
Oskar Laske

Austrian architect, artist, 1874-1951

Places of Activity:
Kasernengasse 24; 1060, Vienna
Exhibitions: 12
Exhibiting Countries: 3
Exhibiting Cities: 4
Catalogue Entries: 154
Types of Work: painting and drawing: 154
Date Title City Venue # of Cat. Entries Type of Org. Body
Oct 5‒Nov 1907 Hagenbund. XXIII. Ausstellung Vienna Räume des Künstlerbundes Hagen - Zedlitzgasse 1 artist associations
Nov 1908‒Jan 1909 Hagenbund. XXVII. Ausstellung Vienna Räume des Künstlerbundes Hagen - Zedlitzgasse 5 artist associations
Sep 4‒19, 1909 Hagenbund. Alpine Kunstausstellung Vienna Räume des Künstlerbundes Hagen - Zedlitzgasse 1 artist associations
Dec 1909‒Jan 1910 Weihnachtsausstellung. Künstlerbund Hagen [31. Ausstellung] Vienna Räume des Künstlerbundes Hagen - Zedlitzgasse 10 artist associations
Mar‒May 1910 Künstlerbund Hagen. Frühjahrs-Ausstellung [32. Ausstellung] Vienna Räume des Künstlerbundes Hagen - Zedlitzgasse 13 artist associations
Nov 19, 1910‒Dec 10, 1911 Künstlerbund Hagen. Herbst-Ausstellung Vienna Räume des Künstlerbundes Hagen - Zedlitzgasse 24 artist associations
1911 Hagenbund Prague Galerie Josefinum 26 artist associations
Mar‒Aug 1911 Hagenbund. Frühjahrs-Ausstellung Vienna Räume des Künstlerbundes Hagen - Zedlitzgasse 5 artist associations
Mar 23‒Apr 1912 Hagenbund. Frühjahrsausstellung. [35. Ausstellung] Vienna Räume des Künstlerbundes Hagen - Zedlitzgasse 24 artist associations
Feb‒Jun 1914 Seconda Esposizione Internazionale d'Arte "della Secessione". Rome Palazzo dell'Esposizone 1
May 17‒Aug 31, 1914 44. výstava vídeňského spolku umělců „Hagenbund“ [44. Exhibition of the Viennese Artists' Association "Hagenbund"] Hodonín [House of Artists] 21 artist associations
Aug‒Sep 1915 Kunstausstellung. Wirtschaftsverband bildend. Künstler Österreichs [2.] Vienna Räume des Künstlerbundes Hagen - Zedlitzgasse 23 artist associations
collapse all Catalogue View List View
Name Nationality Date of Birth Date of Death # of Co-Appearances
Adolf Gross AT 1873 1937 11 exhibitions
Karl Huck AT 1876 1926 9 exhibitions
Otto Barth AT 1876 1916 10 exhibitions
Josef Beyer AT 1843 1917 11 exhibitions
Alois Leopold Seibold AT 1879 1951 6 exhibitions
Ferdinand Michl CZ 1877 1951 10 exhibitions
Augustin Roth AT 1864 1952 10 exhibitions
Hugo Baar AT 1873 1912 9 exhibitions
Heinrich Révy DE 1883 1949 6 exhibitions
Anton Bleichsteiner AT Jan 21, 1879 Jan 19, 1963 5 exhibitions
Wilhelm Wodnansky AT 1876 1958 6 exhibitions
Vaclav Malý CZ 1874 1935 5 exhibitions
Oskar Artur Alexander AT Feb 20, 1876 Apr 6, 1953 5 exhibitions
Jakob Glasner PL 1879 1942 5 exhibitions
Ludwig Ferdinand Graf AT 1868 1932 7 exhibitions
Henryk Uziemblo PL 1879 1949 6 exhibitions
Kazimierz Sichulski PL 1879 1942 7 exhibitions
Ludvík Kuba CZ 1863 1956 7 exhibitions
Rudolf Junk AT 1880 1943 5 exhibitions
Rudolf Sieck DE 1877 1957 7 exhibitions
Leopold Blauensteiner AT 1880 1947 4 exhibitions
