+-Edmund Tull Lipót-körút 5; V, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
1. Tull Ödön: A barátnők [The Girlfriends]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
+-Artur Ferraris Theresien Ring 5, Vienna (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
2. Ferraris Artúr: Portrait Mr. B. [Portrait Mr. B.]
painting: oil
+-Laszlo Hegedus Andrássy-út 71; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
3. Hegedűs László: Az első család [The First Family]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
+-Ede Balló Városligeti-fasor 26; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
4. Férfiarckép [Male Portrait]
painting: oil
Magánt. [Private Collection]
+-Edmund Tull Lipót-körút 5; V, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
5. Tull Ödön: Ünnepnap [Holiday]
painting: oil
+-Janos Pentelei-Molnar Bajza-utca 23; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
6. Pentelei Molnár: Csendélet [Still Life]
painting: oil
+-Otto Baditz Nagy János-u. 35; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
7. Baditz Ottó: Ötórai tea [Five O'Clock Tea]
painting: oil
+-Istvan Bosznay Lógodi-u. 61; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
8. Bosznay István: Sarkadi berek [Grove in Sarkad]
painting: oil
+-Ede Balló Városligeti-fasor 26; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
9. Dr. H. M úr arcképe [Portrait of Dr. H. M [m]]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
I. Terem [I. Hall]
10. Mednyánszky László báró: Pitymallat [Dawn]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
+-Hugó Poll Damjanich utca 32; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
11. Poll Hugó: Halpiac Bretagneban [Fish Market in Brittany]
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
+-Béla Spanyi Bodajk (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
12. K. Spányi Béla: Őszi reggel [Autumn Morning]
painting: oil
+-Ede Balló Városligeti-fasor 26; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
13. Dr. H. F. úr arcképe [Portrait of Dr. H. F. [m]]
painting: oil
Magánt. [Private Collection]
+-Laszlo Hegedus Andrássy-út 71; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
14. Hegedűs László: Istenhegyi részlet [Scene of Istenhegy]
painting: oil
+-Hugó Poll Damjanich utca 32; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
15. Poll Hugó: Alkonyat a kikötőben [Dusk in the Port]
+-Louis Mark Vörösmarty-utca 34a; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
16. Márk Lajos: O. Mária arcképe [Portrait of Mária O.]
painting: oil
Magánt. [Private Collection]
+-Hugó Poll Damjanich utca 32; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
17. Poll Hugó: Fenyőfák [Pines]
+-László Mednyánszky Práter-u. 9; VIII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
18. Mednyánszky László báró: Patak [Brook]
+-Gyula Stetka Bajza utca-23; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
19. Arckép (Tüköry Antal) [Portrait (Antal Tükör)]
painting: oil
Magánt. [Private Collection]
+-Gyula Éder Kmetty-utca 29; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
20. Éder Gyula: Angyali üdvözlet (oltárkép) [The Annunciation (Altarpiece)]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
+-Gyula Stetka Bajza utca-23; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
21. Arckép (Heinrich Dezső) [Portrait (Heinrich Dezső)]
painting: oil
Magánt. [Private Collection]
+-Béla Spanyi Bodajk (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
22. K. Spányi Béla: Bodajki kalvária [Calvary at Bodajk]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
+-Irén Lámné Hilberth Damjanich-utca 28/b; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
23. Lámné Hilberth Irén: Mályvacsokor [Malva Bouquet]
painting: oil
+-Izsák Perlmutter Villasor 11; Rákospalota, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
24. Foltozó parasztasszony Besztercebánya vidékéről [Peasant Woman from the Area of Beszercebánya Patches]
painting: oil
+-Sándor Endrey Alkotmány-utca 27; V, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
25. Endrey Sándor: Molnár Viktor államtitkár arcképe [Portrait of Undersecretary Viktor Molnár]
painting: oil
Magánt. [Private Collection]
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
+-Gyula Benczúr(view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
26. Gróf Karátsonyi Jenőné Andrássy Karolina grófnő [Countess Karolina Andrássy, Wife of Count Jenő Karátsnyi]
painting: oil
Magánt. [Private Collection]
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
+-Gyula Stetka Bajza utca-23; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
27. Arckép (Ráth Péter) [Portrait (Péter Ráth)]
painting: oil
Magánt. [Private Collection]
+-Izsák Perlmutter Villasor 11; Rákospalota, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
28. Fiatal anya Rákospalotán [Young Mother at Rákospalota]
painting: oil
+-Janos Pentelei-Molnar Bajza-utca 23; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
29. Pentelei Molnár: Almák [Apples]
painting: oil
+-Hugó Poll Damjanich utca 32; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
30. Poll Hugó: Kikötőben [In the Port]
+-Ferencz Paczka Lützowstrasse 60 a; W, Berlin (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
31. Paczka Ferenc: Szántói lányok [Girls from Szántó]
painting: oil
+-Ignac Ujvary Kinizsy-utca 33, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
32. Ujváry Ignác: Tavasz [Spring]
painting: oil
+-Artur Ferraris Theresien Ring 5, Vienna (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
33. Ferraris Artúr: Portrait Mrs. Th. [Portrait Mrs. Th.]
painting: oil
+-Janos Pentelei-Molnar Bajza-utca 23; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
34. Pentelei Molnár: Nyári délután [Summer Afternoon]
painting: oil
I. Terem [I. Hall]
35. Pentelei Molnár: Zöldség-csendélet [Vegetable Still Life]
painting: oil
Magánt. [Private Collection]
+-Sándor Endrey Alkotmány-utca 27; V, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
36. Endrey Sándor: Vámbéry Ármin arcképe [Portrait of Ármin Vámbéry]
painting: oil
Magánt. [Private Collection]
+-Janos Pentelei-Molnar Bajza-utca 23; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
37. Pentelei Molnár: Borostyánfák [Laurel Trees]
painting: oil
I. Terem [I. Hall]
38. Pentelei Molnár: Gyümölcs [Fruit]
painting: oil
+-Izsák Perlmutter Villasor 11; Rákospalota, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
39. Szegény asszony Besztercebánya vidékén [Poor Woman Near Besztercebánya]
painting: oil
+-Elemér Halász-Hradil József-utca 26, Košice (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
40. Halász-Hradil Elemér: Régi magyar udvar [Old Hungarian Yard]
painting: oil
+-Károly Lotz(view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
41. ✝ Lotz Károly: Női akt [Nude Woman]
painting: oil
+-Izsák Perlmutter Villasor 11; Rákospalota, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
42. Vásár Besztercebánván [Market in Besztercebánva]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
+-Ritta Boemm Döbrentey-tér 5; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
43. Kis lak áll a nagy Duna mentében [Small Hut Along the Big Danube]
painting: oil
+-Gyula Glatter Bajza-utca 23; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
44. Arckép [Portrait]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
+-Aladár Edvi Illés Andrássy-út 71; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
45. Delelő bivalycsorda [Buffalo Herd Resting at Midday]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
+-Luma Csúzy Pettenkoferstrasse 31, Munich (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
46. Brunningeni Flesch L.: Portrait [Portrait]
painting: oil
+-Ritta Boemm Döbrentey-tér 5; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
I. Terem [I. Hall]
47. Reggeli hangulat [Morning Mood]
painting: oil
+-Maurice Góth Pálma-utca 10; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
II. Terem [II. Hall]
48. Góth Móric: Interieur [Interieur]
painting: oil
+-Lajos Bruck Döbrentei-utca 20; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
II. Terem [II. Hall]
49. Tátradvidéki paraszt [Peasant from the Tatras]
painting: oil
+-Fülöp Szenes Kmetty-utca 27; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
II. Terem [II. Hall]
50. Buránói halászember [Fisherman from Burano]
+-Maurice Góth Pálma-utca 10; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
II. Terem [II. Hall]
51. Góth Móric: Flamand intereur [Felmish Interior]
painting: oil
+-Imre Gergely Kelenhegyi-út 12-14; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
II. Terem [II. Hall]
52. Velencei részlet [Scene of Venice]
painting: oil
+-Bertalan Karlovszky Városligeti fasor 25; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
II. Terem [II. Hall]
53. Karlovszky B.: Magyar parasztasszony [Hungarian Peasant Woman]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
+-Imre Gergely Kelenhegyi-út 12-14; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
II. Terem [II. Hall]
54. Velencei részlet [Scene of Venice]
painting: oil
+-Gusztáv Magyar-Mannheimer Jókai-út 6; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
II. Terem [II. Hall]
55. Virág [Flower]
painting: oil
+-Fülöp Szenes Kmetty-utca 27; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
II. Terem [II. Hall]
56. Vízhordó leány Buránóból [Girl from Burano Carrying Water]
II. Terem [II. Hall]
57. Buránoi halász-család [Fisher Family from Burano]
II. Terem [II. Hall]
58. Körmenet [Procession]
II. Terem [II. Hall]
59. Én is voltam fiatal [I Was Young Once, Too]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
II. Terem [II. Hall]
60. Buránói asszony [Woman from Burano]
painting: oil
II. Terem [II. Hall]
61. Csipkét varró leányok [Girls Sewing Lace]
+-Miksa Bruck Munkácsy-utca 14; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
II. Terem [II. Hall]
62. Zborói vásártér [Market Place in Zbroró]
painting: oil
+-Gusztáv Magyar-Mannheimer Jókai-út 6; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
II. Terem [II. Hall]
63. Magyar Mannheimer Gusztáv: Patak mellett [Next to the Brook]
painting: oil
+-Miksa Bruck Munkácsy-utca 14; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
II. Terem [II. Hall]
64. Magány [Solitude]
painting: oil
II. Terem [II. Hall]
65. A vadász szobája [The Room of the Hunter]
painting: oil
II. Terem [II. Hall]
66. Zborói interieur [Interior in Zboró]
painting: oil
+-Janos Pentelei-Molnar Bajza-utca 23; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
II. Terem [II. Hall]
67. Pentelei Molnár: Körték [Pears]
painting: oil
+-Oszkár Glatz Sas-utca 23; V, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
II. Terem [II. Hall]
68. Női arckép [Portrait of a Woman]
painting: oil
Magánt. [Private Collection]
+-Gusztáv Magyar-Mannheimer Jókai-út 6; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
II. Terem [II. Hall]
69. Magyar Mannheimer Gusztáv: Szeles nyári nap [Windy Summer Day]
painting: oil
II. Terem [II. Hall]
70. Magyar Mannheimer Gusztáv: Tavasz [Spring]
painting: oil
II. Terem [II. Hall]
71. Magyar Mannheimer Gusztáv: Motívum a római Campagnából [Scene from the Roman Campagna]
painting: oil
+-László Kézdi Kovács Török-utca 8; II, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
III. Terem [III. Hall]
72. Kézdi-Kovács László: Sejtelem [Suspicion]
painting: oil
+-Ödön Kacziány Kelenhegyi-út 12-14; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
III. Terem [III. Hall]
73. Kialvó lámpa [Lamp Burning Out]
painting: oil
+-Julius Gyula Basch Városligeti fasor 31; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
III. Terem [III. Hall]
74. Basch Gyula: Oudenburg [Oudenburg]
painting: oil
+-César María Herrer Marcher Villa-sor 12; Rákospalota, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
III. Terem [III. Hall]
75. Herrer Cézár: Velencei tájkép [Venice Landscape]
painting: oil
+-Karoly Bachmann Zrinyi-u. 5; Ujpest, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
III. Terem [III. Hall]
76. Bachmann Károly: Csendélet [Still Life]
painting: oil
III. Terem [III. Hall]
77. Bachmann Károly: Csendélet [Still Life]
painting: oil
+-Hugó Poll Damjanich utca 32; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
III. Terem [III. Hall]
78. Poll Hugó: Kis breton leány [Littly Breton Girl]
III. Terem [III. Hall]
79. Poll Hugó: Nyugyó bárkák [Resting Arks]
III. Terem [III. Hall]
80. Poll Hugó: Thonhalász-bárkák [Tuna-Fishing Vessels]
III. Terem [III. Hall]
81. Poll Hugó: Bástyafalak [Bastion Walls]
III. Terem [III. Hall]
82. Poll Hugó: Bárkák apálykor [Arks at Low Tide]
III. Terem [III. Hall]
83. Poll Hugó: Piacon [At the Market]
III. Terem [III. Hall]
84. Poll Hugó: Le passage [Le passage]
III. Terem [III. Hall]
85. Poll Hugó: Vásáros kocsi [Market Wagon]
III. Terem [III. Hall]
86. Poll Hugó: Egy sardiniére [A Sardiniére]
III. Terem [III. Hall]
87. Poll Hugó: Kikötő-részlet [Scene of a Port]
III. Terem [III. Hall]
88. Poll Hugó: Nyári felhők [Summer Clouds]
III. Terem [III. Hall]
89. Poll Hugó: A Conorneaui templom mögött [Behinde the Church of Conorneau]
+-Celesztin Pallya Templom-utca 7; Ujpest, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
III. Terem [III. Hall]
90. Pállya Celestin: Vásári jelenet [Scene on the Market]
painting: oil
III. Terem [III. Hall]
91. Pállya Celestin: Piaci részlet [Scene of a Market]
painting: oil
+-Jeno Jendrassik Damjanich-utca 12; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
III. Terem [III. Hall]
92. Jendrássik Jenő: J. A. úr arcképe [Portrait of Mr. J. A.]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
+-Julius Gyula Basch Városligeti fasor 31; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
III. Terem [III. Hall]
93. Basch Gyula: Leányom arcképe (zöld és fehérösszhang.) [Portrait of My Daughter (Green and White Harmony)]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
+-Jeno Jendrassik Damjanich-utca 12; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
III. Terem [III. Hall]
94. Jendrássik Jenő: K. S. gróf arcképe [Portrait of Count K. S.]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
III. Terem [III. Hall]
95. Jendrássik Jenő: A testvérek arcképe [Portrait of the Sibilings]
painting: oil
Ráthonyi Ákosné úrnő
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
III. Terem [III. Hall]
96. Jendrássik Jenő: K. A. comtesse arcképe [Portrait of Comtesse K. A.]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
+-Julius Gyula Basch Városligeti fasor 31; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
III. Terem [III. Hall]
97. Basch Gyula: Leányom arcképe (szürke és rózsaszínű összhang) [Portrait of My Daughter (Grey and Pink Harmony)]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
+-Jeno Jendrassik Damjanich-utca 12; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
III. Terem [III. Hall]
98. Jendrássik Jenő: A küszöbön [On the Threshold]
painting: oil
+-Bertalan Pór Szabó József-utca 12; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
III. Terem [III. Hall]
99. Klárika [Klárika]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
+-Julius Agghazy Andrássy-út 71; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
III. Terem [III. Hall]
100. Aggházy Gyula: Mák [Poppy]
painting: oil
+-László Kézdi Kovács Török-utca 8; II, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
III. Terem [III. Hall]
101. Kézdi-Kovács László: Balaton [Balaton]
painting: oil
III. Terem [III. Hall]
102. Kézdi-Kovács László: Őszi napfény [Autumn Sunshine]
painting: oil
III. Terem [III. Hall]
103. Kézdi-Kovács László: Őszi dal [Autumn Song]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
+-Bertalan Pór Szabó József-utca 12; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
III. Terem [III. Hall]
104. Önarcképtanulmány [Self-Portrait Study]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
+-Julius Agghazy Andrássy-út 71; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
III. Terem [III. Hall]
105. Aggházy Gyula: Konyhakertben [In the Kitchen Garden]
painting: oil
+-Ödön Kacziány Kelenhegyi-út 12-14; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
III. Terem [III. Hall]
106. Sziget a tengerben [Island in the Sea]
painting: oil
+-László Kézdi Kovács Török-utca 8; II, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
III. Terem [III. Hall]
107. Siófoki erdő [Forest in Siófok]
painting: oil
+-Endre Komaromi Kacz Király-utca 106; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
108. Komáromi Kacz Endre: Jankovich Bésán József arcképe [Portrait of József Jankovich Bésán]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
+-Ignac Ujvary Kinizsy-utca 33, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
109. Ujváry Ignác: Duna mellett [Next to the Danube]
painting: oil
+-Lajos Deák-Ébner Várkertbazár; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
110. Vásárosok [Market Vendors]
painting: oil
+-Gyula Háry Kmetty-utca 29; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
111. Neptun csónakda [Neptun Boathouse]
painting: oil
+-Lajos Deák-Ébner Várkertbazár; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
