
Brighton Public Art Galleries - Exhibition of Modern Spanish Art

ID: 1461, Status: completed
Exhibition period:
May‒Aug 1914
Organizing Bodies:
Public Art Galleries
s (Great Britain Pound (in Shilling))
Catalogue Entries: 228
Types of Work: painting and drawing: 6, other medium: 42, unknown: 180
Artists: 112
Gender: female: 5, male: 107
Nationalities: 2
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Date Title City Venue Type
Date Title City Venue # of common Artists
Apr 13‒Jul 1912 Stedelijke Internationale Tentoonstelling Van Kunstwerken Van Levende Meesters Amsterdam Stedelijk Museum 19 artists
01/06/1905 - end/10/1905 IX. Internationale Kunstausstellung Munich Königlicher Glaspalast 24 artists
Apr 23‒Oct 31, 1914 XI. Esposizione d'Arte della Città di Venezia Venice Giardini Pubblici 10 artists
Apr 22‒Oct 31, 1905 VI. Esposizione d'Arte della Città di Venezia Venice Giardini Pubblici 8 artists
Mar 7‒Apr 13, 1914 La Libre Esthétique. Hommage à Dario de Regoyos Brussels Brussels (exact location unknown) 2 artists
May 30‒31, 1910 Collection Particulière de M. Charles Boutet de Monvel Paris Hôtel Drouot 2 artists
Apr 23‒Oct 31, 1910 IX. Esposizione d'Arte della Città di Venezia Venice Giardini Pubblici 7 artists
May 29‒30, 1906 Vente Aux Enchères Publiques Des Tableaux, Études, Aquarelles, Pastels, Dessins, Eaux-Fortes, Gravures, Sculpture, Objets D'Art Paris Hôtel Drouot 3 artists
Oct‒Nov 1910 Ausstellung französischer Kunst des 18., 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts Leipzig Museum der bildenden Künste 2 artists
Feb‒Jun 1915 Terza esposizione Internazionale d'Arte della "Secessione" Rome Palazzo dell'Esposizone 2 artists
1912 Sommaire des Peintures et Sculptures de l'École Contemporaine exposées dans les Galeries du Musée National du Luxembourg Paris Musée National du Luxembourg 4 artists
Feb‒Jun 1908 LXXVIII. Esposizione internazionale di Belle Arti della Società Amatori e Cultori di Belle Arti in Roma Rome Palazzo dell'Esposizone 2 artists
Apr 30‒Jun 30, 1914 Eighteenth Annual Exhibition Pittsburgh Carnegie Institute 2 artists
1913 Exposition Universelle et Internationale de Gand en 1913: Groupe II. Beaux-Arts: Œuvres modernes. Ghent Exposition universelle de Gand 4 artists
Organizing Committee
Fine Arts Sub-Commitee:
Chairmain: A. J. Mavrogordato; His Worship the Mayor (Aldermann J. I. Otter).
Ald. C. Thomas-Stanford, J.P., M. A., F. S. A.; Ald. Tester; Ald. Wilson.
Councillor Poole; Councillor Southall; Councillor Stevens, J. P.; C.H.H. Burleigh, B. A.; W. B. Chamberlix; H. C. Fairfax-Chomelem; F. Davey; D. Fox-Pitt; Colonel R. C. Goff, R. P.E.; A. F. Graves; Mrs. A. O. Jennings; Miss Savill; W. Clarkson Wallis, J. P.

His Majesty the King of Spain
Her Majesty he Queen of Spain
H. R. H. Princess Henry of Battenberg
Excm̃o Señor Ministro de Instrucción Pública y Bellas Artes; Excm̃o Señor Embajador de España en Lóndres (honorary President oft he Exhibition);
Excm̃o Señor Don José Villegas, Director del Museo del Prado; Excm̃o Señor Don Antonio Muñoz Degrain, Director de la Escuela de Bellas Artes de San Fernando; Excm̃o Señor Don Francisco Pradilla; Excm̃o Señor Don Alejandro Ferrant, Director del Museo de Arte Moderno; Excm̃o Señor Don Mariano Benlliure; Excm̃o Señor Don José Moreno Carbonero.

Spanish Committee (El Comité de la Asociación de Pintores y Escultores de Madrid): Excm̃o Señor Don Joaquin Sorolla Bastida, President. Señor Don José Garnelo, Secretary. Excm̃o Señor Don Miguel Blay. Señor Don Manuel Benedito. Señor Don José Pinazo Martinez.