Frieda Konstantin HU 1884 1918 4 exhibitions
Walter Sigmund Hampel AT 1867 1949 5 exhibitions
Jan Honsa CZ 1876 1937 7 exhibitions
Robert Obtresal AT 1880 1915 3 exhibitions
Alexander Demetrius Goltz AT 1857 1944 5 exhibitions
Gino Parin IT 1876 1944 4 exhibitions
Leo Delitz AT 1882 1966 3 exhibitions
Paula Rösler DE 1875 1941 3 exhibitions
Robert Fink SK 1878 1950 3 exhibitions
Karl Alexander Wilke DE 1879 1954 3 exhibitions
Gustav Gwozdecki PL 1880 1935 3 exhibitions
Otto Bruenauer AT 1877 1912 4 exhibitions
Alois Kalvoda CZ 1875 1934 6 exhibitions
Otto Bauriedl DE 1879 Jun 12, 1961 7 exhibitions
Hugo Boettinger CZ 1880 1934 6 exhibitions
Richard Lauda CZ 1873 1929 4 exhibitions
Ferdinand Staeger DE 1880 Sep 11, 1976 4 exhibitions
Josef Ullmann CZ 1870 1922 4 exhibitions
Jaromir Stretti-Zamponi CZ 1882 1959 2 exhibitions
Maurice Góth HU 1873 1939 3 exhibitions
Grete Brzezowsky AT 1878 1929 2 exhibitions
Alfred Keller AT 1875 1945 2 exhibitions
Hermann Ebers DE 1881 1955 3 exhibitions
Gustave Bamberger DE 1861 1936 3 exhibitions
Lino Vesco AT 1879 1940 2 exhibitions
Anton Faistauer AT 1887 1930 3 exhibitions
Johann Victor Krämer AT 1861 1949 3 exhibitions
Fritz Hegenbart AT 1864 1943 2 exhibitions
Tibor Bottlik HU 1884 1974 2 exhibitions
Wilhelm Legler AT Apr 3, 1875 Apr 28, 1951 3 exhibitions
Józef Krasnowolski PL 1879 1939 2 exhibitions
Elisabeth Weber-Fülöp HU 1883 1966 2 exhibitions
Victor Eckhardsburg AT 1864 1946 2 exhibitions
T. Frantisek Simon CZ 1877 1942 4 exhibitions
Sidonie Springer CZ 1878 1937 2 exhibitions
Georg Merkel AT 1881 1976 2 exhibitions
Ernesztin Szablya-Frischauf HU 1878 1940 2 exhibitions
Louise Fraenkel-Hahn AT 1878 1939 2 exhibitions
Irma von Duczynska AT 1869 1932 2 exhibitions
Robin Christian Andersen AT 1890 1969 2 exhibitions
Artur Markowicz PL 1872 1934 2 exhibitions
Emilie Dworsky AT 1883 1959 2 exhibitions
Bertold Löffler AT 1874 1960 2 exhibitions
Paul Ress CZ 1878 1952 2 exhibitions
Jakub Obrovsky CZ 1882 1949 2 exhibitions
Imre Károly Simay HU 1874 1955 2 exhibitions
Franziska Esser-Reynier AT 1876 1913 2 exhibitions
Antoš Frolka CZ 1877 1935 2 exhibitions
Ludwig Vacatko AT 1873 1956 3 exhibitions
Bohumír Jaroněk CZ 1866 1933 2 exhibitions
Josef Schmid-Fichtelberg DE 1877 1964 2 exhibitions
Julius Paul Junghanns DE 1876 1958 3 exhibitions
Ferdinand Dorsch DE 1875 1938 3 exhibitions
Viktor Stretti CZ 1878 1957 2 exhibitions
Hermann Grom-Rottmayer AT 1877 1953 2 exhibitions
Joža Úprka CZ 1861 1940 2 exhibitions
Egon Schiele AT 1890 1918 2 exhibitions
Otto Hettner DE 1875 1931 2 exhibitions

+Exhibitions by Year(Bar Chart)

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+Catalogue Entries by Type of Work(Pie Chart)

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Recommended Citation: "Oskar Laske." In Database of Modern Exhibitions (DoME). European Paintings and Drawings 1905-1915. Last modified Sep 6, 2019.