112. Vegyem, ne vegyem ? [Should I Buy It or Not?]
painting: oil
+-Istvan Bosznay Lógodi-u. 61; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
113. Bosznay István: Estszürkület. (Bikszád.) [Dusk. (Bikszád.)]
painting: oil
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
114. Bosznay István: Nyári délután [Summer Afternoon]
painting: oil
+-Ferenc Ingomár Izabella- utca 65; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
115. Női arckép [Portrait of a Woman]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
+-Ferenc Ujházy Gyöngytyúk-utca 3; VIII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
116. Ujházy Ferenc: Csendélet [Still Life]
painting: oil
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
117. Ujházy Ferenc: Csendélet [Still Life]
painting: oil
+-Géza Udvary Kelenhegyi út 12-14; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
118. Udvary Géza: Leány a diványon [Girl on the Sofa]
painting: oil
+-Ferenc Ingomár Izabella- utca 65; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
119. Női arckép [Portrait of a Woman]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
+-Dome Skutezky Banská Bystrica (view artist profile) | ||||
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
120. Skutezky Döme: Rézkovácsok [Coppersmiths]
painting: oil
+-Károly Cserna Mária-Besnyő, Gödöllő (view artist profile) | ||||
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
121. Cserna Károly: Szöllöfürtök [Bunches of Grapes]
painting: oil
+-Ferenc Ingomár Izabella- utca 65; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
122. Arckép [Portrait]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
+-Istvan Bosznay Lógodi-u. 61; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
123. Bosznay István: Krumpliszedők. (Herény.) [Potato Gatherers. (Herény.)]
painting: oil
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
124. Bosznay István: Bikszádi tölgyek [Oak Trees in Bikszád]
painting: oil
+-Ferenc Innocent Veress Pálné-u. 25; IV, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
125. Tanulmány [Study]
painting: oil
+-César María Herrer Marcher Villa-sor 12; Rákospalota, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
126. Herrer Cézár: A verandán [On the Veranda]
painting: oil
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
127. Herrer Cézár: Velencei tájkép [Venice Landscape]
painting: oil
+-Géza Udvary Kelenhegyi út 12-14; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
128. Udvary Géza: Napfoltok [Sunspots]
painting: oil
+-César María Herrer Marcher Villa-sor 12; Rákospalota, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
129. Herrer Cézár: Sétáló nők [Strolling Women]
painting: oil
+-Géza Udvary Kelenhegyi út 12-14; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
130. Udvary Géza: Keresztút [Stations of the Cross]
painting: oil
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
131. Udvary Géza: A Monsignore [The Monsignore]
painting: oil
+-Edmund Tull Lipót-körút 5; V, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
132. Tull Ödön: Parasztlakodalom [The Peasant Wedding]
painting: oil
+-Izsák Perlmutter Villasor 11; Rákospalota, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
133. Öregasszony Mollban (Belgium.) [Old Woman in Moll (Belgium.)]
painting: oil
+-Gyula Háry Kmetty-utca 29; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
134. Madm. I. Z.
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
+-César María Herrer Marcher Villa-sor 12; Rákospalota, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
135. Herrer Cézár: Velencei tájkép [Venice Landscape]
painting: oil
+-Ferenc Innocent Veress Pálné-u. 25; IV, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
136. Beatrix [Beatrix]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
+-Nándor Katona Akácfa-utca 24; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
137. Katona Nándor: Ferenc József-csúcs [Franz Joseph-Peak]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
+-Lajos Deák-Ébner Várkertbazár; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
138. Hazatérő [Homecomer]
painting: aquarelle, Vízf. [watercolour painting]
+-Gyula Stetka Bajza utca-23; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
139. Arckép. (Keller István.) [Portrait. (István Keller.)]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
+-Sandor Nyilasy Szeged (view artist profile) | ||||
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
140. Nyilasy Sándor: Dordrechti háztetők [Rooftops of Dordrecht]
painting: oil
+-Julius Agghazy Andrássy-út 71; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
141. Aggházy Gyula: Göcseji falu vége [Edge of a Village in Göcsej]
painting: oil
+-Sandor Nyilasy Szeged (view artist profile) | ||||
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
142. Nyilasy Sándor: Hollandi halászfalu [Fishing Village in Holland]
painting: oil
+-László Paál(view artist profile) | ||||
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
143. ✝ Paál László: A százéves asszony [The Hundred Year Old Woman]
painting: oil
+-Sandor Nyilasy Szeged (view artist profile) | ||||
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
144. Nyilasy Sándor: Horgosi ház [House in Horgos]
painting: oil
+-János Ödön Lechner Sas-utca 9; V, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
145. Lechner Ödön: Surenne-i part [The Shore at Surenne]
painting: oil
+-Dome Skutezky Banská Bystrica (view artist profile) | ||||
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
146. Skutezky Döme: Esti ima [Evening Prayer]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
+-Gusztáv Magyar-Mannheimer Jókai-út 6; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
147. Magyar Mannheimer Gusztáv: Bolgár telep Budapest mellett [Bulgarian Ranch by Budapest]
painting: oil
+-Sandor Nyilasy Szeged (view artist profile) | ||||
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
148. Nyilasy Sándor: Hollandiai házak [Dutch Houses]
painting: oil
+-Károly Gerster Kelenhegyi-út 23; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
149. Stósz város [Stósz Town]
painting: oil
+-Ödön Kacziány Kelenhegyi-út 12-14; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
150. Csendélet [Still Life]
painting: oil
+-Gyula Háry Kmetty-utca 29; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
151. Arckép tanulmány [Portrait Study]
painting: oil
IV. Terem [IV. Hall]
152. Női akttanulmány [Study of a Female Nude]
painting: oil
+-Ödön Kacziány Kelenhegyi-út 12-14; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
V. Terem [V. Hall]
153. Kialvó tűz véglobbanása [The Last Flame of a Dying Fire]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
+-Ármin Glatter Kelenhegyi-út 12-14; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
V. Terem [V. Hall]
154. Szobaleány [Chambermaid]
painting: oil
V. Terem [V. Hall]
155. Arckép [Portrait]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
V. Terem [V. Hall]
156. Arckép [Portrait]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
V. Terem [V. Hall]
157. Pihenés [Rest]
painting: oil
+-Artur Tölgyessy Kelenhegyi-út 12-14; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
V. Terem [V. Hall]
158. Tölgyessy Arthur: A nap nyugvóban [The Sun is Setting Down]
painting: oil
V. Terem [V. Hall]
159. Tölgyessy Arthur: Estszürkület [Dusk]
painting: oil
V. Terem [V. Hall]
160. Tölgyessy Arthur: Kertrészlet [Scene of a Garden]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
V. Terem [V. Hall]
161. Tölgyessy Arthur: Párisi virágvásár [Flower Market in Paris]
painting: oil
V. Terem [V. Hall]
162. Tölgyessy Arthur: Holdfeljötte [Moonrise]
painting: oil
+-Imre Knopp Király-utca 106, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
V. Terem [V. Hall]
163. Szepes-szombati részlet [Scene of Szepes-szombat]
painting: oil
V. Terem [V. Hall]
164. A leves [The Soup]
painting: oil
V. Terem [V. Hall]
165. Munkás órák [Working Hours]
painting: oil
V. Terem [V. Hall]
166. Üsttisztítás [Cleaning the Kettle]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
V. Terem [V. Hall]
167. A "Ponte Vecchio" Florencben [The "Ponte Vecchio" in Florence]
painting: oil
V. Terem [V. Hall]
168. Arckép [Portrait]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
V. Terem [V. Hall]
169. Szőke gyermek [Blond Child]
painting: oil
V. Terem [V. Hall]
170. A kávé [The Coffee]
painting: oil
V. Terem [V. Hall]
171. Ebéd után [After Lunch]
painting: oil
+-Laszlo Hegedus Andrássy-út 71; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
V. Terem [V. Hall]
172. Hegedűs László: Nemesített galagonya [Hawthorn]
painting: oil
+-Imre Knopp Király-utca 106, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
V. Terem [V. Hall]
173. Női arckép [Portrait of a Woman]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
+-Ödön Kacziány Kelenhegyi-út 12-14; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
V. Terem [V. Hall]
174. Utazás a Balaton körül [Travelling Around the Lake Balaton]
painting: oil
+-Sandor Nyilasy Szeged (view artist profile) | ||||
VI. Terem [VI. Hall]
175. Nyilasy Sándor: Dordrechti fürészmalom [Sawmill in Dordrecht]
painting: oil
VI. Terem [VI. Hall]
176. Nyilasy Sándor: Fűzfák [Willows]
painting: oil
VI. Terem [VI. Hall]
177. Nyilasy Sándor: Szélmalom [Windmill]
painting: oil
VI. Terem [VI. Hall]
178. Nyilasy Sándor: Szélmalom Dordrecht mellett [Windmill by Dordrecht]
painting: oil
+-Antal Neogrady Andrássy-út 71; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VI. Terem [VI. Hall]
179. Neogrády Antal: Libapásztor [Gooseherd]
painting: oil
+-Antal Berkes Zsigmondt-utca 68; III, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VI. Terem [VI. Hall]
180. Őszi reggel Münchenben [Autumn Morning in Munich]
painting: oil
+-Manó Vesztróczy Bajza-utca 23; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VI. Terem [VI. Hall]
181. Vesztróczy Manó: Somogyi part [Shore in Somogy]
painting: oil
+-Rezső Sándor Cserna Nádor-utca 20; V, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VI. Terem [VI. Hall]
182. Cserna Rezső S.: Csendélet [Still Life]
painting: oil
+-Vincent Bánsághi Alkotás-utca 31; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VI. Terem [VI. Hall]
183. Bánsági Vince: A hegyekben [In the Mountains]
painting: oil
+-Károly Cserna Mária-Besnyő, Gödöllő (view artist profile) | ||||
VI. Terem [VI. Hall]
184. Cserna Károly: Kukoricagóré [Corn Crib]
painting: oil
+-Károly Reinhard Jászberény (view artist profile) | ||||
VI. Terem [VI. Hall]
185. Reinhard Károly: Férfi-arckép [Portrait of a Man]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
+-Ernő Vörös Tököly-út 27; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VI. Terem [VI. Hall]
186. Vörös Ernő: Ebéd [Lunch]
painting: oil
+-Károly Cserna Mária-Besnyő, Gödöllő (view artist profile) | ||||
VI. Terem [VI. Hall]
187. Cserna Károly: Szőllő-csendélet [Grape Still Life]
painting: oil
+-Mozart Rottmann Aréna-út 19; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VI. Terem [VI. Hall]
188. Rottmann Mozart: H. I. kisasszony arcképe [Portrait of Miss H. I.]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
+-Károly Cserna Mária-Besnyő, Gödöllő (view artist profile) | ||||
VI. Terem [VI. Hall]
189. Cserna Károly: Rozstábla [Rye Field]
painting: oil
+-Mark Rubovics Wekerle-utca; Ujpest, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VI. Terem [VI. Hall]
190. Rubovics Márk: Hóolvadás [Snowmelt]
painting: oil
+-Miksa Timár-Thein Andrássy-út 67; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VI. Terem [VI. Hall]
191. Thein Miksa: Helena. Tanulmány [Helena. Study]
painting: oil
+-János Ödön Lechner Sas-utca 9; V, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VI. Terem [VI. Hall]
192. Lehner J. Ödön: Szajnapart [Shore of the Seine]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
+-László Mednyánszky Práter-u. 9; VIII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VII. Terem [VII. Hall]
193. Mednyánszky László báró: Árvíz [Flood]
painting: oil
+-Kornel Spanyik Horánszky-utca 9; VIII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VII. Terem [VII. Hall]
194. Spányik Cornél: „Kossuth Lajos“ ["Lajos Kossuth"]
painting: oil
Hont vármegye [Hont County]
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
+-László Mednyánszky Práter-u. 9; VIII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VII. Terem [VII. Hall]
195. Mednyánszky László báró: Hajnal [Dawn]
painting: oil
+- | ||||
other medium
+-Menyhert Both Aréna-út 58; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VII. Terem [VII. Hall]
197. Both Menyhért: Unatkozó modell [Bored Model]
painting: oil
+-Tivadar Zemplényi Fehérvári-út 38; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VII. Terem [VII. Hall]
198. Kertben [In the Garden]
painting: oil
+-Gyula Túry Kőfaragó-utca 5; VIII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VII. Terem [VII. Hall]
199. Túry Gyula: Dr. L. Z.-né úrnő arcképe [Portrait of the Wife of Dr. L. Z.]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
+-Oscar Mendlick Aerdenhout (view artist profile) | ||||
VII. Terem [VII. Hall]
200. Mendlik Oszkár: Oceán-hullám [Wave of the Ocean]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
+-Andor Boruth Kelenhegyi-út 12-14; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VII. Terem [VII. Hall]
201. Borúth Andor: Arckép [Portrait]
painting: oil
Kolossváry Dezsőné exc. [Wife of Dezső Kolossváry exc.]
