German artist, 1842-1909
Date | Title | City | Venue | # of Cat. Entries | Type of Org. Body |
01/06/1905 - end/10/1905 | IX. Internationale Kunstausstellung | Munich | Königlicher Glaspalast | 3 | artist associations |
Nov 14, 1906‒1907 | Téli nemzetközi kiállítás [International Winter Exhibition] | Budapest | Műcsarnok | 3 | arts associations |
Apr 22‒Oct 31, 1907 | VII. Esposizione Internazionale d’Arte della Città di Venezia | Venice | Giardini Pubblici | 2 | others |
Jun 13‒Jul 2, 1911 | Kunstausstellung aus Essener Privatbesitz | Essen | Kunstmuseum | 1 | museums |
1173. Lofoten
painting: oil
IX. Internationale Kunstausstellung Schillerstr. 28, Munich |
1174. Wiederkehr der Sonne
painting: oil
IX. Internationale Kunstausstellung Schillerstr. 28, Munich |
1175. Polarmeer
painting: oil
IX. Internationale Kunstausstellung Schillerstr. 28, Munich |
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
578. Sinding Ottó: A kolosszus [The Colossus]
painting: oil
Téli nemzetközi kiállítás [International Winter Exhibition] |
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
595. Sinding, Ottó: Kikötő-kép Genovából [Picture of a Port in Genova]
painting: oil
Téli nemzetközi kiállítás [International Winter Exhibition] |
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
601. Sinding, Ottó: A Riviérán [On the Riviera]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
Téli nemzetközi kiállítás [International Winter Exhibition] |
Sala Norvegese
37. Mattino d´inverno
VII. Esposizione Internazionale d’Arte della Città di Venezia |
Sala Norvegese
38. Sera d´autunno
VII. Esposizione Internazionale d’Arte della Città di Venezia |
Raum II
49. Bäume am Meer
painting: oil
Herr W. Girardet, Essen
Kunstausstellung aus Essener Privatbesitz Munich |