1. Z.D.H. de Bisschop van Haarlem, Mons. A. J. Callier [H.S.H. the Bishop of Haarlem, Mons. A. J. Callier]
B. Museum
Jan Toorop |
2. Z. Eerw. Heer Dr. Ariens, past. [His Venerable Sir Dr. Ariens, past[or]]
Jan Toorop |
3. Mevrouw Douarière Baronesse De Vos van Steenwijk [Madam Douarière Barones De Vos van Steenwijk]
Baron J. A. De Vos van Steenwijk
Jan Toorop |
4. Z. Ex. de heer Mr. Patijn, Commissaris van H. M. de Koningin in de provincie Zuid-Holland [His excellency sir Mr. Patijn, Commissioner of Her Majesty the Queen in the province Zuid-Holland]
Z. E. Mr. Patijn [His Excellency Mr. Patijn]
Jan Toorop |
5. Ex. President Steijn
Z.-A. Museum te Dordrecht, Hidde Nijland [Z.-A. Museum in Dordrecht, Hidde Nijland]
Jan Toorop |
6. Den heer Dr. H. Muller [Sir Dr. H. Muller]
S. M.
Jan Toorop |
7. Pablo Casals
Van Es
Jan Toorop |
8. Zeer Eerw. Heer Pater Chr. de Greeve, S. J. [His Venerable Sir Father Chr. de Greeve, S. J.]
G., S,J.
Jan Toorop |
9. Zeer Eerw. Heer Pater C. Nieuwbarn O. P. Theol. Lect. [His Venerable Sir Father C. Nieuwbarn O. P. Theol. Lect.]
Pater N. [Father N.]
Jan Toorop |
10. Zeer Eerw. Heer Pastoor J. Theunissen [His Venerable Sir Pastor J. Theunissen]
Kerk v. h. Allerh. Hart [Churchs of the Allerh. Hart [Holiest Heart]]
Jan Toorop |
11. Mevrouw Prins [Mrs. Prins]
Mevr. Spanjaard [Mrs. Spanjaard]
Jan Toorop |
12. WelEerw. Heer Kapelaan Beukering [His Venerable Sir Chaplain Beukering]
K. B. [K. B.]
Jan Toorop |
13. H. Ed. Gestr. Heer Marcus, Burgemeester van Bremen, (studie voor de kop in gekleurd ceramiek) [His Noble Esq. Sir Marcus, Mayor of Bremen, (study for head in coloured ceramics)]
Bremen [Bremen]
Jan Toorop |
14. Willem Royaards
Heer Royaards [Sir Royaards]
Jan Toorop |
15. H. P. Berlage
Jan Toorop |
16. Piet Lukwel
Heer en Mevr. Lukwel [Sir and Mrs. Lukwel]
Jan Toorop |
17. De heer Dirk Schäfer [Sir Dirk Schäfer]
Den musicus [The musician]
Jan Toorop |
18. Jongeheer De Block [Sir De Block]
Heer en mevr. De Block [Sir and Mrs. De Block]
Jan Toorop |
19. Mevrouw Bouman de Lange [Mrs. Bouman de Lange]
Heer Bouman [Sir Bouman]
Jan Toorop |
20. De Prentenliefhebber [The Print-enthusiast]
Heer en mevr. T. [Sir and mrs. T.]
Jan Toorop |
21. Mevrouw Toorop [Mrs. Toorop]
Mevr. T. [Mrs. T.]
Jan Toorop |
22. Alberts (kindje) [Alberts (child)]
Mevr. Alberts [Mrs. Alberts]
Jan Toorop |
23. Generaal J. Drabbe [General J. Drabbe]
WelEd. Gestr. heer en mevr. Drabbe [Noble Esq. sir and mrs. Drabbe]
Jan Toorop |
24. Mevrouw Drabbe [Mrs. Drabbe]
WelEd. Gestr. heer en mevr. Drabbe [Noble Esq. sir and mrs. Drabbe]
Jan Toorop |
25. Kind met Engel v. h. Allerh. Hart [Child with Angel of the Holiest of Hearts]
WelEerw. heer Past. Theunissen [Noble Reverend Pastor Theunissen]
Jan Toorop |
26. Mevr. Ullmann [Mrs. Ullmann]
Heer Ullmann [Sir Ullmann]
Jan Toorop |
27. Edith Flersheim
Heer en mevr. Flersheim [Sir and mrs. Flersheim]
Jan Toorop |
28. De dichter Dr. P. C. Boutens [The poet Dr. P. C. Boutens]
Dr. B.