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
+-Tivadar Zemplényi Fehérvári-út 38; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VII. Terem [VII. Hall]
202. Fürösztés a Balatonban [Bath in the Lake Balaton]
painting: oil
+-Gyula Glatter Bajza-utca 23; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VII. Terem [VII. Hall]
203. Öreg asszony [Old Woman]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
+-Zsigmond Nagy Kelenhegyi út 12-14; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VII. Terem [VII. Hall]
204. Nagy Zsiga: Madarász Viktor festőművész arcképe [Portrait of the Painter Viktor Madarász]
painting: oil
+- | ||||
other medium
other medium
+-Valéria Telkessy Dísz-tér 15; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VII. Terem [VII. Hall]
207. Telkessy Valér: Női arckép [Portrait of a Woman]
painting: oil
Büttner Miklósné [Wife of Miklós Büttner]
+- | ||||
other medium
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+-Sándor Endrey Alkotmány-utca 27; V, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VII. Terem [VII. Hall]
217. Endrey Sándor: Arckép [Portrait]
painting: oil
Lónyay Sándor; Magántulajdon [Sándor Lónyai [m]; Private Collection]
+- | ||||
other medium
+-Sándor Endrey Alkotmány-utca 27; V, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VII. Terem [VII. Hall]
219. Endrey Sándor: Paulay Erzsébet. Arcképtanulmány [Erzsébet Paulay. Portrait Study]
painting: oil
+-Manó Vesztróczy Bajza-utca 23; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VII. Terem [VII. Hall]
220. Vesztróczy Manó: „Lányok a réten“ ["Girls on the Meadow"]
painting: oil
+-Valéria Telkessy Dísz-tér 15; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VII. Terem [VII. Hall]
221. Telkessy Valér: Kertben [In the Garden]
painting: oil
+-Lajos Kúnffy Somogytúr (view artist profile) | ||||
VII. Terem [VII. Hall]
222. Kúnfy Lajos: „Vasárnap" ["Sunday"]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
+-Valéria Telkessy Dísz-tér 15; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VII. Terem [VII. Hall]
223. Telkessy Valér: Fürdés után [After the Bath]
painting: oil
+-Jenő Uferbach Erzsébet-körút 30, Arad (view artist profile) | ||||
VII. Terem [VII. Hall]
224. Uferbach Jenő: Ingerkedés [Teasing]
painting: oil
+-Elemér Halász-Hradil József-utca 26, Košice (view artist profile) | ||||
VII. Terem [VII. Hall]
225. Halász-Hradil Elemér: Biedermayer [Biedermayer]
painting: oil
+-Arthur Heyer Villa-sor 10; Rákospalota, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VII. Terem [VII. Hall]
226. Angora macskák [Angora Cats]
painting: oil
+- | ||||
other medium
+-Louis Mark Vörösmarty-utca 34a; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
VII. Terem [VII. Hall]
228. Márk Lajos: Intimitások [Intimacies]
painting: oil
VII. Terem [VII. Hall]
229. Márk Lajos: S. Albertné arcképe [Portrait of the Wife of Albert S.]
painting: oil
Magántul. [Private Collection]
VII. Terem [VII. Hall]
230. Márk Lajos: Ninette [Ninette]
painting: oil
VII. Terem [VII. Hall]
231. Márk Lajos: Nyár [Summer]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
VII. Terem [VII. Hall]
232. Márk Lajos: Mosolygó leány [Smiling Girl]
painting: oil
VII. Terem [VII. Hall]
233. Márk Lajos: H. G.-né arcképe [Portrait of the Wife of H. G.]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
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+-Jean Delville Brussels (view artist profile) | ||||
VIII. Terem [VIII. Hall]
243. A tenger fenekén [On the Bottom of the Sea]
painting: oil
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+-Maurice Langaskens Brussels (view artist profile) | ||||
VIII. Terem [VIII. Hall]
260/b. Este [Evening]
VIII. Terem [VIII. Hall]
260/c. Fehér madarak [White Birds]
VIII. Terem [VIII. Hall]
260/d. A forrás [The Fountain]
VIII. Terem [VIII. Hall]
260/e. Virágok festője [Painter of Flowers]
+-Alfred Delaunois Brussels (view artist profile) | ||||
VIII. Terem [VIII. Hall]
261. Delaunai Alfréd: Viharos nap [Stormy Day]
painting: oil
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+-Jan Toorop Amsterdam (view artist profile) | ||||
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
355. A három menyasszony (symbolikus kép) [The Three Brides (Symbolic Picture)]
painting: aquarelle, Vízf. [watercolour painting]
- This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
- "Jan Toorop a „három menyasszony " képének magyarázata. (A művész saját leírása szerint.) A „Lét" alakjaiból támad a középső menyasszony, az ifjuság symboluma, mely még öntudatlanságában mind- azt a látszólag szépet élvezi, amit a föld nyujt. A lelki élet csak a mögötte álló alakokban (a képben balra) kezd ébredezni. A lelki fájdalom kifejezése ezekben folyton emelkedik, hogy végül is kielégitést nyerjen az aszketikus menyasszony - Krisztus meny- asszonya - személyében (balra), aki egészen Krisztus- nak az Ő szeretete és munkájának él, csodálattal szemlélvén mindazt, mi világi. Krisztus megfeszített keze (a képben balra fent) halkan kongatja a haran- got, melyből csöndesen ömlenek a hangok. Egy, ebből a szférából érkező szerafin liliomot, a keresz- tyéni tisztaság symbolumát nyujtja e menyasszony- nak. A középső menyasszony mögött jobbra haladó alakok ama lényeket ábrázolják, akik a világi és érzéki szenvedélyek rabjai. Ebben a szférában az élet erősebb, kegyetlenebb lesz és végződik a harmadik menyasszony, a Halál személyében (a képen jobbra), aki symboluma ama világnak, mely - e menyasszony birtokában - csakis holt életet és halált lel. Az ő menyasszonyi dísze koponya-füzér. Vállain a liliom elhervadt, a liliomszárak kígyókká változtak, melyek mérget okádnak a harang ellen, melyet a megfeszí- tett Krisztus keze (jobbra fent) súlyosan és hevesen ráz. Ez a menyasszony egyik kezében eyy csészét tart melybe egy kezekben tartott urnából ama lelkek életnedvét gyújti, kiknek jajgató fejeit karmaival szorítja le. A Krisztus harangjának küzködő, hatalmas hangvonalaiból leszálló szerafin (jobbra) igyekszik e menyasszony cselekedetét akadályozni. Jan Toorop [Reading of Jan Toorop's work "The Three Brides" (after the artist's own writing.) From the figures of „Existence“ rises the bride in the middle, the symbol of youth, who unknowingly enjoys everything beautiful that the world has to offer. The spiritual life begins to awaken only in the figures standing behind her (on the left in the picture). The pains of the soul are being expressed in these figures until finally, the figure of the ascetic bride (on the left) - the bride of Christ - can reach satisfaction, she who only lives for Christ and his love and work, wonderously watching everything that is earthly. Christ's tense hand (on the top left hand corner in the picture) is silently chiming the bells, quiet sounds pouring out of them. A seraphim coming from this sphere is holding out a lily, the symbol of christian purity, to the bride. Behind the bride in the middle are figures moving to the right, resembling beings that are the prisoners of earthly and sensuous passion. Life is stronger in this sphere, it is becoming more ruthless and concludes with the third bride, as the figure of death (on the right in the picture), who is the symbol of this world, that - in the territory of the bride - only holds dying life and death. Her bridal adornment is a string of skulls. The lilies on her shoulders have wilted, the stems have turned into snakes and spout poison towards the bells, that are being rung loudly and violently by Christ's tense hands (on the top right hand corner). This bride is holding a cup in one hand in which she collects, from an urn held by hands, the sap of the souls, whose wailing heads she holds down with her claws. A Sepharim (on the right) flying down from Christ's bells and their gigantic waves of sound is trying to detain the bride's doing. Jan Toorop]" |
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
356. Hollandi paraszt [Dutch Peasant]
painting: oil
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
357. A haarlemi püspök arcképe [Portrait of the Bishop of Haarlem]
Magánt. [Private Collection]
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
358. Öreg paraszt [Old Peasant]
painting: oil
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
359. Tengerpart [Seashore]
painting: oil
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
360. Monseigneur Ariens arcképe [Portrait of Monseigneur Ariens]
Magánt. [Private Collection]
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
361. Tengerparton [On the Seashore]
+-Jan I Voerman Hattem (view artist profile) | ||||
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
362. Voerman, Jan: Hattem látképe [VIew of Hattem]
painting: oil
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
363. Voerman, Jan: Legelőn [On the Pasture]
painting: aquarelle, Vízf. [watercolour painting]
+-Jo Koster Haarlem (view artist profile) | ||||
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
364. Koster, I.: Jácint-mező Haarlemnél [Hyacinth-Field Near Haarlem]
+-Hendrik Willem Mesdag Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
365. Mesdag, H. W.: Nyári reggel Scheveningben [Summer Morning in Schevening]
painting: oil
+-Thérèse Schwartze(view artist profile) | ||||
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
366. Van Duyl-Schwartze, Therése: A levél [The Letter]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
+-Nicolaas Bastert Nieuwersluis (view artist profile) | ||||
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
367. Rajna partján Hollandiában [On the Shore of the Rhine in Holland]
painting: oil
+-Jan I Voerman Hattem (view artist profile) | ||||
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
368. Voerman, Jan: Felhők [Clouds]
painting: oil
+-Jo Koster Haarlem (view artist profile) | ||||
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
369. Koster, I.: Tulipán-mező [Tulip Field]
+-Johan Akkeringa Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
370. Akkeringa, Johanees Evert: Tengerpart alakokkal [Seashore with Figures]
painting: oil
+-Willem Bastiaan Tholen Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
371. Tholen, W. B.: A Kager-tó [The Kager Lake]
painting: oil
+-Nicolaas Bastert Nieuwersluis (view artist profile) | ||||
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
372. Délután [Afternoon]
painting: oil
+-George Jan Hendrik Poggenbeek(view artist profile) | ||||
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
373. ✝ Poggenbeck, Georg: Ősszel [In the Autumn]
painting: oil
+-Paul Joseph Constantin Gabriël(view artist profile) | ||||
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
374. ✝ Gabriel, P. I. C.: A malom [The Mill]
painting: oil
+-Jacob Henricus Maris Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
375. ✝ Maris, Jacob: Viharos tenger [Stormy Sea]
painting: oil
+-Jacobus Simon Hendrik Kever Laren (Noord-Holland) (view artist profile) | ||||
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
376. Kever, J. S. H.: Gyermeketetés [Feeding a Child]
painting: oil
+-Bernardus Johannes Blommers Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
377. Blommers, B. J.: Halászgyermekek a scheveningeni tengerparton [Fishing Children on the Seashore at Scheveningen]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
+-Willem de Zwart Leidschendam (view artist profile) | ||||
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
378. Zwart de, Willem: Legelő tehenek [Grazing Cows]
painting: oil
+-Gerrit Willem Dijsselhof Haarlem (view artist profile) | ||||
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
379. Dysselhof, G. W.: Részlet egy dekorativ képből ((Trigle hirundo) [Detail of a Decorative Picture (Trigle hirundo)]
painting: tempera
Magánt. [Private Collection]
+-Louis Willem van Soest Velp, Gelderland (view artist profile) | ||||
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
380. Van Soest, Louis: Erdei kunyhó [Cabin in the Woods]
painting: oil
L. Smit úr tulajdona. Den Haag [Mr. L. Smit, The Hague]
+-Nicolaas Bastert Nieuwersluis (view artist profile) | ||||
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
381. A tócsa [The Puddle]
painting: oil
+-Floris Arntzenius Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
382. Arntzenius, Flóris: Tengerpart Scheveningennél [Seashore at Scheveningen]
painting: aquarelle, Vízf. [watercolour painting]
+-Menso Kamerlingh Onnes Leyden (view artist profile) | ||||
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
383. Kamerlingk-Onnes, M.: Hervadó virágok [Withered Flowers]
painting: aquarelle, Vízf. [watercolour painting]
+-Susanne Robertson(view artist profile) | ||||
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
384. Bisschop-Robertson, Suze: Burgonyahámozó öreg asszony [Old Woman Peeling Potatoes]
painting: oil
+-Paul Joseph Constantin Gabriël(view artist profile) | ||||
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
385. ✝ Gabriel, P. J. C.: Pusztai tanyák [Farms in the Desert]
painting: oil
+-Willem de Zwart Leidschendam (view artist profile) | ||||
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
386. Halászbárka [Fishing Boats]
painting: aquarelle, Vízf. [watercolour painting]
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
387. Istálló belseje [Interior of a Stable]
painting: oil