Henry D. Roberts. Director.
Catalogue of Exhibition of Work by Modern Spanish Art. 1914.
Nr. of pages: 52 [PDF page Number: 56].
Holding Institution: Victoria & Albert National Art Library
Henry D. Roberts: Introduction, p. 3-5

Whit this exhibition of Modern Spanish Art, the fifth in the series of exhibitions dealing with works of Continental schools is reached. The exhibition of Modern French Art (1910), Modern Swedish Art (1911), Modern Danish Art (1912) and of Modern Norwegian Art (1913) were very successful, and the Committee believe that the Spanish exhibition will be of as great interest as those already held in these Galleries. Every effort has been made to ensure that the exhibition should be thoroughly representative, and in every way national character. It is a matter of regret that a few of the more prominent Spanish Artists, whom it would be invidious to refer to by name, are not represented in the exhibition. With only two or three exceptions, all the artist who works are exhibited are now living.
The Committee desire to record their grateful thanks to T. M the King and Queen of Spain an H. R. H. Princess Henry of Battenberg, who have been graciously pleased to accord their patronage to the exhibition.
To H. E. the Spanish Ambassador in London (Señor Don Alfonso Merry del Val), who accepted their invitation to become the Honorary President of the exhibition, the Committee are much indebted. His Excellency, from the inception of the exhibition, has taken a very deep interest in all its detail, and has given much valuable assistance.
In previous similar exhibitions it has been customary to print an article, dealing with the modern art of the country in question, written by an art critic of repute and authority. This year the catalogue contains no such articles, but it is hoped that those interested will consult the books and magazine articles on the subject contained in the Brighton Public Library, a list of some of which is to be found on pages 6 to 17. So it is intended to allow the exhibition to speak for itself, and there is authority for saying that, it is one of the best that has ever been got together. This is mainly due to the excellent way in which the exhibits have been collected by the Committee of the Asociation de Pintores y Escultores in Madrid ( of which H. M. the King Of Spain is Honorary President), [ p. 3] which has acted as the Madrid Committee for this exhibition. A glance at the biographical notes in the index will show the standing of the members of the Madrid Committee, and will prove their fitness for the responsible task they were good enough to undertake. This Committee was admirably assisted by the Conde de Pradere, in Paris; by Señor Chicharro in Rome; and by Señor Vasquez, in Barcelona. To all these gentlemen the Fine Arts Committee wish to tender their sincere thanks.
The Exhibition has been hung in the main according to a plan prepared by the Madrid Committee, but advantage has been taken of the permission to vary the arrangement as might be found desirable.
While the name of the Ministro de Instruccion Publica y Bellas Artes appears amongst the list of patron, the Spanish Government has also shown its practical interest by lending a building I Madrid for the reception of the exhibits which were sent from various part of Spain to the capital. Picture have also been sent from Rome, Paris and London.
The biographical not previously referred to are an innovation as far as our catalogues are concerned. In most instance they have been supplied direct, and show more than any words of mine the importance of the exhibiting artist, the majority of whom have already achieved distinction. These necessarily restricted notes should form a valuable addition to the history of modern Spanish art.
One criticism which might be levelled against the exhibition is the comparative deficiency of landscapes, but the answer is that, as far as my experience goes, the Spanish artists devote more time to figure and genres subjects, and less attention to landscapes (and water colours) than is the custom in this country.
Some difficulty may be experienced by English visitors in connection with the names of the artists, and in order to make matters easier I have underlined in the catalogue the first word of the surname, which is also the word under which biographical particulars are to be found in the index
The exhibition poster (which is reproduced on the cover of the catalogue) is the work of Señor Don José Pinazo Martinez, who is also an exhibitor. The Committee desire to thank Señor Pinazo Martnez for the important service he has rendered. [ p.4]
As it is expected that a large number of Spanish visitors will see the exhibition, the catalogue has been printed in both Spanish and English. The Fine Arts Committee have decided to publish only one edition, with 36 pages of illustration of some of the principal exhibits.
The majority of the exhibits are for sale, and a priced catalogue may be consulted in the room. A deposit of 10 per cent. Must be made at the time of purchase. Any pictures, etc., sold at the exhibition cannot delivered until it is closed, and must be removed at the expense of the purchaser.
Copyright of all pictures, etc., in the exhibition, including those printed in the catalogue, is strictly reserved. Application to reproduce any of them must made to the Director.
The portraits of T. M. the King and Queen of Spain are reproduced from photographs by Messrs. Franzen, Madrid. Some of the reproductions in the catalogue are from photographs taken in Spain, but the majority of the illustrations are from photographs by Mr. S. B. Hardcastle and Messrs. Benn & Cronin, Brighton.
The work of organising the exhibition has been very great, and I desire to acknowledge the help I have received from the members of the staff of the Institution in the task of compiling and editing this catalogue, and particularly I wish to thank Mr. and Miss Serrano for their valuable assistance in translation. HENRY D. ROBERTS, Director. [P 5]
Catalogue Structure
“Fine Arts Sub-Committee/Patrons/Spanish Committee”, 1 p.
“Introduction”, p. 3-5
“List of Some Books, &c., In The Brighton Public Library Dealing with Spanish Art, Ancient and Modern”, p. 6-17
- “General; and Ancient Spanish Painting.”, p. 6-9
- “Works Dealing With Individual Artists (Old Masters)”, p. 10-14
- “Modern Spanish Painting. General Works”, p. 14-15
- “Works Dealing With Individual Artists (Modern)”, p. 15-17
“Catalogue”, p. 18-32
- “Room I; Oils, &c.”, cat. no. 1-58, p. 18-21
- “Room II; Oils, &c.”, cat. no. 59-115, p. 22-25
- “Room III; Oils, &c.”, cat. no. 116-168, p. 25-28
- “North Corridor, Screen. Water Colours &c.”, cat. no. 169-181, p. 29
- “North Corridor, on Wall. Water Colours &c.”, cat. no. 182-201, p. 30
- “Statuary. Room I”, cat. no. 202-212, p. 31
- “Statuary. Room II”, cat. no. 213-226, p. 31-32
- “Statuary. Room III”, cat. no. 227-229, p. 32
“Index and Biographical Details”, p. 33-52
- Biographies of artist provided in catalogue.
-The version of the catalogue from which the information were taken is not complete and does not contain any reproductions. Therefore for all the entries the reproductions were set on “maybe”.

