 1000
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
50. Frant. Šimon: Trafalgar Square [Trafalgar Square]
1905 1000
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
51. Frant. Šimon: Přístav na Temži [Port on the Thames]
1905 900
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
52. Frant. Šimon: Soumrak na Boullevardu [Twilight at Boulevard]
1905 500
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
53. Frant. Šimon: Japonský ohňostroj [Japanese Fireworks]
1905 1200
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
54. Frant. Šimon: Une Demimondaine [Demimonde]
1905 2000
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
55. Frant. Šimon: Studie aktu s fialovou draperií [Study of a Nude with a Purple Drapery]
1905 800
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
56. Frant. Šimon: Podobizna sochaře O. Španiela [Portrait of the Sculptor O. Španiel]
1905 3000
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
57. Frant. Šimon: Studie aktu [Study of a Nude]
1905 800
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
58. Frant. Šimon: Podobizna slečny B. B. [Portrait of Miss B. B.]
1905 3000
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
59. Frant. Šimon: Starý kout z Boullevardů [Old Corner of the Boulevards]
1905 1000
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
60. Frant. Šimon: Studie japonského kostymu [Study of a Japanese Costume]
1905 800
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
61. Frant. Šimon: Podobizna hocha [Portrait of a Boy]
1905 1200
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
62. Frant. Šimon: Z londýnské ulice (Večer) [From a London Street (Evening)]
1905 1000
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
63. Frant. Šimon: Podobizna slečny A. B. [Portrait of Miss A. B.]
1905 4000
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
64. Frant. Šimon: Boullevard St. Dennis [Boulevard Saint-Denis]
1905 80
painting: oil
- Handwritten title correction in the catalogue: "Boullevard St. Denis" [Boulevard Saint-Denis].
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
65. Frant. Šimon: Moře po dešti [Sea after Rain]
1905 1500
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
66. Frant. Šimon: Skizza (Londýn) [Sketch (London)]
1905 80
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
67. Frant. Šimon: Place de la Concorde v Paříži [Place de la Concorde in Paris]
1905 1400
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
68. Frant. Šimon: Temže [Thames]
1905 2000
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
69. Frant. Šimon: London Brudge [London Bridge]
1905 1200
painting: oil
- Handwritten title correction in the catalogue: "London Bridge".
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
70. Frant. Šimon: Studie z Paříže [Study from Paris]
1904 90
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
71. Frant. Šimon: Hippodromy [Hippodromes]
1904 250
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
72. Frant. Šimon: Zahrada v Palais Royal [Garden of the Palais-Royal]
1905 120
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
73. Frant. Šimon: Westminstr [Westminster]
1905 800
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
74. Frant. Šimon: Musa [Muse]
1905 200
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
75. Frant. Šimon: Písčiny. Odpolední nálada [Sandbank. Afternoon Mood]
1905 400
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
76. Frant. Šimon: Studie k portrétu [Study for a Portrait]
1905 150
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
77. Frant. Šimon: Španělská tanečnice [Spanish Dancer [f]]
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
78. Frant. Šimon: Studie večerního světla [Study of the Evening Light]
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
79. Frant. Šimon: Písčiny. Po západu slunce [Sandbank. After the Sunset]
1904 400
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
80. Frant. Šimon: Dětství [Childhood]
1903 150
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
81. Frant. Šimon: Ze Stromovky [From Stromovka]
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
82. Frant. Šimon: Před zrcadlem [In front of a Mirror]
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
83. Frant. Šimon: Studie [Study]
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
84. Frant. Šimon: Parlament (Londýn) [Parliament (London)]
1905 1500
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
85. Frant. Šimon: Pasák ovcí [Shepherd]
painting: oil
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
86. Frant. Šimon: Ze Šárky. (Studie) [From Šárka. (Study)]
1903 60
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
88. Frant. Šimon: Kresba [Drawing]
1902 40
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
90. Frant. Šimon: Kresba [Drawing]
1902 40
XVIII. výstava S. V. U. Manes v Praze. Fr. Šimon [XVIII. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes in Prague. Fr. Šimon] |
27. Šimon František: Street in London
painting: oil
Imp. Royal Austrian Exhibition Prague |
Saal I.
