
Oil Paintings and Watercolours by Horace Mann Livens

ID: 1295, Status: proof read
Exhibition period:
Feb 1914
Organizing Bodies:
Goupil Gallery
s (Great Britain Pound (in Shilling))
Catalogue Entries: 69
Artists: 1
Gender: female: 0, male: 1
Nationalities: 1
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Date Title City Venue Type
Catalogue of Oil Paintings and Watercolours by Horace Mann Livens. With Facsimile of a Letter from Vincent van Gogh. William Marchant & Co. 1914.
Nr. of pages: 15 [PDF page number: 18].
Holding Institution: Victoria & Albert National Art Library
Catalogue Structure
[Facsimile: letter from van Gogh], 6 p. [p. 3-8]
"Watercolours", cat. no. 1-32, p. 9-11
"Oil Paintings", cat. no. 33-69, p. 12-15
"The letter, of which a facsimile is given in the following pages, was written by Vincent van Gogh in the early part of 1886, and is now published for the first time.
In asking Mr. Livens's permission to reproduce this letter, we considered that it contained, apart from the reference to his work, matter of sufficiently general interest to justify its publication.
W. M. & Co.", n.p. [p. 2]

+Gender Distribution (Pie Chart)

+Artists’ Age at Exhibition Start(Bar Chart)

+Artists’ Nationality(Pie Chart)

+Exhibiting Cities of Artists(Pie Chart)

+Catalogue Entries by Type of Work(Pie Chart)

+Catalogue Entries by Nationality(Pie Chart)

Name Date of Birth Date of Death Nationality # of Cat. Entries
Horace Mann Livens 1862 1936 GB 69
Recommended Citation: "Oil Paintings and Watercolours by Horace Mann Livens." In Database of Modern Exhibitions (DoME). European Paintings and Drawings 1905-1915. Last modified Sep 28, 2018. https://exhibitions.univie.ac.at/exhibition/1295