+-Hendrik Willem Mesdag Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
388. Mesdag, H. W.: Egy félelmetes éj [A Scary Night]
painting: oil
+-Menso Kamerlingh Onnes Leyden (view artist profile) | ||||
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
389. Kamerlingk-Onnes, M.: Dinnye- és barack-csendélet [Melon and Peach Still Life]
painting: aquarelle, Vízf. [watercolour painting]
+-Bernardus Johannes Blommers Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
390. Blommers, B. J.: Krevett-halásznő [Shrimp Fisherwoman]
painting: oil
+-Jan I Voerman Hattem (view artist profile) | ||||
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
391. Voerman, Jan: Lovak [Horses]
painting: oil
+-Johann Zoetelief Tromp Amsterdam (view artist profile) | ||||
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
392. Zoetelief-Tromp: Egy kis séta [A Small Walk]
painting: aquarelle, Vízf. [watercolour painting]
+-Willem Arnold Witsen Amsterdam (view artist profile) | ||||
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
393. Wittsen, Willem: Amsterdami gracht [Gracht in Amsterdam]
painting: aquarelle, Vízf. [watercolour painting]
+-Marius Alexander Jacques Bauer Aerdenhout (view artist profile) | ||||
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
394. Bauer, M. A. J.: Kairó [Cairo]
painting: aquarelle, Vízf. [watercolour painting]
+-Matthijs Maris London (view artist profile) | ||||
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
395. Maris, Mathys: Freiburgi részlet [Scene of Freiburg]
+-Jan Toorop Amsterdam (view artist profile) | ||||
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
396. Melancholia [Melancholia]
painting: aquarelle, Vízf. [watercolour painting]
+-Susanne Robertson(view artist profile) | ||||
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
397. Bisschop-Robertson, Suze: Komoly olvasmány [Heavy Reading]
painting: oil
+-Willem Arnold Witsen Amsterdam (view artist profile) | ||||
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
398. Witsen, Willem: Részlet a régi Rotterdamból [Scene of the Old Rotterdam]
painting: aquarelle, Vízf. [watercolour painting]
+-Marius Alexander Jacques Bauer Aerdenhout (view artist profile) | ||||
IX. Terem [IX. Hall]
399. Bauer, M. A. J.: Hindu templom [Hindu Church]
painting: aquarelle, Vízf. [watercolour painting]
+-Johan Akkeringa Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
X. Terem [X. Hall]
400. Akkeringa, Johannes Evert: Hálójavítás [Repairing the Net]
painting: oil
+-Johannes Cornelis van Essen Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
X. Terem [X. Hall]
401. Van Essen, Jan: Kutyafej [Head of a Dog]
painting: aquarelle, Vízf. [watercolour painting]
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
+-Gerrit Willem Dijsselhof Haarlem (view artist profile) | ||||
X. Terem [X. Hall]
402. Dysselhof, G. W.: Észak-hollandi táj [North-Holland Landscape]
painting: oil
+-Jozef Israëls Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
X. Terem [X. Hall]
403. Halászleány a dünéken [Fisher Girl on the Dunes]
painting: aquarelle, Vízf. [watercolour painting]
+-Jan Hendrik Weissenbruch(view artist profile) | ||||
X. Terem [X. Hall]
404. ✝ Weissenbruch. J. H .: Tengerparton [On the Seahore]
painting: oil
J. M. Pynacker Hardyk úr tulajdona. Den Haag [Mr. J. M. Pynacker Hardyk, The Hague]
+-Marius Alexander Jacques Bauer Aerdenhout (view artist profile) | ||||
X. Terem [X. Hall]
405. Bauer, M. A. J.: Az avillai székesegyház [The Cathedral of Avilla]
painting: oil
+-Anton Mauve(view artist profile) | ||||
X. Terem [X. Hall]
406. ✝ Mauve, Anton: Birkanyáj a dünék közt [Flock of Sheep Among the Dunes]
painting: oil
Van Nievelt úrnő tulajdona [Lady Van Nievelt]
+-Jozef Israëls Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
X. Terem [X. Hall]
407. Olvasó öregasszony [Old Woman Reading]
painting: oil
+-Marius Alexander Jacques Bauer Aerdenhout (view artist profile) | ||||
X. Terem [X. Hall]
408. Bauer, M. A. J.: A forrásnál (Vázlat) [At the Fountain (Sketch)]
painting: oil
+-August Allebé Amsterdam (view artist profile) | ||||
X. Terem [X. Hall]
409. Öreg asszony [Old Woman]
painting: oil
J. H. Van Eeghen úr tulajdona. Amsterdam [Mr. J. H. Van Eeghen, Amsterdam]
+-Willem Bastiaan Tholen Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
X. Terem [X. Hall]
410. Tholen, W. B.: Hullám [Wave]
painting: oil
Th. Gilissen úr tulajdona. Baarn [Mr. Th. Gilissen, Baarn]
+-Johan Barthold Jongkind(view artist profile) | ||||
X. Terem [X. Hall]
411. ✝ Jongkind, J. B.: Anversi utca [Street in Anvers]
painting: aquarelle, Vízf. [watercolour painting]
+-Jan Hendrik Weissenbruch(view artist profile) | ||||
X. Terem [X. Hall]
412. ✝ Weissenbruch. J. H .: Tájkép (vázlat) [Landscape (Sketch)]
painting: oil
+-Albert Neuhuys Amsterdam (view artist profile) | ||||
X. Terem [X. Hall]
413. Brabanti parasztnő [Peasant Woman of Brabant]
painting: oil
+-Marius Alexander Jacques Bauer Aerdenhout (view artist profile) | ||||
X. Terem [X. Hall]
414. Bauer, M. A. J.: A cairoi fellegvár [The Citadel of Cairo]
painting: oil
+-August Allebé Amsterdam (view artist profile) | ||||
X. Terem [X. Hall]
415. Asszony serleggel [Woman with a Cup]
painting: oil
J. H. Van Eeghen úr tulajdona. Amsterdam. [Mr. J. H. Van Eeghen, Amsterdam]
+-Willem Arnold Witsen Amsterdam (view artist profile) | ||||
X. Terem [X. Hall]
416. Witsen, Willem: Falusi molnár [Miller of a Village]
painting: oil
+-George Hendrik Breitner Aerdenhout (view artist profile) | ||||
X. Terem [X. Hall]
417. Breitner, G. H.: Munkás gebe [Working Nag]
painting: aquarelle, Vízf. [watercolour painting]
+-August Allebé Amsterdam (view artist profile) | ||||
X. Terem [X. Hall]
418. A varrónő [The Seamstress]
painting: oil
H. K. Westendorp úr tulajdona. Amsterdam [Mr. H. K. Westendorp, Amsterdam]
+-Louis Willem van Soest Velp, Gelderland (view artist profile) | ||||
X. Terem [X. Hall]
419. Van Soest, Louis: Mezőn [On the Field]
painting: oil
L. Smit úr tulajdona. Den Haag [Mr. L. Smit, The Hague]
+-George Hendrik Breitner Aerdenhout (view artist profile) | ||||
X. Terem [X. Hall]
420. Breitner, G. H.: Házrombolás [House Demolition]
painting: aquarelle, Vízf. [watercolour painting]
+-Willem Maris Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
X. Terem [X. Hall]
421. Tehenek a legelőn [Cows on the Pasture]
painting: oil
+-Albert Neuhuys Amsterdam (view artist profile) | ||||
X. Terem [X. Hall]
422. A jegyesek [The Engaged Couple]
painting: oil
+-Sina Mesdag van Houten Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
X. Terem [X. Hall]
423. S. Mesdag-Van Houten: Csendélet [Still Life]
painting: oil
+-George Jan Hendrik Poggenbeek(view artist profile) | ||||
X. Terem [X. Hall]
424. ✝ Poggenbeck, Geo: Legelő tehenek [Grazing Cows]
painting: oil
+-Théophile de Bock(view artist profile) | ||||
X. Terem [X. Hall]
425. ✝ Bock de, Theophil: Esthangulat [Evening Mood]
+-Paul Joseph Constantin Gabriël(view artist profile) | ||||
X. Terem [X. Hall]
426. ✝ Gabriel, P. J. C.: Vihar [Storm]
painting: oil
X. Terem [X. Hall]
427. ✝ Gabriel, P. J. C.: Hajnal [Dawn]
painting: oil
+-Eduard Karsen Amsterdam (view artist profile) | ||||
X. Terem [X. Hall]
428. Karsen, E.: Hollandi tanya [Dutch Farm]
painting: oil
X. Terem [X. Hall]
429. Karsen, E.: Esős idő [Rainy Weather]
painting: oil
+-Marius Alexander Jacques Bauer Aerdenhout (view artist profile) | ||||
X. Terem [X. Hall]
430. Bauer, M. A. J.: A strassburgi székesegyház [The Cathedral of Strasbourg]
painting: aquarelle, Vízf. [watercolour painting]
+-Gerrit Willem Dijsselhof Haarlem (view artist profile) | ||||
X. Terem [X. Hall]
431. Dysselhof, G. W.: Langouste-ok [Spiny Lobsters]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
+-George Hendrik Breitner Aerdenhout (view artist profile) | ||||
X. Terem [X. Hall]
432. Breitner, G. H.: Amsterdami kikötő [Port in Amsterdam]
painting: oil
X. Terem [X. Hall]
433. Breitner, G. H.: Részlet a régi Amsterdamból [Scene of the Old Amsterdam]
painting: oil
+-Marius Alexander Jacques Bauer Aerdenhout (view artist profile) | ||||
X. Terem [X. Hall]
434. Bauer M. A. J.: A los reyosi székesegyház [The Cathedral of Los Reyos]
painting: aquarelle, Vízf. [watercolour painting]
+-Gerrit Willem Dijsselhof Haarlem (view artist profile) | ||||
X. Terem [X. Hall]
435. Dysselhof, G. W.: Akvarium. (Trigle hirundo) [Aquarium. (Trigle hirundo)]
painting: oil
+-Anton Mauve(view artist profile) | ||||
X. Terem [X. Hall]
436. ✝ Mauve, Anton: Az árnyékban [In the Shadow]
painting: oil
+-Willem Maris Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
X. Terem [X. Hall]
437. Egy nyári nap Hollandiában [A Summer Day in Holland]
painting: oil
+-Théophile de Bock(view artist profile) | ||||
X. Terem [X. Hall]
438. ✝ Bock de, Theophil: Napnyugta [Sunset]
painting: oil
+-Johan Akkeringa Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
X. Terem [X. Hall]
439. Akkeringa, Johannes Evert: Falusi ház [House in a Village]
painting: oil
+-Johannes Cornelis van Essen Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
X. Terem [X. Hall]
440. Van Essen, Jan: Dűnék közt [Among Dunes]
painting: oil
+-Hendrik Willem Mesdag Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
X. Terem [X. Hall]
441. Mesdag, H . W.: A mentőcsónak visszajövetele [The Return if the Lifeboat]
painting: oil
+-Marius Alexander Jacques Bauer Aerdenhout (view artist profile) | ||||
X. Terem [X. Hall]
442. Bauer, M. A. J.: Stambul [Stambul]
painting: oil
+-Johannes Cornelis van Essen Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
443. Van Essen, Jan: Pulyka csendélet [Turkey Still Life]
painting: oil
Van Essen úr tulajdona, Amsterdam [Mr. Van Essen, Amsterdam]
+-Jozef Israëls Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
444. Burgonyaszedő asszony [Woman Gathering Potatos]
painting: oil
+-Jacob Henricus Maris Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
445. ✝ Maris, Jacob: Téli est [Winter Evening]
painting: aquarelle, Vízf. [watercolour painting]
+-Jan Hendrik Weissenbruch(view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
446. ✝ Weissenbruch. J. H .: Mosónő [Washerwoman]
painting: oil
+-Willem Maris Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
447. Kacsák [Ducks]
painting: oil
+-Albert Neuhuys Amsterdam (view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
448. Varrónő [Seamstress]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
+-Jacob Henricus Maris Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
449. ✝ Maris, Jacob: Nyári est [Summer Evening]
painting: oil
+-Gerrit Willem Dijsselhof Haarlem (view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
450. Dysselhof, G. W.: Tengeri hal (Eyclopterus lumpus) [Marine Fish (Eyclopterus lumpus)]
painting: oil, Olajtanulmány [oil study]
G H. Breitner úr tulajdona. Haarlem [Mr. G H. Breitner, Haarlem]
+-Jacob Henricus Maris Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
451. ✝ Maris, Jacob: Fiatal leány. (Tanulmány.) [Young Girl. (Study)]
painting: oil
+-Matthijs Maris London (view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
452. Maris, Matthys: Montmartre [Montmartre]
painting: oil
+-Willem Arnold Witsen Amsterdam (view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
453. Witsen, Willem: Dordrechti házak [Houses in Dordrecht]
painting: oil
+-George Jan Hendrik Poggenbeek(view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
454. ✝ Poggenbeck, Geo: Tájkép [Landscape]
painting: oil
+-Anton Mauve(view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
455. ✝ Mauve, Anton: Burgonyaszedés [Gathering Potatos]
painting: oil
Van Nievelt úrnő tulajdona. Scheveningen [Lady Van Nievelt, Scheveningen]
+-Willem Arnold Witsen Amsterdam (view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
456. Witsen, Willem: Amsterdami részlet [Scene of Amsterdam]
painting: aquarelle, Vízf. [watercolour painting]
+-Willem de Zwart Leidschendam (view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
457. Lovak a legelőn [Horses on the Pasture]
painting: oil
+-Bernardus Johannes Blommers Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
458. Blommers, B. J.: Anyai szeretet [Motherly Love]
painting: oil
Blommersné úrnő tulajdona. Scheveningen [Mrs. Blommers, Scheveningen]
+-Johannes Bosboom(view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
459. ✝ Bosboom, Johannes: Templom belseje [The Interior of a Church]
painting: aquarelle, Vízf. [watercolour painting]
+-Eduard Karsen Amsterdam (view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
460. Karsen, E.: Részlet a régi Amsterdamból [Scene of the Old Amsterdam]
painting: oil
+-Johannes Bosboom(view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
461. ✝ Bosboom, Johannes: Árverés [Auction]
painting: aquarelle, Vízf. [watercolour painting]
+-Jozef Israëls Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
462. Női arckép [Portrait of a Woman]
painting: oil
+-Arthur Henri Christiaan Briët(view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
463. Briët, Arthúr: Intérieur
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
+-Johannes Bosboom(view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
464. ✝ Bosboom, Johannes: Maaslandi templom [Church in Maasland]
painting: aquarelle, Vízf. [watercolour painting]
+-George Jan Hendrik Poggenbeek(view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