+Gender Distribution (Pie Chart)

+Artists’ Age at Exhibition Start(Bar Chart)

+Artists’ Nationality(Pie Chart)

+Places of Activity of Artists(Pie Chart)

+Exhibiting Cities of Artists(Pie Chart)

+Catalogue Entries by Type of Work(Pie Chart)

+Catalogue Entries by Nationality(Pie Chart)

Name Date of Birth Date of Death Nationality # of Cat. Entries
José Villegas Cordero 1844 1921 ES 1
Francisco Llensa y Feliu ES 5
Jean Sala 1867 1918 ES 2
José Pinazo Martínez 1879 1933 ES 2
Antonio Muñoz Degrain 1840 1924 ES 2
Manuel Benedito Vives 1875 1963 ES 2
Maximino Peña Muñoz 1863 1940 ES 1
Alejo Vera Estaca 1834 1923 ES 2
Ricardo de Madrazo y Garreta 1852 1917 ES 2
Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida 1863 1923 ES 1
Luis Menéndez Pidal 1867 1932 ES 2
José Moreno Carbonero 1858 1942 ES 1
Alejandro Ferrant y Fischermans 1843 1917 ES 2
Rogelio de Egusquiza Barrena 1845 1915 ES 1
José Marín Baldo 1826 1891 ES 2
María del Carmen Corredoyra y Ruíz de Baro 1893 1970 ES 1
Luis Bea Pelayo 1878 1962 ES 2
Francisco Sancha y Lengo 1874 1936 ES 2
Manuel Luque 1854 1912 ES 2
Fernando Viscaí Albert 1879 1936 ES 3
Claudi Castelucho Diana 1870 1927 ES 3
Luis Jiménez Aranda 1845 1928 ES 4
Federico de Madrazo y Kuntz 1815 1894 ES 2
Josè Ramon Zaragoza 1874 1949 ES 1
Manuel G. R. Hispaleto 2
Daniel Vázquez Díaz 1882 1969 ES 4
Maria Clotilde Sorolla 1889 1956 ES 1
Luis Ochoa Madrazo 1
Gonzalo Bilbao Martínez 1860 1938 ES 2
Martin Fernanadez Nestor 1887 1938 ES 2
José Garnelo y Alda 1866 1944 ES 2
Cecilio Plá 1860 1934 ES 2
Mariano Félez 1883 1940 ES 2
Juan de Dios Francés Mexía 1873 1954 ES 1
Eugenio Lucas Velázquez 1817 1870 ES 2
Francesc Rafael Segura Monforte 1875 1954 ES 2
Hermenegildo Estevan 1851 1945 ES 2
Valentín de Zubiaurre 1879 1963 ES 2
Leandro Oroz Lacalle 1883 1933 ES 1
Mariano Barbasán Lagueruela 1864 1924 ES 2
Eduardo Chicharro y Agüera 1873 1949 ES 2
José Nogué Massó 1880 1973 ES 1
José Benlliure y Gil 1855 1937 ES 2
Angel Andrade Blázquez 1866 1932 ES 1
Ramón de Zubiaurre 1882 1969 ES 2
Manuel del Palacio y Freire Duarte 1872 1920 ES 2
Exoristo Salmerón 1877 1925 ES 2
Roberto Domingo Fallola 1883 1956 ES 1
Anselmo Miguel Nieto 1881 1964 ES 1
José Ribera Blázquez 1875 1940 ES 1
Miguel Hernández Nájera 1864 1936 ES 2
Félix Lacárcel Aparici 1883 1975 ES 2
José Parada Santín 1857 1923 ES 1
Pablo Antonio Béjar Novella 1869 1921 ES 1
