
Otto Barth

Austrian artist, 1876-1916

Places of Activity:
Starhemberggasse 29; 1040, Vienna
Exhibitions: 14
Exhibiting Countries: 2
Exhibiting Cities: 3
Catalogue Entries: 59
Types of Work: painting and drawing: 59
Date Title City Venue # of Cat. Entries Type of Org. Body
Mar 16‒Jun 1906 Hagenbund. Neunzehnte Ausstellung Vienna Räume des Künstlerbundes Hagen - Zedlitzgasse 1 artist associations
Dec 7, 1906‒Jan 20, 1907 Hagenbund XXI. Ausstellung Vienna Räume des Künstlerbundes Hagen - Zedlitzgasse 9 artist associations
Frühling 1907 Hagenbund. Zweiundzwanzigste Ausstellung Vienna Räume des Künstlerbundes Hagen - Zedlitzgasse 1 artist associations
Oct 5‒Nov 1907 Hagenbund. XXIII. Ausstellung Vienna Räume des Künstlerbundes Hagen - Zedlitzgasse 6 artist associations
1908 Kaiser-Huldigungs-Ausstellung Hagenbund-Manes-Sztuka Vienna Gebäude der Secession 3 artist associations
Nov 1908‒Jan 1909 Hagenbund. XXVII. Ausstellung Vienna Räume des Künstlerbundes Hagen - Zedlitzgasse 2 artist associations
Sep 4‒19, 1909 Hagenbund. Alpine Kunstausstellung Vienna Räume des Künstlerbundes Hagen - Zedlitzgasse 5 artist associations
Dec 1909‒Jan 1910 Weihnachtsausstellung. Künstlerbund Hagen [31. Ausstellung] Vienna Räume des Künstlerbundes Hagen - Zedlitzgasse 3 artist associations
Mar‒May 1910 Künstlerbund Hagen. Frühjahrs-Ausstellung [32. Ausstellung] Vienna Räume des Künstlerbundes Hagen - Zedlitzgasse 2 artist associations
Nov 19, 1910‒Dec 10, 1911 Künstlerbund Hagen. Herbst-Ausstellung Vienna Räume des Künstlerbundes Hagen - Zedlitzgasse 8 artist associations
1911 Hagenbund Prague Galerie Josefinum 7 artist associations
Mar‒Aug 1911 Hagenbund. Frühjahrs-Ausstellung Vienna Räume des Künstlerbundes Hagen - Zedlitzgasse 2 artist associations
Mar 23‒Apr 1912 Hagenbund. Frühjahrsausstellung. [35. Ausstellung] Vienna Räume des Künstlerbundes Hagen - Zedlitzgasse 4 artist associations
May 17‒Aug 31, 1914 44. výstava vídeňského spolku umělců „Hagenbund“ [44. Exhibition of the Viennese Artists' Association "Hagenbund"] Hodonín [House of Artists] 6 artist associations
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Name Nationality Date of Birth Date of Death # of Co-Appearances
Adolf Gross AT 1873 1937 13 exhibitions
Karl Huck AT 1876 1926 11 exhibitions
Josef Beyer AT 1843 1917 13 exhibitions
Hugo Baar AT 1873 1912 13 exhibitions
Henryk Uziemblo PL 1879 1949 10 exhibitions
Augustin Roth AT 1864 1952 13 exhibitions
Rudolf Junk AT 1880 1943 9 exhibitions
Oskar Laske AT 1874 1951 10 exhibitions
Ferdinand Michl CZ 1877 1951 12 exhibitions
Ludvík Kuba CZ 1863 1956 11 exhibitions
Wilhelm Wodnansky AT 1876 1958 8 exhibitions
Kazimierz Sichulski PL 1879 1942 10 exhibitions
Ludwig Ferdinand Graf AT 1868 1932 9 exhibitions
Rudolf Sieck DE 1877 1957 11 exhibitions
Vaclav Malý CZ 1874 1935 6 exhibitions
Oskar Artur Alexander AT Feb 20, 1876 Apr 6, 1953 6 exhibitions
Walter Sigmund Hampel AT 1867 1949 8 exhibitions
Gustave Bamberger DE 1861 1936 7 exhibitions
Paul Ress CZ 1878 1952 6 exhibitions
Jan Honsa CZ 1876 1937 10 exhibitions
Leo Delitz AT 1882 1966 5 exhibitions
Anton Bleichsteiner AT Jan 21, 1879 Jan 19, 1963 5 exhibitions
Karl Alexander Wilke DE 1879 1954 5 exhibitions
Alexander Demetrius Goltz AT 1857 1944 7 exhibitions