465. ✝ Poggenbeck, Geo: Hajnal [Dawn]
painting: oil
+-Johan Barthold Jongkind(view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
466. ✝ Jongkind, J. B.: Csatorna Amsterdamban [Canal in Amsterdam]
painting: oil
+-Théophile de Bock(view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
467. ✝ Bock de, Theophil: A dűnék közt [Among the Dunes]
painting: oil
+-Johan Barthold Jongkind(view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
468. ✝ Jongkind, J. B.: Dordrechti kikötő. (Vázlat.) [Port of Dordrecht. (Sketch)]
painting: aquarelle, Vízf. [watercolour painting]
+-Marius van der Maarel Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
469. Van der Maarel, M.: Cseresznye-evés [Eating Cherries]
painting: oil
+-Jacob Henricus Maris Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
470. ✝ Maris, Jacob: A szélmalom [The Windmill]
painting: oil
+-Marius Alexander Jacques Bauer Aerdenhout (view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
471. Bauer, M. A. J.: Az amiensi székesegyház [The Cathedral of Amiens]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
+-George Hendrik Breitner Aerdenhout (view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
472. Breitner, G. H.: Amsterdami utca télen [Street in Amsterdam in the Winter]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
+-Floris Hendrik Verster Leyden (view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
473. Verster, Floris: Csendélet. (Cineraria) [Still Life. (Cineraria)]
painting: oil
+-David Adolf Constant Artz(view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
474. ✝ Artz, D. A. C.: Öregasszony [Old Woman]
painting: oil
+-Johan Barthold Jongkind(view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
475. ✝ Jongkind, J. B.: Holdvilágos est [Moonlit Night]
painting: oil
Van Essen úr tulajdona. Amsterdam. [Mr. Van Essen, Amsterdam]
+-Anton Mauve(view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
476. ✝ Mauve, Anton: Birkanyáj [Flock of Sheep]
painting: oil
Ő Felsége Emma királynő tulajdona. Soestdyk [Her Majesty Queen Emma, Soestdyk]
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
+-Jacob Henricus Maris Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
477. ✝ Maris, Jacob: A dűnék közt [Among the Dunes]
painting: oil
+-Floris Hendrik Verster Leyden (view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
478. Verster, Flóris: Csendélet [Still Life]
painting: oil
Westendorp úr tulajdona. Amsterdam. [Mr. Westendorp, Amsterdam]
+-Jozef Israëls Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
479. Várakozás [Waiting]
painting: oil
Nieuhuys úr tulajdona. Baarn [Mr. Nieuhuys, Baarn]
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
480. Ebéd [Lunch]
painting: oil
+-Jacob Henricus Maris Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
481. ✝ Maris, Jacob: A dordrechti templom [The Church of Dordrecht]
painting: oil
Is. Nieuhuys úr tulajdona. Baarn. [Mr. Is. Nieuhuys, Baarn]
- "Esetleg eladó [Eventually for sale]"
- This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue. |
+-Jozef Israëls Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
482. A beteg gyermek [The Sick Child]
painting: oil
+-Jacob Henricus Maris Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
483. ✝ Maris, Jacob: Den Haag környékén [In the Area of The Hague]
painting: oil
Mesdag van Calcar úrnő tulajdona. Scheveningen [Lady Mesdag van Calca, Scheveningen]
+-Albert Neuhuys Amsterdam (view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
484. Hollandi interieur [Dutch Interior]
painting: oil
+-Jan Veth Bussum (view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
485. Veth, J. B.: Fiatal leány arcképe [Portrait of a Young Girl]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
+-Willem Maris Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
486. Legelő tehenek [Grazing Cows]
painting: oil
Van Essen úr tulajdona. Amsterdam [Mr. Van Essen, Amsterdam]
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
+-Willem de Zwart Leidschendam (view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
487. Istálló belseje [Interior of a Stable]
painting: oil
+-Willem Maris Hague, The (view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
488. Fejéskor. (Vázlat.) [During Milking. (Sketch.)]
painting: oil
+-George Hendrik Breitner Aerdenhout (view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
489. Breitner, G. H.: Esős hangulat Amsterdamban [Rainy Mood in Amsterdam]
painting: oil
+-Marius Alexander Jacques Bauer Aerdenhout (view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
490. Bauer, M. A. J.: Háremőrség [Harem Guard]
painting: oil
+-George Hendrik Breitner Aerdenhout (view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
491. Breitner, G. H.: Házrombolás [House Demolition]
painting: oil
Van Essen úr tulajdona. Amsterdam [Mr. Van Essen, Amsterdam]
+-Albert Neuhuys Amsterdam (view artist profile) | ||||
XI. Terem [XI. Hall]
492. Anya a gyermekével [Mother with Her Child]
painting: aquarelle, Vízf. [watercolour painting]
Van Essen úr [Mr. Van Essen]
+-Hugó Poll Damjanich utca 32; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
493. Poll Hugó: Bébé a kertben [Bébé in the Garden]
Magánt. [Private Collection]
+-Robert Nadler Andrássy-út 71; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
494. Nádler Róbert: Kis leány az udvarban [Little Girl in the Yard]
painting: oil
+-Endre Komaromi Kacz Király-utca 106; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
495. Komáromi Katz Endre: Bohémek [Bohemians]
painting: oil
+-Ida Konek Kmetty-utca 27; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
496. Crysanthemum [Crysanthemum]
painting: oil
+-Olga Hadzsy Kígyó-tér 1; IV, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
497. Hadzsy Olga: Interieur [Interior]
painting: oil
+-Miksa Bruck Munkácsy-utca 14; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
498. Rákóczi száz hársfája egyike a zborói várral [One of Rákoczi's Hundred Lime Trees with the Castle of Zborov]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
+-Antal Neogrady Andrássy-út 71; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
499. Neogrády Antal: A kis kertben [In the Small Garden]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
+-Kornel Spanyik Horánszky-utca 9; VIII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
500. Spányik Kornél: Műteremben [In the Studio]
painting: oil
+-Zsigmond Vajda Ledvai-utca 10; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
501. Vajda Zsigmond: A jó dada [The Good Nursemaid]
painting: oil
+-Robert Nadler Andrássy-út 71; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
502. Nadler Róbert: Vízesés [Waterfall]
painting: oil
+-Julius Gyula Basch Városligeti fasor 31; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
503. Basch Gyula: Őszi rózsák [Autumn Roses]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
+-Julius Agghazy Andrássy-út 71; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
504. Aggházy Gyula: Almafa (nagyrőcei táj) [Apple Tree (Landscape of Nagyrőce)]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
+-Kálmán Kató-Krisztanics Kecskeméti-utca 6; IV, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
505. Kató Kálmán: Mosóasszonyok [Washerwomen]
painting: oil
+-Béla Gross(view artist profile) | ||||
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
506. Gross Béla: Apáca [Nun]
painting: oil
+-Zsigmond Vajda Ledvai-utca 10; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
507. Vajda Zsigmond: Semiramis [Semiramis]
painting: oil
+-Robert Nadler Andrássy-út 71; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
508. Nádler Róbert: Árnyékban [In the Shadow]
painting: oil
+-Julius Agghazy Andrássy-út 71; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
509. Aggházy Gyula: Erdő [Forest]
painting: oil
+-Géza Vastagh Váci-utca 84; IV, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
510. Tyúkok [Chickens]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
+-György, le vieux Vastag Váci-utca 84; IV, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
511. Id. Vastagh György: Gyermekarckép [Portrait of a Child]
painting: oil
Magánt. [Private Collection]
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
+-Frigyes Miess Czenkalja 12 a, Brașov (view artist profile) | ||||
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
512. Miesz Frigyes: Erdőben [In the Forest]
painting: oil
+-Robert Nadler Andrássy-út 71; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
513. Nádler Róbert: Montenegrói hegylánc [Montenegrin Mountain Range]
painting: oil
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
514. Nádler Róbert: Kis halászok [Small Fishermen]
painting: oil
+-Béla Spanyi Bodajk (view artist profile) | ||||
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
515. K. Spányi Béla: Őszi napsugarak [Sunrays in Autumn]
painting: oil
+-Zsigmond Vajda Ledvai-utca 10; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
516. Vajda Zsigmond: A víz [The Water]
painting: oil
+-Kornel Spanyik Horánszky-utca 9; VIII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
517. Spányik Cornél: Női arckép [Portrait of a Woman]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
+-Oszkár Glatz Sas-utca 23; V, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
518. Glatz Oskar: A gyumölcsösben [In the Orchard]
painting: oil
+-William Darling Izvoru Crișului (view artist profile) | ||||
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
519. Sándorházi V. Béla: Kalotaszegi udvarrészlet [Scene of a Yard in Kalotaszeg]
painting: oil
+-Erno Marko Logody-utca 29; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
520. Markó Ernő: Diósdi utca [Street in Diósd]
painting: oil
+-Istvan Bosznay Lógodi-u. 61; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
521. Bosznay István: Bikszádi falurészlet [Scene of the Village Bikszád]
painting: oil
+-Tihamér Margitay Lisznyay-utca 7; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
522. Kandallónál [By the Fireplace]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
+-Mozart Rottmann Aréna-út 19; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
523. Rottmann Mozart: Reggelinél [At Breakfast]
painting: oil
+-Sandor Nyilasy Szeged (view artist profile) | ||||
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
524. Nyilasy Sándor: Fák [Trees]
painting: oil
+-Otto Baditz Nagy János-u. 35; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
525. Baditz Ottó: Őszi munka [Autumn Work]
painting: oil
+-Vilmos Nagy Bajza-utca 23; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
526. Nagy Vilmos: A pecsétes levél [The Sealed Letter]
painting: oil
+-Hermina Bruck Döbrentei-utca 10; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
527. Bruck Hermina: A cipészmester háza [The House of the Shoemaker]
painting: oil
+-Mozart Rottmann Aréna-út 19; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
528. Rottmann Mozart: Templomba készül [She [or He] Is Getting Ready to Go to Church]
painting: oil
+-Géza Vastagh Váci-utca 84; IV, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
529. Téli kép [Winter Picture]
painting: oil
+-Istvan Bosznay Lógodi-u. 61; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
530. Bosznay István: Erdő szélén. (Herény) [At the Edge of the Forest. (Herény)]
painting: oil
+-Kornel Spanyik Horánszky-utca 9; VIII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
531. Spányik Kornél: Gyermekarckép [Portrait of a Child]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
+-Gyula Háry Kmetty-utca 29; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
532. Budai Dunág a Margitszigetnél [The Buda-Arm of the River Danube by the Margaret Island]
painting: oil
+-Otto Baditz Nagy János-u. 35; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
533. Baditz Ottó: Csendes melodiák [Quiet Melodies]
painting: oil
+-Ritta Boemm Döbrentey-tér 5; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
534. Futó rózsák [Climbing Roses]
painting: oil
+-Ede Balló Városligeti-fasor 26; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
535. T. B. úr arcképe [Portrait of Mr. T. B.]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
+-Lajos Bruck Döbrentei-utca 20; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
536. Gombaszedő leány [Mushroom Picking Girl]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
+-Ede Balló Városligeti-fasor 26; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
537. Férfiarcképtanulmány [Male Portrait Study]
painting: oil
Magánt. [Private Collection]
+-Ritta Boemm Döbrentey-tér 5; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XII. Terem [XII. Hall]
538. Virágos udvar Ercsiben [Flowery Yard in Ercsi]
painting: oil
+-Jean Leon Henri Gouweloos Brussels (view artist profile) | ||||
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
539. Gouweloos, Jean: Anyaság [Motherhood]
painting: oil
+-Henry de Groux Brussels (view artist profile) | ||||
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
540. Charles le Temeraire [Charles le Temeraire]
+-Léon Frédéric Brussels (view artist profile) | ||||
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
541. Frederic-Leon, Henri Marie: Csipkeverő [The Lace Maker]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
