
[Vy'stavka Kartin Natalii Sergeevny' Goncharovoj 1900-1913 : Exhibition of Paintings by Nataliya Sergeyevna Concharova 1900-1913]

Выставка Картин Наталии Сергеевны Гончаровой 1900-1913

ID: 664, Status: proof read
Exhibition period:
Aug 1913
Catalogue Entries: 760
Types of Work: painting and drawing: 341, unknown: 419
Artists: 1
Gender: female: 1, male: 0
Nationalities: 1
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Date Title City Venue Type
Date Title City Venue # of common Artists
1914 Выставка картин Натальи Сергеевны Гончаровой [Vy'stavka kartin Natalii Sergeevny' Goncharovoj 1900-1913 : Exhibition of paintings by Natalya Sergeevna Goncharova 1900-1913] Saint Petersburg [Khudozhestvennoe Byuro N. E. Doby'chinoj : Art Bureau of N. E. Dobychina] 1 artists
Jun 17‒30, 1914 Exposition Natalie de Gontcharowa et Michel Larionow Paris Galerie Paul Guillaume 1 artists
1913 Der Blaue Reiter. Gemälde-Ausstellung Berlin Der Sturm [venues] 1 artists
1914 Der Blaue Reiter Berlin Der Sturm [venues] 1 artists
1908 Звено [Zveno : Link] Kiev Kiev (exact location unknown) 1 artists
Jan 9‒Feb 13, 1910 (Dec 27, 1909‒Jan 31, 1910 o.S.) Выставка картин "Золотое руно". [Vy'stavka kartin "Zolotoe runo". : Exhibition of paintings "Golden Fleece".] Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown) 1 artists
Mar‒Apr 1914 No. 4 [No. 4 : No. 4] Moscow [Dom Levisson : Levisson House] 1 artists
Dec 17, 1911‒Jan 23, 1912 (Dec 4, 1911‒Jan 10, 1912 o.S.) Союз Молодежи [Sojuz Molodezhi : Union of Youth] Saint Petersburg Nevsky 73 1 artists
Dec 27, 1907‒Jan 15, 1908 (Dec 14, 1907‒Jan 2, 1908 o.S.) Выставка Картин "Стефанос" [Vy'stavka Kartin "Stefanos" : Exhibiton of Paintings "Wreath-Stefanos"] Moscow [Dom Stroganovskago uchilishha : House of Stroganov Art School] 1 artists
Mar 12‒Apr 10, 1912 Der Sturm. Erste Ausstellung. Der Blaue Reiter. Franz Flaum. Oskar Kokoschka. Expressionisten Berlin Gilka-Villa 1 artists
Mar 1910 Выставка Картин О-ва Художников "Союз молодежи" [Vy'stavka Kartin O-va Khudozhnikov "Soyuz molodezhi" : Exhibition of Paintings of the Artistic Group "Union of Youth"] Saint Petersburg Saint Petersburg (exact location unknown) 1 artists
Feb 1912 Die zweite Ausstellung der Redaktion. Der Blaue Reiter. Schwarz-Weiss Munich Hans Goltz 1 artists
Mar 24‒Apr 7, 1913 (Mar 11‒25, 1913 o.S.) Выставка Картин Группы Художников "Мишень" [Vy'stavka Kartin Gruppy' Khudozhnikov "Mishenʹ" : Exhibition of Paintings by Association of Artists "Target"] Moscow [Khudozhestvenny'j salon 11 : Khudozhestvenny'j's Salon 11] 1 artists
1911 2-я Выставка картин общества художников "Союз Молодежи" [2-ya Vy'stavka kartin obshhestva khudozhnikov "Soyuz Molodezhi" : 2nd Exhibition of Paintings of the Artists' Association "Union of Youth"] Saint Petersburg Saint Petersburg (exact location unknown) 1 artists
Jun 1910 Союз Молодежи [Soyuz Molodezhi : Union of Youth] Riga Riga (exact location unknown) 1 artists
Apr 5, 1915 (Mar 23, 1915 o.S.) Выставка Живописи [Vy'stavka Zhivopisi : Exhibition of Paintings 1915] Moscow [Khudozhestvenny'j salon 11 : Khudozhestvenny'j's Salon 11] 1 artists
Dec 10, 1910‒Jan 16, 1911 (Nov 27, 1910‒Jan 3, 1911 o.S.) Бубновый Валет [Bubnovy'j Valet : Jack of Diamonds] Moscow Levinskij House 1 artists
Jan 1911 Мир искусства [Mir iskusstva : World of Art] Saint Petersburg Saint Petersburg (exact location unknown) 1 artists
1911 Мир Искусства [Mir Iskusstva : World of Art] Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown) 1 artists
May 4‒Jun 25, 1913 A Művészház nemzetközi Postimpresszionista kiállitása [International Post-Impressionist Exhibition in the Művészház] Budapest Művészház 1 artists
Jan‒Feb 1913 Мир Искусства [Mir Iskusstva : World of Art] Saint Petersburg [Dom Shvedskoj Czerkvi] 1 artists
Jan‒Feb 1912 Мир искусства [Mir iskusstva : World of Art] Saint Petersburg Saint Petersburg (exact location unknown) 1 artists
Feb 19‒Apr 16, 1911 (Feb 6‒Apr 3, 1911 o.S.) Салон 2. Международная Художественная Выставка [Salon 2. Mezhdunarodnaya Khudozhestvennaya Vy'stavka : Salon 2. International Art Exhibition] Odessa Vladimir Izdebsky 1 artists
1906 XIII-я Выставка Картин Московского Товарищества Художников [XIII-ya Vy'stavka Kartin Moskovskogo Tovarishhestva Khudozhnikov : XIII. Paintings Exhibition of the Moscow Association of Artists] Moscow [Istoricheskij muzej] 1 artists
1907 XIV Выставка Картин Московского Товарищества Художников [XIV Vy'stavka Kartin Moskovskogo Tovarishhestva Khudozhnikov : The 14th Exhibition of Paintings. Moscow Association of Artists] Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown) 1 artists
Dec 1913 Мир Искусства [Mir Iskusstva : World of Art] Moscow [Bolʹshaya Dmitrovka 11 : Bolshaya Dmitrovka Street 11] 1 artists
Jan 27, 1906 (Jan 14, 1906 o.S.) Выставка акварели, пастели, tempera, рисунков [Vy'stavka akvareli, pasteli, tempera, risunkov : Exhibition of Aquarelles, Pastels, Tempera, Drawings] Moscow Moscow (exact location unknown) 1 artists
Sep 20‒Dec 1, 1913 Der Sturm. Erster Deutscher Herbstsalon Berlin Lepke-Räume 1 artists
May 2‒Jun 7, 1910 (Apr 19‒May 25, 1910 o.S.) Салон. Интернациональная выставка картин, скульптуры, гравюры и графики [Salon. Internaczionalʹnaya vy'stavka kartin, skulʹptury', gravyury' i grafiki : Salon. International Exhibition of Paintings, Sculpture, Prints and Drawings] Saint Petersburg Vladimir Izdebsky 1 artists
Jun 25‒Jul 20, 1910 (Jun 12‒Jul 7, 1910 o.S.) Салон. Интернациональная выставка картин, скульптуры, гравюры и графики [Salon. Internaczionalʹnaya vy'stavka kartin, skulʹptury', gravyury' i grafiki : Salon. International Exhibition of Paintings, Sculpture, Prints and Drawings] Riga Vladimir Izdebsky 1 artists
Выставка Картин Наталии Сергеевны Гончаровой 1900-1913. Типо-литография В. Рихтер 1913.
Nr. of pages: 12 [PDF page number: 22].
Nataliya Goncharova: [no title], p. 5.

