Ukrainian painter, 1866-1961
154. Сагайдачный Е. Я. [Sagajdachnyj E. Ya.]: Счастье в преступлении [Schastʹe v prestuplenii : Happiness in Crime]
Выставка Картин О-ва Художников "Союз молодежи" [Vy'stavka Kartin O-va Khudozhnikov "Soyuz molodezhi" : Exhibition of Paintings of the Artistic Group "Union of Youth"] |
155. Сагайдачный Е. Я. [Sagajdachnyj E. Ya.]: Медальон [Medalʹon : Medallion]
Выставка Картин О-ва Художников "Союз молодежи" [Vy'stavka Kartin O-va Khudozhnikov "Soyuz molodezhi" : Exhibition of Paintings of the Artistic Group "Union of Youth"] |
156. Сагайдачный Е. Я. [Sagajdachnyj E. Ya.]: Венеция [Venecziya : Venice]
Выставка Картин О-ва Художников "Союз молодежи" [Vy'stavka Kartin O-va Khudozhnikov "Soyuz molodezhi" : Exhibition of Paintings of the Artistic Group "Union of Youth"] |
157. Сагайдачный Е. Я. [Sagajdachnyj E. Ya.]: На разсвете [Na razsvete : At Dawn]
Выставка Картин О-ва Художников "Союз молодежи" [Vy'stavka Kartin O-va Khudozhnikov "Soyuz molodezhi" : Exhibition of Paintings of the Artistic Group "Union of Youth"] |
178. Сагайдачий, Е. Я.: Счастье в преступлении. [Schastʹe v prestuplenii. : Happiness in crime.]
Союз Молодежи [Soyuz Molodezhi : Union of Youth] |
179. Сагайдачий, Е. Я.: Медальон. [Medalʹon. : Medallion.]
Союз Молодежи [Soyuz Molodezhi : Union of Youth] |
180. Сагайдачий, Е. Я.: Венеция. [Venecziya. : Venice.]
Союз Молодежи [Soyuz Molodezhi : Union of Youth] |
181. Сагайдачий, Е. Я.: На рассвете. [Na rassvete. : At dawn.]
Союз Молодежи [Soyuz Molodezhi : Union of Youth] |
82. Сагайдачный Е. Я. [Sagajdachny'j E. Ya.]: Свадьба (Декоративный фриз) [Svadʹba (Dekorativny'j friz) : Wedding (Decorative Frieze)]
2-я Выставка картин общества художников "Союз Молодежи" [2-ya Vy'stavka kartin obshhestva khudozhnikov "Soyuz Molodezhi" : 2nd Exhibition of Paintings of the Artists' Association "Union of Youth"] |
83. Сагайдачный Е. Я. [Sagajdachny'j E. Ya.]: [Пейзаж] [[Pejzazh] : [Landscape]]
Original entry: "83-88 [cat. no.] Пейзажи". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
2-я Выставка картин общества художников "Союз Молодежи" [2-ya Vy'stavka kartin obshhestva khudozhnikov "Soyuz Molodezhi" : 2nd Exhibition of Paintings of the Artists' Association "Union of Youth"] |
84. Сагайдачный Е. Я. [Sagajdachny'j E. Ya.]: [Пейзаж] [[Pejzazh] : [Landscape]]
Original entry: "83-88 [cat. no.] Пейзажи". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
2-я Выставка картин общества художников "Союз Молодежи" [2-ya Vy'stavka kartin obshhestva khudozhnikov "Soyuz Molodezhi" : 2nd Exhibition of Paintings of the Artists' Association "Union of Youth"] |
85. Сагайдачный Е. Я. [Sagajdachny'j E. Ya.]: [Пейзаж] [[Pejzazh] : [Landscape]]
Original entry: "83-88 [cat. no.] Пейзажи". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
2-я Выставка картин общества художников "Союз Молодежи" [2-ya Vy'stavka kartin obshhestva khudozhnikov "Soyuz Molodezhi" : 2nd Exhibition of Paintings of the Artists' Association "Union of Youth"] |
86. Сагайдачный Е. Я. [Sagajdachny'j E. Ya.]: [Пейзаж] [[Pejzazh] : [Landscape]]
Original entry: "83-88 [cat. no.] Пейзажи". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
2-я Выставка картин общества художников "Союз Молодежи" [2-ya Vy'stavka kartin obshhestva khudozhnikov "Soyuz Molodezhi" : 2nd Exhibition of Paintings of the Artists' Association "Union of Youth"] |
87. Сагайдачный Е. Я. [Sagajdachny'j E. Ya.]: [Пейзаж] [[Pejzazh] : [Landscape]]