+-Victor Olivier Gilsoul Brussels (view artist profile) | ||||
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
542. Gilsoul, Victor: Házak egy csatorna mentén [Houses Along a Canal]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
+-Walter Vaes Antwerp (view artist profile) | ||||
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
543. Vándorénekesek [Travelling Singers]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
+-Léon Frédéric Brussels (view artist profile) | ||||
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
544. Frederic-Leon, Henri Marie: Kötő-iskola [Knitting School]
painting: oil
+-Henry de Groux Brussels (view artist profile) | ||||
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
545. Mirabeau [Mirabeau]
+-Eugène Laermans Brussels (view artist profile) | ||||
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
546. Hazafelé [On the Way Home]
painting: oil
+-Alexandre Marcette Brussels (view artist profile) | ||||
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
547. Este felé [Around the Evening]
painting: oil
+-Albert Ciamberlani Brussels (view artist profile) | ||||
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
548. Női akt [Female Nude]
painting: oil
+-Franz van Holder Brussels (view artist profile) | ||||
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
549. Kékruhás hölgy [Woman in Blue Dress]
painting: oil
+-Victor Uyterschaut Brussels (view artist profile) | ||||
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
550. Uytterschaut, Victor: La Pannei dünék [Dunes in La Panne]
painting: oil
+-Emmanuel Vierin Kortrijk (view artist profile) | ||||
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
551. Vierin, Emanuel: Régi híd [Old Bridge]
painting: oil
+-Auguste Oleffe Auderghem (view artist profile) | ||||
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
552. Arckép [Portrait]
painting: oil
+-Albert Pinot Brussels (view artist profile) | ||||
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
553. Kékruhás fiatal leány [Young Girl in a Blue Dress]
painting: oil
+-Victor Uyterschaut Brussels (view artist profile) | ||||
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
554. Uytterschaut, Victor: Halászbárkák [Fishing Boats]
painting: aquarelle, Vízf. [watercolour painting]
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
+-Alfred Delaunois Brussels (view artist profile) | ||||
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
555. Delaunai, Alfred: Átvonuló felhő [Passing Cloud]
painting: oil
+-Albert Ciamberlani Brussels (view artist profile) | ||||
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
556. Az éj [The Night]
painting: oil
+-Emile Fabry Brussels (view artist profile) | ||||
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
557. Gyermek, rózsaszínű ég [Child, Pink Sky]
painting: oil
+-Francois Gailliard Brussels (view artist profile) | ||||
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
558. Gaillard, Frans: Kétségbeesés [Despair]
painting: oil
+-Emile Claus(view artist profile) | ||||
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
559. A tölgy [The Oak]
painting: oil
+-George Morren Antwerp (view artist profile) | ||||
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
560. Morren, G.: A zöld napernyő [The Green Parasol]
painting: oil
+-Rodolphe Wytsman Brussels (view artist profile) | ||||
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
561. Utolsó sugarak [Last [Sun-] Beams]
painting: oil
+-Franz van Holder Brussels (view artist profile) | ||||
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
562. Boldogság [Happiness]
+-George Morren Antwerp (view artist profile) | ||||
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
563. Morren, G.: Kis divatárúsleány [Little Midinette]
painting: oil
+-Adriaan Joseph Heymans Brussels (view artist profile) | ||||
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
564. Heymans, Adrien Joseph: Ködben [In the Fog]
painting: oil
+-Emile Claus(view artist profile) | ||||
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
565. Napsütéses ház [Sunny House]
painting: oil
+-Frans Hens Antwerp (view artist profile) | ||||
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
566. Hens, Franz: Csendes idő az Escaun [Quiet Weather on the Escau]
painting: oil
+-Francois Gailliard Brussels (view artist profile) | ||||
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
567. Gaillard, Frans: A fürdés ideje Osztendében [Bathing Time in Ostend]
painting: oil
+-Jean Leon Henri Gouweloos Brussels (view artist profile) | ||||
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
568. Gouveloos, Jean: Tájkép [Landscape]
painting: oil
+-Juliette Wytsman(view artist profile) | ||||
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
569. Virágos partok [Flowery Shores]
painting: oil
+-Isidore Opsomer Liège (view artist profile) | ||||
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
570. Opsomer, Izidor: Flamand faluban [In a Flemish Village]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
+-Alexandre Marcette Brussels (view artist profile) | ||||
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
571. A vihar [The Storm]
painting: aquarelle, Vízf. [watercolour painting]
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
572. Ostende-i part [Shore of Ostend]
painting: aquarelle, Vízf. [watercolour painting]
+-Émile Berchmans Liège (view artist profile) | ||||
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
573. Berchmanns, Emile: Ősz [Autumn]
painting: oil
+-Jacobs Smits Achterbosch, Mol (view artist profile) | ||||
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
574. Berchmanns, Emile: A gyöngédség symboluma [The Symbol of Tenderness]
+- | ||||
other medium
+-Félicien Rops(view artist profile) | ||||
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
576. ✝ Rops, Felicien: A Halál a bálon [The Death at the Ball]
painting: oil
Magánt. [Private Collection]
+-Herman Courtens Bruges (view artist profile) | ||||
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
577. A kis varróleány [The Little Seamstress Girl]
painting: oil
+-Félicien Rops(view artist profile) | ||||
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
578. ✝ Rops, Felicien: A tisztás [The Meadow]
painting: oil
Magánt. [Private Collection]
+-Emmanuel Vierin Kortrijk (view artist profile) | ||||
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
579. Vierin, Emanuel: Az éjjel [The Night]
painting: oil
+-Frans Hens Antwerp (view artist profile) | ||||
XIII. Terem [XIII. Hall]
580. Hens, Franz: Holdfeljötte novemberben [Moonrise in November]
painting: oil
+-Isidore Opsomer Liège (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
581. Beguinage [Beguinage]
painting: aquarelle, Vízf. [watercolour painting]
+- | ||||
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
+-Félicien Rops(view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
595. ✝ Rops, Felicien: A pusztán [In the Puszta]
+- | ||||
other medium
other medium
+-Félicien Rops(view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
598. ✝ Rops, Felicien: Ibolya [Violet]
drawing: pen and ink, Tollrajz [pen drawing]
+- | ||||
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
+-Félicien Rops(view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
606. ✝ Rops Felicien: Flirt az azúros parton [Flirt on the Côte d'Azur]
+- | ||||
other medium
+-Félicien Rops(view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
608. ✝ Rops Felicien: Földművelés [Agriculture]
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
609. ✝ Rops Felicien: Romantikus művész [Romantic Artist]
+- | ||||
other medium
other medium
other medium
+-Félicien Rops(view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
613. ✝ Rops Felicien: Shaker zongoraművész [Pianist Shaker]
drawing: pen and ink, Tollrajz [pen drawing]
+- | ||||
other medium
+-Armand Rassenfosse(view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
615. Rassenfosse, Arm: Kis satyr [Small Satyr]
drawing: chalk, Vörös krétarajz [red chalk drawing]
+- | ||||
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
other medium
+-Félicien Rops(view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
627. ✝ Rops, Felicien: Ardenne-i táj [Landscape of Ardenne]
drawing: pen and ink, Tollrajz [pen drawing]
+- | ||||
other medium
other medium
other medium
+-Félicien Rops(view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
631. ✝ Rops, Felicien: Virág [Flower]
drawing: pen and ink, Tollrajz [pen drawing]
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
632. ✝ Rops, Felicien: Amorettek dajkája [The Nurse of Amorettes]
+- | ||||
other medium
other medium
other medium
+-Géza Kiss Visegrádi-utca 14; V, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
636. Kiss Géza: Bérházhomlokzat [Facade of a Tenement]
painting: aquarelle, Vízf. [watercolour painting]
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
+-Ernő Foerk Föld-utca 61, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
637. Majolikatanulmány [Maiolica-Study]
painting: aquarelle, Vízf. [watercolour painting]
Magánt. [Private Collection]
+-Géza Kiss Visegrádi-utca 14; V, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
638. Kiss Géza: Bérházhomlokzat [Facade of a Tenement]
painting: aquarelle, Vízf. [watercolour painting]
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
+-Arthur Sebestyén Kmetty-utca 20; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
639. Sebestyén Arthur: Bérház homlokzata [Facade of a Tenement]
painting: aquarelle, Vízfestm. [watercolour painting]
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
+-László Vágó Sándor-tér 4, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
640. Vágó József: Gutenberg-Otthon bejárata [The Entry of the Gutenberg-Home]
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Entry has two creators.
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
641. Vágó József: Falusi lakóház [Dwelling House in a Village]
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Entry has two creators.
+-Ernő Foerk Föld-utca 61, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
642. Emléktorony [Memorial Tower]
painting: aquarelle, Vízf. [watercolour painting]
+-László Vágó Sándor-tér 4, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
643. Vágó József: Építészeti vázlatok [Architectural Sketches]
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Entry has two creators.
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
644. Vágó József: A községháza [The Village Hall]
painting: aquarelle, Vízf. [watercolour painting]
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Entry has two creators.
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
645. Vágó József: Falusi lakóház [Dwelling House in a Village]
painting: aquarelle, Vízf. [watercolour painting]
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Entry has two creators.
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
646. Vágó József: A falu temploma [The Church of the Village]
painting: aquarelle, Vízf. [watercolour painting]
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Entry has two creators.
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
647. Vágó József: Az iskola [The School]
painting: aquarelle, Vízf. [watercolour painting]
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Entry has two creators.
+-Lajos Tátray Kazinczy-utca 51, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
648. Tátray Lajos: Építészeti tanulmány. (Bejáró az emlékezések templomához.) [Architectural Drawing. (Enrty to the Church of Remembrances)]
drawing, Színes rajz [coloured drawing]
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
+-László Vágó Sándor-tér 4, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
649. Vágó József: Építészeti vázlatok [Architectural Sketches]
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
650. Vágó József: Emlékház a falu piacán [Memorial House on the Market of the Village]
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Entry has two creators.
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
651. Vágó József: Munkások ebédlője egy gyártelepen [Dining Room of the Workers on a Factory Site]
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
Entry has two creators.
+-Géza Kiss Visegrádi-utca 14; V, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
652. Kiss Géza: Kallivoda Kata műterme [The Studio of Kata Kallivoda]
painting: aquarelle, Vízf. [watercolour painting]
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
+-Kálmán Reichl Kemenesi-utca 8; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
653. Reich Kálmán: Örökmécs vázlatterve [Plan for a Sanctuary Lamp]
painting: aquarelle, Vízfestm. [watercolour painting]
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
654. Reich Kálmán: Örökmécs vázlattervve [Plan for a Sanctuary Lamp]
painting: aquarelle, Vízfestm. [watercolour painting]
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
655. Reich Kálmán: Amalfi
drawing: pen and ink, Tollrajz [pen drawing]
+-Gyula Wälder Fehérvári-ut 21; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
656. Gyógyszertár. Az 1907. évi Ybl-érem nyertese. (M. M. É. E.) [Pharmacy. The Winner of the Ybl-Medal in the Year of 1907. (M. M. É. E.)]