Jan Toorop |
29. Miss J. Hall
Mevr. T. [Mrs. T.]
Jan Toorop |
30. Den WelEd. Gestr. Heer J. Achelis, senator van Bremen [The Noble Esq. Sir J. Achelis, senator of Bremen]
Heer en mevr. Achelis [Sir and mrs. Achelis]
Jan Toorop |
31. Mevrouw Lisone [Madam Lisone]
Heer Lisone [Sir Lisone]
Jan Toorop |
32. Mej. Brevet [Ms. Brevet]
Heer en mevr. Brevet [Sir and mrs. Brevet]
Jan Toorop |
33. Mej. Brevet [Ms. Brevet]
Heer en mevr. Brevet [Sir and mrs. Brevet]
Jan Toorop |
34. De Cellist Hekking [The Cellist Hekking]
Prof. Dr. Vogelsang
Jan Toorop |
35. Zuster Nelly.) [Sister/nurse Nelly.)]
Heer Arij Prins [Sir Arij Prins]
Jan Toorop |
36. Bloemen [Flowers]
Heer Carl Henny [Sir Carl Henny]
Jan Toorop |
37. Pruimenplukster [f] [Plum picker]
Heer Van Es [Sir Van Es]
Jan Toorop |
38. Arbeidende hooister [Working haymaker [f]]
Heer Van Es [Sir Van Es]
Jan Toorop |
39. Vloed [`]
Heer Hidde Nijland 1890 [Sir Hidde Nijland 1890]
Jan Toorop |
40. Le Respect à la Mort (eerste schilderij na akademie 1883.84.) [Le Respect à la Mort (first painting after academy 1883.84.)]
Heer Ad. Charlet [Sir Ad. Charlet]
Jan Toorop |
41. Alcoholisme [Alcoholism]
Heer Hidde Nijland 1886-87 [Sir Hidde Nijland 1886-87]
Jan Toorop |
42. Voor de werkstaking [Before the labour strike]
Heer Hidde Nijland 1886-87 [Sir Hidde Nijland 1886-87]
Jan Toorop |
43. De vrouw van de zee [The woman of the sea]
Heer Hidde Nijland 1889 [Sir Hidde Nijland 1889]
Jan Toorop |
44. Trio Fleuri 1885-86
Heer Tiele 1885 [Sir Tiele 1885]
Jan Toorop |
45. De Houthakker [The Lumberjack]
Heer Ekker 1906 [Sir Ekker 1906]
Jan Toorop |
46. De Appelenplukkers [The Apple-pluckers]
(Eigendom.) [(Ownership.)]
Jan Toorop |
47. De Jonge Generatie 1891 [The Young Generation 1891]
Heer T. [Sir T.]
For this entry, descriptions are provided in the form of copied fragments from the work of Jan Veth: "Hollandsche Teekenaars van dezen Tijd", 1892
Jan Toorop |
48. Zeeuwsche Breister [Zeeland Knitter [f]]
This cat. no. is marked with a cross "†", meaning it is for sale (see public note of the exhibition)
Jan Toorop |
49. Zeeuwsche boer in gebed [Zeeland farmer praying]
This cat. no. is marked with a cross "†", meaning it is for sale (see public note of the exhibition)
Jan Toorop |
50. De Theems bij de London bridge 1885 [The Thames at the London bridge 1885]
heer Ernst Flersheim [sir Ernst Flersheim]
Jan Toorop |
51. De smidsjongen 1884-85 [The smith's boy 1884-85]
Heer Dros [Sir Dros]
Jan Toorop |
52. Gebed voor den maaltijd [Prayer before meal]
heer Ernst Flersheim [sir Ernst Flersheim]
Jan Toorop |
53. Kanaal Middelburg-Vlissingen [Canal Middelburg-Vlissingen]
Heer Mr. Rich. van Rees [Sir Mr. Rich. van Rees]
Jan Toorop |
54. In het zweet uws aanschijns [In the sweat of thy face]
This cat. no. is marked with a cross "†", meaning it is for sale (see public note of the exhibition)
Jan Toorop |
55. Herderinnetje [Shepherdess [f]]
This cat. no. is marked with a cross "†", meaning it is for sale (see public note of the exhibition)
Jan Toorop |
56. Laat October laan bij Domburg, 1908 [Late October lane near Domburg, 1908]
Mevrouw Toorop [Madam Toorop]
Jan Toorop |
57. De Visschersvloot van Veere, 1907 [The Fishing fleet of Veere, 1907]
This cat. no. is marked with a cross "†", meaning it is for sale (see public note of the exhibition)
