
[Poslednyaya futuristicheskaya vy'stavka kartin 0,10 (Nolʹ-desyatʹ) : The Last Futurist Exhibition of Painting 0.10 (Zero-Ten)]

Последняя футуристическая выставка картин 0,10 (Ноль-десять)

ID: 732, Status: proof read
Exhibition period:
Jan 2‒Feb 1, 1916 (Dec 20, 1915‒Jan 19, 1916 o.S.)
RUB (Russian Imperial Ruble)
Ticket Price:
[Vernissage] 1 [normal] 0,5 [student] 0,3
Catalogue Entries: 156
Types of Work: painting and drawing: 15, other medium: 15, unknown: 126
Artists: 14
Gender: female: 7, male: 7
Nationalities: 3
collapse all Catalogue View List View
Date Title City Venue Type
Date Title City Venue # of common Artists
Mar 3, 1915 (Feb 18, 1915 o.S.) 1-ая Футуристическая Выставка картин Трамвай В [1-aya Futuristicheskaya Vy'stavka kartin Tramvaj V : First Futurist Exhibition Tramway V] Saint Petersburg [Small Hall of the Imperial Society of the Promotion of the Arts] 8 artists
Dec 17, 1911‒Jan 23, 1912 (Dec 4, 1911‒Jan 10, 1912 o.S.) Союз Молодежи [Sojuz Molodezhi : Union of Youth] Saint Petersburg Nevsky 73 4 artists
Jan‒Feb 1914 Выставка Картин Общества Художников "Бубновый Валет" [Vy'stavka Kartin Obshhestva Khudozhnikov "Bubnovy'j Valet" : Exhibition of Paintings of the "Jack of Diamonds Association"] Moscow [Dom Levisson : Levisson House] 3 artists
1911 2-я Выставка картин общества художников "Союз Молодежи" [2-ya Vy'stavka kartin obshhestva khudozhnikov "Soyuz Molodezhi" : 2nd Exhibition of Paintings of the Artists' Association "Union of Youth"] Saint Petersburg Saint Petersburg (exact location unknown) 3 artists
Dec 26, 1912‒Jan 30, 1913 (Dec 13, 1912‒Jan 17, 1913 o.S.) Выставка картин, скульптуры, графики, индустрии "Современная Живопись" [Vy'stavka kartin, skulʹptury', grafiki, industrii "Sovremennaya Zhivopisʹ" : Exhibition of Paintings, Sculpture, Graphics, Industry "Contemporary Art"] Moscow [Dom Levisson : Levisson House] 2 artists
Jan 8‒Feb 13, 1914 (Dec 26, 1913‒Jan 31, 1914 o.S.) 2-я Выставка Картин "Современная Живопись" и Коллекции Гемм [2-ya Vy'stavka Kartin "Sovremennaya Zhivopisʹ" i Kollekczii Gemm : 2nd Exhibition of Paintings "Modern Painting" and Gemm Collections] Moscow [Dom Levisson : Levisson House] 2 artists
Oct 28, 1913 (Oct 15, 1913 o.S.) Постоянная Выставка Современнаго Искусства [Postoyannaya Vy'stavka Sovremennago Iskusstva : Permanent Exhibition of Modern Art] Saint Petersburg [Khudozhestvennoe Byuro Doby'chinoj : Dobychina's Art Bureau] 3 artists
Nov 1913 Мир Искусства. Выставка картин [Mir Iskusstva. Vy'stavka kartin : World of Art. Exhibition of paintings] Saint Petersburg Dom Obshestva Pooshrfenija hudozhestv 2 artists
Dec 1913 Мир Искусства [Mir Iskusstva : World of Art] Moscow [Bolʹshaya Dmitrovka 11 : Bolshaya Dmitrovka Street 11] 2 artists
Opening Hours
[Day of the vernissage:] 04pm-08pm [all other days:] 10am-05pm
Последняя футуристическая выставка картин 0,10 (Ноль-десять). 1915.

Holding Institution: Fondation Beyeler
Additional Information
Other Mediums listed
Participant Addresses listed
Additional Notes
The following information is taken from the exhibition poster: - Participants of the Group "Tramvaj V" - 50% of the income goes to the Artists Infarmy - Vernissage December 19th [Julian calendar] - Ticket Price 1 RUB - Exhibition Opening December 20th [Julian calendar], Ticket Price 0,50 RUB - Work hours on the day of the vernissage from 4pm-8pm - Work hours on the opening's day and all the other days from 10am-5pm - Ticket price for students 0,30 RUB https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:0.10_%D0%9F%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%82.jpg
Closing date taken from:
Matthew Drutt et al.  (eds.): Auf der Suche nach 0,10. Die letzte futuristische Ausstellung der Malerei. Ostfildern 2015. p. 15.

+Gender Distribution (Pie Chart)

+Artists’ Age at Exhibition Start(Bar Chart)

+Artists’ Nationality(Pie Chart)

+Places of Activity of Artists(Pie Chart)

+Exhibiting Cities of Artists(Pie Chart)

+Catalogue Entries by Type of Work(Pie Chart)

+Catalogue Entries by Nationality(Pie Chart)

Name Date of Birth Date of Death Nationality # of Cat. Entries
Natan Alt'man 1889 1970 RU 1
Xenia Boguslawskaja Jan 24, 1892 May 5, 1971 5
Marie Vassilieff 1884 1957 RU 6
Vasiliǐ Kamenskiǐ 1884 1961 RU 2
Anna Michajlovna Kirillova RU 4
Ivan Klyun 1873 1943 RU 6
Kazimir Malevich 1878 1935 RU 40
Mikhail Ivanovich Menkov 1885 1926 RU 4
Vera Efimovna Pestel' 1888 1952 RU 4
Lyubov' Popova 1889 1924 RU 12
Jean Pougny 1892 1956 RU 23
Ol'ga Rozanova 1886 1918 RU 11
Vladimir Tatlin 1885 1953 UA 13
Nadezhda Udal'tsova 1886 1961 RU 10
Recommended Citation: "[Poslednyaya futuristicheskaya vy'stavka kartin 0,10 (Nolʹ-desyatʹ) : The Last Futurist Exhibition of Painting 0.10 (Zero-Ten)]." In Database of Modern Exhibitions (DoME). European Paintings and Drawings 1905-1915. Last modified Mar 12, 2025. https://exhibitions.univie.ac.at/exhibition/732