1. Boccioni: Leave-Taking
[Description] "In the midst of the confusion of departure, the mingled concrete and abstract sensations are translated into force-lines and rhythms in quasi-musical harmony: mark the undulating lines and the chords made up of the combination of figures and objects. The prominent elements, such as the number of the engine, its profile shown in the upper part of the picture, its wind-cutting fore part in the centre, symbolical of parting, indicate the features of the scene that remain indelibly impressed upon the mind."
Umberto Boccioni |
2. Boccioni: Those who are going away
[Description] "Their state of mind is represented by oblique lines on the left. The colour indicates the sensation of loneliness, anguish and dazed confusion, which is further illustrated by the faces carried away by the smoke and the violence of speed. One may also distinguish mangled telegraph posts and fragments of the landscape through which the train has passed."
Umberto Boccioni |
2G. Severini: The black cat
This catalogue number is presumed to be an error. It is situated between cat. no. 28 and 30.
[Description]“The sense of morbid oppression after reading Edgar Poe's tale.“ |
Gino Severini |
3. Boccioni: Those who remain behind
[Description] "The perpendicular lines indicate their depressed condition and their infinite sadness dragging everything down towards the earth. The mathematically spiritualised silhouettes render the distressing melancholy of the soul of those that are left behind."
Umberto Boccioni |
4. Boccioni: The street enters the house
[Description] "The dominating sensation is that which one would experience on opening a window: all life, the noises of the street rush in at the same time as the movement and reality of the objects outside. The painter does not limit himself to what he sees in the square frame of the window as would a simple photographer, but he also reproduces what he would see by looking out on every side from the balcony."
Umberto Boccioni |
5. Boccioni: Laughter
[Description] "The scene is round the table of a restaurant where all are gay. The personages are studied from all sides and both the objects in front and those at the back are to be seen, all these being present in the painter's memory, so that the principle of the Roentgen rays is applied to the picture."
Umberto Boccioni |
6. Boccioni: The rising city
[Description] “The immense horses symbolise the growth and the desperate labour of the great city, thrusting her scaffoldings towards the sky.“
Umberto Boccioni |
7. Boccioni: Simultaneous visions
[Description] “The sensation of the inside and the outside, of space and motion, in all directions experienced on approaching a window.“
Umberto Boccioni |
8. Boccioni: A modern idol
[Description] “Light effects upon the face of Woman.“
Umberto Boccioni |
9. Boccioni: The forces of a street
[Description] “The tendencies, dynamic power, life, ambience, anguish which one experiences in a city; the crushing sense of modern bustle.“
Umberto Boccioni |
10. Boccioni: The police raid
[Description] “The sensation produced by the sight of a policeraid in a Milanese night-cafe'.“
Umberto Boccioni |
11. Carrà: The funeral of the anarchist Galli
[Description] “Dramatic interpretation of the scuffle between cavalry and the revolutionary proletariat.“
Carlo Carrà |
12. Carrà: The jolting cab
[Description] “The double impression produced by the sudden jolts of an old cab upon those inside it and those outside.“
Carlo Carrà |
13. Carrà: The motion of moonlight
[Description] “A description of moving light - an impression felt by the hypersensitive artist while the unthinking public looks upon it as motionless."
Carlo Carrà |
14. Carrà: What l was told by the tramcar
[Description] "The synchronised emotions of a passenger in a tramcar and of the spectator outside.“
Carlo Carrà |
15. Carrà: Portrait of the poet Marinetti.
[Description] "A synthesis of all the impressions produced by the Chief of the Futurist Movement.“
Carlo Carrà |
16. Carrà: Girl at the window
[Description] "Impressions of a courtesan."
Carlo Carrà |
17. Carrà: A swim
[Description] "The sensuality and the coolness of a bathe in the Mediterranean"
Carlo Carrà |
18. Carrà: Leaving the theatre
[Description] "A synthesis of lights in motion; an image of night-life illustrating an everyday occurrence."
Carlo Carrà |
19. Carrà: Woman and absinthe
[Description] “The diverse plastic aspects of a woman seen in her quantitative complexity.“
Carlo Carrà |
20. Carrà: The street or balconies
[Description] "Sensation of the movement of light: a phrase it1 a melody of musical colours."
Carlo Carrà |
21. Carrà: The station at Milan
[Description] " Impression of the line forces that involve a railway station.."
Carlo Carrà |
22. Russolo: Rebellion
[Description] "The collision of two forces, that of the revolutionary element made up of enthusiasm and red lyricism against the force of inertia and reactionary resistance of tradition. The angles are the vibratory waves of the former force in motion. The perspective of the houses is destroyed just as a boxer is bent double by receiving a blow in the wind.“
Luigi Russolo |
23. Russolo: The memory of a night
[Description] “A fantastic impression produced not by line, but by colour.“
Luigi Russolo |
24. Russolo: Train at full speed
[Description] “Synthesis of the ridge of light produced by an express train going sixty miles an hour.“
Luigi Russolo |
25. Russolo: One-three heads.
[Description] “Study of the transparency given to bodies by light.“
Luigi Russolo |
26. Russolo: Tina’s hair.
[Description] “Study of light effects upon a female face.“
Luigi Russolo |
26a. Russolo: Portrait of the artist
[Description] “Interpretation of the artist's own state of mind.“
Luigi Russolo |
27. Severini: The "pan-pan” dance at the Monico.
[Description] “Sensation of the bustle and hubbub created by the Tsiganes, the champagne-sodden crowd, the perverse dance of the professionals, the clashing of colours and laughter at the famous night-tavern at Montmartre.“
Gino Severini |
28. Severini: Travelling impressions
[Description]“Sensations of the artist's journey from his native house to Paris, the proportions and values being rendered in accordance with the emotion and the mentality of the painter.“
Gino Severini |
30. Severini: The haunting dancer
[Description]“The sum total of impressions, past and present, near and distant, small or exaggerated of ‘The Dancer’, according to the various states of mind of the painter who has studied her at many periods of his life.“
Gino Severini |
31. Severini: Yellow dancers.
[Description]“Forms are destroyed by electric light and movement.“
Gino Severini |
32. Severini: The milliner
[Description] “An arabesque of the movement produced by the twinkling colours and iridescence of the frills and
furbelows on show; the electric light divides the scene into defined zones. A study of simultaneous penetration.“ |
Gino Severini |
33. Severini: The boulevard
[Description]“Light and shadow cut up the bustle of the boulevard into geometrical shapes.“
Gino Severini |
34. Severini: The rhythms of my room.
[Description]“The rhythms suggested to the painter by the objects and the ambience of his room.“
Gino Severini |
Name | Date of Birth | Date of Death | Nationality | # of Cat. Entries |
Umberto Boccioni | 1882 | 1916 | IT | 10 |
Gino Severini | 1883 | 1966 | IT | 8 |
Carlo Carrà | 1881 | 1966 | IT | 11 |
Luigi Russolo | 1885 | 1947 | IT | 6 |