Justino Gil Bergasa 1890 1936 ES 2
Jaime Morera y Galicia 1854 1927 ES 2
Alvaro Alcalá Galiano 1873 1936 ES 2
José Bermejo Sobera 1879 1962 ES 1
Juan José Gárate 1870 1939 ES 2
Fernando Alvarez de Sotomayor 1875 1960 ES 1
Pedro Collado y Fernández 1874 ES 1
José María López Mezquita 1883 1954 ES 1
Aureliano Beruete 1845 1912 ES 2
Ascensio Martiarena Lascurain 1883 1966 ES 1
Juan Comba García 1852 1924 ES 1
Flora López Castrillo 1878 ES 1
Luisa Botet Mundi 1884 1942 ES 1
Ernesto Quirós 1
Enrique Martínez Cubells y Ruiz 1874 1947 ES 1
Eugenio Oliva Rodrigo 1857 1925 ES 1
José Llanas y Senespleda 2
Eugenio Hermoso Martínez 1883 1963 ES 2
José Jiménez Aranda 1837 1903 ES 1
Luis Bertodano 1931 ES 2
Félix Borrell Vidal 1858 1926 ES 1
Ramón Casas 1866 1932 ES 3
Teodoro Andreu Sentamans 1870 1935 ES 1
Eliseo Meifrén y Roig 1859 1940 ES 2
Carlos Vázquez Ubeda 1869 1944 ES 2
Genís Capdevila Puig 1860 1932 ES 2
Ricard Urgell 1873 1924 ES 1
Joan Llimona Bruguera 1860 1926 ES 1
Baldomer Gili Roig 1873 1926 ES 1
Santiago Rusiñol 1861 1931 ES 1
Guillem Pujadas 1
Bonaventura Puig Perucho 1886 1977 ES 2
Juan Cardona y Tío 1877 1958 ES 1
Enrique Monserdá y Vidal 1850 1926 ES 1
Lluís Masriera Rosés 1872 1958 ES 1
Javier Cortés Echanove 1890 1991 ES 1
Juan Martínez Abades 1862 1920 ES 1
Ventura Alvarez Sala 1869 1919 ES 2
Aurora Martínez Abades y Moreno 1
José Gutiérrez Solana 1886 1945 ES 2
Jesús Corredoyra de Castro 1889 1939 ES 2
Julio Romero de Torres 1874 1930 ES 2
Bernardo Villamil Marraci 1851 1936 ES 2
Vicente Gómez Novella 1871 1956 ES 1
Andrés Parladé 1859 1933 ES 1
Felipe Bello Piñeiro 1886 1952 ES 1
Adelardo Covarsí Yustas 1885 1951 ES 1
Eduardo Urquiola y Aguirre 1865 1932 ES 1
Guillermo Gómez Gil 1862 1942 ES 1
Enric Simonet Lombardo 1863 1927 ES 2
Josep Maria de Martí Garcés de Marcilla 1880 1932 ES 1
Julio del Val y Colomé 1878 1963 ES 1
Adolfo Lozano Sidro 1872 1935 ES 2
Dionisio Baixeras y Verdaguer 1862 1943 ES 2
Francesc Galofre Oller 1865 1942 ES 1
Constantino Gómez Salvador 1865 1937 ES 2
Tomás Gutiérrez Larraya 1886 1944 ES 2
Ismael Smith i Mari 1886 1972 ES 6
Recommended Citation: "Brighton Public Art Galleries - Exhibition of Modern Spanish Art." In Database of Modern Exhibitions (DoME). European Paintings and Drawings 1905-1915. Last modified Nov 8, 2024. https://exhibitions.univie.ac.at/exhibition/1461