
Exhibition of Paintings by Contemporary French Artists

ID: 1047, Status: proof read
Exhibition period:
Dec 3, 1905‒Jan 1, 1906
Organizing Bodies:
Cincinnati Museum / Trustees of the Art Institute of Chicago
Catalogue Entries: 36
Types of Work: painting and drawing: 1, other medium: 2, unknown: 33
Artists: 21
Gender: female: 0, male: 21
Nationalities: 1
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Date Title City Venue # of common Artists
Mar 14‒Apr 22, 1906 Exposition d'Art Français Basel Kunsthalle Bâle 15 artists
May 30‒31, 1910 Collection Particulière de M. Charles Boutet de Monvel Paris Hôtel Drouot 8 artists
Mar 2‒Apr 2, 1907 L'Exposition d'Art Français Contemporain au Chateau Des Rohan Strasbourg Chateau des Rohan 14 artists
May 1‒31, 1907 Ausstellung französischer Kunstwerke Stuttgart Museum der bildenden Künste 13 artists
Mar‒Apr 1913 Kollektion Moderner Franzosen Vienna Galerie Arnot 4 artists
May 9‒12, 1914 Collection Roger Marx. Tableaux, Pastels, Dessins, Aquarelles, Sculptures Paris Galerie Manzi, Joyant 7 artists
Feb 1913 Iványi-Grünwald Béla festményeinek és magyar műgyüjtemények bemutatása. I. Dr. Sonnenfeld Zsigmond gyüjteménye [Exhibition of the Paintings of Béla Iványi-Grünwald and the Presentation of Hungarian Art Collections. I. Zsigmond Sonnenfeld] Budapest Ernst Múzeum 3 artists
Mar 5‒22, 1908 X. Jahrgang. 1907/1908. VII. Ausstellung. [Kollektion Vincent van Gogh] Berlin Paul Cassirer 2 artists
Nov 2, 1905‒Jan 1, 1906 Tenth Annual Exhibition Pittsburgh Carnegie Institute 12 artists
Oct 21‒Nov 20, 1905 Exposition de Peintures Paris Galerie B. Weill 2 artists
Jan 1914 Moderne Franzosen Vienna Galerie Arnot 2 artists
Apr 25‒Jun 30, 1912 Sixteenth Annual Exhibition Pittsburgh Carnegie Institute 12 artists
Oct 25‒Nov 10, 1905 Société des Peintres du Paris Moderne.Troisième Exposition Paris Galerie des Artistes Modernes 2 artists
Oct‒Nov 1910 Ausstellung französischer Kunst des 18., 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts Leipzig Museum der bildenden Künste 5 artists
Mar 1‒Apr 5, 1908 La Libre Esthétique, Salon Jubilaire Brussels Brussels (exact location unknown) 3 artists
1912 Sommaire des Peintures et Sculptures de l'École Contemporaine exposées dans les Galeries du Musée National du Luxembourg Paris Musée National du Luxembourg 16 artists
1912 Выставка сто лет французской живописи (1812-1912) [Vy'stavka sto let franczuzskoj zhivopisi (1812-1912) : Exhibition 100 Years of French Painting (1812-1912)] Saint Petersburg Institut Francais de St. Pétersbourg 7 artists
Spring 1905 Tavaszi nemzetközi kiállítás [International Spring Exhibition 1905] Budapest Műcsarnok 8 artists
Nov‒Dec 1906 XXVII. Ausstellung der Vereinigung Bildender Künstler Österreichs Secession Vienna Gebäude der Secession 2 artists
Apr 27‒Jun 30, 1911 Fifteenth Annual Exhibition Pittsburgh Carnegie Institute 7 artists
Nov‒Dec 1911 Exposition Internationale de l'Art Chrétien Moderne / Organisée par la Société de Saint-Jean Paris Palais du Louvre - Pavillon de Marsan 3 artists
Apr 22‒Oct 31, 1907 VII. Esposizione Internazionale d’Arte della Città di Venezia Venice Giardini Pubblici 13 artists
15/05/1908 - end/10/1908 Internationale Kunst-Ausstellung des Vereins bildender Künstler Münchens (E.V.) "Secession" Munich Königliches Kunstausstellungsgebäude am Königsplatz 3 artists
Apr 24‒Jun 30, 1913 Seventeenth Annual Exhibition Pittsburgh Carnegie Institute 7 artists
1913 Exposition Universelle et Internationale de Gand en 1913: Groupe II. Beaux-Arts: Œuvres modernes. Ghent Exposition universelle de Gand 17 artists
May 2‒Jun 30, 1910 Fourteenth Annual Exhibition Pittsburgh Carnegie Institute 5 artists
Apr 27‒Jun 19, 1910 Nemzetközi Impresszionista kiállítás [International Impressionist Exhibition] Budapest Művészház 2 artists
Apr 22‒Oct 31, 1905 VI. Esposizione d'Arte della Città di Venezia Venice Giardini Pubblici 9 artists
Apr 30‒Jun 30, 1914 Eighteenth Annual Exhibition Pittsburgh Carnegie Institute 6 artists
Mar‒Jun 1913 Prima Esposizione Internazionale d'Arte della "Secessione" Rome Palazzo dell'Esposizone 4 artists
May 1‒Oct 20, 1907 Internationale Kunstausstellung Mannheim Mannheim Kunsthalle Mannheim 5 artists
Dec 16, 1907‒Jan 4, 1908 Portraits d'Hommes Paris MM. Bernheim-Jeune & Cie 2 artists
May 29‒30, 1906 Vente Aux Enchères Publiques Des Tableaux, Études, Aquarelles, Pastels, Dessins, Eaux-Fortes, Gravures, Sculpture, Objets D'Art Paris Hôtel Drouot 3 artists
Jun 1906 Internationale Kunst-Ausstellung des Vereins bildender Künstler Münchens (E.V.) "Secession" Munich Königliches Kunstausstellungsgebäude am Königsplatz 2 artists
Feb 17‒Apr 15, 1906 Internationale Kunstausstellung Bremen Bremen Kunsthalle Bremen 4 artists
Oct 18‒Nov 25, 1905 Salon d'Automne. 3e Exposition Paris Grand Palais des Champs Elysées 7 artists
May 9‒Nov 2, 1914 Exposition Générale des Beaux-Arts / Salon Triennale Brussels Palais du Cinquantenaire 6 artists
01/06/1905 - end/10/1905 IX. Internationale Kunstausstellung Munich Königlicher Glaspalast 16 artists
Apr 13‒Jul 1912 Stedelijke Internationale Tentoonstelling Van Kunstwerken Van Levende Meesters Amsterdam Stedelijk Museum 9 artists
Apr 23‒Oct 31, 1914 XI. Esposizione d'Arte della Città di Venezia Venice Giardini Pubblici 4 artists
Apr 23‒Oct 31, 1912 X. Esposizione d'Arte della Città di Venezia Venice Giardini Pubblici 3 artists
Sep 7, 1907 Stedelijke Tentoonstelling van Kunstwerken van Levende Meesters [Urban Exhibition of Works of Art of Living Masters] Amsterdam Stedelijk Museum 2 artists
Apr 22‒Oct 31, 1909 VIII. Esposizione d'Arte della Città di Venezia Venice Giardini Pubblici 2 artists
Oct 6‒Nov 15, 1906 Salon d'Automne. 4e Exposition Paris Grand Palais des Champs Elysées 2 artists
Catalogue of an Exhibition of Paintings by Contemporary French Artists. 1905.
Printed by: CMA Museum Press, nr. of pages: [PDF page number: 29].
Holding Institution: Bibliothèque de l'Institut national d'histoire de l'art (INHA)
[no author]: [no title], 14 p.

