
[2-ya Vy'stavka Kartin "Sovremennaya Zhivopisʹ" i Kollekczii Gemm : 2nd Exhibition of Paintings "Modern Painting" and Gemm Collections]

2-я Выставка Картин "Современная Живопись" и Коллекции Гемм

( ? Античных Драгоценных Камней) собранныз Т. В. Кибальчичем на Юге России.
ID: 1480, Status: completed
Exhibition period:
Jan 8‒Feb 13, 1914 (Dec 26, 1913‒Jan 31, 1914 o.S.)
Catalogue Entries: 285
Types of Work: painting and drawing: 1, other medium: 57, unknown: 227
Artists: 39
Gender: female: 6, male: 33
Nationalities: 3
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Date Title City Venue Type
Date Title City Venue # of common Artists
Dec 26, 1912‒Jan 30, 1913 (Dec 13, 1912‒Jan 17, 1913 o.S.) Выставка картин, скульптуры, графики, индустрии "Современная Живопись" [Vy'stavka kartin, skulʹptury', grafiki, industrii "Sovremennaya Zhivopisʹ" : Exhibition of Paintings, Sculpture, Graphics, Industry "Contemporary Art"] Moscow [Dom Levisson : Levisson House] 19 artists
Mar 3, 1915 (Feb 18, 1915 o.S.) 1-ая Футуристическая Выставка картин Трамвай В [1-aya Futuristicheskaya Vy'stavka kartin Tramvaj V : First Futurist Exhibition Tramway V] Saint Petersburg [Small Hall of the Imperial Society of the Promotion of the Arts] 2 artists
Jan 2‒Feb 1, 1916 (Dec 20, 1915‒Jan 19, 1916 o.S.) Последняя футуристическая выставка картин 0,10 (Ноль-десять) [Poslednyaya futuristicheskaya vy'stavka kartin 0,10 (Nolʹ-desyatʹ) : The Last Futurist Exhibition of Painting 0.10 (Zero-Ten)] Saint Petersburg [Khudozhestvennoe Byuro Doby'chinoj : Dobychina's Art Bureau] 2 artists
Dec 17, 1911‒Jan 23, 1912 (Dec 4, 1911‒Jan 10, 1912 o.S.) Союз Молодежи [Sojuz Molodezhi : Union of Youth] Saint Petersburg Nevsky 73 2 artists
1911 2-я Выставка картин общества художников "Союз Молодежи" [2-ya Vy'stavka kartin obshhestva khudozhnikov "Soyuz Molodezhi" : 2nd Exhibition of Paintings of the Artists' Association "Union of Youth"] Saint Petersburg Saint Petersburg (exact location unknown) 2 artists
1913 Бубновый валет [Bubnovy'j valet : Jack of Diamonds] Saint Petersburg [Dom Shvedskoj Czerkvi] 2 artists
1908 XVI Выставка Картин Московского Товарищества Художников [XVI Vy'stavka Kartin Moskovskogo Tovarishhestva Khudozhnikov : The 16th Exhibition of Paintings. Moscow Association of Artists] Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown) 2 artists
Jan 23‒Feb 26, 1912 Выставка Картин Общества Художников "Бубновый Валет" [Vy'stavka Kartin Obshhestva Khudozhnikov "Bubnovy'j Valet" : Exhibition of Paintings by "Jack of Diamonds Association of Artists"] Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown) 2 artists
1908 XV Выставка Картин Московскаго Товарищества Художников [XV Vy'stavka Kartin Moskovskago Tovarishhestva Khudozhnikov : The 15th Exhibition of Paintings. Moscow Association of Artists] Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown) 2 artists
1915 Выставка Картин "Мир Искусства" [Vy'stavka Kartin "Mir Iskusstva" : Exhibition of Paintings "The World of Art"] Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown) 2 artists
1911 Общество Художников "Московский Салон" [Obshhestvo Khudozhnikov "Moskovskij Salon" : Association of Artists "Salon of Moscow"] Moscow [Pomeshhenie e'konomicheskago obshhestva oficzerov : Officer's room at the Economic Society] 2 artists
1909‒1910 XVII Выставка Картин Московскаго Товарищества Художников [XVII Vy'stavka Kartin Moskovskago Tovarishhestva Khudozhnikov : The 17th Exhibition of paintings. Moscow Association of Artists] Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown) 2 artists
Dec 1913 Мир Искусства [Mir Iskusstva : World of Art] Moscow [Bolʹshaya Dmitrovka 11 : Bolshaya Dmitrovka Street 11] 2 artists
2-я Выставка Картин "Современная Живопись" и Коллекции Гемм. Типография Поманский и Запольский 1914.
Nr. of pages: 30.
Holding Institution: Archives of University of Pittsburgh
Catalogue Structure
"Этюды Финляндии" ["Studies of Finland"], cat. no. 9 - 10, p. 3
"Этюды цветника" ["Studies of a flower garden], cat. no 14 - 16, p. 3
"Опыты станковой живописи" [Experience easel painting], cat. 30 - 32, p. 4
"В имении графа Орлова-Давыдова времен Екатерины II", ["In the estate of Count Orlov-Davydov in the time of Catherine II"], cat. no. 60 - 66, p.6
"Швейцария", ["Switzerland"], cat. no. 149 - 153, p 11
Additional Information
Other Mediums listed
Participant Addresses listed
Member Addresses listed
Additional Notes
Москва, 1913 г. Типография Поманский и Запольский, Каланчевская, 37. Телеф. 5-30-25. [Moscow, 1913 Printing house Pomansky and Zapolsky, Kalanchevskaya, 37. Phone 5-30-25.]

+Gender Distribution (Pie Chart)

+Artists’ Age at Exhibition Start(Bar Chart)

+Artists’ Nationality(Pie Chart)

+Exhibiting Cities of Artists(Pie Chart)

+Catalogue Entries by Type of Work(Pie Chart)

+Catalogue Entries by Nationality(Pie Chart)

Recommended Citation: "[2-ya Vy'stavka Kartin "Sovremennaya Zhivopisʹ" i Kollekczii Gemm : 2nd Exhibition of Paintings "Modern Painting" and Gemm Collections]." In Database of Modern Exhibitions (DoME). European Paintings and Drawings 1905-1915. Last modified Jul 27, 2024. https://exhibitions.univie.ac.at/exhibition/1480