Jan Toorop |
58. Zee en duin met kinderen [Sea and dune with children]
This cat. no. is marked with a cross "†", meaning it is for sale (see public note of the exhibition)
Jan Toorop |
59. Vijver bij Domburg, 1908 [Pond near Domburg, 1908]
This cat. no. is marked with a cross "†", meaning it is for sale (see public note of the exhibition)
Jan Toorop |
60. Het zieke dorpsjongete, 1884 [The sick villageboy, 1884]
Heer E. Ahn [Sir E. Ahn]
Jan Toorop |
61. Straat in Londen, 1885 [Street in London, 1885]
Heer E. Ahn [Sir E. Ahn]
Jan Toorop |
62. Zee en duin bij Zoutelanden, 1907 [Sea and dune near Zoutelanden, 1907]
This cat. no. is marked with a cross "†", meaning it is for sale (see public note of the exhibition)
Jan Toorop |
63. Zeeuwsche maaier [Zeeland mower]
This cat. no. is marked with a cross "†", meaning it is for sale (see public note of the exhibition)
Jan Toorop |
64. Duinen bij Domburg [Dunes near Domburg]
Folkwang Museum van Carl Ernst Osthaus [Folkwang Museum of Carl Ernst Osthaus]
Jan Toorop |
65. Londensche Bedelares 1885 [London Beggar [f] 1885]
Heer Frits Meijer [Sir Frits Meijer]
Jan Toorop |
66. Fantasie Arbeid op Zee [Fantasy Labour at Sea]
Heer W. Leuring [Sir W. Leuring]
Jan Toorop |
67. Het Huwelijk [The Marriage]
Heer en mevrouw Remi de Block [Sir and madam Remi de Block]
Jan Toorop |
68. Kinderen uit Domburg [Children from Domburg]
Heer en mevrouw Knoops [Sir and madam Knoops]
Jan Toorop |
69. Twee zielen één [Two souls one]
Heer en mevrouw Knoops [Sir and madam Knoops]
Jan Toorop |
70. O grave Where is thy Victory, 1892
Heer Hidde Nijland [Sir Hidde Nijland]
Work description: "Rechts in de teekening : Nijd, Afgunst, Jaloesie, Haat, Liefde, Strijd. Boven den stervende zweven twee serafijnen, die de doornen van het lichaam afnemen, voorstellende het einde van het aardsche lijden. Aanvang van een gelukkiger Bestaan der Ziel."
Jan Toorop |
71. Voor Vondel's ,,Heerlijckheid der Kercke", 1907 [For Vondel's ,,Heerlijkcheid der Kercke [Glory of Church]", 1907]
Heer van Es [Sir van Es]
Jan Toorop |
72. Ave Maria, 1906
Heer Frits Meijer [Sir Frits Meijer]
Jan Toorop |
73. Dorst naar Rechtvaardigheid [Thirst for Justice]
Heer Oppenheim [Sir Oppenheim]
Jan Toorop |
74. De oude Schoffelaar [The old Gardener]
Heer en mevrouw Knoops [Sir and madam Knoops]
Jan Toorop |
75. Moeder en kinderen [Mother and children]
Heer en mevrouw Knoops [Sir and madam Knoops]
Jan Toorop |
76. Fantasie „De oude en nieuwe Tijd", 1892 [Fantasy „The old and the new Time", 1892]
Heer Hidde Nijland [Sir Hidde Nijland]
Jan Toorop |
77. Spelende kinderen, Domburg [Playing children, Domburg]
Heer en mevrouw P. Drabbe [Sir and madam P. Drabbe]
Jan Toorop |
78. De Kruispolka [The Cross-polka]
Heer en mevrouw P. Drabbe [Sir and madam P. Drabbe]
Jan Toorop |
79. De Boonensnijder, 1892 [The Bean-cutter, 1982]
Heer en mevrouw P. Drabbe [Sir and madam P. Drabbe]
Jan Toorop |
80. Vervoer van een bomschuit te Katwijk a/Zee, 1890 [Transport of a fishing boat in Katwijk a/Zee, 1890]
Mejuffrouw van Bosse [Miss van Bosse]
Jan Toorop |
81. Moeder en Kinderen, Katwijk a/Zee, 1889-90 [Mother and children, Katwijk a/Zee, 1889-90]
Heer Dr. Leuring [Sir Dr. Leuring]
Jan Toorop |
82. Godvertrouwen [Faith of God]
Heer Ernst Flersheim [Sir Ernst Flersheim]