1. Simon Franz: Parliament (London)
painting: oil
Hagenbund. Neunzehnte Ausstellung Prague |
Saal I.
17. Simon Franz: Une Demimondaine
painting: oil
Hagenbund. Neunzehnte Ausstellung Prague |
1562. Simon (T. François): Portrait de Mlle. B…
painting: oil
Salon d'Automne. 4e Exposition |
1563. Simon (T. François): Au Théátre
painting: oil
Salon d'Automne. 4e Exposition |
1564. Simon (T. François): Sur la Plage
painting: oil
Salon d'Automne. 4e Exposition |
1565. Simon (T. François): La Mer montant
painting: oil
Salon d'Automne. 4e Exposition |
1566. Simon (T. François): Crépuscule, la Seine
painting: oil
Salon d'Automne. 4e Exposition |
51. Šimon František: »Quai long“ v Bruggách ["Quai long" in Bruges]
painting: oil
XXI. výstava Spolku výtvarných umělců Manes v Praze [XXI. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artists Manes in Prague] Paris |
85. Šimon František: Slunná pláž [Sunny Beach]
painting: oil
XXI. výstava Spolku výtvarných umělců Manes v Praze [XXI. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artists Manes in Prague] Paris |
92. Šimon František: Starý domek v Bruggách [Small Old House in Bruges]
painting: oil
XXI. výstava Spolku výtvarných umělců Manes v Praze [XXI. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artists Manes in Prague] Paris |
94. Šimon František: Vetešnický krámek [Junk Shop]
painting: oil
XXI. výstava Spolku výtvarných umělců Manes v Praze [XXI. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artists Manes in Prague] Paris |
54. Simon Franz: Gasse in London
painting: oil
Hagenbund XXI. Ausstellung 83, Bd. Montparnasse; II, Paris |
253. Šimon Franz: Tower Bridge, London
painting: oil
Hagenbund. Zweiundzwanzigste Ausstellung Paris |
256. Šimon Franz: Beffroi in Brügge
painting: oil
Hagenbund. Zweiundzwanzigste Ausstellung Paris |
Sala Austriaca
27. Al sole
VII. Esposizione Internazionale d’Arte della Città di Venezia |
167. Simon Franz: Strandesleben (Normandie)
painting: oil
Hagenbund. XXIII. Ausstellung 83, Bd. Montparnasse; II, Paris |
225. Simon Franz: Boulevard St. Denis im Regen
painting: oil
Hagenbund. XXIII. Ausstellung 83, Bd. Montparnasse; II, Paris |
227. Simon Franz: Place de la Concorde in Paris
painting: oil
Hagenbund. XXIII. Ausstellung 83, Bd. Montparnasse; II, Paris |
73. Šimon František: Slunné pobřeží [Sunny Shore]
painting: oil
Dvacátá šestá výstava Spolku výtvarných umělců Manes v Praze [Twenty-sixth Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artists Manes in Prague] Paris |
74. Šimon František: Boulevard St. Denis za deště [Boulevard St. Denis during Rain]
painting: oil
Dvacátá šestá výstava Spolku výtvarných umělců Manes v Praze [Twenty-sixth Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artists Manes in Prague] Paris |
Grüner Saal
22. Šimon, Franz: Palazzo di Desdemona (Venedig)
Hagenbund. XXVII. Ausstellung 25, Rue Humboldt; XIV, Paris |
Blauer Saal
53. Šimon Franz: Oxford Circus (London)
painting: oil
Hagenbund. XXVII. Ausstellung 25, Rue Humboldt; XIV, Paris |
Gelber Saal
274. Šimon Franz: Nocturno (Verona)
painting: oil
Hagenbund. XXVII. Ausstellung 25, Rue Humboldt; XIV, Paris |
95. T. F. Šimon: Luxemburská zahrada v Paříži [Luxembourg Garden in Paris]
painting: oil
S. V. U. Manes. XXIX. výstava. (Členská) [Union of Fine Artists Manes. XXIX. Exhibition. (Member's)] Paris |
266. T. F. Šimon: London Bridge v Londýně [London Bridge in London]
painting: oil
XXX. výstava Sp. výtv. um. Manes. Výstava skizz [XXX. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes. Sketches Exhibition] Paris |