"В веке расцвета индивидуализма я разрушаю это святая святых и прибежище ограниченных, как несоответствующее современному строю жизни и будущему ея строю".
[In the heyday of individualism I destroy this holy of holies and the sanctuary of the limited, as unsuitable for the modern order of life and its future structure.]

"Если у меня и происходят столкновения с обществом, так только из-за непонимания последним основ искусства вообще, а не из-за моих индивидуальных особенностей, понимать которые никто не обязан".
[If I have a clash with society, it is only because of the lack of understanding of the foundations of art in general, and not because of my individual characteristics, that no one is forced to understand.]
Наталия Гончарова"
Additional Information
Catalogue Structure altered

+Gender Distribution (Pie Chart)

+Artists’ Age at Exhibition Start(Bar Chart)

+Artists’ Nationality(Pie Chart)

+Exhibiting Cities of Artists(Pie Chart)

+Catalogue Entries by Type of Work(Pie Chart)

+Catalogue Entries by Nationality(Pie Chart)

Name Date of Birth Date of Death Nationality # of Cat. Entries
Natalia Goncharova 1881 1962 RU 760
Recommended Citation: "[Vy'stavka Kartin Natalii Sergeevny' Goncharovoj 1900-1913 : Exhibition of Paintings by Nataliya Sergeyevna Concharova 1900-1913]." In Database of Modern Exhibitions (DoME). European Paintings and Drawings 1905-1915. Last modified Jul 27, 2024. https://exhibitions.univie.ac.at/exhibition/664