Alois Leopold Seibold AT 1879 1951 5 exhibitions
Jakob Glasner PL 1879 1942 5 exhibitions
Otto Bauriedl DE 1879 Jun 12, 1961 11 exhibitions
Hugo Boettinger CZ 1880 1934 9 exhibitions
Heinrich Révy DE 1883 1949 5 exhibitions
Tibor Bottlik HU 1884 1974 4 exhibitions
Alois Kalvoda CZ 1875 1934 8 exhibitions
Otto Bruenauer AT 1877 1912 5 exhibitions
Frieda Konstantin HU 1884 1918 4 exhibitions
T. Frantisek Simon CZ 1877 1942 7 exhibitions
Raoul Frank AT 1867 1939 4 exhibitions
Heinrich Lefler AT 1863 1919 3 exhibitions
Robert Obtresal AT 1880 1915 3 exhibitions
Richard Lauda CZ 1873 1929 5 exhibitions
Ferdinand Dorsch DE 1875 1938 7 exhibitions
Fritz Hegenbart AT 1864 1943 3 exhibitions
Josef Ullmann CZ 1870 1922 5 exhibitions
Gino Parin IT 1876 1944 4 exhibitions
Paula Rösler DE 1875 1941 3 exhibitions
Robert Fink SK 1878 1950 3 exhibitions
Victor Eckhardsburg AT 1864 1946 3 exhibitions
Gustav Gwozdecki PL 1880 1935 3 exhibitions
Johann Victor Krämer AT 1861 1949 4 exhibitions
Georg Merkel AT 1881 1976 3 exhibitions
Viktor Hammer AT 1882 1967 3 exhibitions
Leopold Blauensteiner AT 1880 1947 3 exhibitions
Max Kahrer AT 1878 1937 3 exhibitions
Ferdinand Staeger DE 1880 Sep 11, 1976 4 exhibitions
Imre Károly Simay HU 1874 1955 3 exhibitions
Maurice Góth HU 1873 1939 3 exhibitions
Hermann Ebers DE 1881 1955 3 exhibitions
Joža Úprka CZ 1861 1940 4 exhibitions
Jaromir Stretti-Zamponi CZ 1882 1959 2 exhibitions
Ferdinand Zach AT 1868 1956 2 exhibitions
Hans Katzler AT 1881 1952 2 exhibitions
Viktor Beranek AT 1863 1910 2 exhibitions
Carl Leopold Hollitzer AT 1874 1942 2 exhibitions
Ferdinand Pamberger AT 1873 1956 2 exhibitions
Ludwig Vacatko AT 1873 1956 4 exhibitions
Michael Powolny AT 1871 1954 2 exhibitions
Vilém Hejda AT 1868 1942 2 exhibitions
Lino Vesco AT 1879 1940 2 exhibitions
Adolf Luntz AT 1875 1924 3 exhibitions
Józef Krasnowolski PL 1879 1939 2 exhibitions
Elisabeth Weber-Fülöp HU 1883 1966 2 exhibitions
Viktor Stretti CZ 1878 1957 3 exhibitions
Julius Paul Junghanns DE 1876 1958 4 exhibitions
Sidonie Springer CZ 1878 1937 2 exhibitions
Ernesztin Szablya-Frischauf HU 1878 1940 2 exhibitions
Louise Fraenkel-Hahn AT 1878 1939 2 exhibitions
Hans Weber-Tyrol AT 1874 1957 2 exhibitions
Irma von Duczynska AT 1869 1932 2 exhibitions
Rudolf Konopa AT 1864 1938 2 exhibitions
Emilie Dworsky AT 1883 1959 2 exhibitions
Bertold Löffler AT 1874 1960 2 exhibitions
Jakub Obrovsky CZ 1882 1949 2 exhibitions
Berthold Fritz Neuhaus DE 1882 1956 2 exhibitions
Franziska Esser-Reynier AT 1876 1913 2 exhibitions
Antoš Frolka CZ 1877 1935 2 exhibitions
Karel Spillar CZ 1871 1939 2 exhibitions
Bohumír Jaroněk CZ 1866 1933 2 exhibitions
Josef Schmid-Fichtelberg DE 1877 1964 2 exhibitions
Antonín Slavíček CZ 1870 1910 2 exhibitions
Józef Mehoffer PL 1869 1946 2 exhibitions
Bedřich Wachsmann CZ 1871 1944 2 exhibitions
Jan Preisler CZ 1872 1918 2 exhibitions
Wilhelm Legler AT Apr 3, 1875 Apr 28, 1951 2 exhibitions
Otakar Nejedlý CZ 1883 1957 2 exhibitions
Antonin Hudecek CZ 1872 1941 2 exhibitions
Otto Hettner DE 1875 1931 2 exhibitions

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Recommended Citation: "Otto Barth." In Database of Modern Exhibitions (DoME). European Paintings and Drawings 1905-1915. Last modified Jan 7, 2021.