267. T. F. Šimon: Skizza od Seiny v Paříži [Sketch from the Seine in Paris]
painting: oil
XXX. výstava Sp. výtv. um. Manes. Výstava skizz [XXX. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes. Sketches Exhibition] Paris |
268. T. F. Šimon: S. Marko v slunci [St Mark's in the Sun]
painting: oil
XXX. výstava Sp. výtv. um. Manes. Výstava skizz [XXX. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes. Sketches Exhibition] Paris |
269. T. F. Šimon: Londýnská ulice večer [London Street in the Evening]
painting: oil
XXX. výstava Sp. výtv. um. Manes. Výstava skizz [XXX. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes. Sketches Exhibition] Paris |
270. T. F. Šimon: Večerní promenáda v Benátkách [Evening Promenade in Venice]
painting: oil
XXX. výstava Sp. výtv. um. Manes. Výstava skizz [XXX. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes. Sketches Exhibition] Paris |
271. T. F. Šimon: Londýnská ulice večer [London Street in the Evening]
painting: oil
XXX. výstava Sp. výtv. um. Manes. Výstava skizz [XXX. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes. Sketches Exhibition] Paris |
272. T. F. Šimon: Japonské drama ⟨Sada Jako⟩ [Japanese Drama (Sada Yacco)]
painting: oil
XXX. výstava Sp. výtv. um. Manes. Výstava skizz [XXX. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes. Sketches Exhibition] Paris |
273. T. F. Šimon: Quadrille excentrique [Eccentric Quadrille]
painting: oil
XXX. výstava Sp. výtv. um. Manes. Výstava skizz [XXX. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes. Sketches Exhibition] Paris |
274. T. F. Šimon: Rue Royale v zimě [Rue Royale in Winter]
painting: oil
XXX. výstava Sp. výtv. um. Manes. Výstava skizz [XXX. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes. Sketches Exhibition] Paris |
275. T. F. Šimon: Skizza v Amsterodamu [Sketch in Amsterdam]
XXX. výstava Sp. výtv. um. Manes. Výstava skizz [XXX. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes. Sketches Exhibition] Paris |
366. Fr. Šimon: Z Luxemburské zahrady [From the Jardin du Luxembourg]
painting: oil
XXX. výstava Sp. výtv. um. Manes. Výstava skizz [XXX. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes. Sketches Exhibition] Paris |
367. Fr. Šimon: Tower Bridg v Londýně [Tower Bridge in London]
painting: oil
XXX. výstava Sp. výtv. um. Manes. Výstava skizz [XXX. Exhibition of the Union of Fine Artist Manes. Sketches Exhibition] Paris |
92. Šimon Franz T.: Am Strande
painting: oil
Weihnachtsausstellung. Künstlerbund Hagen [31. Ausstellung] 25, Rue Humboldt; XIV, Paris |
93. Šimon Franz T.: Golf bei Amsterdam
painting: oil
Weihnachtsausstellung. Künstlerbund Hagen [31. Ausstellung] 25, Rue Humboldt; XIV, Paris |
127. Šimon Franz T.: Seebad in Ostende
painting: oil
Weihnachtsausstellung. Künstlerbund Hagen [31. Ausstellung] 25, Rue Humboldt; XIV, Paris |
63. Simon, Franz: Boulevard St. Martin
painting: oil
Hagenbund. Frühjahrs-Ausstellung 25, Rue Humboldt; XIV, Paris |
183. Simon Franz: Pont d'Austerlitz (Überschwemmung)
painting: oil
Hagenbund. Frühjahrs-Ausstellung 25, Rue Humboldt; XIV, Paris |
188. Simon Franz: Place de la Concorde
painting: oil
Hagenbund. Frühjahrs-Ausstellung 25, Rue Humboldt; XIV, Paris |
102. Šimon T. F.: Pferde im Meer
painting: oil
Hagenbund. Kollektivausstellung der Vereinigung Bildender Künstler Manes. Prag Paris |
II. sál [II. Hall]. Manes
38. Šimon T. F.: Koně v moři [Horses in the Sea]
painting: oil
Umělecká výstava v Obecním domě »u Prašné věže« [Art Exhibition in the Municipal House "by the Powder Tower"] Paris |