Magánt. [Private Collection]
+-Zoltán Reiss Teréz-körút 6, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
657. Reiss Zoltán: A magyarkanizsai városhaza főhomlokzata. Első díjjal kitüntetett pályamű [The Main Facade of the Town Hall of Magyarkanizsa. The Plan Was Awarded with the First Prize]
Magyarkanizsa r. t. város
+-Rudolf Czakó Damjanich-u. 44; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
658. Czakó B. Rudolf: Ngys. Popp Albert zeneszerző lakóháza [The House of the Composer Albert Popp]
painting: aquarelle, Vízf. [watercolour painting]
Magánt. [Private Collection]
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
659. Czakó B. Rudolf: Ngys. Gombás Sarolta lakóháza [The House Sarolta Gombás]
painting: aquarelle, Vízf. [watercolour painting]
Magánt. [Private Collection]
+-Károly Lotz(view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
660. ✝ Lotz K.: Tájkép [Landscape]
painting: aquarelle, Vízf. [watercolour painting]
Magánt. [Private Collection]
+-Artur Ferraris Theresien Ring 5, Vienna (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
661. Ferraris Artúr: Portrait de Madame Saville [Portrait of Madame Saville]
painting: oil
+-Berthold Garzó Ferenc-körút 38; IX, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
662. Garzó Berthold: Csöndben [In the Silence]
painting: aquarelle, Vízf. [watercolour painting]
+-Edmund Tull Lipót-körút 5; V, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
663. Tull Ödön: Plage [Beach]
painting: aquarelle, Vízf. [watercolour painting]
+-Géza Wágner Svätý Jur (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
664. Wágner Géza: Londoni híd [Bridge in London]
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
665. Wágner Géza: Naplemente Brüggeben [Sunset in Bruges]
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
666. Wágner Géza: Brüggei kanális [Canal in Bruges]
+-Jeno Koszkol József-utca 51, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
667. Koszkol Jenő: Gyümölcsfák őszszel [Fruit Trees in Autumn]
painting: aquarelle, Vízf. [watercolour painting]
+-Endre Komaromi Kacz Király-utca 106; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
668. Komáromi Katz Endre: Munka után [After Work]
painting: aquarelle, Vízf. [watercolour painting]
+-Carola Eleőd Kemenesi-út 8, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
669. Vámossyné Eleőd, Carola: lslandi halászok kápolnája [Chapel of the Icelander Fishermen]
painting: aquarelle, Vízf. [watercolour painting]
+-Endre Komaromi Kacz Király-utca 106; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
670. Komáromi Katz Endre: Halászat után [After Fishing]
painting: aquarelle, Vízf. [watercolour painting]
+-Andor Székely Fehérvári-út 49; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
671. dobai Székely Andor: Régi kúria udvara [The Yard of an Old Mansion]
painting: aquarelle, Vízf. [watercolour painting]
+-Edmund Tull Lipót-körút 5; V, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
672. Tull Ödön: Megbeszélés [Discussion]
painting: aquarelle, Vízf. [watercolour painting]
+-Carola Eleőd Kemenesi-út 8, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
673. Vámossyné Eleőd, Carola: Húgom [My Younger Sister]
painting: aquarelle, Vízf. [watercolour painting]
+-Edmund Tull Lipót-körút 5; V, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
674. Tull Ödön: A szardinia halász [The Sardine Fisherman]
painting: aquarelle, Vízf. [watercolour painting]
+-Andor Székely Fehérvári-út 49; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
675. dobai Székely Andor: A veszekedők [The Fighters]
painting: aquarelle, Vízf. [watercolour painting]
+-Edmund Tull Lipót-körút 5; V, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
676. Tull Ödön: Hetivásár (Bretagne) [Weekly Market (Britanny)]
painting: aquarelle, Vízf. [watercolour painting]
+-Arthur Heyer Villa-sor 10; Rákospalota, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
677. Macska tanulmány [Study of a Cat]
+-Peter Július Kern Liptovský Mikuláš (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
678. Kern Péter: Hófuvat [Snowdrift]
+-Endre Komaromi Kacz Király-utca 106; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
679. Komáromi Kacz Endre: Vihar [Storm]
painting: aquarelle, Vízf. [watercolour painting]
+-Andor Székely Fehérvári-út 49; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
680. dobai Székely Andor: Román parasztudvar [Romanian Farm]
painting: aquarelle, Vízf. [watercolour painting]
+-Gergely Pörge Kossuth-utca 20, Ujpest, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
681. Delelés [Resting at Midday]
+-Géza Wágner Svätý Jur (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
682. Wágner Géza: Rajnapart Cölnben [The Shore of the Rhine in Cologne]
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
683. Wágner Géza: Részlet Cölnből [Scene of Cologne]
+-Jenő Keményffy(view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
684. Keményffi Jenő: Tornác előtt [In Front of the Porch]
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
685. Keményffi Jenő: Egyesült erővel [With Unified Power]
painting: oil
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
686. Keményffi Jenő: A fiam [My Son]
painting: oil
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
687. Keményffi Jenő: Parton [On the Shore]
painting: oil
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
688. Keményffi Jenő: Épülő házon [On a House Under Construction]
painting: oil
+-Imre Földes Izabella-utca 13 I; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
689. Romantikus vár belseje [Interior of a Romantic Castle]
painting: oil
+-Vilmos Nagy Bajza-utca 23; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
690. Nagy Vilmos: Őszi rózsák [Autumn Roses]
painting: oil
+-Vincent Bánsághi Alkotás-utca 31; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
691. Bánsági Vince: Őszi naplemente [Autumn Sunset]
painting: oil
+-Erno Marko Logody-utca 29; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
692. Markó Ernő: Diósdi borpinczék [Wine Cellars in Diósd]
painting: oil
+-Béla Dery Vas-utca 8; VIII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
693. Déry Béla: Májusi éjjel Flandriában [May Night in Flanders]
painting: oil
+-Ignac Ujvary Kinizsy-utca 33, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
694. Ujváry Ignácz: Szőllők alatt [Under the Grapes]
painting: oil
+-Kata Kalivoda Balaton-utca 8, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
695. Bölcső mellett [By the Crib]
painting: oil
+-Béla Erdőssy József-körút 77; VIII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
696. Baromfivásár [Poultry Market]
painting: oil
+-Vilmos Nagy Bajza-utca 23; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
697. Nagy Vilmos: Rózsakert [Rose Garden]
painting: oil
+-Daniel Mihalik Szolnok, [Művésztelep [art colony]] (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
698. Mihalik Dániel: Megáradt Zagyva tavaszkor [The Flooded Zagyva in Spring]
painting: oil
+-Mark Rubovics Wekerle-utca; Ujpest, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
699. Rubovics Márk: Felhős táj [Cloudy Landscape]
painting: oil
+-Béla Takách Fő-utca 71; II, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
700. Gy. Takach Béla: Adoration of Buddha. „Buddha imádás" [Adoration of Buddha. "Adoration of Buddha"]
painting: oil
+-Fernand Khnopff Brussels (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
701. Khnopff, Fernande: Női fej [Head of a Woman]
Gr. Széchenyi Pálné [Wife of Count Pál Széchényi]
+-Victor Uyterschaut Brussels (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
702. Uytterschaut, Victor: Tél [Winter]
painting: aquarelle, Vízf. [watercolour painting]
+- | ||||
other medium
+-Félicien Rops(view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
704. ✝ Rops, Felicien: Ártatlanság [Innocence]
+- | ||||
other medium
+-Félicien Rops(view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
706. ✝ Rops, Felicien: Sipkás nő [Woman in a Hat]
+-Fernand Khnopff Brussels (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
707. Tömjén [Frankincense]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
+-Félicien Rops(view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
708. ✝ Rops, Felicien: Cigarettázó fiatal nő [Young Woman Smoking a Cigarette]
drawing: pen and ink, Tollrajz [pen drawing]
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
709. ✝ Rops, Felicien: A lopás és a csábítás uralkodása a világon [The Reign of Theft and Seduction on the World]
+- | ||||
other medium
+-Victor Uyterschaut Brussels (view artist profile) | ||||
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
711. Uytterschaut, Victor: Rynsburg (Hollandia) [Rynsburg (Holland)]
painting: aquarelle, Vízf. [watercolour painting]
XIV. Terem [XIV. Hall]
712. Uytterschaut, Victor: A tengerparton [On the Seashore]
painting: aquarelle, Vízf. [watercolour painting]
+-Ignac Ujvary Kinizsy-utca 33, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
713. Ujváry Ignác: Deres reggel [Frosty Morning]
painting: oil
+-Andor Székely Fehérvári-út 49; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
714. dobai Székely Andor: Szegényház [Poorhouse]
painting: oil
+-Lajos Szlányi Szolnok, [Művésztelep [Art colony]] (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
715. Szlányi Lajos: Zuzmarás reggel [Rimy Morning]
painting: oil
Magánt. [Private Collection]
+-Vilmos Nagy Bajza-utca 23; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
716. Nagy Vilmos: Udvarrészlet [Scene of a Yard]
painting: oil
+-Izsák Perlmutter Villasor 11; Rákospalota, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
717. Őszibarackok (csendélet) [Peaches (Still Life)]
painting: oil
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
718. Besztercebánya esti világításnál [Besztercebánya in the Evening Light]
painting: oil
+-Jenő Kuszka Hernád-utca 30; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
719. Csend. (Tolna megye) [Silence. (Tolna County)]
painting: oil
+-Béla Dery Vas-utca 8; VIII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
720. Déry Béla: Tél Tirolban [Winter in Tyrol]
painting: oil
+-Vilmos Nagy Bajza-utca 23; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
721. Nagy Vilmos: Szolnoki művésztelep [Artists' Colony in Szolnok]
painting: oil
+-Ignac Ujvary Kinizsy-utca 33, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
722. Ujváry Ignác: Ködös reggel [Foggy Morning]
painting: oil
+-Béla Dery Vas-utca 8; VIII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
723. Déry Béla: Verőfény a télben [Bright Sunshine in the Winter]
painting: oil
+-Lajos Szlányi Szolnok, [Művésztelep [Art colony]] (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
724. Szlányi Lajos: Szérűskert [The Straw Yard]
painting: oil
+-Béla Benczúr Üllői-út 105, III; IX, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
725. Benczúr Béla: Poros országút [Dusty Main Road]
painting: oil
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
726. Benczúr Béla: Folyó mellett [Next to the River]
painting: oil
+-Endre Komaromi Kacz Király-utca 106; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
727. Komáromi Kacz Endre: Este a Strandon [Evening at the Beach]
painting: oil
+-Vilmos Nagy Bajza-utca 23; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
728. Nagy Vilmos: Kísértés [Temptation]
painting: oil
+-Geza Peske Bodajk (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
729. Peske Géza: Lesben [In the Ambush]
painting: oil
+-Henrik Kóbor Rádai-utca 40, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
730. Kóbor G. Henrik: Csendes utca [Quiet Street]
painting: oil
+-József Mányai Óvoda-utca 24; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
731. Mányai József: Nagybányai malom [Mill in Nagybánya]
painting: oil
+-Zsigmond Nagy Kelenhegyi út 12-14; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
732. Nagy Zsiga: Arckép [Portrait]
painting: oil
Magánt. [Private Collection]
+-Kata Kalivoda Balaton-utca 8, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
733. Terrasz [Terrace]
painting: oil
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
734. Kertrészlet [Scene of a Garden]
painting: oil
+-Rezső Kiss Visegrádi-utca 14; V, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
735. Kiss Rezső: Bányászcsalád [Miner-Family]
painting: oil
+-Antal Szirmai(view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
736. Szirmai Antal: Libák [Geese]
painting: oil
+-Frigyes Miess Czenkalja 12 a, Brașov (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
737. Miesz Frigyes: Leány korsóval [Girl with a Jug]
painting: oil
+-Károly Lotz(view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
738. ✝ Lotz Károly: Báró Podmanitzky Ármin [Baron Ármin Podmanitzky]
painting: oil
+-Geza Peske Bodajk (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
739. Peske Géza: Valami megcsípett [Something Stung Me]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
+-Kálmán Kató-Krisztanics Kecskeméti-utca 6; IV, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
740. Kató Kálmán: Nyári délután [Summer Afternoon]
painting: oil
+-Lajos Szlányi Szolnok, [Művésztelep [Art colony]] (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
741. Szlányi Lajos: Kilátás az ablakomból [View from My Window]
painting: oil
+-János Ödön Lechner Sas-utca 9; V, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
742. Lechner I. Ödön: Szolnok vár [Szolnok Castle]
painting: oil
+-Kata Kalivoda Balaton-utca 8, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
743. Misére menők [[People] Going to the Mass]
painting: oil
+-Ferencz Paczka Lützowstrasse 60 a; W, Berlin (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
744. Paczka Ferenc: Falusi délután [Afternoon in the Village]
painting: oil
+-Antal Berkes Zsigmondt-utca 68; III, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
745. Utolsó sugarak [Last [Sun-] Beams]
painting: oil
+-József Koszta Uri utca 39; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
746. Pihenés [Rest]
painting: oil
+-Gyula Glatter Bajza-utca 23; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
747. Vízhordók a Zagyván [Water-Carriers on the Zagyva]
painting: oil
+-Endre Komaromi Kacz Király-utca 106; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
748. Komáromi Kacz Endre: Viharos est [Stormy Evening]
painting: oil
+-Bela Juszko(view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
749. Juszkó Béla: Saját lovas képmásom [My Own Equestrian Portrait]
painting: oil
+-József Koszta Uri utca 39; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
750. Mezei munkában [In the Field Work]
painting: oil
+-Béla Andaházy Kasnya Rákoczi-út 5; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
751. Andaházi Kasnya Béla: Őszi napsütés [Autumn Sunshine]
painting: oil
+-Gyula Glatter Bajza-utca 23; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
752. Ruhahajtogatás [Folding Clothes]
painting: oil
+-Károly Cserna Mária-Besnyő, Gödöllő (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
753. Cserna Károly: Őszi reggel [Autumn Morning]
painting: oil
+-Ignac Ujvary Kinizsy-utca 33, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
754. Ujváry Ignác: Hajnal [Dawn]
painting: oil
+-Andor Székely Fehérvári-út 49; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
755. dobai Székely Andor: Nyári fürdő [Summer Bath]
painting: oil
+-Ferencz Paczka Lützowstrasse 60 a; W, Berlin (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
756. Paczka Ferenc: Takács-szoba [Weaver- Room]
painting: oil
+-Miksa Timár-Thein Andrássy-út 67; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
757. Thein Miksa: Juliska [Juliska]
painting: oil
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
758. Thein Miksa: Női arckép. B. H. úrnő [Female Portrait. Lady B. H.]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
+-Nándor Katona Akácfa-utca 24; VII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
759. Katona Nándor: Karszt vidéke [The Area of Karszt]
painting: oil
+-Hermina Bruck Döbrentei-utca 10; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
760. Bruck Hermina: Virágok [Flowers]
painting: oil
+-Béla Dery Vas-utca 8; VIII, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
761. Déry Béla: Scirocco [Scirocco]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
+-Tivadar Zemplényi Fehérvári-út 38; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
762. Falusi udvar [Courtyard in a Village]
painting: oil
+-Antal Berkes Zsigmondt-utca 68; III, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
763. Esti forgalom [Traffic in the Evening]
painting: oil
+-Andor Székely Fehérvári-út 49; I, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
764. dobai Székely Andor: Női képmás [Portrait of a Woman]
painting: oil
Magánt. [Private Collection]
+-Ignac Ujvary Kinizsy-utca 33, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
765. dobai Székely Andor: Szérüs kert [Straw Yard]
painting: oil
+-Louis Mark Vörösmarty-utca 34a; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