Jan Toorop |
83. Voor de deur van een „House of Refuge" in London [In front of the door of a „House of Refuge" in London.]
Heer Böthlingk [Sir Böthlingk]
Jan Toorop |
84. De Geboorte: „En het Woord is Vleesch geworden", 1908 [The Birth: „And the Word became Flesh", 1908]
Jan Toorop |
84. De Geboorte: „En het Woord is Vleesch geworden", 1908 [The Birth: „And the Word became Flesh", 1908]
This cat. no. is marked with a cross "†", meaning it is for sale (see public note of the exhibition)
Jan Toorop |
85. Christen Kinderarbeid, (Industrie) 1908 [Christen Childlabour, (Industry) 1908]
This cat. no. is marked with a cross "†", meaning it is for sale (see public note of the exhibition)
Jan Toorop |
86. Christen Kinderarbeid, (Landbouw) 1908 [Christen Childlabour, (Agriculture) 1908]
This cat. no. is marked with a cross "†", meaning it is for sale (see public note of the exhibition)
Jan Toorop |
87. De Rodeurs, 1891 [The Rodeurs, 1891]
Mevrouw M. v. Vloten [Madam M. v. Vloten]
For this entry, descriptions are provided in the form of copied fragments from the work of Jan Veth: "Hollandsche Teekenaars van dezen Tijd", 1892
Jan Toorop |
88. Vertrek van een Bomschuit [Departure of a Ship]
Heer Mr. D. v. d. G. [Sir Mr. D. v. d. G.]
Jan Toorop |
89. Een Domburgsch Meisje [A Domburg Girl]
This cat. no. is marked with a cross "†", meaning it is for sale (see public note of the exhibition)
Jan Toorop |
90. (Portefeuille met losse teekeningen) [(Portfolio/pocket book with loose drawings)]
This cat. no. is marked with a cross "†", meaning it is for sale (see public note of the exhibition)
Jan Toorop |
91. Schets Ch. T. [Sketch Ch. T.]
Jan Toorop |
92. De Aardappelrooier [The Potato Harvester]
Heer B. Lukwel [Sir B. Lukwel]
Jan Toorop |
93. Domburgsch Huisje [Domburg House]
Mevrouw Ruys de Parez [Madam Ruys de Parez]
Jan Toorop |
94. Het Domburgsch Laantje [The Domburg Lane]
Heer en mevrouw Block [Sir and madam Block]
Jan Toorop |
95. De Tuin der Weeën [The Garden of Pains]
For this entry, descriptions are provided in the form of copied fragments from the work of Jan Veth: "Hollandsche Teekenaars van dezen Tijd", 1892
Jan Toorop |
96. De Zaaier [The Sower]
Mevr. Tiefenthal [Mrs. Tiefenthal]
Jan Toorop |
97. De Breistertjes [The little Knitters [f]]
This cat. no. is marked with a cross "†", meaning it is for sale (see public note of the exhibition)
Jan Toorop |
98. Paarden in de wei [Horses in the meadow]
This cat. no. is marked with a cross "†", meaning it is for sale (see public note of the exhibition)
Jan Toorop |
99. Gezicht op Veere [View of Veere]
This cat. no. is marked with a cross "†", meaning it is for sale (see public note of the exhibition)
Jan Toorop |
100. Lezend meisje [Girl Reading]
Heer van Leer [Sir van Leer]
Jan Toorop |
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other medium
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other medium
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Name | Date of Birth | Date of Death | Nationality | # of Cat. Entries |
Jan Toorop | 1858 | 1928 | NL | 101 |