Date | Title | City | Venue | # of Cat. Entries | Type of Org. Body |
Oct 6‒Nov 15, 1906 | Salon d'Automne. 4e Exposition | Paris | Grand Palais des Champs Elysées | 4 | arts associations |
Feb 5‒Mar 3, 1910 | Ausstellung Ungarischer Maler | Berlin | Ausstellungshaus am Kurfürstendamm 208/9 | 1 | |
Apr‒May 1911 | "Nyolcak" kiállitása [Exhibition of "The Eight"] | Budapest | Nemzeti Szalon | 50 | exhibition buildings |
May 25‒Sep 30, 1912 | Internationale Kunstausstellung des Sonderbundes Westdeutscher Kunstfreunde und Künstler zu Cöln | Cologne | Städtische Ausstellungshalle am Aachener Tor | 2 | artist associations |
Nov‒Dec 1912 | A Nyolcak harmadik tárlata [The Third Exhibition of the Eight] | Budapest | Nemzeti Szalon | 13 | exhibition buildings |
May 4‒Jun 25, 1913 | A Művészház nemzetközi Postimpresszionista kiállitása [International Post-Impressionist Exhibition in the Művészház] | Budapest | Művészház | 2 | artist associations |
Feb 15‒Mar 1914 | A Művészház nagy kiállitása [The Great Exhibition of the Művészház] | Budapest | Művészház | 3 | artist associations |
137. Portrait de mon Pére
painting: oil
Salon d'Automne. 4e Exposition |
138. Enfants dans le Jardin
painting: oil
Salon d'Automne. 4e Exposition |
139. Portrait de l'Écrivain F. M.
painting: oil
Salon d'Automne. 4e Exposition |
140. Esquisse pour un portrait
painting: oil
Salon d'Automne. 4e Exposition |
1. Berény, Robert: Im Parke
Ausstellung Ungarischer Maler |
Rajzok (1907-1911) [Drawings (1907-1911)]
- Price is per piece.
- Entry is located after cat. no. 49. |
"Nyolcak" kiállitása [Exhibition of "The Eight"] |
1. Olajfestmény [Oil Painting]
painting: oil
magánt. [Private Collection]
"Nyolcak" kiállitása [Exhibition of "The Eight"] |
2. Olajfestmény [Oil Painting]
1906 500
painting: oil
"Nyolcak" kiállitása [Exhibition of "The Eight"] |
3. Olajfestmény [Oil Painting]
1906 800
painting: oil
"Nyolcak" kiállitása [Exhibition of "The Eight"] |
4. Olajfestmény [Oil Painting]
1906 600
painting: oil
"Nyolcak" kiállitása [Exhibition of "The Eight"] |
5. Olajfestmény [Oil Painting]
painting: oil
magánt. [Private Collection]
"Nyolcak" kiállitása [Exhibition of "The Eight"] |
6. Olajfestmény [Oil Painting]
painting: oil
magánt. [Private Collection]
"Nyolcak" kiállitása [Exhibition of "The Eight"] |
7. Olajfestmény [Oil Painting]
1906 500
painting: oil
"Nyolcak" kiállitása [Exhibition of "The Eight"] |
8. Olajfestmény [Oil Painting]
painting: oil
magánt. [Private Collection]
"Nyolcak" kiállitása [Exhibition of "The Eight"] |
9. Olajfestmény [Oil Painting]
painting: oil
magánt. [Private Collection]
"Nyolcak" kiállitása [Exhibition of "The Eight"] |
10. Olajfestmény [Oil Painting]
painting: oil
magánt. [Private Collection]
"Nyolcak" kiállitása [Exhibition of "The Eight"] |
11. Olajfestmény [Oil Painting]
1907 400
painting: oil
"Nyolcak" kiállitása [Exhibition of "The Eight"] |
12. Olajfestmény [Oil Painting]
1907 500
painting: oil
"Nyolcak" kiállitása [Exhibition of "The Eight"] |
13. Olajfestmény [Oil Painting]
painting: oil
"Nyolcak" kiállitása [Exhibition of "The Eight"] |
14. Olajfestmény [Oil Painting]
1907 1000
painting: oil
"Nyolcak" kiállitása [Exhibition of "The Eight"] |
15. Olajfestmény [Oil Painting]
1907 100
painting: oil
"Nyolcak" kiállitása [Exhibition of "The Eight"] |
16. Olajfestmény [Oil Painting]
1908 500
painting: oil
"Nyolcak" kiállitása [Exhibition of "The Eight"] |
17. Olajfestmény [Oil Painting]
1908 300
painting: oil
"Nyolcak" kiállitása [Exhibition of "The Eight"] |
18. Olajfestmény [Oil Painting]
painting: oil
magánt. [Private Collection]
"Nyolcak" kiállitása [Exhibition of "The Eight"] |
19. Olajfestmény [Oil Painting]
painting: oil
magánt. [Private Collection]
"Nyolcak" kiállitása [Exhibition of "The Eight"] |
20. Olajfestmény [Oil Painting]