Original entry: "83-88 [cat. no.] Пейзажи". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
2-я Выставка картин общества художников "Союз Молодежи" [2-ya Vy'stavka kartin obshhestva khudozhnikov "Soyuz Molodezhi" : 2nd Exhibition of Paintings of the Artists' Association "Union of Youth"] |
88. Сагайдачный Е. Я. [Sagajdachny'j E. Ya.]: [Пейзаж] [[Pejzazh] : [Landscape]]
Original entry: "83-88 [cat. no.] Пейзажи". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
2-я Выставка картин общества художников "Союз Молодежи" [2-ya Vy'stavka kartin obshhestva khudozhnikov "Soyuz Molodezhi" : 2nd Exhibition of Paintings of the Artists' Association "Union of Youth"] |
89. Сагайдачный Е. Я. [Sagajdachny'j E. Ya.]: [Эскиз] для Народнаго Театра [[E'skiz] dlya Narodnago Teatra : [Sketch] for the National Theatre]
Original entry: "89-90 [cat. no.] Эскизы для Народнаго Театра". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
2-я Выставка картин общества художников "Союз Молодежи" [2-ya Vy'stavka kartin obshhestva khudozhnikov "Soyuz Molodezhi" : 2nd Exhibition of Paintings of the Artists' Association "Union of Youth"] |
90. Сагайдачный Е. Я. [Sagajdachny'j E. Ya.]: [Эскиз] для Народнаго Театра [[E'skiz] dlya Narodnago Teatra : [Sketch] for the National Theatre]
Original entry: "89-90 [cat. no.] Эскизы для Народнаго Театра". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
2-я Выставка картин общества художников "Союз Молодежи" [2-ya Vy'stavka kartin obshhestva khudozhnikov "Soyuz Molodezhi" : 2nd Exhibition of Paintings of the Artists' Association "Union of Youth"] |
91. Сагайдачный Е. Я. [Sagajdachny'j E. Ya.]: [Портрет] [[Portret] : [Portrait]]
Original entry: "91-92 [cat. no.] Портреты". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
2-я Выставка картин общества художников "Союз Молодежи" [2-ya Vy'stavka kartin obshhestva khudozhnikov "Soyuz Molodezhi" : 2nd Exhibition of Paintings of the Artists' Association "Union of Youth"] |
92. Сагайдачный Е. Я. [Sagajdachny'j E. Ya.]: [Портрет] [[Portret] : [Portrait]]
Original entry: "91-92 [cat. no.] Портреты". Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
2-я Выставка картин общества художников "Союз Молодежи" [2-ya Vy'stavka kartin obshhestva khudozhnikov "Soyuz Molodezhi" : 2nd Exhibition of Paintings of the Artists' Association "Union of Youth"] |
Name | Nationality | Date of Birth | Date of Death | # of Co-Appearances |
Gleb Verhovskiy | 3 exhibitions | |||
Sofia Nalepinskaya-Boychuk | UA | 1884 | 1937 | 2 exhibitions |
I. Severin | 2 exhibitions | |||
Anastasiya Ukhanova | RU | 1885 | 1973 | 2 exhibitions |
Anna Zelmanova | RU | 1890 | 1948 | 3 exhibitions |
Savely Shleyfer | UA | 1861 | 3 exhibitions | |
Sofia Baudouin de Courtenay | PL | 1889 | 1967 | 3 exhibitions |
Svyatoslav Alexandrovich Nagubnikov | RU | 1866 | 1914 | 3 exhibitions |
Iosif Solomonovič Škol'nik | UA | 1883 | 1926 | 2 exhibitions |
Ėduard Karlovič Spandikov | RU | 1875 | 1929 | 2 exhibitions |
Petr Ivanovic L'vov | RU | 1882 | 1944 | 2 exhibitions |
Vladimir Markov | RU | 1877 | 1914 | 2 exhibitions |
Il'ya Mashkov | RU | 1881 | 1944 | 3 exhibitions |
Dmitry Mitrokhin | RU | 1883 | 1973 | 2 exhibitions |
Natalia Goncharova | RU | 1881 | 1962 | 3 exhibitions |
Mikhail Larionov | RU | 1881 | 1964 | 3 exhibitions |
Aleksandr Fedorovich Gaush | RU | 1873 | 1947 | 2 exhibitions |
Vladimir Burlyuk | UA | 1887 | 1917 | 2 exhibitions |
David Burlyuk | UA | 1882 | 1967 | 2 exhibitions |