"The Trustees of the Cincinnati Museum hereby acknowledge their indebtedness to M. André Saglio, Commissioner of Fine Art Exhibitions of the Minis­try of Public Instruction and Fine Arts of France, for his good offices in gathering the present small but representative collection of paintings of French contemporary artists. The arrangements for the exhibition were made by the Trustees of the Art Institute of Chicago who courteously invited the coöperation of the Cincinnati Museum. The collection will not be shown elsewhere in America."
Catalogue Structure
"The Income of the Museum", n.p. (11 p.)
"Cincinnati Museum Association", n.p. (12 p.)
[Preface], n.p. (14 p.)
Additional Information
Traveling Exhibition
Participant Addresses listed
Short biographical information of some artists provided in catalogue.

+Gender Distribution (Pie Chart)

+Artists’ Age at Exhibition Start(Bar Chart)

+Artists’ Nationality(Pie Chart)

+Places of Activity of Artists(Pie Chart)

+Exhibiting Cities of Artists(Pie Chart)

+Catalogue Entries by Type of Work(Pie Chart)

+Catalogue Entries by Nationality(Pie Chart)

Name Date of Birth Date of Death Nationality # of Cat. Entries
Edmond Aman-Jean 1858 1936 FR 1
Albert Besnard 1849 1934 FR 1
Bernard Boutet de Monvel 1881 1949 FR 1
Charles Cottet 1863 1925 FR 2
Andre Dauchez 1870 1948 FR 2
Georges-Olivier Desvallières 1861 1950 FR 3
Henri Courselles-Dumont 1856 1918 FR 2
Charles-Jules Duvent 1867 1940 FR 1
Auguste Lepère 1849 1918 FR 1
Henri Le Sidaner 1862 1939 FR 2
Gaston de Latouche 1854 1913 FR 2
Frédéric Anselme Lottin 1865 1907 FR 2
René Ménard 1862 1930 FR 1
Antonin Mercié 1845 1916 FR 2
Auguste Emmanuel Pointelin 1839 1933 FR 1
René François Xavier Prinet 1861 1946 FR 2
Jean-François Raffaëlli 1850 1924 FR 2
Alfred Roll 1846 1919 FR 1
Edouard Saglio 1867 FR 1
Lucien Simon 1861 1945 FR 2
André Ulmann 1867 1932 FR 2
Recommended Citation: "Exhibition of Paintings by Contemporary French Artists." In Database of Modern Exhibitions (DoME). European Paintings and Drawings 1905-1915. Last modified Mar 1, 2021. https://exhibitions.univie.ac.at/exhibition/1047