1908 250
painting: oil
"Nyolcak" kiállitása [Exhibition of "The Eight"] |
21. Olajfestmény [Oil Painting]
1909 500
painting: oil
"Nyolcak" kiállitása [Exhibition of "The Eight"] |
22. Olajfestmény [Oil Painting]
1909 1000
painting: oil
"Nyolcak" kiállitása [Exhibition of "The Eight"] |
23. Olajfestmény [Oil Painting]
1909 400
painting: oil
"Nyolcak" kiállitása [Exhibition of "The Eight"] |
24. Olajfestmény [Oil Painting]
1909 600
painting: oil
"Nyolcak" kiállitása [Exhibition of "The Eight"] |
25. Olajfestmény [Oil Painting]
1909 1500
painting: oil
"Nyolcak" kiállitása [Exhibition of "The Eight"] |
26. Olajfestmény [Oil Painting]
1910 850
painting: oil
"Nyolcak" kiállitása [Exhibition of "The Eight"] |
27. Olajfestmény [Oil Painting]
1910 600
painting: oil
"Nyolcak" kiállitása [Exhibition of "The Eight"] |
28. Olajfestmény [Oil Painting]
painting: oil
magánt. [Private Collection]
"Nyolcak" kiállitása [Exhibition of "The Eight"] |
29. Olajfestmény [Oil Painting]
1910 100
painting: oil
"Nyolcak" kiállitása [Exhibition of "The Eight"] |
30. Olajfestmény [Oil Painting]
1910 150
painting: oil
"Nyolcak" kiállitása [Exhibition of "The Eight"] |
31. Olajfestmény [Oil Painting]
1910 150
painting: oil
"Nyolcak" kiállitása [Exhibition of "The Eight"] |
32. Olajfestmény [Oil Painting]
1910 400
painting: oil
"Nyolcak" kiállitása [Exhibition of "The Eight"] |
33. Olajfestmény [Oil Painting]
1910 800
painting: oil
"Nyolcak" kiállitása [Exhibition of "The Eight"] |
34. Olajfestmény [Oil Painting]
1910 100 Korona
painting: oil
"Nyolcak" kiállitása [Exhibition of "The Eight"] |
35. Olajfestmény [Oil Painting]
1910 150 Korona
painting: oil
"Nyolcak" kiállitása [Exhibition of "The Eight"] |
36. Olajfestmény [Oil Painting]
1910 850 Korona
painting: oil
"Nyolcak" kiállitása [Exhibition of "The Eight"] |
37. Olajfestmény [Oil Painting]
1910 800 Korona
painting: oil
"Nyolcak" kiállitása [Exhibition of "The Eight"] |
38. Olajfestmény [Oil Painting]
1910 500
painting: oil
"Nyolcak" kiállitása [Exhibition of "The Eight"] |
39. Olajfestmény [Oil Painting]
1910 80
painting: oil
"Nyolcak" kiállitása [Exhibition of "The Eight"] |
40. Olajfestmény [Oil Painting]
1910 80
painting: oil
"Nyolcak" kiállitása [Exhibition of "The Eight"] |
41. Olajfestmény [Oil Painting]
1911 100
painting: oil
"Nyolcak" kiállitása [Exhibition of "The Eight"] |
42. Olajfestmény [Oil Painting]
1911 5000
painting: oil
"Nyolcak" kiállitása [Exhibition of "The Eight"] |
43. Olajfestmény [Oil Painting]
1911 1000
painting: oil
"Nyolcak" kiállitása [Exhibition of "The Eight"] |
44. Olajfestmény [Oil Painting]
1911 500
painting: oil
"Nyolcak" kiállitása [Exhibition of "The Eight"] |
45. Olajfestmény [Oil Painting]
painting: oil
magánt. [Private Collection]
"Nyolcak" kiállitása [Exhibition of "The Eight"] |
46. Olajfestmény [Oil Painting]
1911 150
painting: oil
"Nyolcak" kiállitása [Exhibition of "The Eight"] |
47. Olajfestmény [Oil Painting]
1911 250
painting: oil
"Nyolcak" kiállitása [Exhibition of "The Eight"] |
48. Olajfestmény [Oil Painting]
1911 300
painting: oil
"Nyolcak" kiállitása [Exhibition of "The Eight"] |
49. Olajfestmény [Oil Painting]
1911 800
painting: oil
"Nyolcak" kiállitása [Exhibition of "The Eight"] |
Saal 13
311. Bereny, Robert: Skizze (Frau im Sessel)
painting: oil
Internationale Kunstausstellung des Sonderbundes Westdeutscher Kunstfreunde und Künstler zu Cöln Budapest |
Saal 13
312. Bereny, Robert: Skizze (zwei Akte)
painting: oil
Internationale Kunstausstellung des Sonderbundes Westdeutscher Kunstfreunde und Künstler zu Cöln Budapest |
Rajzok [Drawings]
No cat. no. given, original entry: “Rajzok, rézkarcok, áruk darabonként 60 [Drawings, etchings, price per piece 60] located between cat. no. 12 and 13. Please see disclaimer for details on database catalogue numbering.