766. Márk Lajos: R. Gyurika arcképe [Portrait of Gyurika R.]
painting: oil
Magánt. [Private Collection]
+-Robert Nadler Andrássy-út 71; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
767. Ragusa, Porto Pile [Ragusa, Porto Pile]
painting: oil
+-Otto Baditz Nagy János-u. 35; VI, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
768. Mégis bunda a bunda [After all Fur is Fur]
painting: oil
+-Rezső Kiss Visegrádi-utca 14; V, Budapest (view artist profile) | ||||
XV. Terem [XV. Hall]
769. Anyám és Én [My Mother and I]
painting: oil
+-Heinrich von Zügel Munich (view artist profile) | ||||
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
770. Zügel, Henrik: Hollandi legelő (tanulmánv) [Dutch Pasture]
painting: oil
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
771. Zügel, Henrik: Szamár-tanulmány 1899-ből [Donkey-Study from 1899]
painting: oil
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
772. Zügel, Henrik: Az első víz [The First Water]
painting: oil
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
773. Zügel, Henrik: Hazafelé [On the Way Home]
painting: oil
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
774. Zügel, Henrik: La pannei dünék (Tanulmány). 1899-ből [The Dunes of La Panne. (Study). From 1899]
painting: oil
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
775. Zügel, Henrik: Hollandi tehén. (Tanulm.) [Dutch Cow. (Study)]
painting: oil
Magántulajdon [Private Collection]
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
776. Zügel, Henrik: Nagy birka-tanulmány [Big Sheep-Study]
painting: oil, 1870
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
777. Zügel, Henrik: A gázlónál. (Disznók) [At the Ford. (Pigs)]
painting: oil
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
778. Zügel, Henrik: Délben [At Midday]
painting: oil
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
779. Zügel, Henrik: Rossz legelőn [On the Bad Pasture]
painting: oil
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
780. Zügel, Henrik: Az udvar mögött. (Borjak.) [Behind the Yard. (Calves)]
painting: oil
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
781. Zügel, Henrik: Nehéz munka [Hard Work]
painting: oil
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
782. Zügel, Henrik: Figyelő tinók [Observing Steers]
painting: oil
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
783. Zügel, Henrik: A vályúnál [At the Trough]
painting: oil
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
784. Zügel, Henrik: Az árnyékban [In the Shadow]
painting: oil
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
785. Zügel, Henrik: Túró disznók [Rooting Pigs]
painting: oil
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
786. Zügel, Henrik: Nagy birka-tanulmány 1871-ből [The Big Sheep-Study from 1871]
painting: oil
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
787. Zügel, Henrik: Pihenő tinók [Resting Steers]
painting: oil
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
788. Zügel, Henrik: Fehér ló a homokgödörben [White Horse in a Sandpit]
painting: oil
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
789. Zügel, Henrik: Esti napban a víz mellett [In the Evening Sun, By the Waterside]
painting: oil
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
790. Zügel, Henrik: Est a legelőn [Evening on the Pasture]
painting: oil
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
791. Zügel, Henrik: Pihenő nyáj. (Tanulmány.) [Resting Herd. (Study.)]
painting: oil
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
792. Zügel, Henrik: Ködös reggel a legelőn [Foggy Morning on the Pasture]
painting: oil
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
793. Zügel, Henrik: Borus nap [Cloudy Day]
painting: oil
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
794. Zügel, Henrik: A vízen át [Through the Water]
painting: oil
This cat. no. is marked with a star "*". It is not explained what it denotes. The catalogue numbers marked with a star have corresponding reproductions in the catalogue.
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
795. Zügel, Henrik: Tarthatatlan [Untenable]
painting: oil
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
796. Zügel, Henrik: Az árnyékban [In the Shadow]
painting: oil
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
797. Zügel, Henrik: Birkanyáj a fák alatt [Flock of Sheep Under the Trees]
painting: oil
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
798. Zügel, Henrik: Bágyadt napon [In the Weak Sun]
painting: oil
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
799. Zügel, Henrik: Az Elba mocsarában [In the Swamp of the Elbe]
painting: oil
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
800. Zügel, Henrik: Birkafej. (Tanulmány) [Head of a Sheep. (Study)]
1876 [painting started]
painting: oil
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
801. Zügel, Henrik: Bárányok. (Tanulmány) [Sheep. (Study)]
1876 [painting started]
painting: oil
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
802. Zügel, Henrik: A liget szélén. (Wörth. a. M.) [At the Edge of the Grove. (Wörth. a. M.)]
painting: oil
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
803. Zügel, Henrik: Holdkelte [Moonrise]
painting: oil
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
804. Zügel, Henrik: Megzavart nyáj [Disturbed Herd]
painting: oil
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
805. Zügel, Henrik: Poros úton [On a Dusty Road]
painting: oil
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
806. Zügel, Henrik: A csökönyös [The Stubborn]
painting: oil
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
807. Zügel, Henrik: Legelő váltás (borjak) [Changing Pasture (Calves)]
painting: oil
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
808. Zügel, Henrik: Őszi napsugár [Sunray in Autumn]
painting: oil
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
809. Zügel, Henrik: Cigány majommal. (Tanulmány.) [Gypsy with Monkey. (Study.)]
painting: oil
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
810. Zügel, Henrik: Két birka. (Tanulmány.) [Two Sheep. (Study)]
painting: oil
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
811. Zügel, Henrik: Birkatanulmány [Study of a Sheep]
painting: oil, 1874
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
812. Zügel, Henrik: Őzbak. (Tanulmány.) [Roebuck. (Study.)]
painting: oil
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
813. Zügel, Henrik: A legelőn [On the Pasture]
painting: oil
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
814. Zügel, Henrik: Bakkecskék [Billy Goats]
painting: oil
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
815. Zügel, Henrik: A birkaakol előtt (esti nap) [In Front of the Sheepfold (Evening Sun)]
painting: oil
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
816. Zügel, Henrik: Róka [Fox]
painting: oil
XVI. Terem [XVI. Hall]
817. Zügel, Henrik: Az erdei pataknál [By the Mountain Brook]
painting: oil
+-Károly Lotz(view artist profile) | ||||
XVII. Terem [XVII. Hall]
827. ✝ Lotz Károly: Kettős arckép [Double Portrait]
painting: oil
XVII. Terem [XVII. Hall]
828. ✝ Lotz Károly: Tájkép [Landscape]
painting: oil
XVII. Terem [XVII. Hall]
829. ✝ Lotz Károly: Tájkép [Landscape]
painting: oil
XVII. Terem [XVII. Hall]
830. ✝ Lotz Károly: Tájkép [Landscape]
painting: oil
XVII. Terem [XVII. Hall]
831. ✝ Lotz Károly: Amor és Psyche, vázlat [Amor and Psyche, Sketch]
XVII. Terem [XVII. Hall]
832. ✝ Lotz Károly: Női arckép [Portrait of a Woman]
painting: oil
XVII. Terem [XVII. Hall]
833. ✝ Lotz Károly: Női arckép [Portrait of a Woman]
painting: oil
Catalogue Entry | Artist | Room | Type | Additional | Owner | For Sale | Price |
1. Tull Ödön: A barátnők [The Girlfriends] | Edmund Tull | I. Terem [I. Hall] | painting: oil | ? | Y | ||
2. Ferraris Artúr: Portrait Mr. B. [Portrait Mr. B.] | Artur Ferraris | I. Terem [I. Hall] | painting: oil | ? | ? | ||
3. Hegedűs László: Az első család [The First Family] | Laszlo Hegedus | I. Terem [I. Hall] | painting: oil | ? | Y | ||
4. Férfiarckép [Male Portrait] | Ede Balló | I. Terem [I. Hall] | painting: oil | ? | ? | ||
5. Tull Ödön: Ünnepnap [Holiday] | Edmund Tull | I. Terem [I. Hall] | painting: oil | ? | Y | ||
6. Pentelei Molnár: Csendélet [Still Life] | Janos Pentelei-Molnar | I. Terem [I. Hall] | painting: oil | ? | Y | ||
7. Baditz Ottó: Ötórai tea [Five O'Clock Tea] | Otto Baditz | I. Terem [I. Hall] | painting: oil | ? | Y | ||
8. Bosznay István: Sarkadi berek [Grove in Sarkad] | Istvan Bosznay | I. Terem [I. Hall] | painting: oil | ? | Y | ||
9. Dr. H. M úr arcképe [Portrait of Dr. H. M [m]] | Ede Balló | I. Terem [I. Hall] | painting: oil | ? | ? | ||
10. Mednyánszky László báró: Pitymallat [Dawn] | Ede Balló | I. Terem [I. Hall] | painting: oil | ? | Y | ||
11. Poll Hugó: Halpiac Bretagneban [Fish Market in Brittany] | Hugó Poll | I. Terem [I. Hall] | pastel | ? | Y | ||
12. K. Spányi Béla: Őszi reggel [Autumn Morning] | Béla Spanyi | I. Terem [I. Hall] | painting: oil | ? | Y | ||
13. Dr. H. F. úr arcképe [Portrait of Dr. H. F. [m]] | Ede Balló | I. Terem [I. Hall] | painting: oil | ? | ? | ||
14. Hegedűs László: Istenhegyi részlet [Scene of Istenhegy] | Laszlo Hegedus | I. Terem [I. Hall] | painting: oil | ? | Y | ||
15. Poll Hugó: Alkonyat a kikötőben [Dusk in the Port] | Hugó Poll | I. Terem [I. Hall] | pastel | ? | Y | ||
16. Márk Lajos: O. Mária arcképe [Portrait of Mária O.] | Louis Mark | I. Terem [I. Hall] | painting: oil | ? | ? | ||
17. Poll Hugó: Fenyőfák [Pines] | Hugó Poll | I. Terem [I. Hall] | pastel | ? | Y | ||
18. Mednyánszky László báró: Patak [Brook] | László Mednyánszky | I. Terem [I. Hall] | pastel | ? | Y | ||
19. Arckép (Tüköry Antal) [Portrait (Antal Tükör)] | Gyula Stetka | I. Terem [I. Hall] | painting: oil | ? | ? | ||
20. Éder Gyula: Angyali üdvözlet (oltárkép) [The Annunciation (Altarpiece)] | Gyula Éder | I. Terem [I. Hall] | painting: oil | ? | Y | ||
21. Arckép (Heinrich Dezső) [Portrait (Heinrich Dezső)] | Gyula Stetka | I. Terem [I. Hall] | painting: oil | ? | ? | ||
22. K. Spányi Béla: Bodajki kalvária [Calvary at Bodajk] | Béla Spanyi | I. Terem [I. Hall] | painting: oil | ? | Y | ||
23. Lámné Hilberth Irén: Mályvacsokor [Malva Bouquet] | Irén Lámné Hilberth | I. Terem [I. Hall] | painting: oil | ? | Y | ||
24. Foltozó parasztasszony Besztercebánya vidékéről [Peasant Woman from the Area of Beszercebánya Patches] | Izsák Perlmutter | I. Terem [I. Hall] | painting: oil | ? | Y | ||
25. Endrey Sándor: Molnár Viktor államtitkár arcképe [Portrait of Undersecretary Viktor Molnár] | Sándor Endrey | I. Terem [I. Hall] | painting: oil | ? | ? |
Name | Date of Birth | Date of Death | Nationality | # of Cat. Entries |
Julius Agghazy | 1850 | 1919 | HU | 5 |
Johan Akkeringa | 1861 | 1942 | NL | 3 |
August Allebé | 1838 | 1927 | NL | 3 |
Béla Andaházy Kasnya | 1888 | May 1981 | HU | 1 |
Floris Arntzenius | 1864 | 1925 | NL | 1 |
David Adolf Constant Artz | 1837 | 1890 | NL | 1 |
Karoly Bachmann | 1874 | 1924 | HU | 2 |
Otto Baditz | 1849 | 1936 | HU | 4 |
Ede Balló | 1859 | 1936 | HU | 6 |
Julius Gyula Basch | 1851 | 1928 | HU | 4 |
Nicolaas Bastert | 1854 | 1939 | NL | 3 |
Marius Alexander Jacques Bauer | 1867 | 1932 | NL | 10 |
Béla Benczúr | 1854 | 1941 | HU | 2 |
Gyula Benczúr | 1844 | 1920 | HU | 1 |
Émile Berchmans | 1867 | 1947 | BE | 1 |
Antal Berkes | 1874 | 1938 | HU | 3 |
Bernardus Johannes Blommers | 1845 | 1914 | NL | 3 |
Théophile de Bock | 1851 | 1904 | NL | 3 |
Ritta Boemm | 1868 | 1948 | HU | 4 |
Andor Boruth | 1873 | 1955 | HU | 1 |
Johannes Bosboom | 1817 | 1891 | NL | 3 |
Istvan Bosznay | 1868 | 1944 | HU | 7 |
Menyhert Both | 1857 | 1916 | HU | 1 |
George Hendrik Breitner | 1857 | 1923 | NL | 7 |
Arthur Henri Christiaan Briët | 1867 | 1939 | NL | 1 |