A Nyolcak harmadik tárlata [The Third Exhibition of the Eight] |
1. Arckép [Portrait]
painting: oil
A Nyolcak harmadik tárlata [The Third Exhibition of the Eight] |
2. Csendélet [Still-life]
painting: oil
A Nyolcak harmadik tárlata [The Third Exhibition of the Eight] |
3. Jelenet I. [Scene I.]
painting: oil
A Nyolcak harmadik tárlata [The Third Exhibition of the Eight] |
4. Jelenet II. [Scene II.]
painting: oil
A Nyolcak harmadik tárlata [The Third Exhibition of the Eight] |
5. Jelenet III. [Scene III.]
painting: oil
A Nyolcak harmadik tárlata [The Third Exhibition of the Eight] |
6. Pasztell [Pastel]
Dr. Aczél János ur [Dr. János Aczél [m]]
A Nyolcak harmadik tárlata [The Third Exhibition of the Eight] |
7. Tájkép [Landscape]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett képek újfajta festékkel vannak festve, melynek összeállítása Berény Róberttől való [The paintings marked with a star were painted with a new kind of paint that was mixed by Róbert Berény]."
A Nyolcak harmadik tárlata [The Third Exhibition of the Eight] |
8. Jelenet IV. [Scene IV.]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett képek újfajta festékkel vannak festve, melynek összeállítása Berény Róberttől való [The paintings marked with a star were painted with a new kind of paint that was mixed by Róbert Berény]."
A Nyolcak harmadik tárlata [The Third Exhibition of the Eight] |
9. Krisztus, jelenet V. [Christ, Scene V.]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett képek újfajta festékkel vannak festve, melynek összeállítása Berény Róberttől való [The paintings marked with a star were painted with a new kind of paint that was mixed by Róbert Berény]."
A Nyolcak harmadik tárlata [The Third Exhibition of the Eight] |
10. Arckép [Portrait]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett képek újfajta festékkel vannak festve, melynek összeállítása Berény Róberttől való [The paintings marked with a star were painted with a new kind of paint that was mixed by Róbert Berény]."
A Nyolcak harmadik tárlata [The Third Exhibition of the Eight] |
11. Jelenet VI. [Scene VI.]
A Nyolcak harmadik tárlata [The Third Exhibition of the Eight] |
12. Arckép [Portrait]
This catalogue number is marked with a star: "A *-gal jelzett képek újfajta festékkel vannak festve, melynek összeállítása Berény Róberttől való [The paintings marked with a star were painted with a new kind of paint that was mixed by Róbert Berény]."
A Nyolcak harmadik tárlata [The Third Exhibition of the Eight] |
9. Bartók Béla arcképe [Portrait of Béla Bartók]
Handwritten correction: from Berény József to "Berény Róbert"
A Művészház nemzetközi Postimpresszionista kiállitása [International Post-Impressionist Exhibition in the Művészház] |
10. Tanulmány [Study]
Handwritten correction: from Berény József to "Berény Róbert"
A Művészház nemzetközi Postimpresszionista kiállitása [International Post-Impressionist Exhibition in the Művészház] |
2. Arckép [Portrait]
A Művészház nagy kiállitása [The Great Exhibition of the Művészház] |
3. Capri-i tájkép [Landscape in Capri]
A Művészház nagy kiállitása [The Great Exhibition of the Művészház] |
4. Capri-i fantázia [Phantasy of Capri]
A Művészház nagy kiállitása [The Great Exhibition of the Művészház] |